Tugabikers Magazine - English Version

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Tugabikers Magazine 1 Anniversary

Transcript of Tugabikers Magazine - English Version

Driven by passion

Miguel Flores - The Editor

Miguel Flores

A year on. Seven digi-

tal issues, and a video

and a visit to TT. I

don’t think I could ask

for anything more!

Words cannot quite

describe the full TT

experience, but we

will try over the next

few pages to give you

a flavour what it’s all

about. Read on!

EDITORMIguEl FlOREs[mIfloReS@Iol.pT]




PERMANENT sTAFFTIAgo lopeSnuno CAeTAnoCéSAR CoRIolAnomAfAldA mAgAlhãeS





PROPERTYWWW.TugAbIkeRS.Com by mIguel floReS


TugAbIkeRS mAgAzIne IS A noT foR pRofIT enTeRpRISe CReATed And mAInTAIned by fAnS of TWo Whe-elS To pRomoTe moToRCyClIng.

© 2009-2010 - All RIgHTs REsERVED.



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Driven by passion



tt - islE of Man ( firt Part)

EntrEviEw with Marta figuEira- against all odds

Estoril ii

EntrEviEw with PEdro Martinho

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N# 07 - 2010

1º annivErsary (tugabikErs MagazinE)

braga i

sniPEr shots sPEcial (braga i)

EntrEviEw with ricardo & rutE santiago

tt - islE of Man ( sEcond Part)

friEnds at islE of Man













#30 - Braga I

#04 - TT / Isle Of Man#12 - Entreview Marta

#24 - Pedro Martinho #38 - Entreview Ricardo & Rute


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going: surreal! We could literally hear the engines for a good 2 miles before finally getting a brief glimpse of bike and rider storming past at barely believable speeds. The buzz stayed with us well into the night.

Day 2 – June 2nd 2010early start. got to the pad-dock area at around 10.00am

and another surprise. The atmo-sphere. It’s as chilled out we’ve ever seen. entire families walked casually amongst riders, bikes, marshals and the like. Our fist mission of the day was to find our very own Luis Carreira which would be making his second appearance at the Isle, after a very encouraging participation in 2009 which left him with the 5th best rookie lap time … ever! luis as always was flying the flag for the Suzuki Benimoto Cetelem effort. After getting the low down on the prior evening’s practice session, we joined mac’s other broth-er – derek – and his friend Juan who

with shorts and t-shirt! greetings dealt with we rushed to the car and drove to the circuit (if that’s the correct expression to describe a 37 plus mile loop around the isle’s public roads!). That day’s practice was starting promptly at 18.00pm and the roads would be closed by no later than 17.00pm. no time to waste then! on the way we learned to our surprise that both mac and his broth-er Stuart were track marshals at the TT. We decided to hang with them at their post in union mills. only one word can describe the experience of seeing how fast the bikes where

the world famous TT! our host on the Isle – mac – was

there to greet us – the only two passengers coming off the plane

(First part)Text: Tiago Lopes Photos: Miguel Flores

the Isle at 16.30pm. It took us a while to come to grips with the fact that we were finally at

Day 1. June 1st 2010.We landed on

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took us out on a tour of the island and some of its best photo opp spots. As the evening set we were set and ready on the northern part of the island for the day’s practice session which unfortu-nately was delayed due to an incident with a sidecar, leaving very little light to photograph the restart. We were once again amazed at the sheer speed of the bikes and how long the riders went with the throttle complete-ly pinned. It was also interesting to see the

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interest that luis Carreira generates on the island with a number of locals systematically probing us for the latest on his prog-ress. luis ended the ses-sion with the 16ht best time of the day, a mere 6 sec-onds off his previous best from last year.

Day 3 – June 3rd 2010Third day on the

island and a very gratifying experience for miguel. luis took him out for a (quasi) full lap of the circuit on a scooter. I stayed behind in the paddock, shooting away. Someone had to do the job! Roughly one hour later they came back. miguel could barely believe luis’s account of how certain sections were taken. even on the scooter the bumps were notorious, let alone on a superbike on

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full throttle! The conversa-tion carried on for a while and eventually we went with luis to check on his tires for that day’s session. At around 17.00 we took off again to join derek and Juan on track, this time in a section where the riders went past at over 200kms/125mph lifting the front wheel every time they hit one of the many bumps on the road. even though it was already our third day on the Isle we still sighed of relief every time the

front wheels made it back to the ground safely! As soon the practice session ended we rushed back to check how luis had done. The answer was that he had done very well clock-ing the sessions’ 13th best time with a lap of 18.38,59s a mere few seconds off his previous best and as regular as ever.

