Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22,...

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Transcript of Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22,...

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017

Vigésimo-Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- octubre 22, 2017


POWER STRUGGLE Power struggles occur on every level of society, from the world stage to relationships at work, to our own homes. We struggle for position in the hierarchy of power: Who has power over whom? How do they wield it? What is the source of that power? What is the healthy response? In this Sunday’s Gospel reading the Pharisees engage Jesus in a power struggle over whether Jews should show tribute to Caesar by paying taxes. Jesus’ response puts this and every struggle for power into perspective. In harmony with the words of Isaiah and Paul, Jesus teaches us that God is the ultimate source of all power—the power of earthly rulers, the Pharisees, Jesus, the Church, and the power within ourselves. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

TODAY’S READINGS TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The LORD said to Cyrus, his anointed, “I am the LORD, there is no other” (Isaiah 45:1, 4-6). Psalm — Give the Lord glory and honor (Psalm 96). Second Reading — Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians: We thank God always for all of you (1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b). Gospel — Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s (Matthew 22:15-21). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commssion on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

The Pastor’s Corner October 22nd in the liturgical year marks the feast day of Saint John Paul the Great! While of course as a Sunday this year we are commemorating the 29th Week of Ordinary Time, we can remember the extraordinary gift John Paul was to the Church and to the world. And in this Fatima centenary, we can see how in many ways he was the Fatima pope. Mary in 1917 predicted the dual scourges of a second world war and the emergence of Communism; Karol Wojtyla in his native Poland suffered the brutality of both. The Blessed Mother shared three secrets with the children. In the Third Secret, only recently released, she describes a 'man in white' being shot down; following the assassination attempt on his life, Pope John Paul II attributed his survival to Our Lady of Fatima. "One hand held the gun," he said, "Another guided the bullet." His operating physicians said the bullet was millimeters away from hitting an artery. When Pope John Paul II visited Fatima shortly after his recovery to thank the Blessed Mother, he brought the bullet with him to place in her crown. The workmen were surprised to find it fit perfectly in the crenellation; it remains there till today. But the primary reason Saint John Paul the Great is the Fatima pope is as Mary asks us to pray the rosary daily and to trust in her Immaculate Heart, John Paul embodies total consecration to the Blessed Mother and a childlike confidence in her care. In a dark world, that still needs a mother's intervention; we can look to the Supreme Pontiff of the latter part of the Twentieth Century and embody his same openhearted entrustment to the Blessed Mother.

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017

Vigésimo-Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- octubre 22, 2017


LUCHA POR EL PODER Las luchas por el poder ocurren en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, desde el escenario mundial hasta en las relaciones en el trabajo, y hasta en nuestros hogares. Luchamos por un puesto en la jerarquía de poder. ¿Quién tiene poder sobre quién? ¿Cómo lo usamos? ¿Cuál es la fuente de ese poder? ¿Cuál es la respuesta sana ante el mismo? En la lectura del Evangelio de hoy los fariseos mezclan a Jesús en la lucha por el poder sobre si los judíos deben rendir tributo a César pagando los impuestos. La respuesta de Jesús da a esta lucha y a toda lucha por el poder otra perspectiva. En consonancia con las palabras de Isaías y de Pablo, Jesús nos enseña que Dios es la fuente final de todo poder –el poder de los que gobiernan en la tierra, los fariseos, Jesús, la Iglesia y el poder dentro de nosotros. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Sólo a Dios debemos adorar; al Dios que nos llama por nuestro nombre (Isaías 45:1, 4-6). Salmo — Da al Señor gloria y honor (Salmo 96 [95]). Segunda lectura — Hemos recibido el Evangelio no sólo de palabras sino por el poder del Espíritu Santo (1 Tesalonicenses 1:1-5b). Evangelio — Devuelve al César lo que es del César y a Dios lo que es de Dios (Mateo 22:15-21). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,

