Turning Contradictions into Innovations or: How We Learned ... · Turning Contradictions into...

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This paper is included in the Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2016).

June 22–24, 2016 • Denver, CO, USA

ISBN 978-1-931971-31-7

Open access to the Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium on Usable Privacy

and Security (SOUPS 2016) is sponsored by USENIX.

Turning Contradictions into Innovations or: How We Learned to Stop Whining and

Improve Security OperationsSathya Chandran Sundaramurthy, University of South Florida; John McHugh, RedJack, LLC;

Xinming Ou, University of South Florida; Michael Wesch and Alexandru G. Bardas, Kansas State University; S. Raj Rajagopalan, Honeywell Labs


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Turning Contradictions into Innovations or:How We Learned to Stop Whining and Improve

Security Operations

Sathya ChandranSundaramurthy

University of South Floridasathyachandr@mail.usf.edu

John McHughRedJack, LLC.


Xinming OuUniversity of South Florida


Michael WeschKansas State Universitymwesch@ksu.edu

Alexandru G. BardasKansas State Universitybardasag@ksu.edu

S. Raj RajagopalanHoneywell Labs


ABSTRACTEfforts to improve the efficiency of security operation centers(SOCs) have emphasized building tools for analysts or un-derstanding the human and organizational factors involved.The importance of viewing the viability of a solution frommultiple perspectives has been largely ignored. Multiple per-spectives arise because of inherent conflicts among the objec-tives a SOC has to meet and differences between the goals ofthe parties involved. During the 3.5 years that we have usedanthropological fieldwork methods to study SOCs, we dis-covered that successful SOC innovations must resolve theseconflicts to be effective in improving operational efficiency.This discovery was guided by Activity Theory (AT), whichprovided a framework for analyzing our fieldwork data. Weuse the version of AT proposed by Engestrom to model SOCoperations. Template analysis, a qualitative data analysistechnique, guided by AT validated the existence of contra-dictions in SOCs. The same technique was used to elicitfrom the data concrete contradictions and how they were re-solved. Our analysis provide evidence of the importance ofconflict resolution as a prerequisite for operations improve-ment. AT enabled us to understand why some of our in-novations worked in the SOCs we studied (and why othersfailed). AT helps us see a potentially successful and repeat-able mechanism for introducing new technologies to futureSOCs. Understanding and supporting all of the spoken andunspoken requirements of SOC analysts and managers ap-pears to be the only way to get new technologies acceptedand used in SOCs.

1. INTRODUCTIONOver the years, there have been a number of research effortsfocused on understanding the problems of security operationcenters (SOCs). The goal of most of these efforts has been todevelop useful operational tools [5, 15, 27]. Researchers haveconducted interviews and, in some cases, shadowed secu-rity analysts to understand human and organizational chal-

Copyright is held by the author/owner. Permission to make digital or hardcopies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is grantedwithout fee.Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2016, June 22–24,2016, Denver, Colorado.

lenges [4, 30, 31, 32] in security operations. Most of theseefforts resulted in recommendations to developers buildingtools for SOCs. Despite the correct orientation of these ef-forts, a common feature of these contributions is that theysuggest technical solutions to problems without consideringcontextual factors that may support or hinder the deploy-ment of the solution. A consequence of the lack of a clearunderstanding of the operational environment is that theproposed solutions are partially successful at best.

We have been conducting an anthropological study of SOCsat two universities and two commercial corporations for 3.5years. Our aim has been to understand real operationalenvironments. As computer security researchers and toolbuilders, one of our major goals was to study the effective-ness of tools currently used in SOCs. With the help of ananthropologist, we trained five computer science studentswith computer security backgrounds in participant obser-vation methods. The students then took jobs as securityanalysts in academic and corporate SOCs. They took de-tailed field notes of SOC events throughout their fieldwork.While documenting events, e.g., usage of a specific tool, theyalso recorded related activities to establish the context forthe event. Without the contextual information the intentbehind the recorded actions could not be uncovered duringthe analysis process leaving gaps in our understanding of theevent and its handling.

The motivation for any anthropological study is to obtaininsights into various activities humans perform within theircultural context. Each SOC has a culture of its own and it iswithin that culture that the meaning of tools and processeshave to be interpreted. Activity Theory (AT) as proposed byLeont’ev [20] and further refined by Engestrom [9] is usedto facilitate our understanding. At the core of AT basedmodeling is the notion that humans are collective beingsand their activities are goal- or objective-directed. Withoutan objective there is no meaning to any deliberate humanactivity. AT also models how we use tools to achieve anobjective while emphasizing the distributed nature of ac-complishment. Thus, the framework proposed by AT is wellsuited for analyzing work in operational environments.


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Our most interesting discovery was the existence of tensionsand contradictions within the SOC environments. In theSOC context, we found tensions between the analysts andthe tools they used as well as conflicts between analysts andvarious operating rules. We first model SOC operations asan activity (in AT sense) and then list the multiple levelsof contradictions that existed in the SOCs we studied. Tothe best of our knowledge we are the first to systematicallyidentify and study conflicts within SOCs.

Based on our understanding of the systemic tensions in SOCs,our research reveals that the action-operation dynamics fromAT indicate a way to resolve certain tensions, e.g., buildingtools that automate analysts tasks that have become “op-erations,” i.e., repetitive and boring. This frees analysts toperform more creative analytical actions while also gener-ating new tensions and contradictions in the organizationand workflow. This process is on-going and tools need to beconstantly adapted in a SOC environment as threats changeand events evolve. Analysts move constantly between theacting and operating stages. This is the reason why “static”or inflexible tools fail in SOCs. Our success stories occurwhen the tools we co-create with analysts keep evolving toresolve new conflicts. It will become clear in the later sec-tions of the paper that the tensions do not always revolvearound operational tools. A tool is one component of a set offorces that interact together creating friction due to certaininherent contradictions.

We form a novel “Pentagon Model,” an extension of the hi-erarchical structure of human activity originally proposed inActivity Theory, to capture the knowledge generation andtransformation in SOCs and the proper roles of tools in SOCoperations. It provides a novel framework within which de-velopers for SOCs can elicit requirements for their tools.We show that identifying and resolving contradictions is aprerequisite not just to building a useful tool but to imple-menting any novel idea in a SOC. A tool is part of the largercontext of SOC workflow and becomes involved in complexinteractions that impact multiple dimensions and domainswithin the SOC. In this way, a tool is not “just a tool” andmust be understood within this broader context.

A 3.5 year journey and a substantial amount of data analysiswas required to reach these conclusions. In the rest of thepaper, we use one story about building an incident responseportal for a SOC to illustrate this journey, and explain ra-tionales behind any methods we used in the research andmodels/results formulated from the analysis.

2. THE STORY OF THE INCIDENTRESPONSE PORTALThe incident response portal was built for the first SOC westudied, one managing security for a public university inthe United States. It consists of a team of 3 to 4 analystsheaded by a manager. Each analyst specializes in tasks suchas firewall management, incident response, PCI compliance,etc. Due to the small team size, the analysts often have toperform non-routine tasks usually done by other analysts.During our fieldwork the students worked as analysts per-forming these operational tasks. Before continuing, we needto explain our core anthropological research method, partic-ipant observation.