Day 4 – June 4th 2010last day of prac-

tice dawned and this time




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we decided to separate: while miguel went with derek and Juan to the roads, I stayed back in the paddock to record the action. This was last prac-tice and basically would dictate the starting order on race day. The tension was obviously mounting and the frenzy enormous as all riders made sure they got plenty of practice in as the following day they would have to go out for their first test: the pokerStars Super-bike TT. Luis confirmed is excellent momentum by running consistently at the his best pace from previous sessions despite not being completely satisfied with his bike’s setup. his best time on this session of 18.40,73 s gave him 20th position but his qualifying fell back to his

practice best of 18.38,53 which was good for 29th on the starting grid and the only Superstock machine in top 30.

Day 5 – June 5th 2010The first day

of racing. The sun shone and conditions were good as the bikes started to go out on track one by one. luis’ starting position gave him the extra work of having to deal with possible slower

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riders up ahead. nonethe-less he took off strong and by the first pit stop on lap 2 was already 27th beating his personal record of 18.25,60. next lap saw him back on 29th but he attacked again on lap 4 to a personal best time of 18.20,05 s. final passage and a new person-al best of 18.18,50 good for p21 on the race and p18 on the fastest lap count. unfor-tunately the portuguese rider had to endure a 10s penalty for speeding in the pit lane which cost him one position but still a very creditable p22 was already on the board.The race itself was very intense race and the pace up front truly frantic and more akin to closed circuit racing than the open roads! Ian hutchinson was the winner, after local rider Connor Cummins (who led the first part of the race with

night out even de-spite the somewhat

local “attractions” (surely he must already been missing our more national product). It turned out to be a great

on live music and the cursory food drink stands. our photographer was the only one unim-pressed by the

this time of year – the prom-enade – where the organizers had put

two 17.20s laps) dropped out with bike problems. later on miguel and I were invited by Stuart and Janet to go to the isle’s busiest street at

continued in page 44

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Marta Sofia Martins Salgueiro Figuei-ra, 34 years old and resident of Rio de Mouro. Watched her first MOV race in 2009 and has been a marshal pretty much since then. We went to find out what makes her tick...Text: Bruno Brito Photos: Miguel Flores

T UGABIKERS: How did you first get interested in motorbikes?Marta: my husband got me into them. he was the one that insisted I join him at the races and that’s’ effectively when the bug bit

TUGABIKERS: When did you decide to become a marshal?Marta: I knew from that very first race I attended that this was something I wanted to get more involved with. becoming a marshal was a natural option.

TUGABIKERS: You are also married to a marshal. Which one is more diffi-cult to deal with? Rodrigo the marshal or Rodrigo the husband?Marta: We make sure we never get stationed on the same post when marshalling. So I would have to say then he gives me no trouble at all! That leaves only Ro-drigo the husband to be more difficult to deal with.

TUGABIKERS: As a marshal what do you think your first priority should be?Marta: Safety comes always first.

TUGABIKERS: Do you think marshals get full credit for the invaluable service they provide on & off the track?Marta: That really depends from race to race as well as event organizer to event

Marta FigueiraAGAINST


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Marta: : Internationally I really do not have a preference. nationally my favourite rider is a gentleman that goes by the name of “massa”.

TUGABIKERS: Any final thoughts you’d like to share?Marta: : I am very proud of being a member of this big family that is motor Clube do estoril. Thanks to all there for their support and affection and also a big thank you to Tugabikers for contributing to getting our sport known.

TUGABIKERS: Thank you very much. Last question. How would you sum up your experience as a marshal?Marta: Fabulous!

organizer. on the whole though I do like to think that there is an increasing acknowledgement of marshals and their work.

TUGABIKERS: Do you feel track marshalling to be a male dominated activity? Do female mar-shals have a harder time?Marta: At motor Clube do estoril there is absolutely no distinction between make and female marshals. We are all the same team.

TUGABIKERS: Who are your national and international motorcycling heroes?

