Twitter Marketing: "Anvil" Case Study

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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In 2009 Thin Martian started a Twitter campaign for Universal Pictures’ release of Anvil! The Story of Anvil. Working with Universal Pictures’ PR agency, Cohn & Wolfe, they developed a highly effective viral campaign that produced some surprising results. In this insightful case study, Andrew Walker and Steve Parker talk us through the campaign and explain what they learned from the experience. Presented at Social Media Marketing 2010 (London).

Transcript of Twitter Marketing: "Anvil" Case Study

Thin Martian - Cohn & Wolfe„Anvil, The Story of Anvil‟ – A social media & Twitter case study

Andrew Walker – Thin Martian

• MD at Thin Martian @thinmartian

• Designer / Developer / Data geek

• Co-founder @Tweetminster


Steve Parker – Cohn & Wolfe

• Director, Digital Media @cohnwolfe

• Consultant / PR / Creative

• Dedicated to creating, building & energising brands


Anvil, The Story of Anvil• The brief: Launch „Anvil, The Story of Anvil‟ DVD

• The Challenge: generate interest shortly after the hype of the premiere

Anvil Must Rock Glastonbury!

• Create online

petition• Highly visual• Dynamic • Viral spread by connecting to social networks • Media currency

Integrated with email marketing

Introducing @anvilmovie

• Compare the value (reach & influence) of broadcasting vs. conversations

• Establish relevant metrics to evaluate success

• Define the best practice for Twitter marketing

The process

@anvilmovie campaign was designed to explore the potential of Twitter marketing against the following factors:

Twitter message reach

• Twitter reach is similar to page impressions for an advert

• But traction is higher due to inherent two-way communication

• The more interaction that takes place between the brand and users, the further the reach will go through the network

• Interaction drives more unique people to see the message

• Self-selecting social network model means Twitter reach equivalent to premium ad slots

Campaign runtime: Jan 28th – July 28th 2009 (6 months)Still running & driving secondary point of contact buzz

• Followers: 2,922

• Following: 2,398

• Tweets posted: 533 (av. 3 per day)

• Direct Messages posted: 218

• @anvilmovie replies & retweets: 488

• Total no. conversation partners: 247

The campaign

Converting the results into metrics

Understanding the Twitter reach network (direct followers & the people who follow them)

Our broadcast reach = 2,922 (our followers)

ReTweet reach = 217,143 (followers of those people re-tweeting us)

Conversational reach = 2,218,302 (2,000,000 from Coldplay)

total campaign reach = >2,438,367*total campaign TOTS min = 3,214,158

TOTS = Twitter Opportunity To See, the instance of a branded message appearing on a user‟s screen

*Including adjustments for probability of seeing the tweet

Reach - @AnvilMovie

Maximum of 2200 views per day generated by twitter users over campaign period

• Total reach of all followers = 9,163,559

• Campaign reach = 2,438,367

• @anvilmovie campaign = 26.6% total possible reach

Converting the results into metrics

Defining reach as a % of potential reach

How to spread reach?

Re - tweets of your


Fast Spread Slow Spread

Tweets by you

Number of @messages to your account

Medium Spread

How to Maximise Spread

• Identify & follow key influencers in your sector

• Engage: e.g. We followed & RT @gibsonguitar – which gets the @anvilmovie ID into search & hashtag results, opens channels to communicate, we end up doing a live Twinterview from Gibson UK.

