Tutorial Terminator MK. 1

Post on 28-Sep-2015

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warhammer 40k

Transcript of Tutorial Terminator MK. 1

  • Tutorial How to build a Terminator Armour MK.1by Jokaero Weaponsmith

    And after a few requests I'm trying to do a tutorial on how to make a Mark 1 Terminator armor model. So this is both a work and turtorial WIP. If you can see any info misssing or any steps missing or too much info let me know. For the base I used a Space Wolf terminator torso and and Grey Knights terminator legs for no other reason that they were laying around or more suitable for the pose.

    For the arms I used Grey Knights arms again because they were laying around and I had already hacked them once. I also used Forgworld Cataphractil terminator ligting claws as they were most suitible for the pose but in the last Mark one (ed.: as seen at the the end of this tutorial) I used Anvilindustries bionic arms large claws and not shown but used are the Grey Knights Terminator shoulderpads.

  • So heres the basic pose and mock up.

    The next step is to remove all the detailing from the torso ready for the breast plate.I also hacked the legs apart and move them closer together and more under the waist as I can't stand the massive mind the gap stance GW has on the terminator models and it adds about 2 to 3mm to the height. The pistons are from watch pieces and carved into the legs as detailing.

  • Detailing is also sanded off the shoulder pads and the arms have been cut at below the elbow and the lighting claws are pinned on.

    Now I create a template for the breast plate out of paper that has been folded in half to make the pattern symetrical it is then unfolded and traced around on very thin styrene to produce this.(note: Iwill come back and give dimensions to this later.)

  • Spend sometime bending this to shape prior to fitting it to the torso with Green stuff

    As you can see I modified the shape a little prior to fitting and I have shaped the top of the torso a bit.

  • Next I carved the torso in preparation for more detailing

    At this point the author stopped posting instructions. However, the stunning results may beseen on the next pages.

  • The original MK. 1 by Games Workshop