International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserve

El Rincón del Párroco ¡El 22 de octubre en el año litúrgico marca la fiesta de San Juan Pablo II! Por supuesto, como domingo de este año estamos conmemorando la 29ª Semana del Tiempo Ordinario, podemos recordar el regalo extraordinario que Juan Pablo fue para la Iglesia y para el mundo. Y en este centenario de Fátima, podemos ver cómo, de muchas maneras, fue el considerado el Papa de Fátima. La Virgen Maria en 1917 predijo los dos flagelos de una segunda guerra mundial y el surgimiento del comunismo; Karol Wojtyla en su Polonia natal sufrió la brutalidad de ambos. La Santísima Madre compartió tres secretos con los niños. En el Tercer Secreto, recién publicado, describe a un 'hombre vestido de blanco' baleado; Tras el atentado contra su vida, el Papa Juan Pablo II atribuyó su supervivencia a Nuestra Señora de Fátima. "Una mano sostenía la pistola" y "otra guiaba la bala" dijo San Juan Pablo II. Sus médicos operantes dijeron que la bala estaba a unos milímetros de atravesar una arteria. Cuando el Papa Juan Pablo II visitó Fátima poco después de su recuperación para agradecer a la Santísima Virgen, llevó la bala con él para colocarla en su corona. Los trabajadores se sorprendieron al encontrar que encaja perfectamente en la almena de su corona; permanece allí hasta hoy. Pero la razón principal por la que San Juan Pablo II es el Papa de Fátima es que la Virgen María nos pide que rezamos el rosario todos los días y que confiemos en su Inmaculado Corazón. San Juan Pablo II encarna la consagración total a la Santa Madre y una confianza infantil en su cuidado. En un mundo oscuro que todavía necesita la intervención de una madre, podemos mirar al Sumo Pontífice de la última parte del Siglo Veinte y encarnar su misma entrega abierta a la Santa Madre.

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017

Vigésimo-Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- octubre 22, 2017



We raised $9875 from the shoe sale to be donated to

Catholic Charities, USA and the Archdiocese of

Antequera, Oaxaca for earthquake relief. Thank you for

your generosity!

Recaudamos $ 9875 de la venta de zapatos. Estos se donarán a Catholic Charities, EE. UU. Y la Arquidiócesis de Antequera, Oaxaca, para ayudar a los damnificados del terremoto. ¡Gracias por tu generosidad!



Please keep the following people in your prayers this week: For those

suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers… Recordemos en

nuestras oraciones de esta semana a todos aquellos que estan enfermos,

especialmente a:

Georgia G. Poulos, Steve Flarida, Steven Andrew Jung, Efrain Ortiz,Julie

Sasamoto, Sam Uriarte, Jack Abe,, Sandy Kenny, Oliver Lanier, Albert

Antuna, Rey Yandall, Joan Stone , Louise Zocco, Ella Land, Fabia de Leon,

Evelyn Emezi, Maryann Krog, Herald Himenes Jr., Anabella Vazquez, Andy

Low, David Beltran, Simplicia Gacayan, Karina Sullivan and Family, Mike


For the souls of the following recently departed, that through the mercy of

Christ, they may rest in peace… Oremos tambien por todos los fieles difuntos

para que a través de la misericordia de Dios descansen en paz....

Francisco Velasco The names on these lists will be on for two weeks ONLY


World Mission Sunday TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY- a day that

leads us to the heart of our Christian faith-leads us to

mission! Your generosity on World Mission Sunday

supports the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in

the Missions who share our faith with those most in need.

This year we can even “chat” with our chief missionary,

Pope Francis, and lwarn more about his missions and

missionaries. Learn more at Chat-

Pary-Give this World Mission Sunday.

Domingo Mundial de Las Misiones


LAS MISIONES, un dia que nos dirige el corazón de

nuestra fe cristiana; nos dirige a la mision. Su generosidad

en el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones apoya la obra de

sacerdotes, lideres religiosos y laicos en las misiones que

diseminan nuestra fe entre quienes tienen las necesidades

más apremiantes. Este año incluso podemos “chatear” con

nuestro misionero principal, el Papa Francisco, y conocer

más sobre sus misiones y los misionarios. Más

informacion en Chatear, orar, y a

dar en este Domingo Mundial de las Misiones.