2.1 Participant ObservationUnderstanding security operations requires access to opera-tional SOCs and the cooperation of the analysts who workin them. This access is not easy to obtain for reasons thatinclude:

• The sensitivity of the data handled. Analysts deal withexploits that can result in loss of valuable information,compromise the privacy of users, or physical damageto infrastructures. A degree of paranoia seems to comewith the job. With the academic research literature’scurrent focus on discovery and public disclosure of vul-nerabilities, researchers are seen as untrustworthy out-siders. Gaining the subjects’ trust is a first step to-wards performing useful research. Management sup-port is necessary, but not sufficient.

• The problem of tacit knowledge. The job of a secu-rity analyst is highly complex and decisions are madebased on intuitions and hunches that are not docu-mented [26]. In many cases, analysts are unable toarticulate what they know or describe clearly the ba-sis for a conclusion or action.

• The workload. SOC analysts are always confrontedwith more incidents than they can resolve. Any pro-cess that requires additional efforts but does not di-rectly help the analysts’ job is resented.

These factors limit the utility of traditional research meth-ods such as interviews, questionnaires, and passive observa-tion.

Cultural anthropology is a branch of anthropology aimed atstudying human beings in their natural settings. The re-search method employed by cultural anthropologists is long-term participant observation in which researchers tradition-ally spend a year or more within an indigenous populationas a member of the community. They take part in the dayto day activities and follow the practices of the population.This allows them to obtain an increased understanding of lo-cal practices beyond common assumptions about such prac-tices. As they pull themselves deeper into local practicesthey come to feel and experience the world and may even-tually be able to approximate the native point of view, inother words, understand how an insider perceives their ownculture. This leads to the researcher understanding the sym-bols, artifacts, and activities as they are perceived by themembers of the subject community. Without this under-standing, an observer tends to process every event performedby the subjects using the observer’s own cultural bias. Sucha bias does not lead the researcher to the true reason behindthe observed activities [14]. Viewing or attempting to viewthe activities from the native’s point of view is the best onecould do in understanding another culture.

The idea of attaining the native point of view resonated verywell with our goal of studying security operations because ofthe well defined closed culture of the SOC. We sought andobtained the cooperation of the SOC management. Ourteam anthropologist trained five computer science studentshaving a computer security background in participant ob-servation methods which included the observation and notetaking that would occur during the fieldwork process.

Over a period of 3.5 years our students occupied positions assecurity analysts in four different SOCs, two in universities


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and two in major corporations, a deployment that contin-ues part of the ongoing research effort. The student re-searchers have worked as level-1 & 2 analysts, incident re-sponders, software-developers, and forensic analysts. Theyhave helped in training security staff and designing secu-rity policies, becoming something like “natives” in the SOCcultures, while also keeping detailed notes about their expe-riences and ongoing SOC activities.

2.1.1 Ethics and Participant SafetyIn our research the security analysts and the managers wereconsidered as human subjects. The research was reviewedand approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) andanalysts completed informed consent forms that explainedthe research objectives and the voluntary nature of partic-ipation. We addressed any concerns expressed, with a de-tailed description of the nature and expected outcomes ofthe research. We used aliases when referring to analystsand their managers during discussion and data analysis topreserve their anonymity.

2.2 Why Build the ToolEarly on in our research we observed that the bulk of theanalysts’ time is spent responding to security incidents re-ported by external third party entities. The most commonof those incidents is malware trying to connect to its com-mand and control (C&C) server. The third party providesthe university with information containing the type of mal-ware, the IP address on which the malware activity wasobserved, usually that of the external interface of the NATfirewall, and the time at which the activity was detected.All this information is sent as an alert via email messages.The responding analyst has to follow the following steps insequence.

• Identify the internal IP of the infected client from thefirewall NAT logs.

• Use the internal IP to identify the MAC address of theinfected host from DHCP and/or ARP logs.

• Look up the identity of the user of the infected deviceusing the MAC address from the authentication logs.

• Determine the point of contact (POC) for the incidentbased on the location of the user (e.g., a department).

Once the analyst obtains all or most of the information, herecommends a potential remediation measure (e.g., formatthe host disk and re-install the OS), and then puts all the in-formation into a ticket and sends it to the POC. The ownerof the infected device also gets a notification about the in-fection and the recommended remediation steps.

This seemingly simple task is laborious and time consuming.No single tool available at the SOC can provide the directanswer to the question “who is the owner of the infected de-vice,” even though the correlations from the multiple logsare straightforward. The deployed security information andevent management (SIEM) solution was very slow even forsearches on a single week’s data. Discovering correlations inthe data within the SIEM was almost impossible due to itsunacceptably slow performance. The analyst had to manu-ally inspect multiple logs for each of the alerts and it took10 minutes (on average) to correlate the logs and file a sin-gle ticket. The SOC received approximately 15 such alertsper day. It was obvious to our student researchers that theanalyst got burned out by this repetitive task as did the

student researcher tasked to do the same job. He felt thathis time was spent on meaningless activity and that he wasdoing nothing interesting. Further aggravating the situationwas the manager’s insistence on detailed documentation ofthe manual method (by the student) so that anyone couldperform it.

2.2.1 Reflection on the ProcessAt this point the student became frustrated by the repet-itiveness of his SOC job. This is the moment at which hestarted to gain the native point of view as an analyst. Justas our student researcher was feeling that he had lost thedirection of his research, he and the whole research team en-gaged in a reflection process, where the field worker discussedhis problems with the rest of the research team. Throughthis process, we realized that these specific problems can beaddressed by building a custom tool for responding to thistype of incident. It was clear that this insight arose becausethe student had reached an essential native point of viewunattainable through other means such as interviews. Atthe same time, it was clear that the student brought un-common skills, i.e., tool building, to the analyst position.

2.3 How the Tool WorkedIn the reflection process, we identified steps in this repetitiveprocess that could be automated. For the malware incidentdescribed above the task of a security analyst could be de-composed to answering the following set of questions.

• What - Type of threat reported.• Who - Users, IP address, security personnel, etc.• When - Time the threat was reported and other tem-

poral information.• Where - Location of the infected device in the net-

work/organization.• How and Why - Context that could have raised the

alert, perhaps the most important and interesting.

The analyst was stuck in this process because he was spend-ing more time gathering the basic information such as whoand where rather than on establishing the context – how andwhy. Our realization was that tools must gather and deduceinformation along the four basic dimensions of information(what, who, when and where) so that the analysts couldspend their cognitive effort along the analytical dimensions(how and why). This insight helped us build the incidentresponse tool.

2.3.1 Automated Incident ResponseTogether with the analysts we built an incident responseportal based on this insight. We used a database to store loginformation and collected and parsed logs using periodicallyexecuted scripts, making the process more efficient. Thedatabase also contained a relationship between net blocksand the POC that allowed the notification of the responsibleincident response personnel.

The tool has a web interface through which the analyst en-ters: (1) the external facing IP address and port numberwhere malicious activities were reported; (2) the remote IPaddress and port number involved in the activities; (3) thetimestamp and time zone when the activities were observed.The tool correlates this information and presents the analystwith a filled-in incident ticket with all the required informa-tion such as the user of the infected device and the POC.


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Figure 1: The Incident Response Portal

The analyst then performs the analytical steps answeringhow and why the incident might have occurred in the firstplace. He then suggests possible remediation measures andsubmits them to the ticketing system. Using our tool thewhole incident response process was reduced from10 minutes to 10 seconds. The time saving is due tothe automation of the old tasks of manually searching thevarious logs to establish the who and where aspects of theincident, now done through automated database queries us-ing the information entered into the web interface. Figure 1shows the basic workflow of the tool. This appears similarto a SIEM workflow yet none of the SIEM productsthat we found in the SOCs provides the automationprovided in our incident response portal.