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Nelson Rosa - stocksport 1000

Estoril welcomed another champi-onship race on the 29th and 30th of May. Great show with some sur-prises on the sharp end of the field. Photos: Miguel Flores

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Miguel Moreira - stocksport 1000

Ricardo BorgesPromomoto 600

José leitestocksport 1000

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Pedro Monteirostocksport 1000

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Miguel Oliveira - stocksport 600

sérgio MoreiraMiguel Vilares

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Pedro FloresPromomoto 1000

Daniel Café - Promomoto 1000

sérgio MoreiraRicardo lourenço

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Nuno Cachada - stocksport 1000

Amarilio - stocksport 600


sandro Carvalho - Promomoto 1000

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luis Carreira - stocksport 1000

sandro Carvalho - Promomoto 1000

sérgio Moreira - Promomoto 600

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PEDROMARTINHOPedro Alexandre Martinho, has a great passion for mo-torbikes. Now 36 and residing in the Sintra Pedro spoke to Tugabikers, about his experience on track and the sacrifices that go into keeping his passion for motorbikes alive. Text: Bruno Brito Photos: Miguel Flores

Tugabikers: Hello Pedro How did your get into motorbikes? Pedro: I really do not know, I think that people are born with something

that draws them in. I remember when I was very little feeling something whenever I saw a motorcycle, an attraction so to speak. eventu-ally a friend of mine bought one (a dT50mX) and then I learned to ride. I decided that one day I had to have one no matter what.

Tugabikers: How is a day in the life of Pedro? Pedro: most of the time I spend at work because I have my own business and it takes up a lot of my time. A normal weekday sees me running around all day and getting home just in time for dinner. If I don’t go out, then I’ ll watch a bit of TV and log on to Tugabikers. Sunday is my rest day. If the weather is good I’ll take out my motorcycle for a spin.

Tugabikers: Normal question. First bike?Pedro: The inescapable yamaha dT50lC, then a dTR125, a hornet 600 and finally an R1.

Tugabikers: How was the first adven-ture on the track? Pedro: Very good. I’d been road riding for quite a while, but riding on track is a completely

different experience. I got hooked and ended up doing 6 other Td’s in the next 6 months!

Tugabikers: What got you o to track days (TD’s) in the first place?

Pedro: I

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was basically looking to evolve as a rider whilst having fun. That was the natural option.

Tugabikers: Do you think track days are safe?Pedro: no doubt. much safer than riding on the road.

Tugabikers: How would you describe the atmosphere at an average Track day?Pedro: Very good. Anyone who enjoys bikes will find the atmosphere very friendly and welcoming. If it was up to me I would do a track day every week!

Tugabikers: Have you ever taken part in an advanced riding course (ADC)?Pedro: Yes indeed. In July 2009 went on one organized by Action Team at the AIA in portimão. Tugabikers: Given the choice what would you prefer? A Track Day or an ADC ?Pedro: : both have their pro’s and con’s but I tend to prefer the generally less

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structured environment of a Td.Tugabikers: TWe know a lot of people that after going on a track never make it back to the roads. Is this your case?Pedro: not really. I did start riding less on the road as a consequence, but still do. Actually have a trip to the Isle of man pencilled in for 2011 or 2012 (or both!) and would not give up my usual Sunday rides! key thing here is also the fact that to go on track one has to make significant alterations to the bikes that essentially make it not roadworthy, so that its difficult to tip toe between road & track.Tugabikers: Have you ever considered racing?pedro: I sure have but there is one immediate stumbling block: funding! Also I don’t think I am already at racing levels in terms of my riding.

Tugabikers: was the rider that most influenced you over the years?pedro: mick doohan. It took a lot of courage, determination and personal sacrifice to come back from his horrendous 1992 crash.

Tugabikers: What do you think of Portuguese race tracks?pedro: I think that we have good quality circuits in portugal. The quantity though is lacking (only 3).

personally I quite like estoril and love the AIA at portimao (have never ridden braga). I think estoril is a bit easier to start at than portimao which I consider a lot more demanding in terms of layout.

Tugabikers: What do you think we need to get more people on to the track?pedro: Costs need to come down. The average track day is fairly expensive and competition even more...

Tugabikers: What’s your view of the national championships?pedro: given the dearth of quality specialized press in portugal (Tugabikers excluded!) they are not easy to follow. I do think that we need new blood to ensure closer, more exciting racing.

