Triptico methodology 2222

Post on 25-Dec-2014

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By: Joselyn Aguilar, Mayra Iguasnia, Adriana Lara, Angely Ocaña, Blanca Santacruz

Transcript of Triptico methodology 2222

Joselyn Aguilar

Mayra Iguasnia

Adriana Lara

Angely Ocaña

Blanca Santacruz




Parents and teachers

working together to

improve the learning

process will help to achieve

excellent outcomes.


Languages Career

National Standards

for Parent / Family


1.- PARENTING: Help all families establish home environments to support chil-

dren as students.

* Parents should create a spe-

cific environment for reading using some fairy tales and

children magazines in order to

develop in them the reading. It will help students to improve

their reading skills, compre-hension and understanding.

* Parents should establish routines for children’s home-

work. So they will do their ac-

tivities in an unconscious way. * Parents should use TICS to

reinforce student’s knowledge at home because it lets stu-

dents to set update all infor-


3.– VOLUNTEERING.- Recruit and organize parent

help and support.

* Volunteer parents will provide an extracurricular

support to the students who have a low academic per-

formance. It will be helpful for

the teacher in order to rein-

force what he or she already

taught and to clarify any

doubts about the class.

* Groups of volunteer parents

will monitor students’ perfor-

mance and they are going to

report the other parents about

what is happening in the class-

room. Because it will create a

communication environment among parents.

* A volunteer parent will enter to the class to evaluate

how is the relationship among teacher and students to

check if the purposes established at the beginning of

the scholar year are fulfilled or not. Doing this activity

parents will realize if the methodology applies by the

teacher is appropriate or not.

4.– LEARNING AT HOME: Provide information and

ideas to families about how to help students at home

with homework and other curric-

ulum-related activities, decisions,

and planning.

* Teacher should present a kind

of lesson plan with the topics

that are going to be developed

along week. Because they need

to know what the children are

going to learn so they will be able

to help in students’ homework.

* Parents should read in advance the coming topics

that will be taught in the next class. It will help stu-

dents to be preparing in advance and to have a previ-

ous knowledge on the coming content.

* Parents should act as guides in developing their

children homework but jut monitoring and supporting

their work since it is not a good idea to develop the

children’s tasks, it is better let them do by themselves.

National Stan-

dards for Pa-

rent / Family




Design effective forms of

school-to home and home-to

school communications

about school programs and

children’s progress.

* Teacher should have

meetings with all the par-

ents and especially with

those who have disciplinary problems because it

will let teachers to act as a counselor and provide

some solutions to solve those problems.

* Teacher should ask parents to attend to motiva-

tional lectures so they will make them reflect on

how they are educating their children and if they

are doing well or not.

*Authorities, school principals and teacher assign

a schedule for parents to ask for their academic

children performance. It will be mandatory for

parents to attend at list twice a month. It will be

suitable to establish a link between parents-

children and teacher-children.

5.- DECISION MAKING: Include parents in school

decisions, developing parent/leaders and repre-


* Teacher should ask parents

to attend to a leadership course

so they will be ready to help in

making decisions at school. It

will help parents to know how

to manage a group and deal

with problems.

* Teacher should also ask par-

ents to attend to a meeting in

order to choose the representa-

tives of each class because they will work with the

teacher to improve the teaching – learning process.

* After choosing the representatives of each class,

school’s principal should encourage parents to con-

tinue working for the development of each class and

students. The committee is going to represent all

the parents with ideas and suggestions for creating

a good learning environment, overcoming the main

problems and achieving good outcomes.


and integrate resources and services from the com-

munity to strengthen school programs, family prac-

tices, and student learning and development.

* Teacher should work with

parents in extracurricular

activities like organizing

some competitions al

school or any kind of enjoy-

able activity. It will help

students and parents to

feel relaxed and it will be helpful to make the learn-

ing process easier .

* To organize a summer program to get students,

parents and teachers engaged and enjoying as a

group, that will help them to create a link beyond

the classroom in order to become friends and work

together in a better way.

*To ask some members of “Defensa Civil” to attend to the

school in order to give to parents and students a lecture

about what should they do in case of Tungurahua volcano
