Tuesday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. · PPP P astor`s Notes: In our first reading today, we...

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Transcript of Tuesday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. · PPP P astor`s Notes: In our first reading today, we...


- S T . E D W A R D ’ S C H U R C H -

Saturday Reconciliation 4:00 p.m.

(or by appointment)

Mass 5:00 p.m.

Sunday Reconciliation 9:00 a.m.

(or by appointment)

Mass 10:00 a.m.

Tuesday to Friday

Mass see “this week in our Parish”

- S U N R I D G E P L A C E - 361 Bundock Avenue, Duncan361 Bundock Avenue, Duncan361 Bundock Avenue, Duncan

Friday Mass 11:00 a.m.

Pastor: F A T H E R S T E P H E N P A I N E

Emergency: 250-746-6831

St. Edward’s Parish St. Edward’s Parish St. Edward’s Parish

Mission StatementMission StatementMission Statement

We, the people of St. Edward’s reaffirm our be-

lief that we are children of God, created in love,

diverse and unique. We believe that through

our common Bap!sm, and by the power of the

Holy Spirit, we are called to be Christ for one

another and to foster unity with all peoples.

We accept the challenges of living according to

Gospel Values, and to invite all sisters and

brothers to share this journey with us.

2085 Maple Bay Road, Duncan, B.C., V9L 5L9

Phone: 250-746-6831 / Fax 250-748-5363

E-mail: ed123a@shaw.ca

Website: www.stedwardsduncan.com


Tuesday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Secretary: 250-746-6831 Sherriden Clements Bookkeeper: Shelley Brimacombe Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator : Debby Fernandez Parish Pastoral Council Chair: Brenda Hennig Email: bhennig@cisdv.bc.ca

Queen of Angels Roman Catholic School: 250-746-5919 Kathy Korman, Principal

December 21December 21December 21December 21stststst/22/22/22/22

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and Januar� 1and Januar� 1and Januar� 1and Januar� 1stststst, 2020, 2020, 2020, 2020

Today’s readings remind us that Today’s readings remind us that Today’s readings remind us that Today’s readings remind us that

in Christ Jesus, in Christ Jesus, in Christ Jesus, in Christ Jesus,

God has been faithful to the promises God has been faithful to the promises God has been faithful to the promises God has been faithful to the promises

He made to His Chosen People. He made to His Chosen People. He made to His Chosen People. He made to His Chosen People.

Our salvation in Christ Our salvation in Christ Our salvation in Christ Our salvation in Christ

is how we are reconciled back to God, is how we are reconciled back to God, is how we are reconciled back to God, is how we are reconciled back to God,

who created us and loves us. who created us and loves us. who created us and loves us. who created us and loves us.

Pray, Read, Discuss for This WeekPray, Read, Discuss for This WeekPray, Read, Discuss for This Week

I s a i a h 7 : 1 0 - 1 4 ; R o m a n s 1 : 1 - 7 ; M a t t h e w 1 : 1 8 - 2 4

“Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises God has made to the House of David.”

Hi Kids:Hi Kids:Hi Kids:Hi Kids: We are looking for We are looking for We are looking for We are looking for youyouyouyou to come and take part in the to come and take part in the to come and take part in the to come and take part in the Children’s Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve, Decem-Children’s Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve, Decem-Children’s Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve, Decem-Children’s Christmas Pageant on Christmas Eve, Decem-ber 24th at the 5:00 p.m. Family Mass.ber 24th at the 5:00 p.m. Family Mass.ber 24th at the 5:00 p.m. Family Mass.ber 24th at the 5:00 p.m. Family Mass.