Week Ending Date Current Month

September Offertory Received

September Offertory


10/01/2017 $12,643.50 $13,000.00

10/08/2017 $16,413.00 16,104.00

10/15/2017 13,000.00

10/22/2017 16,104.00

10/29/2017 13,000.00

Total $29,056.50 $71,208.00

September 2017

Offertory Received

September 2017

Offertory Budget

July-Sept 2017/18 Offertory Received

July-Sept 2017/18 Offertory


$53,132.20 $57,600.00 $170,188.00 $177,984.00



5:00pm Lillian Dockrey, Doug Smith, Mike Conroy (healing)

7:00pm Hermelita Lamas, Yvette Tovar Barriga, Abel Ortiz Barriga, Eduardo Barriga, Ignacio Sandoval, Ofelia Gonzalez Corona, Eleuterio Ochoa Gomez, Tomasa Corona Familia Méndez, Julie, Lizette, Christian and Lizandra Méndez (Cumpleaños)


8:00am Angel Salas (healing), Judy Salas, Manuel Basterrechea (healing)

10:00am Adam Schuy Jr. , William E. Poulos, Felix Arellano, Jessie Muñoz, Felix Arellano Jr. (healing), Adelaida Vargas (healing), Jessi McGrill (healing), Ella Land (healing)

12:00pm Francisco Velasco, Consuelo Sanchez (salud), Martin Lomeli (salud), Familia Méndez, Julie, Lizette, Christian and Lizandra Méndez (Cumpleaños)

2:00pm Ofelia Gonzalez Corona, Eleuterio Ochoa Gomez, Tomasa Corona


7:00pm Maribel Raya

Mon.-8:30am Marci Uriarte (healing)

Tues. 8:30am Gary Tindel (birthday)

Wed.- 8:30am Joseph Bai Doan, Mabel Stoops

Thursday 8:30am 8:30am

Cristina Cruz

6:30pm Aurelia Lopez de Chavez

Friday- 8:30am Nataly Catchalian, Jesus Pacheco (Birthday), Analiese Pendilla (prayers), Margarita Tapia

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017

Vigésimo-Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- octubre 22, 2017


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

The Atrium is a place in which the only teacher is Christ; both children and adults place themselves in a listening stance before his Word and seek to penetrate the mystery of the liturgical celebration. “Characteristics of the Catechesis of the Good Shepard. Please pray for our catechists who are

beginning formation this weekend.

Our Don Bosco Youth Group meetings will be every Friday from 5:00 – 6:15pm in the School Science Room. Come and participate in your Catholic faith- this is your group this is your Church. Viva Cristo Rey!


Dads, Sons, Young Men, Grandfathers, Godfathers, Knights of Columbus Ages: 13 and Up Prepare and Engage the Spiritual Battle Presented by: DOUG BARRY of (EWTN & RADIX) Tuesday- October 24, 2017 St. Isidore Gym|6:30- 8:00pm FREE WILL DONATION


Attention all Parishioners and Adorers to Perpetual Adoration:

Our Parish website has a direct link to our Perpetual Adoration page. Please do take time to check out and read the touching and remarkable personal testimonies from two current parishioners whom are committed adorers. God is Amazing in how he touches and transforms our lives in different ways, by simply giving him minutes of our day in Adoration. We still need more adorers to help

fill in the slots, so Our Lord will not be Alone. May we always give Praise and Thanks to our Creator. Please contact Lead coordinator, Ruth Pendilla @ 674-7193

40 Days for Life Sign ups / “Pray to end Abortion” Only 2 weeks remain to pray in front of Planned Parenthood, (430 Palora Ave) from 8am to 5pm every day of the week. This is a peaceful and prayerful presentation as we hold signs that say; “Pray to end Abortion” You will be blessed as you prayerfully participate in this valuable experience. If you have not yet been a part of this 40 days, please sign up online at or on the board in the vestibule. Consider praying 1 or more hours on a given day or days. Bring a family member or a friend and give this time to the Lord - He will bless your sacrifice. Any questions, call Mary 674-2840. Thank you!

Rites of Acceptance and Welcoming at the 8 am Mass: This Sunday October 22nd is a special day for our RCIA participants who are now ready to publicly declare their intention to continue their faith journey towards full communion with the Catholic Church. The Rite of Acceptance for the Catechumens (unbaptized), and the Rite of Welcome for the Candidates (baptized) will supply them with the graces they need to grow in this new way of life. We invite you to take an active role in welcoming and praying for these Catechumens and Candidates. If you were not at this Mass, check the bulletin board at the back of the Church to see who these adults and children are. Another chance to witness and support our parish community: The children in our Faith Formation program will also be going through the Rite of Acceptance this Wednesday evening, 25th at 7 pm

K of C Tootsie Roll Drive

The Knights of Columbus will be holding a fund drive to support special Olympic activities in the Yuba Sutter area in front of the church on Saturday, Oct 28 after the 5pm mass and on Sunday, Oct 29 after the 8 am, 10 am and 5 pm masses. Please be generous.

