Trinity GESE 11 Interactive Phase With Advanced Functions

Post on 18-Nov-2015

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Document to prepare the Interactive Phase for Trinity GESE 11.

Transcript of Trinity GESE 11 Interactive Phase With Advanced Functions

  • VARONA'S INSTITUTE, S.L. : C/ Prroco D. Emilio Franco, 53 - Tlf: 91 4789486 / Avda. Buenos Aires, 21 TLF: 91 7788517


  • VARONA'S INSTITUTE, S.L. : C/ Prroco D. Emilio Franco, 53 - Tlf: 91 4789486 / Avda. Buenos Aires, 21 TLF: 91 7788517


    This phase provides the opportunity for candidates to demonstrate their ability to initiate and take

    control over the interaction through the use of questioning techniques and functions associated with

    requesting information, seeking clarification and encouraging further detail.. In addition to general

    functions such as requesting information, the language functions listed for the particular grade

    should arise naturally from each task prompt.

    In this phase, the emphasis is placed upon the candidates ability to use functional language rather

    than upon the accurate use of the grammatical structures listed for the grade.

    It is important that, once the examiner has set up the situation, the candidate takes responsibility for

    the interaction. The interaction will take the form of multiple turns, with the examiners turns being

    much shorter than those of the candidate.

    In some cases this may involve role-play but the examiner and candidate are free to be themselves

    so as to create as authentic an exchange as possible.

    At the Advanced stage, the actual tasks have been designed to provide the candidates with the

    opportunity of demonstrating not only their ability to express the functions of the grade but also

    their control of the grammatical items listed for all grades up to and including Grade 9. (See

    Grammar Reference)

    Sample exchange in the Interactive phase at Grade 11

    Examiner: - Two months ago, it was advertised in the newspaper that there was a fantastic new

    opportunity in a television company. Admittedly, the advert was quite small so that perhaps should

    have implied something. Anyway, I applied for it.

    Candidate: - So what kind of job did it turn out to be? And were you short-listed?

    Examiner: - Eventually I have been short-listed for the director's department as a clerical worker.

    Candidate: - How do you feel about that? Are you raring to do it?

    Examiner: - I must say income is quite profitable, indeed.

    Candidate: -..........

  • VARONA'S INSTITUTE, S.L. : C/ Prroco D. Emilio Franco, 53 - Tlf: 91 4789486 / Avda. Buenos Aires, 21 TLF: 91 7788517

    Grade 11 - Interactive prompts

    The examiner will introduce this phase by saying: "In this task, I'll start by telling you something. You'll have to

    ask me questions to find out more information. It's your responsibility to maintain the conversation. Are you


    1. People say that laughing is good for your health, physically and psychologically, and I'm sure that's true. I

    always feel ten times better after a good laugh and there are lots of things that make me laugh but sometimes I

    wonder if I should be laughing at them at all. (Inferring, justifying an argument, evaluating different standpoints)

    2. We all seem to get inundated all the time with appeals for money from different charities. You can't give to all

    of them and I find it very hard to decide which ones to support. (Inferring, expressing caution, evaluating different standpoints)

    3. Last week, I had someone in to do some home improvements for me but you should see what my house looks

    like now. (Inferring, expressing caution, challenging opinions)

    4. A friend of mine came to see me the other day and said he was desperate for my help. I really don't know what

    to do. (Inferring, expressing caution, softening and downplaying propositions)

    5. People always talk about what period in the past they would like to have lived in. I'm happy to be living in the

    present when you think what the future could hold. (Inferring, evaluating different standpoints, justifying an argument, expressing reservations)

    6. Last year I decided to study something new. I didn't learn much about the subject but attending the course

    changed my life. (Inferring, expressing caution, challenging opinions)

    7. I've heard about people getting married in some very strange places and in unusual ways. It does make me

    wonder how serious these people are about marriage. (Inferring, justifying an argument, challenging arguments and opinions, evaluating different standpoints)

    8. I really feel I ought to tell my boss how unhappy many of the staff are and how low morale is at the moment but

    it's a very difficult thing to do and I don't know whether to go ahead or leave it. (Evaluating different standpoints,

    justifying an argument)

    9. My sister complains that her husband never helps with the housework but at the same time she gets her

    daughter to help with the washing-up and lets her son sit and do nothing. I often talk to her about it but she can't

    see what I'm getting at. (Evaluating different standpoints, justifying an argument, softening and downplaying propositions)

    10. I live on a very busy road where there are frequent road accidents. The local council plan to put up a speed

    camera which at first I thought was a wonderful idea but when I heard how it's going to affect me personally, I

    wasn't so sure. (Evaluating different standpoints, expressing caution, justifying an argument, softening and

    downplaying propositions)

  • VARONA'S INSTITUTE, S.L. : C/ Prroco D. Emilio Franco, 53 - Tlf: 91 4789486 / Avda. Buenos Aires, 21 TLF: 91 7788517


    This idea is backed up by research.