This shows a major problem in the design methods used forsecurity products. Without understanding the workflow ofa SOC and where the friction points are, a tool is useless.Our tool was quickly adopted by our SOC analysts. It notonly resolved a major bottleneck in the SOC’s workflow, butalso broke a major trust barrier for our student fieldworkers.After this tool was successfully built and used by the SOCanalysts, the analysts immediately became more open todiscussing other challenges in their work to our fieldworkers,and sought our help in building other tools that ease theirjob. This tool co-creation process was our first major findingin our 3.5 years’ anthropological study [26].

2.4 What Happened AfterwardsAfter this initial success we identified a number of otherproblems in the SOC that can benefit from automation.The research team developed a number of tools to auto-mate those recurring analyses. The tools were well receivedand the SOC process was more efficient than before.

Our research went on and we conducted fieldwork at threeadditional SOCs – another university SOC and two corpo-rate SOCs. Unlike the university SOCs, the corporate SOCswere highly hierarchical. Analysts in one corporate SOC are

classified as level-1 (L1, lowest level), level-2 (L2), and in-cident response (IR, highest level). In this SOC, one of thestudents worked as L1 and IR analyst while at the same timedeveloping some forensic analysis tools. The other corporateSOC outsourced its L1 tasks to a third party and our stu-dent fieldworker took the role of L2 analyst. The corporateSOCs had more analysts (around 22 L1s, 2 L2s, and 5 IRsin one SOC) compared to the university SOCs. Analystsin the corporate SOCs had well-defined roles while in theuniversity SOCs they always had to engage in cross-trainingand wear multiple hats due to small team sizes.

Through this additional field work we identified the cause ofburnout in SOCs using Grounded Theory [25]. We identifiedthe vicious cycles among a number of human, technical, andmanagerial factors that lead to burnout. We also found afew cases where the vicious cycles were turned into virtuousones thus mitigating the burnout. In some of those casesthe automation of repetitive tasks resulting from tool co-creation was the key enabler.

When the student researchers returned to the first univer-sity SOC after a few months, they found that the incidentresponse portal had been rarely used in their absence. Werealized that lack of support for the tool was the cause forconcerns. New requirements kept emerging and the analystsin the SOC analysts had neither time nor the skills requiredto customize the tools as the requirements evolved. We thenrealized that there was more to the success or failure of thetools beyond their technical features.

3. FURTHER ANALYSIS OF THE FIELDWORK DATAOur experience with the incident response portal encouragedus to return to our field notes and dig deeper to further un-derstand the role of tool building in SOCs and whether thereis a guiding principle that could allow us to replicate the suc-cess we had in terms of building successful tools to help SOCoperations. After six months of analysis, we discovered thatan adapted version of a well known model called ActivityTheory can form the cornerstone of this guiding principle.

3.1 Activity TheoryThe origin of Activity Theory (AT) is found in the works ofthe Russian psychologists Leont’ev [20] and Vygotsky [28]during the 1970s and 1980s. AT has a proven record ofhelping researchers comprehend various challenges in workenvironments. For example, it has been used to study theuse of technology in educational environments, to under-stand the changes brought on by introducing new technology(laptops) into teaching practices [7], and to study the differ-ences between the teachers’ beliefs and actual practice whena new tool is introduced in learning [6, 22, 24]. Researchersused AT to understand the effect of new tools on learners,especially their resistance to newly introduced technologyfor learning, and on highlighting how old habits impede theadoption of new tools [2].

The AT model in Figure 2 is adapted from Engestrom [9].Elements of the original model are shown in parenthesesand in red font. Un-parenthesized elements result from ourapplication of the model to SOC operations. Engestrom de-fines an activity system as object oriented, collective, andculturally mediated human activity [12]. The fundamental


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Figure 2: Activity Theory Model of Security Operations

idea of AT is that humans perform tasks to achieve an ob-jective. Without that objective the task has no meaning.The inner downward-pointing triangle symbolizes the inter-actions of individuals and the collective in achieving an ob-jective. Each edge in the downward triangle represents therelationship between the three nodes [9]: (a) an individualdoes certain tasks to achieve an objective, (b) an individualis part of a social structure represented by the communitynode, and (c) the community of which the individual is apart of acts together to achieve an objective. Furthermore,the three relationships are mediated by three different as-pects – instrument, rules and division of labor, forming theencompassing upward-pointing triangle. In trying to accom-plish their objective humans use certain tools or in AT termsinstrument. The tools can be physical, such as a hammerwhen breaking rocks, or symbolic such as language for com-munication. AT further states that human beings do notact in isolation but within a community. There are certainrules that govern interactions among the members of thecommunity. In order to achieve their objective, people takeup different roles (division of labor) based on their expertise.

According to AT, tool mediation – design, use, and preser-vation of physical and symbolic instruments – is seen as amajor distinguishing factor between human and animal ac-tivities [9, 17]. The two triangles in the AT model togetherrepresent three different types of mediated interactions [17]:(a) subject-object interaction is mediated by Instrument,(b) interaction of subject with their community is governedby Rules, and (c) a community achieves their objective bytaking up specific roles corresponding to Division of Labor.The three different mediations arise due to social, cultural,and cognitive aspects of human life.

A SOC can be modeled as an activity system where thesubjects are the analysts and their objective is to moni-tor/mitigate threats and provide situational awareness. Toachieve this objective they use tools such as SIEM, home-brewed software and scripts, and their knowledge in com-puter security. The community they interact with includesother analysts, management, and end users. The traditionalrules governing the communication between analysts andother stakeholders are the so-called standard operating pro-cedures (SOP). SOPs recommend course of action for every

incident type guiding the analyst in drafting a communi-cation and mitigation plan in response to a security inci-dent. Analysts also assume roles on the operations floor,e.g., level-1 (junior) analyst, level-2 (journeyman) analyst,incident responder, forensic analyst, etc. Under this inter-pretation, it is easy to see that a SOC work environment fitsnicely within the AT framework.

AT has been successful in understanding distributed humanactivity ranging from primeval hunting to modern day workenvironments. So it is natural that SOC operations canbe successfully captured by the AT model. AT also shedslight on the use of tools by humans in achieving their goalsin collaborative activities. Since one of our goals were toobtain insights on the role of tools in SOC operations, itfurther convinced us to use AT to drive further analysis.

3.2 Analysis Methods and the First ResultThroughout the 3.5 years of fieldwork spanning 4 SOCs weobserved many recurring patterns and similarities in theirproblems. Due to the large amount of field note data, asystematic approach is needed to ensure the objectivity andcomprehensiveness of the analysis.

Our analysis of field note data is both inductive and deduc-tive. It is inductive in the sense that we look for patterns indata without any preconceived hypothesis. As we formulatetheories to explain the patterns we found in one part of thedata, we also test those theories on the other parts of thedata. In this sense our analysis is also deductive. To facil-itate this type of analysis, we leveraged a qualitative dataanalysis technique called template analysis.

3.2.1 Template Analysis of DataTemplate analysis is a qualitative data analysis techniquedeveloped by Nigel King [18]. It is useful when the researcherhas a partial understanding of the concepts to be identifiedin the data. This technique starts with an a priori set ofcodes or themes that the researcher is interested in and thecodes evolve as the analysis is performed. The technique isflexible in that the researcher starts with some preconceivedconcepts but can also identify and add new concepts as theyare discovered. Below are the steps in the template analysisprocess.