If you would like to be part of the pageant we ask that If you would like to be part of the pageant we ask that If you would like to be part of the pageant we ask that If you would like to be part of the pageant we ask that you please contact Debby at 250you please contact Debby at 250you please contact Debby at 250you please contact Debby at 250----466466466466----4230423042304230 or debbyfernandez27@ gmail.comor debbyfernandez27@ gmail.comor debbyfernandez27@ gmail.comor debbyfernandez27@ gmail.com

We will be gathering with others for practises in the We will be gathering with others for practises in the We will be gathering with others for practises in the We will be gathering with others for practises in the Worship Area on;Worship Area on;Worship Area on;Worship Area on;

Thursday, December 19th at 6:30 p.m. andThursday, December 19th at 6:30 p.m. andThursday, December 19th at 6:30 p.m. andThursday, December 19th at 6:30 p.m. and dress rehearsal on Saturday, December 21st at 6:30 p.m. dress rehearsal on Saturday, December 21st at 6:30 p.m. dress rehearsal on Saturday, December 21st at 6:30 p.m. dress rehearsal on Saturday, December 21st at 6:30 p.m.


PPPP astor`s Notes:

In our first reading today, we hear that “the Lord spoke to Ahaz, saying ‘Ask a sign of the Lord your God; let it

be as deep as Sheol or as high as heaven.’” Well Ahaz refused to ask for a sign of the Lord but the Lord gave

Ahaz and us a sign anyway. That sign begins as “high as heaven.” Jesus is born of Mary out of heaven it-

self. That’s pre)y high. Later, in Lent we will ponder the fact that this very sign from as “high as heaven” will

also be a sign as deep as Sheol. Sheol is the place of the dead and Jesus will enter Sheol from the Cross on

Good Friday. Thus Jesus is the sign for the en.rety of our existence, from the grave to the earth to the high-

est heaven. How wonderful and joyous this news, that Jesus is coming to accompany us, first, through our

journey of life, and secondly, to the presence of our Father, in the highest heaven.

Blessings on all of you in the Advent and Christmas season!

Fr. Stephen G. Paine


Job Pos>ng: Diocese of Victoria The Diocese is seeking a Communica.ons Coordinator to

assist the Bishop and the Chancellor with internal and

external communica.ons. Please see the job pos.ng

details in the church foyer.

We need volunteers to help


We will gather on Monday, December 23rd

, at 10:00 a.m.

to decorate the Worship Area. If you can spare any .me

to help out, it would be greatly appreciated.

For more info please call

Anna Kinsella 250-715-5671

or the parish office at 250-746-6831.

Thank you,

The Arts and Environment Commi)ee




4:00 p.m.

4:15 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

6:30 p.m.


Rosary before Mass in the Conference Room

Mass at St. Edward’s - Sylvia De Sousa

Children's Christmas Pageant prac.ce, in the

church with the choir

Sun Dec.


9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.


Rosary before Mass

Mass at St. Edward’s - Pro Populo

Mon Dec.


O f f i c e C l o s e d

December 24th

—January 1st

Tues Dec.


4:30 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

8:30 p.m.

9:00 p.m.

Christmas Caroling

Family Mass at St. Edward’s - Pro Populo

Children's Christmas Pageant

Christmas Caroling


Wed 25th 9:30 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Christmas Caroling

Mass at St. Edward’s

Thurs Dec.


9:00 a.m. Mass at St Edward’s - Cancelled

Fri Dec.


9:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

Mass at St. Edward’s - Cancelled

Mass at Sunridge - Cancelled




4:00 p.m.

4:15 p.m.

5:00 p.m.


Rosary before Mass in the Conference Room

Mass at St. Edward’s - Sharon Muzzin

Sun Dec.


9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.


Rosary before Mass

Mass at St. Edward’s - Pro Populo

Mon Dec

30th Office Closed:

December 24th

—January 1st

Tues Dec


5:00 p.m. Mass—Holy Mary Mother of God

Wed Jan


10:00 a.m.

Mass—Holy Mary Mother of God

Thurs Jan


9:00 a.m. Mass at St Edward’s

Fri Jan


9:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

Mass at St. Edward’s

Mass at Sunridge - Cancelled

Sat Jan


4:00 p.m.

4:15 p.m.

5:00 p.m.


Rosary before Mass in the Conference Room

Mass at St. Edward’s - Terry Courchene+

Sun Jan


9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

9:30 a.m.


