Twitter Assignment

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Twitter Assignment

Theresa Jackson

CI 350

Dr. Harold Blanco

Twitter Assignment

Following @wiseinWV:

Over the last few months this user has been educational. The activity on this page was very high. The account was a couple times a day on average. However, I discovered that the post became very repetitive. Another detail I noticed was that the user did significantly more retweeting, than they did tweeting. I think this user is providing pertinent information about sex in a very accessible format. The profile has 319 followers, which is relatively high. The tweets are retweeted fairly regularly and cover numerous topics from STD’s to contraception. The information provided appeared to be sound and clear. I commented on one post by this user, pertaining to an event I attended. They tweeted from that event and I replied, expressing my opinion of the event. I would like to see more things tweeted which encourage follower participation. Overall, I think the page is a relatively successful twitter account.

Following @CI350class:

This twitter was interesting. The first few weeks the only thing on this twitter was how far the user had biked. There was, however, a spike in activity during the international festival on Marshall’s campus. The photos the user posted where cool insights into the festival. After that the user tweeted in spurts. On November 17th alone there were 7 individual tweets. Most of the tweets during this time were educational or technology related. There were a plethora of different topics covered in the links tweeted by the user. One link I found particularly interesting was from The link addresses the 7 dimensions of learning which, was a neat concept. Another spurt occurred on Dec. 3rd when the user began tweeting in response to the chokehold death of Mr. Gardner. I found the educational resources on this feed to be very helpful.

Following @GwynethJones:

This user had a really high number of tweets, during the period I have been following. Total she has almost 30,000 tweets. She has over 20,000 followers, which is a huge number. This user calls herself The Daring Librarian. Most of her tweets are pertaining to her students. I thought this was really cool because you can see the level of interaction she is fostering. She and her students have been doing a project called #storyin140. She has tweeted numerous times about it. From what I gather it is simple creating a story using a tweet. She is obviously an advocate for technology usage. You can see that she is actively using twitter to communicate and encourage her students. I will definitely continue to follow this account.

Following @NMHS_Principal AKA @E_Sheninger

This user has changed his Twitter handle since the video was released. His old profile directs you to his new one. This account was even more active than @GwynethJones. This account has almost 74,000 followers. The tweet count was also really high with over 37,000 tweets. The user posts everyday multiple times a day. Most of his tweets are educational links. I looked through several of the links and found more cool resources. After watching the users TEDx talk I had to retweet it. His video stresses the importance of allowing students to learn the way the know how, which is digitally. His page is active and intriguing.

Following @taylorswift13:

I had trouble deciding what other person to follow. After much deliberation I settled on Taylor Swift. I found that her ratio of Tweets to Retweets was about even. She has 3,025 tweet, which is less than the two educators I have listed before her. In contrast she has more than 48 million followers. To put that number into perspective, she has roughly 650 times as many followers than @E_Sheninger. A fair number of her tweets are self-promotion. She tweeted recently about watching her appearance in the VS fashion show. Surprisingly, though I found that a fair number of her tweets are normal. When I say normal, I mean like Videos of her decorating for Christmas #nofilter. One of the reasons I chose T. Swift is because I’m draw to the idea that she is somehow just like me. Her Twitter account confirms this idea. I’m definitely going to continue following her.