Define a priori themes A set of themes are developedbased on the concepts the researcher is interested inidentifying in the data.

Transcribe and familiarize The researcher reads throughthe field notes and familiarizes herself with the datashe is going to analyze.

Initial coding Parts of the field notes that are relevant tothe research questions are identified. Then the a prioricodes are attached to those parts of the data whereverthey are applicable. When a section of fieldnote datamatches the research question but no existing codecould be applied, a new code is devised or an exist-ing one is broadened to cover it.

Produce initial template Once a subset of the data iscoded a set of themes is generated. These form theinitial template. The template might have a hierarchyof codes within each of the themes.

Develop the template The initial template is applied tothe entire data set repeatedly. Modifications to thetemplate are performed whenever a text does not fit


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into the template. This iterative process refines thecode set and a final template is produced.

Interpretation At this point, the researcher has coded theentire data using the developed template and writes upher findings based on the final template.

Quality checks and reflexivity The researcher periodi-cally consults with an expert team that includes fel-low researchers on the project to ensure quality of theanalysis she performs. The coding researcher must alsoperform frequent reflections to make sure her own per-sonal beliefs and biases do not affect the interpretationof the collected data.

A study by Frambach et al. exploring the effect of glob-alization on medical education provided the inspiration forcombining AT with template analysis [13]. Following thiswork, we began by looking for the basic elements of the ATmodel in our fieldwork data and found that the model pro-vided substantial explanatory power for understanding workcarried out in SOCs. We then applied more concepts fromthe AT theory to further understand the data. Thus we firstdeveloped a list of codes based on the AT model and per-formed data coding. New codes were added as new themesemerged. This continuous application of template analysiseventually resulted in one of our main discoveries inthis paper: the existence of contradictions in SOCoperations and its key role in preventing SOCs fromdoing an effective job.

4. CONTRADICTIONSA key feature that arises when using AT to study work envi-ronments is the notion of contradictions. From AT perspec-tives, contradictions are defined as“a misfit within elements,between them, between different activities, or between dif-ferent developmental phases of a single activity” [19]. Someresearchers have referred to contradictions as systemic ten-sions [1]. Other definitions include“unintentional deviationsfrom the script [which] cause disco-ordinations in interac-tion” [11] and “problems, ruptures, breakdowns, clashes” inactivities [19]. Engestrom [10] even recognized contradic-tions as “the motive force of change and development” [12].In a typical scenario when contradictions arise, individual(s)begin to question the established norms and start to deviatefrom the rules. A positive outcome is that individuals gettogether and develop a new course of action that resolvesthe original contradiction leading to a better workflow [10].

4.1 Primary ContradictionsA tension that exists within a single node in the AT model(Figure 2) is called a primary contradiction [9]. In a workenvironment, these tensions arise due to the dichotomy be-tween the“professional logic”of the employees and the“com-mercial logic” imposed by their organization [3]. The profes-sional logic of security analysts (subject) dictates that theyconstantly improve their skills and be efficient in detectingand mitigating security threats. On the other hand, SOCsare under constant pressure to demonstrate their value tothe parent organization. This results in a number of met-rics being defined to measure the performance of SOC an-alysts. Ultimately, the job of the analysts is skewed verymuch towards generating those defined metrics. This cre-ates a conflict within them. They are confounded with

two non-identical objectives – doing the right thingversus the required thing.

Returning now to the incident response portal story, the an-alysts’ frustration was caused by a conflict between their de-sire to continuously improve their skills and thus wanting tohandle more intellectually challenging incidents, and the factthat SOC management emphasizes metrics such as numberof resolved incidents instead of the complexity or subtlety ofthe incidents. As an analyst one has to tend to both theseobjectives which are often in conflict with each other. Theanalyst can choose to close a high quantity of easy tickets(thereby scoring high marks on managerial metrics) or at-tend to more complex incidents that may be more fulfilling.This leads to frustration and eventually burnout. This con-tradiction is faced by the analysts within themselves; that is,it is a contradiction that exists inherently in the “Subject”node of the AT triangle of Figure 2.

We went back to our field notes to find more examples ofsuch primary contradictions. Following the template anal-ysis methodology, we coded our data with the initial goalof identifying contradictions in the SOC’s operations. Theinitial template generated as a result of coding a subset ofthe data is shown in Table 1 in Appendix A. The initial tem-plate was then used to code the entire field notes, resultingin the final template which was used to interpret the results.Below we illustrate some findings from the analysis.

4.1.1 Primary Contradiction within Subject (Analyst)In addition to the frustration we witnessed in the first SOC,this primary contradiction within analysts is observed acrossthe SOCs we studied. One analyst in a corporate SOCnoted:

“I wanted to work in an environment wherethere will be continuous learning and I have startedto feel that I am not learning anything new in mycurrent job. In fact, I took the current job hop-ing to analyze malware every day and learn morein that process. I feel that the SOC currently isnot doing any real threat detection which in turnis limiting my opportunities for learning. I havedecided in my life, to spend a significant amountof time for the improvement of my career. Now Ifeel bad that my commitment is not paying off.”

In another instance a SOC manager asked his analysts towork towards generating metrics:

“There will be metrics collected for all ana-lysts from the case management tool (CMT) sothat a report can be generated and shown to theupper management. If the team has to scale,handling a number of cases, we need to producenumbers to show to upper management. So farthis is being done through success stories and thisdoes not scale as it looks very general. Some partof the management is also interested in knowingthe impact our team has on the infrastructure.Go over the metrics and say which ones makesense and do not. You have to live with it andget involved. If you do not get involved now thenwhen the change is made into CMT you will haveto provide the data. I do not want to push it out


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there without questioning and for the sake of do-ing it. I also want to measure the fidelity of theincident. Features in CMT that do not lead toany metric must be removed.”

4.1.2 Primary Contradiction within Instrument (Tools)Security analysts use a number of tools to perform theirjob. Some of them are physical such as software and scripts,while others are cognitive, such as knowledge and training.In an ideal case tools will help analysts become efficient intheir job. From the professional-logic perspective this is thetrue purpose of a tool. Interestingly, the tools in opera-tion floors are purchased instead due to reasons not alignedwith efficiency. Typically the most expensive product in aSOC, SIEMs are purchased because they are considered in-formation security “best practice.” Ironically, most of theSIEM solutions we saw deployed at the SOCs were not upto the task of basic event correlations necessary for inci-dent analysis, as illustrated in our incident response portalstory. Here the commercial logic for having the toolis compliance not operational efficiency, resulting inthis primary contradiction.

In one of the corporate SOCs, the manage-ment decided to use a particular case manage-ment system (CMS) due to the support it pro-vided with the existing SIEM solution. While theintegration seemed helpful at the beginning, theCMS turned out not to fit the workflow of theSOC. The CMS was never replaced, which sub-sequently lead to secondary contradictions withthe analysts (Section 4.2.2).

4.1.3 Primary Contradiction within Rules (SOPs)As we noted earlier, the rules in SOCs are the standard op-erating procedures, or SOPs. The purpose of SOPs is tomake sure for a given incident every analyst will respond ina similar way. In other words, they ensure predictability inoperations. However, there is a fundamental conflict thatSOPs face which is between expected behavior and creativ-ity of analysts. Security operation is a distributed activityinvolving a number of analysts. If they are encouraged to acttheir own way all the time there will be chaos. On the otherhand, one does not know when to deviate from the norm andtry out new techniques. This inflexibility hinders detectingand mitigating threats which are constantly adapting. Thisdualism is at the core of the conflict that exists within theSOPs used in operations.