Rosary before Mass

Mass at St. Edward’s - Pro Populo

















Dear God, Please embrace those who are sick and hurting

today and let them feel the warmth of Your love. Amen










Going into the Hospital? If you are planning to enter the hospital for surgery, it is

spiritually advantageous to contact your parish office to

arrange for Fr. Stephen to celebrate the Sacraments of

Reconcilia.on and Anoin.ng prior to being admi)ed to

the hospital. At the very least, do tell someone in our

parish office that you are going into the hospital. We

have no other way of knowing this informa.on, as Cana-

dian privacy legisla.on restricts the informa.on that can

be given to us by the facility.

Richard Rohr Prayer Group “Franciscan Spirituality”

Meets every second and fourth Tuesday

at 2:00 p.m. - St. Edward’s Resource Room.

For more informa.on

call Madge Weber 250-746-7475

“Imagine”“Imagine”“Imagine”“Imagine” 2019 Parish Appeal2019 Parish Appeal2019 Parish Appeal2019 Parish Appeal

Goal: $50,000.00Goal: $50,000.00Goal: $50,000.00Goal: $50,000.00

As of the 5th of December, St. Edwards has reached

82.26% of goal pledged, at $41,130.10.

Remember that you will receive a tax receipt for this

calendar year if you contribute before December 31st


2019. This year’s Appeal will be used for new front

doors to the church and for decreasing our deficit

Have a great weekend.

Fritz Fernandez,

Appeal Commi)ee Chair

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

For our Dead

Eileen Courchene+, sister-in-law of Ray & Martha Courchene

Our Prayer for the Sick has been brought up to date. If Our Prayer for the Sick has been brought up to date. If Our Prayer for the Sick has been brought up to date. If Our Prayer for the Sick has been brought up to date. If names are missing, please call the Parish Office. names are missing, please call the Parish Office. names are missing, please call the Parish Office. names are missing, please call the Parish Office.



Francine Tournier



Betty Hoskins


Con-Don Snelling, Grand KnightDon Snelling, Grand KnightDon Snelling, Grand KnightDon Snelling, Grand Knight

St. Edward the Confessor Council 4253St. Edward the Confessor Council 4253St. Edward the Confessor Council 4253St. Edward the Confessor Council 4253

Do you need to rent a hall? The K. of C. Hall is available.

Please call Bernie Langkammer for more informa.on.


May God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as

you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope

by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Merry Christmas!

Knights of Columbus


Fr. Stephen

Cassandra Barfield, Chair 250-715-6229

Blanca Stead 250-746-7734

Anna Kinsella 250-701-0167

Joe De Lange 250-701-7701

Chris.ne Gillespie 250-748-2763

Sherriden Clements 250-748-6017

St. Edward’s Catholic Women’s League

To our brothers and sisters at St. Edward’s, May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill. We wish you a holy season that’s merry and bright with the light of God’s love. Blessings from the C.W.L.

CWL members: Membership Fees are now due for 2020

Cost: $40.00 per year

You may leave your cheque payable to St. Edwards C.W.L.

in the CWL box at the back of the church


Thank you to those that have already picked up their en-

velopes. If you have not picked up your envelopes you

may do so at the Parish Office.

For parishioners not finding their name on a box, or any-

one wishing to use Dona!on Envelopes, please come to

the Parish Office to receive a box. Direct Deposit is also

an op!on, forms available in the Parish Office.

L i v i n g D e e p l y – D y i n g We l l

End of Life Health Issues:

Workshop January 11th, 2020

10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. in Seghers’ Hall

We live in a culture that, if we do not prepare to die well,

someone else will make decisions for us. Very oKen they

may not reflect our beliefs or wishes. Each person has a

God-given responsibility to make informed decisions on

their own behalf and then communicate those decisions

to someone they trust. We plan to live well. It is also our

responsibility to plan to die well.

Lunch will be provided with a dona.on requested.

Presenters: Phil Jennings, Tim McGee, AnneGe Turgeon.

To register: Please call St. Andrew’s Cathedral 250-388-

5571 or email standrewscathedral@gmail.com

We would like to wish our

Parish Community a very

Happy and Holy Christmas!