Tugabikers: Can you offer any advice for someone taking their first steps on track?pedro: Very limited. Any advice for me?

Tugabikers: final thoughts?pedro: Just a special thanks to Tugabikers and all the team for the good work they’ve been doing over the years in publicizing the sport we all love. keep it up.

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one year. An idea that came alive on the 10th of June 2009 at 23.45 when the first edition of the Tuga-bikers magazine saw the light of day! every issue since then has been a challenge for me as I tried (and hopefully succeeded) in giving the increasing quality of our photos a good graphic home. All this work would not have been possible without my good friend miguel flores and is passion for both motorcycling and photography which are at the very core of this whole project. Credit also to my good friends Cesar and mafalda that made this such a special project to be involved in and that always pushed us do more and better. The arrival of Tiago “Sansao” Lopes gave the final finishing touch to the lien up with words now also making our pages come alive. Thank you all.


How time flies! I can still see myself preparing issue #1 and are here we are at issue #7! None of this would have been possible were it not for the enthusiasm and commit-ment of bruno “Rider” brito, and the help of Tiago, Cesar and mafalda. The end product has been improving issue by issue with your constructive comments as our gui-ding light. Through this magazine we have been able to shine some light on the “rank-and-file” that makes up our sport and typically falls under the radar of our so called specialized press. our democratic pages have space for every rider and we hope to be that way contributing towards the growth of track and racing on our shores. once again full credit to bruno for all the graphic work and … let’s get another year under our belt!

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Tugabikers started as a venue for miguel flores to document and showcase his ever growing passions for motorcycling & photography. The project took off exactly at 22.51hs on the 27th may 2008. presently dozens of two wheeled fans follow the largest forum devoted to competitive motorcycling in por-tugal on both road and off. When bruno joined Tugabikers evolved into a magazine, the only such online project on the scene. A year and 7 issues on there are those who start clamouring for it to go into print.... but that’s another story! bruno’s design work and miguel s photos are fantastic proving that when something is done with passion the result can only shine. mafalda is our cornerstone and also deserves a special thanks. It’s an honour to be part of this project.

one year of work, one year of success. This is surely the first of many anniversaries. Everyone involved should congratulate themselves.Tugabikers magazine is now by far the biggest voice of the motosport/moV, but its sights extend also beyond racing, into the realm of the whole track scene in portugal. It’s no doubt a praisewor-thy and innovative project and a year of quality product. magazine design does more than jus-tice to the excellent photo work and general content which is interesting, varied and fun. I was pleasantly surprised with each and every issue! I wish Tugabikers a rosy future of further evolution and hope that one day I can see it on the news stands.




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Mário Alves - Promomoto 1000


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Mário Alves - Promomoto 1000

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Francisco Castro- Promomoto 600

luis Tuning- Promomoto 600Ruben Nogueira- stocksport 600

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Miguel Vilares- stocksport 600

José silva- Promomoto 1000

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Fernando Costa - stpcksport 600

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Tiago Ferreira - Promomoto 600

Tania- Promomoto 600

luis Carreira - stocksport 1000Nuno Nogueira - Promomoto 1000

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by Miguel Florestugabikers magazine / Page 37

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Name: Ricardo Jorge C. Santiago

Age: 31 anos

Location: Costa de Caparica

Hobbies: Motorcycling, Net & exercising

Job: Senior Admin

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Ricardo and Rute Santiago, are a true example that racing in the Motosport Vodafone series in Portugal is truly a family affair. Whilst Ricardo defends number 127 on the Promocup 600 class wife Rute Santiago is the team leader manager Tugabikers went to speak with the affectionately named “Ribentas “ couple to discover a little of both ...

Text: Bruno Brito Photos: Miguel Flores

Tugabikers: Hello Ricardo, How did you get into motorbikes? Ricardo: from very early on. I was born with the poison in my blood!

Tugabikers: Hello Rute, we know that your passion for motorcycles came long before you met Ricardo, when did this happen? Rute: I liked motorcycles from a very young age. When I 13 years my parents gave me my first bike as a Christ-mas gift, a pink yAmAhA dT50 lC (pink) (laughs) .

