Twitter for beginners

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Twitter for beginners

Twi$er  for  Beginners

Why  you  might  want  to  use  Twi1er

•  The twittersphere is a great way to communicate with students, parents, other teachers, and generally share ideas.

•  Twitter will give you 140 characters to get your idea out. o  Send out messages about homework o  Remind students about an upcoming event o  Share about school activities/sports/etc o  Connect with others about anything!

Twi1er  Handles •  @- The username for a twitter

account. Referred to as a handle.

•  Examples include- o @bvschools o @BVSWsupafans o @BVSWnews o @BVSW_chemistry

#WhatsaHashtag •  # -

o A way to connect your tweet to other similar tweets. Used to search a topic or “join the conversation”

o  Students often use sarcastically


•  Retweet- Tweeting a copy of someone else’s tweet

•  Reply- Responding to a tweet as a tweet so everyone can see

•  Favorite- “Liking” someone’s tweet. •  DM- “Direct message” Replying to a person

directly and not everyone can see. Must be followers to direct message.

Discover  Trends

Sign  Up •  How to sign up for twitter...

o o  chose a name that represents what you will do with twitter:

•  Are you going to use this in the classroom? •  Are you going to have a personal twitter? •  Are you going to use this as a coach?

o  I would have a separate account for each.

Privacy  Se1ings

Choose  the  se1ings  option

Privacy  Se1ings •  Think about your

audience. o  Personal twitter- you may

want to “protect your tweets” o  Public information you want

everyone to get to your tweets.

Choose  the  security  and  privacy  option

Suggested  Searches •  #edchat or #edtech •  #Kubball or #emaw or #mizzou •  Try searching by a particular topic

wihout a hashtag o  Twitter is HUGE. You WILL find people talking

about your topic, so the more specific you can be the better.

Finding  Followers •  In a search, if you see something you

like click on their picture. You can read all of their tweets. o  This is a great way to decide to follow someone.

•  Look through followers of people that you follow

•  Following students? I wouldn’t...