The Widow’s Group

To help your parish through the changes in pastoral leadership, on the table in the foyer, To help your parish through the changes in pastoral leadership, on the table in the foyer, To help your parish through the changes in pastoral leadership, on the table in the foyer, To help your parish through the changes in pastoral leadership, on the table in the foyer,

you may pick up a document entitled “A Reflection on Change for Parish Communities” you may pick up a document entitled “A Reflection on Change for Parish Communities” you may pick up a document entitled “A Reflection on Change for Parish Communities” you may pick up a document entitled “A Reflection on Change for Parish Communities”

that may serve as a useful tool to help you move through the process of change.that may serve as a useful tool to help you move through the process of change.that may serve as a useful tool to help you move through the process of change.that may serve as a useful tool to help you move through the process of change.

You are Invited to

a Potluck Dinner,

our farewell to

Fr. Stephen

Sunday, Dec. 29th

at 5:00 p.m.

St. Edward’s Hall

Bring a favourite Bring a favourite Bring a favourite Bring a favourite dish to sharedish to sharedish to sharedish to share

alongalongalongalong with one of with one of with one of with one of

your favourite your favourite your favourite your favourite storiesstoriesstoriesstories

of of of of Fr. Stephen.Fr. Stephen.Fr. Stephen.Fr. Stephen.

As many of you are aware, our secretary, Sherriden Clements, will be re.ring

in January 2020. Recently, our Personnel Commi)ee met, reviewed sub-

mi)ed applica.ons and recommended the hiring of Cathy Higginson. Cathy

was hired on December 3rd, 2019 to replace Sherriden. Cathy was secretary

to Fr. Harrison in Port Alberni for the past year. Between now and January

15th, 2020, Cathy will assist Sherriden then assume Sherriden’s responsibili-

.es as of January 15th. Andrea O’Higgins will con.nue to assist in the parish

office on a part-.me basis.

Please welcome Cathy to her new posi.on and please assist her as she learns

the opera.on of the Parish.

Thank you,

Fr. Stephen Paine,

As we con.nue to develop a model of collabora.ve and shared ministry in

our Diocese, Bishop Gary has, in consulta.on with the Priest Personnel

Commi)ee, made the following pastoral ministry changes:

Effec.ve January 2, 2020:

Fr. Stephen Paine has been granted a sabba.cal for a year and thus will be

relinquishing his pastorship of St. Edward' s Parish in Duncan, St. Louis de

MonOort Parish in Lake Cowichan, and Queen of Angels School in Duncan. Fr.

Stephen will be engaged in priestly and personal renewal through study,

prayer, rest, and will retain his priestly facul.es and be in and out of the Dio-

cese during his sabba.cal year.

Fr. Roger Poblete has been appointed Parochial Administrator of St. Edward's

Parish in Duncan, and Bishop's Delegate of Queen of Angels School, in addi-

.on to his pastoral responsibili.es as Pastor of St. Ann's Parish in Duncan.

Fr. John Laszczyk has been appointed Parochial Administrator Pro-Tem of St.

Francis Xavier Parish in Mill Bay, in addi.on to his pastoral responsibili.es as

Vicar General, Judicial Vicar, and Rector of St. Andrew's Cathedral.

We are grateful to the priests in our Diocese who con.nue to assume addi-

.onal responsibili.es, as they respond to mul.ple pastoral needs in service

to the parishes and school communi.es during these challenging .mes.

Thank you for your support and prayers for the ongoing pastoral needs of the

Diocese of Victoria.

S t e w a r d s h i p o f T r e a s u r e D i r e c t D e b i t

Thank you to those parishioners who

have signed up for Direct Debit, we

now have 61 parishioners who are

signed up for Direct Debit.

Direct Debit is a simple and conven-

ient way of contribu.ng to your Parish

on a very planned and consistent ba-

sis. It is simple to set up and simple to

change if you so wish. You can choose

the date or dates of the month you

wish the amount you have selected to

be withdrawn from your bank ac-

count. You can select the amount you

wish to go to the sanc.oned collec-

.ons (i.e. Needs of the Church in Cana-

da, Catholic Missions in Canada etc.)

that happen throughout the year, or,

you can contribute to these simply by

placing an addi.onal amount in an

envelope with your name and the

name of the sanc.oned collec.on on

it and this amount will be added to

your yearly dona.ons receipt. Also, if

you wish to contribute more than the

original amount you have set up, this

same method can be followed. If for

some reason, you want to change the

amount withdrawn from your account

or to cancel the Direct Debit; this can

be done by making your wishes known

in wri.ng.