For example, an analyst encountered an operational scenariowhere he had to email a member of a business units to vali-date an alert but was very hesitant to proceed. After waitingfor a while he contacted a senior analyst and asked him foradvice on how to proceed. The junior analyst specificallysaid that he did not know how to proceed as this scenariowas not covered by any of the procedures. This exampledemonstrates a familiar problem we encountered through-out our fieldwork. While SOPs can empower an analystwithin limits, the same SOPs can dis-empower the analystfrom acting beyond them.

4.1.4 Primary Contradiction within Division of LaborIn work environments, the division of labor is achieved byassignment of roles to employees. In a SOC typical roles

include level-1&2, forensics, incident response, and contentdevelopment engineer. The role assignment ensures thatpeople have the right skills and expertise for the assignedtask. There exists a dualism within division of work thatleads to efficiency problems. The very specific role assign-ments to analysts leads to analysts working in silos; thusthey often lack empathy for other analysts. On the otherhand, analysts have to constantly work with their colleaguesin other roles; the lack of empathy creates barriers in thiscollaboration, thus fundamentally defeating the purpose ofdivision of labor.

For example, a level-1 analyst was frustrated about the highvolume of events generated by a rule written by a level-2engineer:

“The engineering team is very stubborn. Jack(name changed) thinks that he knows everythingand does not understand the frustration of ana-lysts.”

Likewise, upper-level analysts become frustrated by those inlower levels. Level-1&2 analysts escalate incidents to inci-dent response teams whenever they require assistance. Oneday the incident response team members complained thatthey were getting too many escalations. Having worked atboth teams the fieldworker found the two teams to be com-pletely unaware of the priorities, problems, and concerns ofeach other.

4.1.5 Primary Contradiction Within ObjectiveFinally, there is also a primary contradiction within the ob-jective of the SOC itself. The primary objective of the SOCas commonly understood is to detect and mitigate securitythreats for their parent organization. Perversely, the bet-ter a SOC gets at detecting/preventing threats the harderit becomes to show their value to the organization.

In one of the corporate SOCs alerts that were insignificantwere deliberately left unoptimized as optimization would re-duce the number of alerts in the stream. Fewer alerts wouldthen mean that management would perceive that the SOCteam could do their job with less number of analysts andthe parent organization would then put pressure on the SOCmanagement to reduce the team size by laying off some oftheir analysts. As a result analysts have to deal with a largenumber of useless events and eventually get worn out.

4.2 Secondary ContradictionsThe existence of primary contradictions will also create con-flicts between elements of the AT model. In AT these arecalled secondary contradictions – tensions that exist betweenany pair of nodes in the AT triangle of Figure 2. They are amanifestation of the inherent primary contradiction withinthe single nodes [3]. Our template analysis revealed a num-ber of pair-wise contradictions in SOCs.

4.2.1 Subject - RulesThroughout our study we observed a constant tension be-tween the analysts and the standard operating procedures(SOPs) they are required to follow. A security analyst wantsto solve intellectually challenging security incidents. Thisrequires using novel analysis methods that are not in theSOPs. The SOP rules do not provide enough freedom foran analyst as there is a written down procedure for every


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type of incident. The mundane nature of executing proce-dures time and again hinders creativity. The rules definethe tasks of the analyst based on the opinion from the man-agement. The SOC management wanted the SOPs on theargument that SOPs help ensure predictable performanceof the SOCs (commercial logic). But at the same time thisprevents the analysts from being creative in their jobs (pro-fessional logic), and thus prevents them from being more ef-ficient in operations. The secondary contradiction, i.e., theconflicts between the subject (analysts) and the rule (SOPs),is a manifestation of the primary contradictions inherent inthe analysts and in the SOP which we discussed before. Thissecondary contradiction is also a main cause of the frustra-tion at the first SOC we worked at that eventually led us todevelop the incident response portal to help address.

As one analyst in another SOC complained:

“The procedures were turning us into robots.The procedures were so detailed at some pointthat all the analysts were doing was to click andfill in data.”

If not tended to, this contradiction has been found to causeadverse effects such as analyst burnout leading to frequentturnovers, as pointed out in our prior work [25]. Periodicreview of rules to identify patterns that could be automatedis one way to mitigate the effects of this contradiction, butthis is not done often enough (or at all) in most SOCs.

4.2.2 Subject - InstrumentFrom the perspective of technology transfer, this contradic-tion is the most interesting to explore as it involves inter-action of analysts with technology. The SOCs we studieddid not have the right tools to help their analysts as mostof the tools were developed without proper understandingof the analysts’ workflow. A top-down decision was madeby the management on the type of tools to be procured forthe SOC. This is essentially a manifestation of the primarycontradiction within the tools (Section 4.1.2). As a resultSOC tools have suffered from a number of shortcomings.

One of the major concerns about the tools in SOCs pertainsto poor attribution. To make the best decision a securityanalyst must be provided with all the temporal and spatialinformation related to an alert. The purchased tools weredesigned with no knowledge of operational workflows andthus completely missed this aspect. Analysts were providedwith partial information making it hard to attribute the alertto an owner or a device. In another case we observed, ana-lysts were not able to query the wireless domain controllerto extract the authenticated user IDs along with the devicehost name because the vendor had not anticipated this needand decided not to provide that feature. Such shortcomingsresult in analysts spending most of their time performinglow-level data processing tasks to gather the missing infor-mation, rather than creative investigation.

4.2.3 Division of Labor - InstrumentA SOC is comprised of analysts with specific role assign-ments. In order to achieve the goal of division of labor,where analysts perform the tasks they are good at, it is im-perative that they have the right tools to assist them. Thepreference for features in a tool depends upon the role andtechnical expertise of the analyst. A forensic analyst mightlike to use a Linux desktop and might be comfortable using

a command-line interface. A compliance analyst whose pri-mary task is to check for conformation of systems to rulesmight be comfortable only with a graphical user interface(GUI). Tools are oftentimes purchased based on the man-agerial logic that interferes with the preferences and require-ments of the analysts (Section 4.1.2). As a result, analystsin different roles could not accomplish their tasks and thepurpose of dividing work based on expertise is defeated.

This contradiction is well illustrated by our story with theincident response portal. After the tool was built, the pro-cess of responding to the malware incidents was simplifiedto the point that it could be handed off to the Network Op-erations Center (NOC) of the university. The NOC analystswere less skilled compared to the SOC staff and their job wasto handle cognitively less intensive tasks. Our tool, howeverefficient in handling malware alerts, was not ready to beused by the NOC staff simply because it used a commandline interface. The conflict our tool ran into was between Di-vision of Labor (skill set of analysts) and Instrument (toolsthey had to use). The incident response portal exposed aninterface that required more cognitive work than the NOCanalysts are comfortable with. As a result, the SOC’s ef-fort to transfer this task to NOC did not happen for a longtime, and the more skilled SOC analysts were still stuck per-forming the mundane ticketing task for malware incidents(though more efficiently than before).

We resolved this contradiction by providing an alternate webinterface to the portal in addition to the command line ac-cess for SOC staff. The web interface abstracted away anumber of technical tasks and pushed them into the back-ground. The NOC staff were then able to file malware tick-ets at the push of a button. Clearly, the same tool needs tohave multiple interfaces depending on the type of analystswho will be using it. Otherwise one cannot get the expectedbenefit of distributing work among analysts.

