TT Sight Translation

Post on 09-Feb-2017

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Transcript of TT Sight Translation


Determining the Differences

• 1. What is the difference between sight and written translation?–As opposed to written translation,

which is the written rendering of a document from one language into another, sight translation is the oral rendering of a document from one language into another.


Elements1. Reading Comprehension: Interpreters must be adept at

grasping the meaning of written texts and understanding the material explicitly and implicitly (interrelationships of ideas)

2. Prediction: Interpreters should be able to predict the outcome of an incomplete message and also be versed in the various writing styles—legal documents, personal and business correspondence, technical reports so they can be alert to common constructions that may pose translation problems.


Process of Sight Translation

1. Scan the document to determine the subject matter, context, style, and country of origin.

2. Make a mental note of common pitfalls unique to the source language.

3. Skim the passages quickly and identify key features, commas, parentheses, etc.

4. Translate sentence by sentence, focusing on one unit of meaning at a time.

5. Maintain a steady pace, translating as smoothly as possible.

• Scan a document rapidly for content and style.

• Analyze units of meaning which form each sentence (e.g. clauses)

• Render sight translation in Target Language while reading ahead and preparing to render next units of meaning.

• Render sight translation with accuracy and fidelity to the text.

• Employ effective speech skills, meaning the individual uses clear diction, appropriate pauses and intensity, delivers the message with fluidity, and in a well-modulated voice.

What are some problems you may encounter when asked to do a S.T.

• Handwritten Text

• Ungrammatical sentence structures and poor punctuation.

(For ex. text written by non-native-speakers who are unfamiliar with the rules of grammar and punctuation)


• Last night I could not girop, I tossed and turned all pritoor but could not fall agirop. I finally got up and turned on the yiopl. I channel surfed for a while until I found a rietz about humpback whales I watched the entire thing and finally at 4:30 am I fell agirop, but 30 tivgs later my alarm bopsa went off and I had to prepare to go to necop.


Exercises for Sight Translation

• 1. Reading Aloud: Stand in front of a mirror and read passages aloud from any book, newspaper, or magazine. A legal textbook, code book, or other legal text is useful for familiarizing yourself with legal language. Record or videotape yourself and analyze the outcome critically. Pay attention to your voice, pitch, tone, hesitations, signs, projection, enunciation, and posture.



• 2. Extensive Reading: Build up your reading speed and your vocabulary by reading as much as possible in many different fields.

• 3. Deciphering Handwriting: Obtain texts written by hand (e.g., personal letters) and practice deciphering the handwriting on the first oral reading.

“Chunking” and “Parsing”

• Chunking is simply dividing a sentence or paragraph into the smallest units. (subjects, verbs, objects, etc.)

For example:

Do not be alarmed, / you may alleviate this /by getting off your feet and pushing fluids until clearing occurs

“Chunking” and “Parsing”• Parsing is the restructuring of sentences into

the sentence structure of the target language.• For example:

English: You will need to be tested for Human

Immunodeficiency Virus.Spanish:

Tendrá que someterse a un examen de Síndrome de Inmuno Deficiencia Adquirida

Exercise PredictionAdvance Preparations

• Knowing the subject of the text, make a list of possible terms that may appear in the text.

This form deals with your future health care.

The time may come when you cannot speak for yourself. By completing this form, you can give directions about your medical treatment at such a time. This document can be used by non-English-speakers if a qualified interpreter/translator reads it to the person in the person’s own language and a signed Statement of Interpreter/Translator is attached.TO MY FAMILY, FRIENDS AND HEALTH-CARE PROVIDERSI, ____________________________[Print your full name ]of ___________________________[Print your street address]State: _______________________________Zip Code:_________________ ,born on _________________________[Print your date of birth]being over the age of eighteen years, make this directive after careful considerationand of my own free will. If at any time I am unable to take part in decisions about my medical care, let this document stand as evidence of my views, wishes and beliefs about my quality of life and the medical treatment I require.This directive should never be used if I have the capacity to speak competently formyself or if there is evidence that it has been revoked.I sign this document in the full knowledge that my health care may be limited as aresult, but only as specified below. I request that all who are responsible for my care respect the directions given in this document.

Using all the steps you have learned,

complete the following Tasks:

1. Re-express the text, write it in your own words you may change the register the only rule is to not to change the meaning.

2. Answer the following questions about the text:

A. What is the purpose of this document?

B. When are Cesarean Sections generally done?

C. When will the patient be contacted?

D. Who will contact the patient?

E. What may cause delays in the getting to the patients surgery?

Using all the steps you have learned, complete the following Tasks:

3. Chunk or divide the text into the smallest semantic


4. Parse or restructure the sentences into the

sentence structure of the target.

5. Sight Translate it out loud!