It is that simple. When the collec.on

basket comes around each week,

there will be no more scrambling to

find your envelope. You can sit back

with a smile, knowing that your offer-

ing is already in the bank!

If you haven’t already done so, please

consider switching to this method of

suppor.ng your Parish.

Thank you.

Parish Finance Commi)ee

Forms for Direct Debit

are available at the Parish Office.


Tuesday, December 24th - Christmas Eve

Family Mass at St. Edward’s 5:00 p.m. (4:30 p.m. Christmas Caroling), Children’s Pageant.

Mass at St. Edward’s 9:00 p.m. (8:30 p.m. Christmas Caroling).

Wednesday, December 25th - Christmas Day

Mass at St. Edward’s 10:00 a.m. (9:30 a.m. Christmas Caroling).

Tuesday, December 31st - New Years Eve

Mass at St. Edward’s 5:00 p.m.

Wednesday, January 1st, 2020 - Holy Mary Mother of God (New Year’s Day)

Mass at St. Edward’s 10:00 a.m.

Please note that the Parish Office will be closed for Christmas holidays

from Monday, December 23rd—12:00 noon, 2019 to Thursday, January 2nd, 2020.

During that !me you are welcome to leave a message on the answering machine

as it will be monitored on a regular basis.

Thank you,

Fr. Stephen

May the blessings of the Christmas Season be with you and your family.May the blessings of the Christmas Season be with you and your family.May the blessings of the Christmas Season be with you and your family.May the blessings of the Christmas Season be with you and your family.

Merry Christmas everyone

from your Finance Commi�ee!

Our sincere wish for good health and

happiness 5 you and your family

in the New Year.

Sandra McClelland

Ed Hourihan

Candy Thorpe

Shelley Brimacombe

Parish Pastoral CommiGee

Fr. Stephen

Brenda Hennig, Co-Chair 250-746-1810

Lorri Hamilton, Co-Chair 250-415-5290

Warren Jennings 403-369-7776

Jim Korman 778-356-3864

Pat Smith 778-422-3834

Jacquie Mayo 250-597-7730

Caroline Fine 250-510-2607

Wishing everyone a

very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

and thank you for all your support of the Youth

over the past year.

We are holding our annual bo)le drive in the parking

lot of the Church on January 2nd

, 2020. We are willing

to pick up bo)les if people would prefer. Our email is

nunn@telus.net and the cell number for pickup is

250-710-9911. Thank you

Camille, Youth Organizer

Queen of Angels Catholic School is now closed for

the Christmas holidays. We will be back at school on

January 6, 2020.

All the students and staff

wish everyone a

holy and blessed Christmas.

Thank you for your con.nuous support.

Kathy Korman,


Blessings for a

happy, holy Christmas

and a grace-filled New Year

from all the

Pastoral Care



ARe�lectiononChangeforParishCommunitiesPage 1 of 2

Then Peter said to Jesus, ‘Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings , one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ “1 “And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying ‘God

forbid it, Lord! This must never happen to you.’ 2 1 Mark 9:5

2 Ma)hew 16:22

The two narratives above are scenarios where Peter is speaking to Jesus, specifically about not wanting

things to change. The first is a “mountain moment” that Peter didn’t want to lose; much like when com-

munities are pleased with their priest and they say to the bishop, “you can’t move him; we want him to

stay.” The second foretells of a “valley moment”, where Jesus says he will die and be resurrected; much

like the mourning some communities go through with the loss of “their priest,” not recognizing the new

priest as a potential for new life. Both narratives may serve as scriptural reflections when an announce-

ment is made that their priest is moving to another community.