Tugabikers: How is a day in the life of Ricardo? Ricardo: Simple. (laughs) I wake up around 6:30 and do 45 km’s to go to work. I thenhavethen have a day job as any other Portuguese and come home with my (ex)-Girlfriend.

Tugabikers: Rute how does your typical day start?Rute: Very early and eager to live...

Tugabikers: Asking the question of the practice, which was the first bike you had? Ricardo: A 50cc 4-speed CASAl with the exhaust from an 80cc. Rute: yAmAhA dT50 lC

Tugabikers: How was the first adventure on the track? Ricardo: funny. I always though I was the Valentino Rossi’s of lisbon’s South bank but quickly realized was not! Tugabikers: What led you to a Track Day? Ricardo: I had dreams of being a professional rider from very early on. That was not to be. but the track was still there.

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Name: Rute Solange Jesus Taleigo Santiago

Age: 31 anos

Location: Costa de Caparica

Hobbies: Living

Job: Admin assistant

Tugabikers: Do you think they are safe? Ricardo: I think so. I strongly recom-mend it to anyone. Adrenaline is best dealt with on track rather than the roads.

Tugabikers: What do you think of the atmosphere in a track day? Ricardo: great. I have made good friends at the track.

Tugabikers: Have you ever done any track riding courses? Ricardo: yes. Along with my wife, the courses instrumental in getting me to race in promomoto this year. Tugabikers: Which one do you prefer: a track riding course or a Track Day? Ricardo: perhaps the driving Course, we’re always learning.

Tugabikers: Many people after going on track don t come back to the roads. Is that your case? Ricardo: yes, I am 100% focused on riding at the track at the moment.

Tugabikers: was the first event which you took part in? Ricardo: This year, estoril I.

Tugabikers: How was your 1st race? Ricardo: Very exciting. I felt very good, rode well and exceeded all my expectations.

Tugabikers: : Rute where did the idea of racing this year come from? Rute: Both of us. I am the first one to give new things a go and could see that Ricardo was really eager to take part.

Tugabikers: How are the races like? Too much pressure? Stress? Ricardo: I usually try to keep calm, but tend to overheat when I can not do what I know.

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Tugabikers: Rute, which of the two is more difficult to deal with ? The rider or the husband? Rute: The husband for sure. Very cranky. The racer is easier to deal with.

Tugabikers: What typically goes into preparing for a racing weekend? Ricardo: nothing special. I try to keep myself in a decent physical shape and everything more or less organized for the weekend to go according to plan.

Tugabikers: Rute, as the principal of the “Ribentas Racing Team”, can you give us an idea of the preparations for the first race went? Rute: firstly we focused on

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rider safety. Then we prepared the bike and everything followed on from there. Anxiety was our friend in that first race. Tugabikers: Tugabikers: What is your next objective?? Ricardo: I am taking things one step at a time. This year I will do my best on the moV, only then can I focus on what comes next...

Tugabikers: What’s your best result so far ? Ricardo: It was a rewarding 5th place.

Tugabikers: Which rider has influenced you the most? Ricardo: miguel praia

Tugabikers: What’s your view on the Portuguese racing circuits? Ricardo: They are fun, but braga deserved better tarmac.

Tugabikers: : What would you do to in-crease the number of participants in races? Ricardo: First: I would try to make racing more accessible in terms of money - Second-ly: I would pay a lot more attention to who actually makes an effort to enter these compe-titions.

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Tugabikers: QWhat is your opinion about the National championship? Ricardo: ooops (laughs), I think a lot could be different. We have legs but we stopped walking. Tugabikers: What advice can you give to a novice who wants to start track riding? Ricardo: focus on safety and live every moment to the fullest.

Tugabikers: Given that there is great diffi-culty in finding sponsorship, we know the team “Ribentas Racing Team has and what those who support it? Rute: The support that we have is essentially family and family businesses. The notable exception is mr. lopes da Silva of ARmeIoS.pT who has supported us from early on. We did try to get more sponsorship in but the classic answer always was : there is no return on my investment.... right ...

Tugabikers:Tugabikers: Any last com-ments? Ricardo & Rute: We are loving the racing world and built a lot of friendhship in in or around the sport. We would like to thank everyone for welcoming us with open arms. And a special thanks to TugAbIkeRS.

