True love 35

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Transcript of True love 35

The essence of True Love is to give, to live for the sake of others and for the sake of the whole

so that

more joy and

fulfilment is


True Love gives

joyfully and

always wants

to invest more

who cradles

her baby in her arms and

nurses it at

her breast

We find True Love

in the joyful and loving

Heart of a


True Love is sacrificial Love, as with a filial son or daughter

who gains great satisfaction in helping his/her parents,

wanting to give back in gratitude for what

was received unconditionally

God created the universe out of an absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal Love,

investing everything

without any expectation or condition of receiving something in return

True Love is the root and wellspring of the universe,

bound to be present in all existence, most of all and to the deepest extent

in the Heart of men and women as highest creation

True Love is the root of God and a symbol of His/Her Heart and Desire

we can be

together forever,

continually increasing in the joy

of each other’s


When we are

bound together in True Love,

The attraction of True Love

brings all

things in

the universe

close to our Heart

Through practicing True Love we lay the foundation

for God, our

Heavenly Parent, to dwell with us


Nothing can compare to the value of True Love because

through it the deepest

fulfilment in life is found

and experienced

in ever growing measures for eternity

will live with God,

share His/Her

happiness and

enjoy the

right to participate

as an equal in His/Her work

Whoever practices God’s True Love

A life lived for the sake of others,

a life of True Love, is the absolute prerequisite for entering the

Kingdom of Heaven, a world of loving relationships

which all mankind desires

When we love with our whole Heart and mind and soul we readily even risk our life in order to protect the beloved

True Love is God’s Love. In order to experience it to the fullest extent we need to become one with this most precious value

To live for the sake

of others with a totally selfless and

unconditional Heart

What is the path

to True


an unchanging

Heart that is eternally centered on this highest

value in the


To become the owner

of True Love,

we must

possess God and

His/Her attribute of eternity,

we should

naturally be eternal,

what represents

our fundamental

reality as beings whose

existence will never end

True Love has the quality of eternity. Therefore, to meet the condition of experiencing True Love,

whose Heart will never be

compromised to

practice anything

less than this

precious standard

On our path to

True Love it is

obligatory that we become

unchanging people

our path will lead

us to True Love,

to Love that is

all in all

When we have that kind of eternal

Heart for


Nothing is more precious than this timeless

realm where


fulfilment is found

What is

the holiest thing in the

world? It is

True Love.