It is important to note that this is also an example of how anattempt to resolve one contradiction may create a new con-tradiction. The tool was originally designed to improve thework of SOC analysts, but it ultimately had an impact onthe division of labor, being accepted as a tool for the NOC.But here the tool failed because it had been designed with acommand-line interface for the SOC. This highlights the factthat conflicts will keep emerging in a SOC no matterhow much you can do to improve its process. Suchconflicts must be resolved on a continuous basis.

5. FROM CONTRADICTIONS TO INNOVA-TIONSThe previous section discussed the contradictions we identi-fied in SOCs during our anthropological study. Each contra-diction requires a different course of action to be resolved.Some measures are technical while others are managerial.The rest are influenced by economic considerations. Thisleads to a question of particular interest to the audience ofthis conference:

Can technologists do something to turn some of thecontradictions into innovations? If so, how?

Contradictions are at the heart of Activity Theory and theyare the potential triggers for workplace innovations [9, 12].When we looked back at our fieldwork data we realized that


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it was by identifying and resolving certain contradictionsthat we succeeded in bringing an innovation to security op-erations.

Let us return once again to the incident response portalstory. The analysts were stuck performing a high volumerepetitive task. Neither the analysts nor the field workerscould invest time in any creative security projects becausethe repetitive malware incidents had to be taken care ofas high priority. The analysts would get penalized if theydid not close the malware tickets in a timely fashion as re-quired by their manager. They have to balance betweentwo conflicting motives of their job: engage in creative se-curity analysis, and resolve the constant stream of incomingsecurity alerts. The presence or lack of the right tool willeither reconcile or aggravate the two contradictory motives.The incident response portal we built resolved/mitigated anumber of contradictions manifested in this story.

Our tool was built in the context of the SOC environmentand hence fits the operational workflow. Our tool develop-ment process is analyst-developer co-creation. In this modelthe fieldworkers are also analysts themselves, and they en-gage in developing tools that aid in analysts’ work. As field-workers, we switched hats between developer and analystto enable co-creation within ourselves. This addressed thesecondary contradiction of tools falling short of analysts’expectations (Subject - Instrument in Section 4.2.2). Theincident response portal reduced the ticketing time from10min to 10sec, allowing the analysts to close the immedi-ate incidents more quickly. As a result they will have moretime for creative analysis. Therefore the incident responseportal mitigated the primary contradiction within the ana-lysts (Section 4.1.1), since they can now more easily balancethe two conflicting objectives of their job. The tool alsomitigated the primary contradiction within the tools (Sec-tion 4.1.2). While the SIEM used by the SOC (considereda must-have due to “best practice”) was not up to the task,the incident response portal bridged this gap by introduc-ing some real value (helping analysts in their job) into theSOC’s tool box.

We continued to conduct template analysis on the field notesto revisit all the cases when we built tools for SOCs. Everyone of them confirmed to us that the reason the tools webuilt were adopted by a SOC and became useful wasbecause they all helped resolve some contradictionsin the SOC. They will keep being useful and used bythe SOC as long as we continue updating the toolto resolve new contradictions as they emerge (in-cluding contradictions that emerge in part due tothe tool itself). If we stop the process of identify-ing/resolving contradictions, the tool will stop beingused in the SOC.

After combing through all the success and failure storiesof our tools in the SOCs we studied, we further realizedthat the process of resolving contradictions in a SOC canbe placed in the proper perspective by looking at anotherimportant aspect of activity theory – the dynamic nature ofactivity.

5.1 Human Activity DynamicsHumans performing an activity operate at multiple cognitivelevels in achieving their objective. We use an example by

Figure 3: Pentagon Model for Knowledge Transformation

Kaptelinin et al. to give further insight into this hierarchy ofactivity [17]. The example sheds light on the non-stationarynature of the hierarchy, i.e., the hierarchy evolves over timeand the importance of specific actions shifts. Consider theactivity of learning to drive a car. For the first few days, thelearner consciously performs tasks such as changing lanes,looking in the mirrors, and shifting gears. Each of these inAT terms is called an action. Broadly, human tasks that re-quire explicit attention are categorized as actions. The highlevel of cognitive effort required by each activity prevents thelearner from multitasking during the learning period. Withpractice and continued instruction, the actions become sec-ond nature and can be performed subconsciously. At thispoint, they become internalized and are now called opera-tions. The cognitive effort needed to perform operations isalmost negligible, thereby enabling multitasking. The abil-ity to perform operations persists even after years of non use.One never forgets how to ride a bicycle1. We refer interestedreader to a more detailed discussion in Appendix B.

We now look at the process that we carried out when turn-ing some of the contradictions in security operations intoinnovations, through the lens of the hierarchical model ofhuman activities.

5.2 Activity in Security OperationsWe found the action-operation dynamics to be applicable totasks performed by security analysts. Steps such as log anal-ysis, filing incident tickets, and communicating with stake-holders, when performed consciously by an analyst can becategorized as actions. After repeated applications thesesteps can be internalized within an analyst and be per-formed with very minimal cognitive effort, at which timethey become operations. Our template analysis revealedthat the action-operation transition in SOCs involves someinteresting aspects of knowledge transformation. Specifi-cally, our analysis identified three additional stagesin this transition that are not present in the tra-ditional AT literature. Figure 3 shows what we call thepentagon model for knowledge transformation in SOCs. Thefive stages of activity repeat as a cycle; each stage is de-scribed below.

Acting Analysts in the acting stage are handling a new se-

1There is a neurological explanation for this. See http://www.abdn.ac.uk/news/3275/.


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curity incident, e.g., a zero day or previously unidenti-fied incident. A new incident does not have an SOP orother written procedures for its handling. As a result,the analysts have to consciously perform each step ofthe investigation. This stage requires a creative mind-set and demands a high cognitive effort from analysts.

Proceduralizing Once analysts understand the incident,they develop a procedure for handling similar inci-dents. Documentation needs to be written describingthe procedure. This ensures that other team mem-bers are aware of the new incident handling processand preserves the knowledge. This is one of the newlyidentified stages of the activity hierarchy. Because doc-umenting the procedure usually requires multiple iter-ations and is a cognitive activity distinct from handlingthe original incident, it deserves its own place in thehierarchy.

Operating The operating stage occurs when the proce-dure for handling the new incident is mature and pre-dictable enough for the analyst to perform it subcon-sciously. There is a self-contradictory nature to thisstage. On the one hand, the cognitive effort needed toperform the procedure has become minimal or nonexis-tent. On the other hand, when the analysts are in therepetitive operating mode (for periods of days) theydo nothing creative. This can lead to severe problemssuch as burnout [25] and partially explains the highturnover rate among SOC analysts, unless a separateset of people with suitable personalities are tasked withthis job.

Reflecting This is the second of the three new stages ofthe SOC activity we identified. Reflection is a processwhereby analysts identify aspects of the operationaltasks that have become repetitive and require little orno cognitive effort. These are candidates for automa-tion or for delegating to a lesser skilled organization.In a highly efficient SOC, this is performed as oftenas once a month. We have observed operational en-vironments where no reflection takes place. Analystburnout and a high turnover are more common in theseenvironments.

Scripting In the scripting stage analysts, either themselvesor by working with a development team, automate as-pects of incident handling that have been identifiedas candidates for automation in the reflection process.Usually these are scripts written in rapid developmentlanguages such as Python or Ruby. However, imple-mentation can also be done via long-term developmen-tal efforts using web frameworks or coding in a lowerlevel language. This is the third new stage we identi-fied in the SOC activity.