St. Isidore Church Prayer Blanket Ministry

Prayer blankets are available at no charge. Please visit the parish office during regular office hours, Monday-Friday 9:00-12:30, 1:30-5:00. For more information about the Prayer Blanket Ministry, to donate materials or to find out how you can help, please call Kathy Anderson (English) 713-7022 or Lupe Alcala (Spanish) 844-7197 or 777-5167. Thank you and God bless


Baby Bottle Boomerang for A Woman's Friend

It's time to turn in the baby bottles!

Bottles will be collected after all English Masses on October 28 & 29. You can also drop them off at the Church Office. Please turn them in as soon as possible. Thank you for helping the babies. Any questions call Betty 530-632-3618

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017

Vigésimo-Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- octubre 22, 2017


Catequesis Del Buen Pastor El Atrio es un lugar en el que el único maestro es Cristo;

tanto niños como adultos se colocan en una postura de escucha ante su Palabra y buscan penetrar el misterio de la celebración litúrgica. "Características de la Catequesis del Buen Pastor.

Por favor oren por nuestros catequistas que están comenzando la formación este fin de


Nuestras reuniones del Grupo de Jóvenes Don Bosco, serán todos los viernes de 5:00 - 6:15 pm en la Sala de Ciencias Escolares. Venga y participe en su fe católica-este es su grupo esta es su Iglesia. ¡Viva Cristo Rey!


Papas, hijos, jovenes, abuelitos, padrinos, caballeros de


Edades: 13 en adelante

Preparar y comprometer la batalla


Presentado por:


Martes 24 de octubre de 2017

St. Isidore Gimnasio

6:30 - 8:00 PM


Atención feligreses y adoradores de la

Adoración Perpetua: Nuestro sitio web de la parroquia tiene un enlace directo a nuestra página de Adoración Perpetua. Por favor, tómese un tiempo para leer los testimonios personales de dos feligreses que son adoradores comprometidos. Es asombroso como Dios toca y transforma nuestras vidas en maneras diferentes, simplemente dando minutos de nuestro día en adoración. Todavía necesitamos más adoradores para cubrir algunas horas, para que Nuestro Señor no este solo. Alabemos y agradezcamos a nuestro Creador siempre. Póngase en contacto con la coordinadora Ruth Pendilla al 530-674-7193.

40 Días por la Vida Otoño 2017 Solo quedan dos semanas de oración frente a la clinica Planned Parenthood, (430 Palora Ave) de 8am a 5pm todos los días de la semana. Esta es una demostración pacífica y solidaria donde rezamos y mostramos cartelones que dicen "Oren por el fin del aborto". Necesitamos de su participación. Por favor, regístrese en línea en o en la pizarra del vestíbulo. Considere rezar 1 o más horas en un día o días determinados. Traiga a un miembro de la familia o un amigo y dé esta oportunidad al Señor - Él bendecirá su sacrificio de Cuaresma. Cualquier pregunta, llame a Maureen 673-1437.


te invita:

A Un Concierto Familiar

Cuando: octubre 29, 2017 | Horario: 2:00pm

Dónde: Parroquia San José | 702 C St |Marysville, CA

Contaremos con la presencia de:

Entrada gratis, habra venta de Comida.

¡Te esperamos!

Mesas para el Almuerzo en St. Isidore

Acabamos de ordenar seis mesas de almuerzo para nuestra escuela St. Isidore. Esperamos recibir suficientes donaciones para ordenar seis más en los próximos meses. Cada mesa cuesta $ 950, esta cantidad incluye el costo de envió. Queremos agradecer a quienes ya han donado una mesa a la escuela. Apreciamos su apoyo en proporcionar mesas de calidad para nuestros estudiantes.

