Turkey childcare 2

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Turkey childcare 2

Childcare in Turkey


An overview of Turkey

Types of childcare systems

History of the childcare system

Underlying philosophy


Training and roles of the childcare workers/ECE

Overview of Turkey

Located in Western Asia and in east Thrace in southern Europe

Climate – hot dry summers with mild wet winters

Capital – Ankara

Official Language is Turkish

Ethnic makeup – Turkish 80% and Kurdish 20%

Population in Turkey

Turkey has a population of 72 million

According to estimations, it will be about 82 million by year 2015

Turkish Phrases

Hello merhaba

Good morning gunaydun

Good evening iyi akshamlar

Good night iyi gejeler

Types of Childcare



Kindergarten Pre


Formal and Non-formal Formal education is the regular education for individuals in a certain age group and given in schools

Pre-Primary education is an optional education for children between 3-5 years of age who are under the age of compulsory primary education.

Ministry of National Education is responsible for the child care system

First regulations were set for ECE services in Turkey

Minstry of education gradually devlop and was reconized by the law


Increase in number of children benfiriting from ECE services and iin public preschools

Increase in number of chilreadn recieiving ECE services


Importance of ECE were known and being disvloped in programs

1990s 1960 1933 1915

History of Childcare 1977 Growth in the number of public nursery opening which increase the ages of the primary education

Minstry of Education gradually devloped and was recongnized with the law

Establishment of the nursery rooms and creches at workplaces

Childcare is not just the responsibility of women and employers; but also the local governments


Government was planning to have the having nursery rooms and childcare facilities throughout the country


Employers are supposed to open a nursery for their workplace

Female unemployment is still high in Turkey

2012 2006 2000 1933

History of Childcare

Availability and Accessibility Childcare and child rearing duties are duties expected to be done mainly by women

Children are traditionally cared for by elderly relatives

Childcare is available privately – not free

There is no available subsidy

Fees must be paid in full

Not all of turkey has access to quality childcare but it is being worked on

Children living in remote rural and urban slum areas of turkey have low access to quality daycare services

Access to daycare services needs to be increased

The current existing capacities are not adequate for providing access to quality day care services for children under 6

There is a project underway that is aimed at providing day care services to children living under disadvantage conditions

This project will increase mothers in the workforce would mean an increase of childcare centers

Underlying Philosophy


The goal of Pre-Primary education in Turkey is to

structure it’s curriculum around 5 domains of development.



Good Habits


According to National Education law in Turkey Pre-Primary education is there to create a common atmosphere of growth regardless of income or environment

To ensure Turkish is spoken correct and well

Pre-Primary education in Turkey Begins at birth and ends at the age of 6

Pre-Primary education is not compulsory

Training and Role of an ECE in Turkey

- TED (Turkish Education Association) University founded in October 31st 1928, offers an 8 semester ECE program where students must take Math, Life Science, Turkish, History of the Turkish Republic, English for Academic Purposes, Intro to ECE, Psychology, Natural Sciences, Philosophy and Ethics, Visual Arts, Children's Literature, School Family and Society, Child Development, Children Health and Safety, Children Play and learning, Language development etc.

- Students must have experience working with children and references

- Must have a high school diploma or equivalent

Training and Role of an ECE in Turkey cont.

- A 4 year program that includes 138+ credits and requires completion of 16-20 credits each semester

- Students are given the opportunity to actively participate in the teaching and learning process

- The clinical practice increases gradually each year and the last year is primarily dedicated to student teaching and capstone experiences

- The program works closely with the public elementary schools and independent public kindergarten programs

- As the programs continue it is hoped that students are trained are researchers and scholars


To provide a healthy, safe, and physical learning environment

Observe, monitor and assess the children

Communicate with the children’s parents