5.3 Automation and Conflict Resolution Re-visitedEvery new analytical task starts being performed consciouslyby an analyst (acting). The task then, after some stabiliza-tion, is documented as an SOP (proceduralizing). The stabi-lized task is eventually internalized by analysts (operating).Most SOC managers and analysts stop at this stage. As ex-plained in the previous sections, this will result in primary

and secondary contradictions within and between analysts,their tools, and SOPs, leading to frustration and burnout.Let’s look back at the contradictions we saw in the inci-dent response portal story. The analysts got frustrated andburned out because they were stuck in the operation stageand did not have any time to think about new threats andproblems. Automation of the repetitive operations resolvedthis contradiction and allowed the analysts to move from theoperation stage to the acting stage. This also allowed for theanalysts to be more prepared to deal with new threats.

Unfortunately, our fieldwork finds that the process of in-cremental automation in SOCs is predominantly reactive.Scripts are written only in response to high workload, suchas when the volume of an alert stream is too high. We pro-pose that senior analysts and managers should conduct peri-odic reviews of analytical tasks and identify those that havebeen operationalized within the analysts. In other words,the review should focus on identifying aspects of SOPs thathave become cognitively repetitive for the analysts. Thosetasks could then be automated proactively by either the ana-lysts or software developers with the requirements providedby the analysts. Our incident response portal is an outcomeof such a process. Tools created this way will fit well withinthe cognitive analytical process of analysts and free them toperform more creative tasks.

The pentagon model is also well aligned with the natureof detecting and responding to cyber threats. The varietyof security threats evolve rapidly these days demanding cre-ative analysis. Analysts must remain in the conscious actingstage as much as possible to be effective. Tools developedfollowing the pentagon model are not static. The constraintsthat determined the requirements of the tool might changecreating new conflicts. This will first push the tasks back tothe acting stage demanding manual intervention by analystsand developers. Using the co-creation process, the tool canbe adapted to resolve the new conflicts by going through thereflecting and scripting stage again.

Implications of Pentagon Model for Analyst BurnoutThe net effect of the cycle in the pentagon model is to recog-nize that a new incident serves as a potential harbinger for aflood of similar incidents to come. Converting its mitigationfrom a challenging cognitive task to something that can beoffloaded or automated, frees the more capable analysts tomeet the next challenge. Thus the cycle repeats. There isanother potential problem that we identified in the model –the rate of transition from the scripting to the acting stages.If the arrival rate of new incidents exceeds the rate of thecycle time in the model, burnout may occur despite the cog-nitive challenges, due to the lack of time to automate theoperation. If the arrival rate of new incidents is much lowerthan the rate of the cycle time, burnout may be supplantedby boredom which also leads to a high turnover.

6. TOOLS AND BEYONDThe incident response portal was part of a broader work-flow innovation process. The tool would have no meaning ifone removed the objective the SOC wanted to attain usingthat tool. The SOC wanted to implement a hierarchy in theoperational workflow. Its staff is composed of highly skilledanalysts but a small team. They wanted their job to be-


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come investigating novel incidents and devising mitigationplans to deal with similar events in the future. They couldthen write down an SOP document listing out the stepsthat should be taken to respond to each of the novel inci-dents. Once the response steps have become stable enoughand highly repetitive, they can then transfer it to teamscomposed of less skilled analysts such as the Network Op-erations Center (NOC). This ideal did not happen until ourfieldworkers helped the SOC identify and resolve a numberof contradictions in their workflows by building the incidentresponse portal.

It is within this background that the development and de-ployment of operational tools must be viewed. Hence it isappropriate to say that resolving contradictions is a prereq-uisite for not just developing successful operational tools,but to implement any novel idea in SOCs. And due to thecomplex activity system in which tools and new ideas aredeployed, they must be continually updated and re-adaptedto address new and emergent contradictions, some of whichare created by the innovation itself.

6.1 Conflict Resolution is a Sensitive ProcessIdentifying and turning contradictions into useful innova-tions is a challenging task. The chance of a contradictionbecoming a useful workflow improvement depends largely onfirst acknowledging the contradiction [23]. Many contradic-tions go unnoticed due to a variety of factors including lackof management support or denial by those affected. Dur-ing the fieldwork we observed many contradictions that werenever spoken of by L-1 analysts fearing repercussions. It hasbeen observed that turning a contradiction into an innova-tion does not happen only at an individual level. A collec-tive effort by the community is needed and tools used by thecommunity may need to be transformed together to enablethe innovation [29]. The incident response portal requiredcollaborative effort from the analysts and fieldworkers whoacted as analyst/developer. The tool’s development requiredthe approval of the SOC manager who allowed the analyststo spend their work time in the co-creation process. Dueto different roles and objectives within the activity system,it may be difficult to achieve sufficient consensus around aninnovation. Sometimes contradictions are not openly dis-cussed because they are just embarrassing [8]. SOC analystsfrequently encounter security breaches; discussing the prob-lems in handling security incidents with other people willput them in a bad light.

In our work, the use of anthropological methods helped usearn the trust of analysts in discussing embarrassing or oth-erwise undiscussable contradictions. We worked as analystsourselves and hence were able to experience the contradic-tions first hand. It becomes clear that building trustamong analysts and between various SOC teams isa key enabler for acknowledging and discussing con-tradictions, and is thus a pre-requisite for bring-ing about useful innovations to SOCs. SOC managersmust view friction in operations as opportunities for makingthings better rather than simply reprimanding the analysts.Above all, managers should earn the trust of their analystsand be a participant in the conflict resolution process asthey are the authoritative persons to bring actual changesto operations.

6.2 Conflict Resolution is a Continuous ProcessAs mentioned in Section 2.4, we returned to the SOC wherethe incident response portal was deployed after a brief hia-tus of a few months. To our surprise we found that ourtool was shelved and not used by SOC or the NOC staff.As we renewed our fieldwork, which involved continued co-creation, our tool once again was adopted into daily opera-tions by the analysts. Reflecting back on this experience, ourincident response portal was temporarily out of operationsdue to the hiatus in conflict resolution when the fieldwork-ers were absent in the SOC. This led us to the realizationthat successful tools must address contradictions on acontinuous basis for their continued usefulness. Thisexplains why the SIEM solution at this SOC (and at otherSOCs we studied), which was essentially a static tool, wasbarely functional. In short, human activity is a dynamicsystem. If a tool is to be and remain effective, it must alsobe dynamic.

7. DISCUSSIONOur conclusion that useful tools for SOCs must help resolvethe various contradictions in the work environment on a con-tinuous basis seems to be at odds with how security productvendors produce technologies these days. Many vendors stillview this as a “build-once-sell-to-everyone” market, withoutmuch understanding of the variations in the workflows andcontradictions that may arise within the various SOCs theytend to sell the products to. Our research results imply thattools built this way will not work effectively to help SOCanalysts. It seems to follow that useful security tools forSOCs may best be built within SOCs, by people who canidentify and understand the contradictions within the workenvironments. Our experience in the anthropological studyshows that to achieve this understanding, it takes a personbecoming an analyst and doing the job in the SOC.

Our pentagon model highlights the importance of the “re-flecting” and “scripting” stages in SOCs. Unfortunately of-tentimes SOC management does not understand the impor-tance of automation and does not allocate enough work forceto ensure analysts have time to perform reflection and au-tomation. As a result the analysts are stuck in operationmode, leading to burnout. On the other hand, when theevent rate is low, simulation-based approaches could be usedto generate events that turn analysts to the acting modewhen there are not enough real interesting events.