Nuevos casilleros (lockers):

La escuela St. Isidore acaba de comprar cuatro juegos de casilleros (36 casilleros en total) para nuestros estudiantes de 8º grado. Muchos de ustedes saben que actualmente los alumnos de 5º a 8º grado usan cubículos abiertos para guardar sus artículos a medida que pasan de una clase a otra. No pueden dejar nada en estos cubículos durante la noche. Ahora los alumnos de octavo grado tienen casilleros para guardar sus libros y cuadernos cuando no los ocupan. Los estudiantes han estado usando sus nuevos casilleros durante dos semanas. Esperamos eventualmente agregar más casilleros para que el séptimo grado también tenga casilleros. ¡Quizás tambien para los de 6º y el 5º grado!

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017

Vigésimo-Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- octubre 22, 2017


Holy Angels Preschool is STILL in need of substitute teachers. Must have the core 12 ECE units (1A, 1B, 3 and 31). Looking for someone fun, loving, and energetic with a flexible schedule. If interested please contact the director Mrs. Allsup at 673-4200.

St. Isidore Lunch Tables

We just ordered six new lunch tables for St. Isidore School. We are hoping to receive enough donations to order six more tables within the next few months. Each table with shipping cost is $950. We want to thank those who have already donated a table to the school. We do appreciate your support in providing quality tables for our students.

New Lockers: St. Isidore School just purchased four sets of lockers (36 lockers total) for our 8th grade students. Many of you know that presently the 5th – 8th grade students use open cubbies to store their items as they move from one class to another. They cannot leave anything any these cubbies overnight. Now the 8th grade students have lockers to keep all their supplies and books when they are not needed. The students have been using their new lockers for two weeks now. We are hoping to eventually add more lockers so that the 7th grade can move into lockers too. Maybe we can even move this down to the 6th and 5th!


The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists,

it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases

to exist.

—St. Gregory the Great


The Sunday bulletins contain important and necessary information. If you have anything to be placed in our bulletin, please send an e-mail to by 4pm on Monday.

St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul is need of a trailer to pick up and deliver furniture for our clients. We also have a large number of clients waiting for dressers or chests and a few couches. If you have large items to donate, we can pick them up. Please call 671-5154.

St. Vincent de Paul 2017

Can-a-Week Program St. Vincent de Paul Food Locker provides food to those in

need in our community. In 2016, we provided much needed food assistance to over 4,400 hungry people in our area. By your generous support of our Can-a-Week program, you help stock the shelves of our parish food locker. Parishioners are asked to bring ONE food item to Mass each week (please, no glass

containers). Please remember to bring one Can-a-Week to help feed those in need in our area. Thank you! October: 22 ……………………………………Crackers 29 …………………Macaroni & Cheese

Start 2018 off with Jesus!! Join us for a Divine Mercy Retreat! Journey into the heart of St Therese of Lisieux’s Little Way with the “33 Days to Merciful Love” Group Retreat. We’ll uncover the power of trust; find the inspiration to become great saints in ordinary circumstances; and prepare for a personal consecration to Divine Mercy. This six-week parish retreat includes workbooks, group discussion, and talks on DVD by Fr. Michael Gaitley from the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception.

The format of the retreat is simple: The participants will read from the book 33 Days to

Merciful Love and answer several questions in their workbooks daily, on their own. Then we’ll all come together weekly to watch a talk by Fr. Michael on DVD, and break into small groups for discussion. The retreat will begin on Tuesday, Jan 2 in Bishop Quinn Hall. At the conclusion of the six-week retreat, we’ll make our consecration to Divine Mercy on Sunday, Feb 11. Saint Pope John Paul II emphasized that now is the time of mercy, now is a time of great and extraordinary grace, a time in which all of us can become great saints — if we tap into that grace. One of the ways we tap into that grace is by asking God to fill us with an ocean of His tenderness and mercy. And we do that by consecrating ourselves to His Mercy. Please consider joining us. All are welcome! Contact Cathy at 755-1536, leave your call back phone number.

Please register by Dec 10 so that books can be ordered.

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017

Vigésimo-Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- octubre 22, 2017


And Mary’s Yes Continues…

From Wheeling and Dealing to Kneeling: A Sister tells her Vocation Story

Location: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church Sacramento, CA

Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 Time: 7:00pm—8:00PM (Talk)

8:00PM—9:00PM (Book Signing) Books will be available for purchase.