    This idea has been proven to work.

    Time after time, this method of study has given good results.

    I strongly believe in this idea because . E.g. the alternatives are not viable.

    I am convinced that this is the best solution/alternative.

    E.g. Environment pollution

    I am convinced that recycling is the best possible solution to the problem of environmental

    pollution because all other alternatives have proven to be too costly or too difficult to enforce.


    Making somebody understand without saying directly what you want to say.

    E.g. Vanessa: Maybe I could help you to prepare your classes because I have lots of experience

    teaching little children and I know they can be difficult

    Vanessa is inferring that the teacher is not doing a good job.

    E.g. Vanessa: I should really ring John but I've forgotten my mobile and I don't have time to go to

    the public phone.

    Vanessa is inferring that she wants to borrow my phone to ring John.


    You need to be careful when...

    You shouldn't jump to conclusions.

    You should weigh up both sides of the argument before making a decision.

    People really need to take their time before making a decision about...

    I would advise you to be careful.

    Don't rush into things.

    Take your time.


    I'm afraid I couldn't possibly agree.

  • VARONA'S INSTITUTE, S.L. : C/ Prroco D. Emilio Franco, 53 - Tlf: 91 4789486 / Avda. Buenos Aires, 21 TLF: 91 7788517

    Why do you think tht is there evidence to back that up?

    I would have thought exactly the opposite.

    I couldn't disagree more because I read an article that said exactly the opposite.

    Are you sure about that?


    On the one hand...., on the other hand....


    While this idea makes a lot of sense, I think I would be more convinced by.....


    I'm not sure that I would be convinced....

    I wouldn't be won over by that argument.

    While it's and interesting point of view, I'm not 100% convinced.


    Must be Might be Cant be Could be

    Janes light is on. They might be training for a tournament

    It might be a pet pit. The cart must be too heavy.

    She must be at home. It cant be August.

    She cant be out It must be in America

    It could be a local fair. It must be very frightened

    They must be at school.


    I strongly agree/ disagree I dont agree that it is undeniable that

    I couldnt agree less Im certain that I reckon

    In my opinion, I would say that... You are incorrect I would argue that

    Do you really think that..., This cant be true I feel that

    As far as Im concerned, The way I see it, I hold the view that

    Id say that My impression is that I agree that

    What I think is I have the feeling that You are right in saying

    It seems to me that I have no doubt That seems to be correct

    To my mind, I support the view


    I believe that I shall Dont you think the colour

  • VARONA'S INSTITUTE, S.L. : C/ Prroco D. Emilio Franco, 53 - Tlf: 91 4789486 / Avda. Buenos Aires, 21 TLF: 91 7788517

    is ...(too dark)?

    According to my beliefs, Im thinking of Wouldnt you say that?

    I would say that Im determined to I have heard that

    Im definitely going to Im planning to It is rumoured that

    Ive decided to I really mean to I feel suspicious about


    Well, the things is, First, then, lastly

    Let me explain , thats why

    The main reason why is that Little did I know what he was doing.

    They are quite a few reasons why


    all in all in essence as a result

    in short as has been said in summary

    certainly on balance finally

    that is hence to conclude

    in brief


    That's such a good question That's tricky one Let me see...

    That's a difficult question I'd have to think about that Well


    Once in a blue moon From time to time More or less

    In a hour so Loads of.. (mistakes) About (eight)-ish

    Bits and pieces That kind of thing Sort of / kind of

    In a way


    It's a must / a must see (tienes que ver)

    It's good value for money (precio justo)

    It's a bit overrated / overpriced (no merece la pena, es sobrevalorado/ nadtseneno e)

    It's not all it's cracked up to be. (no es tan bueno como lo describen)

    I found it a bit dull /touristy (no es nada interesante)

    If I were you I'd go to ....

  • VARONA'S INSTITUTE, S.L. : C/ Prroco D. Emilio Franco, 53 - Tlf: 91 4789486 / Avda. Buenos Aires, 21 TLF: 91 7788517

    Don't miss... /Make sure you go to .....

    You should try -ing....

    I suggest going..../ that you go there

    Watch out for (ten cuidado)

    One thing to be wary of is (tienes que ser precabido con, ten cuidado con )


    Why dont we start by ? Shall we first?

    Lets begin with (shall we?) We could start by talking about


    What do you think (about) ? Do you agree with that? What would you say?


    So lets decide which Shall we make a decision? Anyway, we have to decide


    I hope you will You could go to the

    You really must / You absolutely have to

    How do you fancy ? What / How about ?


    It would probably be a good idea Dont bother


    As for (X) itself You asked about You wanted to know whether


    You will be able to You should manage to We might be able to


    Im very sorry but Im afraid there wont be Unfortunately, I dont think