The ability of analysts to transition to acting stage in thepentagon model depends on their skill set to do rapid soft-ware prototyping. In our work the student fieldworkers wereskilled programmers, and at the same time security analysts.This allowed them to develop tools that automate the op-erations. We found that a typical analyst has two problemswhen it comes to developing quality tools. The first issuearises from a lack of time to write code. In operations, prior-ity is given to handling incidents and responding to tickets.A large number of events per analyst means that analystsdo not get the right amount of time to write software, andare not even encouraged to do so. The second issue is thatsome analysts just do not have the skills to program. Asdiscussed above, good tools can be written only when youactually do the job. This implies that the analysts may bethe right people to develop the required tools, which begs


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the question of whether programming ability should be adesired qualification for SOC analysts.

8. LIMITATIONSThe main limitation of our work is the subjectivity of the re-searchers in collecting and analyzing fieldwork data. To ad-dress this limitation the collected data was anonymized andshared with the entire research team and extensively dis-cussed. The results presented here are based on our collec-tive study of four different SOCs by five student fieldworkersand a number of senior researchers. We acknowledge that inorder to further generalize the findings we need to expandour study to even more SOCs. However it is also impor-tant to point out that in our experience thus far SOCs canbe very different and overall generalization may be unwar-ranted and misguided. It might instead be fruitful to pursuea more particularist approach, in which each SOC is studiedwithin its own terms and in an effort to understand its owntensions and contradictions. In this regard, the generaliz-able aspect of our work is the approach in the work. Afterfurther study of more SOCs it may become apparent thatthe primary and secondary contradictions identified here areevident in all SOCs. Or further study of several SOCs mighteventually result in the creation of a typology that can iden-tify different types of SOCs with different sets of tensionsand contradictions. Furthermore, we hope to expand ouranalysis to explore tertiary and quaternary contradictions –contradictions between different activity systems and busi-ness units within broader organizations. This is an ongo-ing effort and we hope to conduct similar studies to gathermore insights. Notwithstanding these limitations, we wouldlike to emphasize that conducting long-term anthropologicalstudy for SOCs is a process that yields perspectives that areotherwise unobtainable.

9. RELATED WORKThe use of anthropological methods to study SOCs and theidea of co-creation as a means to develop usable operationaltools was first reported by us in our prior work [26]. Contin-uing our anthropological study, we then studied the problemof burnout among security analysts [25]. The work identi-fied multiple vicious cycles between a number of human,organizational, and technological factors to be the primaryreasons for burnout and high turnover of analysts in SOCs.The work presented in this paper uncovered a more funda-mental principle when it comes to understanding SOC workefficiency and tool building. We present an activity theorymodel to explain the burnout and tool building in SOCs,yielding insights that were not obtained in our prior work.

There have been prior efforts in studying security operationsmainly focused on tool development. Jaferian et al. [16]used activity theory to model challenges in reviewing ac-cess control policies in organizations. They design a toolthat enables easy decision making for access control. Othersused interviews and focused on providing guidelines for de-veloping operational tools [5, 15, 27]. There have also beenresearch efforts focused on understanding human, organi-zational, social, and other factors such as communicationin the context of security operations [4, 30, 31, 32]. Themain limiting factors of these prior works is the limited time

spent in SOCs. From our own experience, it takes time togain the trust of analysts and their management which iskey to understanding the real problems causing inefficiencyin security operations. We earned the trust of analysts byworking alongside with them. We spent between 6 monthsand a few years in each of the SOCs, enabling us to under-stand problems as they evolved over a longer period of time.We believe that the insights we obtained are much deeperthan if we had used short term methods such as interviewsand questionnaires.

10. CONCLUSIONIn this paper we present an activity theory (AT) model toexplain the inefficiency in security operation centers (SOCs)and how tool building can help bring useful innovations. Weanalyzed field notes from our 3.5 year long anthropologicalstudy of four academic and corporate SOCs. The analy-sis revealed a number of primary and secondary contradic-tions in operational environments that manifest as conflicts.A concrete list of contradictions is presented by modelingSOC operations within the AT framework. Success or failureof technology solutions to improve SOC efficiency dependson acknowledging and mitigating these contradictions. Bystudying the resolved conflicts we understand why our toolswere adopted into operations and became successful. Withthe reason in hand it becomes possible to reproduce it tosolve similar other problems for SOCs. We further foundthat for a tool to be useful and usable in an operations floorit has to constantly resolve new conflicts that emerge. Weleverage the hierarchical structure of human activities pro-posed in AT and extend it to a Pentagon Model for knowl-edge generation and transformation in SOCs. This modelcan be used by SOC managers and developers to identifytasks that could be automated periodically, resolving contra-dictions and improving SOC efficiency. Finally, the frame-work presented in this paper can be used to not just buildtools, but for other positive changes that improve analysts’efficiency in general.

11. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for the con-structive comments that helped us in revising the paper, andAllison Woodruff for shepherding our paper. We thank thefour SOCs who opened their doors for this research, and theanalysts who worked together with us. This research is sup-ported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under GrantNo. 1314925. It is also partially supported by the Depart-ment of Homeland Security Science and Technology Direc-torate through DHS S&T/HSARPA/CSD BAA 11-02 andthe Air Force Research Laboratory, Information Directorateunder agreement number FA8750-12-2-0258. Any opinions,findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the sponsors.


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Table 1: Snapshot of Initial Template after Coding a Subset of Data

Theme Sub-themes ExamplesPrimary contradiction Subject Metrics define the job.

Secondary contradiction

Subject - RulesHinders creativity.Unreasonable.

Subject - Instrument

Poor attribution.Lack of customization.Lack of analyst perspective.Wrong assumptions.Long tuning process.Lack of visibility into tool functionality.High learning curve.Poor documentation.

Subject - CommunityMisaligned priorities.Pushback.

Division of labor - ObjectInflexible role assignments.Lack of peer visibility.

B. HIERARCHICAL NATURE OF ACTIVITYAccording to AT, human activity can be organized into a hierarchy of levels. This idea is often illustrated using a classicalexample from Leont’ev [21]. He differentiates between two different types of objects that come into play when people areengaged in socially distributed activities. Usually there is a motivating object that inspires the people to perform a particularactivity and there is a directing object that is more immediate and guides them towards the motivating object. He explainsthis distinction using the example of hunting. When hunting together, people are divided into two groups: one that scares theanimals by beating the bushes. These are called the beaters. The other group, called the ambushers (or shooters in currentterminology) waits for the scared animals to come towards them so they can kill them. The original motivating object forthe collective activity was food. An outsider positioned to examine only the activities of one group would find them difficultto fathom. The game is often well in advance of the beaters and might not be visible to an observer following them. Theambushers appear to be waiting idly, as they must be in position before the beaters start their drive. It is only when theobserver discerns the relationship between the two groups that the hunt becomes apparent.

Figure 4: Activity Hierarchy

Figure 4 shows three levels in the hierarchy of human activity [17]. This abstraction can be adapted to fit any context. Atthe top level is the activity itself which is guided by the motive. The activity is broken down into sub-units called actions.The actions are motivated by goals that, seen in isolation, may appear to have nothing to do with the overall motive of theactivity e.g., the action of beaters may appear to have nothing to do with the overall motive of hunting. Each action is thendecomposed into further smaller units called operations. Operations are in fact actions that have been customized to theenvironment under which they are carried out. The distinction between an action and an operation is that one may be awareof the fact that they are performing an action while an operation is a subconscious routinized task.