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cool temperatures.day 6 – June 6th 2010Sunday is rest day on the isle. This is the day where common mortals can take to the roads to experience what racers feel on race day. mac was kind enough to also take us round. first stop the gooseneck, a medium speed turn at the start of the mountain section that typically provides excellent action mo-ments. We soon realized why this was called mad Sunday! everyone and everything take to the roads! motorbikes, cars, taxis and even the odd racer in its teams’ support vehicle soak-ing in extra valuable circuit knowledge. It wasn’t long be-fore we were on the hallowed tarmac that a punter appeared wheeling the nuts off a kTm. miguel started to snap away just in time to see him almost

(second part)

Day 7 – June 7thRoyal london Super-stock race. This was

theoretically the best chance for luis Carreira to shine as his is an essentially a Superstock bike. The day dawned very cloudy which ended up delaying pro-ceedings. The forecast was for the weather to gradu-ally clear as the day progressed and soon enough the race was on. practice times suggested that this would be a close race and sure enough … it didn’t disap-point! luis was anxious to take to the roads and started off confidently, gaining 20 places on his first lap alone with a time of 18,16.92s, his best time

fall off as a foot slid off the pegs! gladly for all of us he managed to save it. We ended the day going over the previ-ous day’s race on TV.

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to that point. Second lap saw him gain one more spot and run 10 seconds faster with a time of 18,06.77. he pitted 16th and took off strongly for the remaining 2 laps. despite strong running he did not manage to gain any more positions and eventually ended up a very commend-able 17th place overall. Victory went again to Ian hutchinson on his padgett’s honda after a hard fought battle with privateer Ryan farquhar who only lost the lead on the final lap after a spectacu-lar lap by hutchie. After 240 kms of racing Luis had finished a meagre 30 seconds or 0.125/km off the top 10 which just goes to show how competitive this class is!

Day 8 – June 8thmore practice. miguel and I decided to watch the day’s pro-

ceedings with island chaperones to a relatively unusual spot in the middle of some trees and bushes in a zone where riders travel at over 250kms/154mph. The weather decided once again to pull a trick on us and a preceding section of the circuit gave way due to rain fall. That was that day’s event done.

Day 10 – June 10thRace day again. This time the sidecar race 2, Supersport TT

2and TT zero. The sidecar race was taken by Klaus Klaffenbock & Dan Sayle on a lCR 600 CC at an average of 113.4/183kms. They had already cleared race one a few days earlier so good result there. The Supersport race 2 was taken by no other than Ian hutchinson (he’d won race one also) on a padgett’s honda CbR 600cc at an average of 125.6mph/202kmsh with michael dunlop a barely believable 2 seconds off after a 1 hour and 12 minutes of racing! The TT zero (a race as the name suggests reserved for zero emission vehicles) won

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by American mark miller on his motoCzysz at an average speed of 96.8 mph/156kms.

Day 11 – June 11thfinally the main event - the dainese Senior

TT. The day started casually enough with a parade lap featuring motogp’s own loris Capirossi and Jorge lorenzo, followed by the no less fa-mous Angel nieto and a number of other TT glories from the past in their period racing bikes. Coming to the race proper. luis was once again confident starting in 37th position. A good start and good first half lap saw him leap into 19th, solid evidence of his strong pace on the island’s roads. The wind though was blowing strong and treacherously on the mountain section and eventu-ally caught our rider out. luis out braked himself coming into Creg-ny-baa and ended up falling off with no consequenc-es to him and minor (but noticeable) bike damage,

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which prevented him from carrying on. The race itself was halted shortly after due to 2 spectacular crashes involving leading TT riders Connor Cum-mins and guy martin whose bike went up in flames. The race halt allowed the Team benimo-to Cetelem to retrieve luis’ bike and repair it unfortu-nately though time was too short and the team missed

the restart.

Despite the down-beat ending note, all in all though a

very creditable perfor-mance by rider and team over the full 2 weeks of the event. It was also an unfor-gettable experience for us, made so by all of the Team benimoto Cetelem as well as our hosts and friends mac, Stuart, Janet, derek




& family, Juan, Chunky, Adrian, Ivan and marco our very own portuguese TT marshal. We thank them all. long live the manx.

Don’t miss our on our next issue. First per-son account of the Isle of Man by Miguel Flores

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Derek and familyMac

Tiago, Mac and Beany



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