Cash , Checks and Credit Cards accepted. Before entering the convent Sr. Maria was the Chief Financial

Officer of three car dealerships in New York. She entered the

convent in 2007 and made final vows in 2015. She currently is

the Director of Catholic Identity at Presentation of the Blessed

Virgin Mary School, where she also teaches Middle School

religion. She has appeared on Oprah and Ralph Martin’s The

Choices We Face


A good example is the tallest kind of preaching.

—African sayin

¿Quieres aprender acerca de un verdadero sistema de

planificación familiar natural? ven a aprender sobre el

sistema de cuidado de la fertilidad del modelo Creighton.

Este sistema puede utilizarse tanto para lograr o evitar el

embarazo. También, ofrece soluciones reales a problemas

reales como son la infertilidad, síndrome premenstrual,

depresión postparto, quistes en los ovarios y muchos otros

problemas de salud. Ayuda a las mujeres a apreciar sus

ciclos manteniendo asi de manera natural su propia salud

ginecológica y ayuda a las parejas a poder planear su familia

de manera natural con toda la libertad que Dios les ha dado.

Mejora la sexualidad de las parejas y fortalece a los

matrimonios. Para más informacion comuníquese con

Sandra Ruelas (530)870-0121 o por correo electrónico

BAUSTISMOS EN ESPAÑOL Los bautismos se celebran cada 2do, y 4to sábados del Mes a las 10:00am. (con excepción del 25 de noviembre y el 23 de Diciembre no habra bautizos estos dos sábados) Papás y Padrinos deben obtener la solicitud para bautismo en la oficina parroquial como también asistir a la clase que es el tercer Jueves del mes a las 7p.m.(Por ley canónica, los padrinos deben tener los sacramentos de iniciación, incluyendo 1era comunión y confirmación) y estar en comunión con la iglesia, ESTAR CASADOS POR LA IGLESIA si estan viviendo con alguien como pareja.. Favor de registrar a los niños antes de la clase en la oficina parroquial trayendo una copia del acta de nacimiento. Se agradece el donativo de $35 dólares.


La prueba del amor está en las obras. Donde hay

amor, éste hace obras grandes; pero cuando deja de

obrar, deja de existir.

—San Gregorio Magno

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 22, 2017

Vigésimo-Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario- octubre 22, 2017


Church Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. close for lunch from 12:30pm-1:30pm Catholic Bible—available in the Parish Office $10 each. Each family must have a Bible!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OUR WARMEST WELCOME TO ALL

We extend our hands and hearts in Christian Fellowship to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the Parish. To register, please complete and place in the collection basket, or mail to the Parish Office. Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/ZIP: __________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________________________ Phone________________________________

Services & Prayer Directory

Bulletin Editor: call the Parish Office 673-1573, or email Deadline is Monday at 4pm.

Mass Announcements: Submit to Parish Office by Tuesday preceding weekend, or use online form: http://www. stisidore-yubacity. org/pulpitbulletinform. Htm

Communion for the Sick and homebound: Call Parish Office, 673-1573.

Divine Mercy: Meets 3rd Mon @ 6:30 p. m. in the Conference Room. Cathy, 673-1573

Knights of Columbus: Bob Guerin, (530) 755-3403 Legion of Mary: Mon 4:15pm – 6:00pm in the church.

Both men and women are invited to attend. Novena and prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual

Help: Wednesday's after 8:30am daily Mass. Religious Education: Rita Ramos, 673-1573 or Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): Adult

Baptism, Confirmation & First Communion. Helen Gomez:

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Adapted for Youth and Teens (RCIA Adapted): For youth 7 and above who have not been baptized or not baptized Catholic. Helen Gomez:

Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA): Spanish-Bautismo Confirmacion, Comunión de adultos. Llamar a Diácono Rubén Rojo, 673-1574.

Marriage Preparation: Call Paige Westlake, 530-673-1573 or

YLI: Leslie Lee, (530) 713-9996 Youth Group: Daniel Quiroz: 530-673-1573.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

A Woman’s Friend: Pregnant? Don’t know where to turn? Call 741-0556

Prayer Blanket Ministry: To receive a blanket at no

charge, visit the parish office. For more information, to

volunteer, or to donate, call Kathy Anderson 713-7022. Child Care: Available in the Little Lambs Nursery

(located in the Preschool) Sunday mornings 9:30 a.m. to 1 p. m., children 0 to 5

Cuidado de Niños: Abierto a las: 9:30 a. m. — 1:00 p. m. Niños edades 0-5. Lugar Escuela Pre-escolar Cursillos: Hilario Rivera # 790-7640. Ultreyas son el

segundo y cuarto viernes del mes a las 7pm en el cuarto de conferencias.

