Tsunami Warning System. Tsunami An ocean wave, generated by a submarine event such as an earthquake...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Tsunami Warning System. Tsunami An ocean wave, generated by a submarine event such as an earthquake...

TsunamiTsunamiWarning SystemWarning System


An ocean wave, generated by a submarine event such An ocean wave, generated by a submarine event such as an earthquake or volcanic eruptionas an earthquake or volcanic eruption

They have enough energy to travel across entire ocean They have enough energy to travel across entire ocean basinsbasins

5 hours and 30 minutes from trigger

Tsunami Warning SystemTsunami Warning System

National Oceanic and Atmospheric National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationAdministration


• DDeep Oceaneep Ocean

• AAssessment andssessment and

• RReporting ofeporting of

• TTsunamissunamis

• First six in 2001First six in 2001

– Complete 30 buoy system in 2008Complete 30 buoy system in 2008

How DART II works…How DART II works…

Temperature and pressure readings every 15 Temperature and pressure readings every 15 minutes in standard mode (15-s)minutes in standard mode (15-s)

When an event is detected:When an event is detected:• 15 second values are transmitted for the first few 15 second values are transmitted for the first few


• For the next 4 hours, 1 minute values are transmittedFor the next 4 hours, 1 minute values are transmitted

DART I (phase out in 2008)DART I (phase out in 2008)• 1 hour communication1 hour communication

• 1 way communication1 way communication

DART IIDART II• 15 minute intervals15 minute intervals

• 2 way communication2 way communication

Both use the GOES Satellite for communicationBoth use the GOES Satellite for communication


Geostationary Operational Geostationary Operational Environmental SatelliteEnvironmental Satellite

All based on pressureAll based on pressure

The DART II Tsunameter (on the ocean floor) The DART II Tsunameter (on the ocean floor) monitors the pressure and tidal changesmonitors the pressure and tidal changes

A standard is set by NOAAA standard is set by NOAA• 30 mm (3 cm) for the Pacific Ocean30 mm (3 cm) for the Pacific Ocean

• Uses a formula to determine if the threshold has Uses a formula to determine if the threshold has been exceededbeen exceeded

Uses this formulaUses this formula

If HIf Hpp(t’) is greater than 30 mm in the (t’) is greater than 30 mm in the

Pacific, a tsunami is reported by the buoyPacific, a tsunami is reported by the buoy

Detection SoftwareDetection Software


Normal Tide/Pressure Activity

on the Ocean Floor



Program by the National Weather ServiceProgram by the National Weather Service

Helps to develop Tsunami Emergency PlansHelps to develop Tsunami Emergency Plans

Such as:Such as:• 24 hour command and control center24 hour command and control center

• One or more ways to alert the communityOne or more ways to alert the community

• Promote public readinessPromote public readiness

• Develop a Tsunami Action PlanDevelop a Tsunami Action Plan

Tsunami Warning CentersTsunami Warning Centers


• Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and CaliforniaCalifornia

• US Gulf and Atlantic Coast StatesUS Gulf and Atlantic Coast States

• Canadian ProvincesCanadian Provinces


• All of the PacificAll of the Pacific

• Responsible for monitoring strong tsunamigenic Responsible for monitoring strong tsunamigenic areasareas

Tsunami Warning SystemTsunami Warning System

Tsunami Information BulletinTsunami Information Bulletin• Threat exists, no active tsunamiThreat exists, no active tsunami

Tsunami WatchTsunami Watch• Earthquake could have triggered a tsunamiEarthquake could have triggered a tsunami

• Tsunami Warning Center (TWC) waiting for DART Tsunami Warning Center (TWC) waiting for DART informationinformation

Tsunami WarningTsunami Warning• TWC thinks threat is highTWC thinks threat is high

• Will include arrival times for areas of the PacificWill include arrival times for areas of the Pacific

Tsunami WarningTsunami Warning

Tsunami WarningTsunami Warning

City of Honolulu, Hawai’iCity of Honolulu, Hawai’i

Honolulu International AirportHonolulu International AirportReef Runway (8R)Reef Runway (8R)

Primary RunwayPrimary Runway

Evacuation CausesEvacuation Causes

URGENT TSUNAMI WARNING URGENT TSUNAMI WARNING • Possible tsunami generated by a local earthquakePossible tsunami generated by a local earthquake

• Sirens will sound Sirens will sound

• Immediate evacuationImmediate evacuation

TSUNAMI WARNINGTSUNAMI WARNING• Tsunami approach confirmedTsunami approach confirmed

• Sirens will soundSirens will sound

Tsunami EvacuationTsunami Evacuation

•TSUNAMI EVACUATION TSUNAMI EVACUATION • Sirens will soundSirens will sound

• Begin evacuation when the evacuation order is Begin evacuation when the evacuation order is issued issued • 3 to 4 hours prior to wave arrival3 to 4 hours prior to wave arrival

• City busses will leave evacuation zones City busses will leave evacuation zones

• Roads will be sealed off by police Roads will be sealed off by police • No later than 45 minutes prior to first wave arrival.No later than 45 minutes prior to first wave arrival.

Hurricane EvacuationHurricane Evacuation

Tsunami and Hurricane EvacuationTsunami and Hurricane Evacuation• Similar to progression of evacuationsSimilar to progression of evacuations

• Similar response by local law enforcementSimilar response by local law enforcement

Tsunami Warning SystemTsunami Warning System

All based on DART II Buoy systemAll based on DART II Buoy system• Around the Pacific OceanAround the Pacific Ocean

• ““Defense” for Pacific and Hawai’iDefense” for Pacific and Hawai’i

• Pressure of passing tsunami wavePressure of passing tsunami wave

Much like a Hurricane Evacuation systemMuch like a Hurricane Evacuation system

The Questions?

• Does it work?

• Would the full system protect the Pacific Rim?

• Does the DART System help local governments to save lives?

Web Resources/CreditsWeb Resources/Credits

NWS TsunamiReady™ Page: NWS TsunamiReady™ Page: www.tsunamiready.noaa.govwww.tsunamiready.noaa.gov

Tsunami Warning Centers Page: Tsunami Warning Centers Page: www.tsunami.govwww.tsunami.gov

NOAA Tsunami Page: NOAA Tsunami Page: www.tsunami.noaa.govwww.tsunami.noaa.gov

NWS StormReady Page: NWS StormReady Page: www.stormready.noaa.govwww.stormready.noaa.gov

Government of Hawai’i: Government of Hawai’i: www.hawaii.govwww.hawaii.gov