Tucheng Junior High School Introduction Booklet

Post on 04-Mar-2016

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a summer project held by AIESEC Taiwan NTU

Transcript of Tucheng Junior High School Introduction Booklet


Junior High School

TN-In-TW-NT-2013-1663 TN-In-TW-NT-2013-1664

Contact:Sherry PanContact:Sherry PanContact:Sherry PanContact:Sherry Pan


Project IntroductionProject IntroductionProject IntroductionProject Introduction Most of the English courses in Taiwan only focus on

reading and writing, which cause lots of students are shy to interact with foreigners. When they see a foreigner, they are nervous and not knowing how to talk with them. However, they are many people who are enthusiastic about improving the current situation of the designed corses. That’s the origin of this project.

Tucheng Junior High School is one of the most sustainable projects in AIESEC Taiwan NTU that has been run for already three years. Teachers in the school have been well-experienced cooperating with AIESEC interns.

During the project, you will act as the as a teaching assistant of the summer English class, designing funny courses with the teachers. You can try every creative way to share your country and your talents with students to help them“learning by playing”.

Besides the English class, you will have opportunities to join other summer courses such as music and PE class in the school, which can make you interact with the students and experience the school life in Taiwan more.

Summer Camps Designing is another way for you to show your creativity. Plan the summer camps and play a series of games with the students to help them develop their potential and confidence in talking with foreigners. You can also teach them some traditional songs and dances of your country to make them understand with you, your country and your culture more deeply.

With your passion and patience toward education,< Tucheng Junior High School> project can open a window for the students to the different, fascinating cultures, connecting them with the global more tightly.

For more information, please go to the AIESEC.net

: TN-In-TW-NT-2013-1663

TaiwanTaiwanTaiwanTaiwan IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction

Taiwan is a beautiful island with various landforms. Located on the subtropical

zone, and mountains and beaches are all over there. Climate here is warm and humid

in summer. You can experience the tropical atmosphere. The scenery there is also amazing. The sunrise and clouds in Alisan, the stones

of strange shapes in Taroko National Park, the beautiful beaches in Kenting all

fascinate every tourist.

Night market can best represent the local culture of Taiwan. There are more

than 100 distinctive night markets in Taiwan. People can buy food from street

vendors and enjoy while walking. Not only food but also traditional games, cheap

products, karaoke shows you can marvel at. You must try it and be amused by

Taiwanese hospitality.

Foods in Taiwan are delicious and multifarious. Traditional Chinese food are

everywhere on the street. Steamed buns are filled with pork, but variations include

hot juice in it! Oyster-filled omelet is another food you must try. The egg is added

putting the mark to the water of flour with oysters. In the end, the sauce putting on

makes it delicious. If you try the food in Taiwan just once, you will remember it

forever. Truly hope you can come and enjoy every moment experience the diversity

of Taiwan!

Festivals During the ProjectFestivals During the ProjectFestivals During the ProjectFestivals During the Project JulyJulyJulyJuly

Hohaiyan Music Festival

Form 7/10 to 7/14, Hohaiyan is the aboriginal name of the sea, and also the

name of the biggest music festival held at northeast coast of Taiwan. It started in

2000 and is entire free! This festival provides a stage for bands and independent

artists, including some aboriginal singers. It's also a chance for you to see the

beautiful scene of Fulong beach and rock with the music.

Yilan Children’s Folklore and Folk game Festival

To show and promote folk culture, every summer, Yilan government hold this

festival at Dongshan River Water Park, taking place in July and August for 44 days.

Started in 1996, it has four major forms- performance, exhibition, games and

exchange. The most exiting thing is that it presents a lot of water rides that will cool

you in hot summer. You can have fun and in the same get to know more about

Taiwanese traditional folk toys, also enjoy the

beauty Yilan!


Chinese Valentine’s Day

Chinese Valentine’s Day taken place on August 13TH, is to commemorate the love

story between the 7th

daughter of the god and a cowherd, they can only see each

other on 7/7 of lunar calendar. On this day couple will spend their day together and

go to see the firework at the Tamsui riverside at night. Though your girlfriend or

boyfriend isn’t in Taiwan, but it’s still a good chance to show your love to he/she.

Also, you can enjoy the beautiful firework by take the boat from Dadaocheng to