Engaged Encounter: 916-987-0747 Food Locker/St. Vincent de Paul: 671-5154 Grupo de Oracion: miércoles a las 7 p. m. José Luis Ruiz

#844-7126. Grupo Familiar: Para matrimonios católicos. Lunes a las

7 p. m. Salvador y Elisa Vargas, 695-8762. Immaculate Heart Radio: 1620 AM Marriage Encounter: 893-2348 or 891-0426 Prayer Chain: Serious illnesses or critical situations: 673-

0556 Natural Family Planning: Call Parish Office for referral Rachel’s Vineyard: For those suffering emotional or

spiritual pain from abortion, 888-HOPE-790 Respect Life/Yuba-Sutter Right to Life: 1st Wed every

month @ 7 p. m. in the Brinde Room; Maureen, 673-1437 Troubled Marriage: 800-283-5952/ www. retrouvaille.

org Website: Mike Pugh, webservant@stisidore-yubacity. org Chamorro Ministry: (530) 673-1573 Filipino Ministry- (530) 673-1573 Encuentro Matrimonial- Eugenio & Magdalena

González 530-701-1677 Guadalupanas - Cora Garcia 671-4269 Perpetual Adoration Ministry- Ruth Pendilla 530-674-

7193 Catholic Moms Group: For moms with children still at

home. Facebook group, park days, moms night out. Jennifer Hackney 530-415-7854

St. Paul Street Evangelization- Greg Thompson, 530-713-9909 or

Additional contacts are found on the parish website’s “Contact Us” link

ST. ISIDORE / 182 For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601


Office Hours By Appointment

RON L. C. SUEN, D.M.D., Inc.

1215 Plumas St. Ste. #52Yuba City, CA 95991

(530) 755-9968Fax: (530) 755-4557

What Hearing Should Be

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Kenneth S. WoodB.S. Speech Pathology & Audiology

Dispenser Lic. H.A. 6032Richard C. Lind

M.A. AudiologistLic. AU402

Mei-Ling MillerAu.D. Audiologist

Lic. AU2891Oticon, Starkey, Widex, Phonak, Resound, Unitron

CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING523 Reeves Ave. • Yuba City


Mike & Gayle


10-5 Mon.-Fri. Closed

Wed. 1-2

OliveWoodfrom the

Holy Landis available for sale.

Please check the Parish office for more details.

Independently Owned & OperatedLidia Jimenez

"Hablo Español" • REALTOR® • Church Member951 Live Oak Blvd. •

Cell: (530) 701-7321 • Office: (530) 751-8000CalBRE #01836864

BRADLEY OPTOMETRY, INC.Quality Family Eye Care

Dr. David A. BradleyDr. Elizabeth Hankins

1160 Live Oak

Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.

710 Cooper Ave.Yuba City, CA

(530) 673-3137


Eva Garcia Owner10821 Stephanie Dr. • Live Oak, CA 95953



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Damon Ullrey817 Almond St. • Yuba City

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office@guthchangaris.comFax (530) 674-7818

919 Reserve Dr. #118Roseville

(916) 774-7030


Family & Cosmetic Dentistry1215 Plumas St. Ste. 1901

Yuba City

(530) 751-7671Fax: (530) 751-7234

HOLYCROSSMemorial Services, Inc.

Affordable Funeral & Cremation | Hablo Español486 Bridge Ste., Yuba City | (530) 751-7000 | FD1653

David Holycross

Kevin & Jodi MallenOwners

Michael HansenService Manager

( 5 3 0 ) 6 7 1 - 2 1 1

1150 Stabler Ln.Yuba City, CA 95993

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Dan & Kay Gray Church MembersThe Gray Family has been providing compassionate care to grieving

families and individuals in California since 1888(530) 742-2473 • 629 D St. • Marysville

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530-674-8900700 Plumas St. • Yuba City


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