(that‟s why it‟s called “social” media)

• Get influencers to re-tweet your messages (adjust PR activity to scope Tweeters as well as mainstream media)

Identifying influencers (how we did it)

• Create an eigenvector based network analysis engine…

• Seed the program with your Twitter ID (or competitors…)

• Crawl the twitter link network and identify influencers


• Very similar method to search engine page ranking algorithms

Identifying influencers (easy version)

• Spend a couple of weeks analysing Twitter ecosystem around your subject area

• Follow slowly

• Follow people who chat /converse

• Create & participate with #hashtags (US / Canadian users find UK strange for being slow to #hashtag)

Influencers - @AnvilMovie‟s followers

Rank Name Rank Val Friends Followers (Fo/(Fr+1)) R * (Fo/Fr)

1 Stern Show 0.013132 0 58556 58556 768.97

2 0.010965 0 30767 30767 337.36

3 David Lynch 0.035216 20 135430 6449 227.11

4 Chris Rock 0.005904 0 31680 31680 187.03

5 Slash 0.021089 10 74411 6765 142.66

6 The Killers 0.004234 0 30082 30082 127.35

7 JohnCleese 0.040482 79 233813 2923 118.32

8 Patrick Stump 0.00266 0 16556 16556 44.03

9 Rob Dyrdek 0.00748 47 282465 5885 44.02

10 Nine Inch Nails 0.018311 17 35085 1949 35.69

11 Jamie Oliver 0.01477 106 178271 1666 24.61

12 gerardway 0.008941 35 71381 1983 17.73

13 Rob Thomas 0.013254 93 101274 1077 14.28

14 Maroon 5 0.002879 0 4731 4731 13.62

15 Music Vice Magazine 0.004858 0 2604 2604 12.65

16 Adam Carolla 0.009204 37 50980 1342 12.35

17 Rogiddy 0.011408 112 112990 1000 11.41

18 Alexander.William 0.004003 41 87562 2085 8.34

19 katakagara 0.025032 13 2969 212 5.31

20 Mikey Way 0.007391 101 64840 636 4.70

21 VH1 0.002205 0 1690 1690 3.73

22 opie radio 0.007433 82 39979 482 3.58

23 Kermode and Mayo 0.006131 39 21659 541 3.32

24 drafthouse 0.004908 4 3373 675 3.31

25 Adam Carolla 0.004132 15 9722 608 2.51

26 Hayden Panettiere 0.002933 48 37942 774 2.27

27 J-Man 0.004786 22 9593 417 2.00

28 Seattle Film 0.006979 5 1679 280 1.95

29 fys 0.003848 18 9211 485 1.87

30 Doug Benson 0.012055 271 39520 145 1.75

31 Randall W. Haws 0.031607 224 12394 55 1.74

32 Baya Voce 0.001948 4 3703 741 1.44

Re-tweets from these people are very valuable

Measure the influence score of anyone who re-tweets your messages

Tune PR activity in real time to maximise Twitter reach – front page Metro less reach than

mention from Howard Stern…

What didn‟t happen?

• Twitter campaigns don‟t *automatically* drive traffic into YouTube, Facebook etc.

• Don‟t expect people to be won over by the same mechanisms (prize promos less effective than offering access)

• Didn‟t get connect organically with media outside Twitter (still needs PR activity)

• Didn‟t get reciprocal tweeting with other brands on Twitter – they‟ve got their goals, you have yours.

Twitter campaign essentials…

• Honest / transparent proposition “we‟re the PR team for Anvil‟s UK DVD launch…”

• Actively follow, follow-back, converse, #hashtag

• Don‟t over invest in strategy – Twitter is tactical, organic, short term / high frequency interaction

• Remember you‟re creating a channel that will last beyond the campaign – long term ROI @AnvilforBestPic

• Get it right & expect 50% - 70% greater ROI (reach & CTR) over ad inventory / affiliate marketing

Social media & mainstream media

Overall Campaign Results

• Achieved a campaign OTS of 206,447, 888

• Successfully engaged rock and film fans

• Anvil got signed for Download Festival

• Achieved campaign ROI of 1:53

• AND.......

...a word from the top

“We're aware of the documentary and I've seen the petition online, so it's definitely

something we'll consider. We have room and there's still time. Whatever happens I hope we can get the film for the festival, so Anvil should be at Glastonbury in some form or


Emily Eavis, Co-organiser, Glastonbury Festival

Thank you.