When all is going well, and the priest and community are in general harmony, where the work of the Ho-

ly Spirit is evident in faith practices and the Sacraments, when the support of the community for the

priest is strong, and there is a sense of inclusion of all families, we act like Peter and say: “let’s keep this

moment, change will take all of this away”. When there is a strong emotional bond to a pastor, commu-

nities feel that no one else can or should be their faith leader. However, when things are not working

well within a community, often change is demanded from the bishop, and communities do not want to

wait until the bishop makes changes across the Diocese. Both are self-centered thinking and create an

environment resistant to change and growth.

Change can be a double-edged sword, but we must first see it as a positive life event for both the priest

and the faith community. Change to some may mean there are losses, and the grieving of these losses.

Separation caused by change leaves some in the community feeling like lost sheep, or spiritual orphans

and widows. Losing a priestly father may bring with it feelings of anger, or a sense of unfair treatment.

Communities must recognize change as normal and usually a healthy process that sparks reflection, fa-

cilitates new pastoral goals, and celebrates the universality of our faith and unity in our particular Dio-


Priests are called to serve wherever they are needed. It is inherent in the priestly calling and their voca-

tion. In that call and answer to serve God in communion with their bishop, is the uncertainty of change:

where communities lose their current pastor and gain a new one. Change, in its simplest form, is a pro-

cess of transformation that can be positively embraced. It is a normal part of a Catholic community’s

life, and of a Catholic priest’s ministry. It is an opportunity for the community to see Christ through new

encounters with someone who has not yet served them.

The following suggestions may be helpful in dealing with changes in pastoral leadership:

1. Recognize that it is also a time of celebration for the community with their outgoing pastor and the

new incoming pastor as well. These should be celebrations of the successes of the past few years, and

hope for the next few years.

2. Individuals who are experiencing loss and feelings of grief can spend time in prayer, in silence before

the tabernacle, in meditation, or through relaxation exercises to allow the Holy Spirit to rise and heal the

feelings and thoughts they are experiencing.

A Reflection on Change for Parish Communities Page 2 of 2

3. When times of community doubt or turmoil arise, it is important for communities to create opportuni-

ties to share their feelings. Here lies an opportunity for lay leaders and the Parish Pastoral Council to

organize time for the community to express their feelings, to dialogue, and to seek comfort and peace

with accepting the change. The focus should be planning for the arrival of the new priest.

4. Take time to discuss what is working well now, and identify areas to address when the new priest ar-

rives; not to direct the new pastor, but to inform him from a community-wide perspective rather than an

individual or special interest-group perspective.

5. Take time to prepare for the departure of the current priest, and express appreciation for their service

to the faith community. Celebrate their time with you, and the gifts they brought, and brought out, dur-

ing their time with the community. If there is a mutual desire to maintain contact, establish the means

this could take.

Embracing change without judgement, with a sense of moving towards a new encounter with Christ

through the new pastor and your community, is the bedrock on which to continue building a communi-

ty’s house of faith. Change allows for a time to reflect on what a community believes its gifts are, and to

consider how these will be offered to God, in communion with the new priest. Perhaps there will be dif-

ferent and creative ideas that will grow under the servant leadership of the new priest. Be open to new

perspectives, different homilies, and developing new ways to grow as a Catholic faith-community.

Accepting and embracing change positively allows for hearts, minds, and spirits to be touched by others.

Being open to the experience of another priest will help to build the Body of Christ within your commu-

nity through current members, perhaps new catechumens, those who have become complacent in their

faith, and those who, having left the church, may be seeking to reconnect with God.

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should

love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one anoth-

er.”3 John 13:34-35

Take Jesus’ words into your heart, and reach out with a spirit of love to greet the new priest. Try not to

let opinions of others influence how you will welcome the next priest. Let the mutual love in which Je-

sus calls his disciples, be the starting point to build together. The role of a priest is to be “In persona

Christi”, to be a Servant Leader animated by the Holy Spirit, and to use the gifts of the Father in the

world; to bring about His Kingdom here and now. Your role is to be faithful and to persevere in striving

to do God’s will, under the guidance of a new shepherd of souls that will be part of your community,

until the next change you will be asked to accept and embrace.