Trilogy Lore -...

Post on 21-Jan-2019

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Transcript of Trilogy Lore -...


Trilogy Lore TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Galactic Governance ...................................................................................................... 5

History & Galactic Involvement .......................................................................................... 5

Previous Cycles.............................................................................................................. 5

Current Cycle ................................................................................................................. 5

2. Galactic Society.............................................................................................................. 6

Time ............................................................................................................................... 6

Language ....................................................................................................................... 6

Trade and Commerce .................................................................................................... 6

Art .................................................................................................................................. 6

Social Media and Communication .................................................................................. 7

Sexuality ........................................................................................................................ 7

Stereotypes .................................................................................................................... 7

Art and Entertainment .................................................................................................... 7

3. Species .........................................................................................................................10

Council Races ...................................................................................................................10

Asari ..............................................................................................................................10

Humans .........................................................................................................................11

Salarians .......................................................................................................................14

Turians ..........................................................................................................................15

Citadel Races ...................................................................................................................16

Drell ...............................................................................................................................16

Elcor ..............................................................................................................................16

Hanar ............................................................................................................................17

Keepers .........................................................................................................................18

Krogan ..........................................................................................................................18

Volus .............................................................................................................................19

Raloi ..............................................................................................................................19

Virtual Aliens .................................................................................................................20

Non-Citadel Races ............................................................................................................20

Batarians .......................................................................................................................20

Collectors ......................................................................................................................21

Geth ..............................................................................................................................21


Leviathans .....................................................................................................................22

Protheans ......................................................................................................................22

Quarians .......................................................................................................................23

Rachni ...........................................................................................................................24

Reapers ........................................................................................................................25

Vorcha ...........................................................................................................................25

Yahg ..............................................................................................................................26

Extinct Races ....................................................................................................................26

Unidentified Races (Listed by planet of origin) ..................................................................27

4. Organizations ................................................................................................................27

Corporations .....................................................................................................................27

Exploration, Colonization ...............................................................................................27

Weapons Manufacturing ................................................................................................28

Bioengineering and Biotechnology ................................................................................28

Electronics .....................................................................................................................29

Mining, Energy ..............................................................................................................29

Vehicle Design and Manufacturing ................................................................................29

Utilities ..........................................................................................................................30

Media and Communications ..........................................................................................30

Fashion .........................................................................................................................30

Entertainment ................................................................................................................30

Restaurant and Grocery ................................................................................................31

Galactic Shipping ..........................................................................................................31

Other .............................................................................................................................31

Non-profit Organizations ...................................................................................................32

Bioengineering and biotechnology .................................................................................32

Private Armed Forces .......................................................................................................32

Mercenary Group ..........................................................................................................32

Private Security Companies ..........................................................................................32

Criminal Organizations ......................................................................................................32

Cerberus .......................................................................................................................32

Intelligence Organizations .................................................................................................32

Shadow Broker ..............................................................................................................32

Educational Institutions .....................................................................................................33

Biotic Acclimation and Training ......................................................................................33

Jon Grissom Academy ..................................................................................................33

Ardat-Yakshi Monastery at Lessus ................................................................................33


Ten-Clan Academy ........................................................................................................33

University of Serrice ......................................................................................................33

Oxford University ...........................................................................................................33

University of California, Los Angeles .............................................................................34

Auxua School of the Arts ...............................................................................................34

Besaral Institute of Planetary Science ...........................................................................34

The Citadel University ...................................................................................................34

University of Milgrom .....................................................................................................34

University of Aurais .......................................................................................................34

Ross School of Art .........................................................................................................35

Political Organizations ......................................................................................................35

Terra Firma ...................................................................................................................35

Resistance Movements .....................................................................................................35

Reaper Resistance Movement ......................................................................................35

Cerberus Resistance Movements ..................................................................................35

Space Travel and Technology ..............................................................................................36

Space Flight ......................................................................................................................36

FTL Drive ......................................................................................................................36

Mass Relays ..................................................................................................................36

Helios Thruster Module .................................................................................................36

Tantalus Drive Core ......................................................................................................36

Silaris Armor ..................................................................................................................36

Cyclonic Barrier Technology (CBT) ...............................................................................36

Thanix Magnetic-Hydronamic Weapon ..........................................................................36

Military Vessels .............................................................................................................36

Commercial Vessels ......................................................................................................36

Space Combat ..............................................................................................................37

Starships .......................................................................................................................37

Weapons .......................................................................................................................37

Science & Technology ......................................................................................................37

Scientific Phenomena ....................................................................................................37

Artificial Intelligence .......................................................................................................37

Virtual Intelligence .........................................................................................................37

Crucible .........................................................................................................................37

Bio-Medical Technology ................................................................................................37

Reaper Technology .......................................................................................................39

Combat Technology ......................................................................................................39


Hyper Rail Exploration and Colonization Technology ....................................................46

Tech Resources ............................................................................................................46

Information and Communications Technology ...............................................................46

6. Fauna and Flora ............................................................................................................47

List of creatures : ..............................................................................................................47

Pod crabs ......................................................................................................................47

Thresher Maws .............................................................................................................47

Varren ...........................................................................................................................47

Pyjaks ...........................................................................................................................47

Space Beetles ...............................................................................................................47

Space Cows ..................................................................................................................47

Gas bags .......................................................................................................................47

Notable creatures : ...........................................................................................................48

Shifty looking cow ..........................................................................................................48

Kalros ............................................................................................................................48

The Thorian ...................................................................................................................48

Urz, Eezo ......................................................................................................................48

Space Hamster .............................................................................................................48

Klixen ............................................................................................................................48

Kirik ...............................................................................................................................48

Nathak ...........................................................................................................................48

7. Characters .....................................................................................................................48

Protagonist .......................................................................................................................48

NPCs ................................................................................................................................48

Squad members ............................................................................................................48

Normandy crew .............................................................................................................49

Main Antagonists ...........................................................................................................49


1. Galactic Governance

History & Galactic Involvement

Previous Cycles

o Prehistoric Times ▪ The Leviathan (Time Unknown)

• Governance: Leviathan Empire • Center of Power • History

o Interspecies War ▪ The Leviathan-Reaper War

• Legislation

o Pre-Prothean Empire ▪ The Inusannon (Unknown-127,000 YBP)

• Governance: Unknown • Center of Power • History

o Interspecies Wars ▪ Thoi'han-Inusannon War

• Legislation

o The Prothean Era ▪ The Protheans (Unknown-50,000 YBP)

• Governance: The Prothean Empire • Center of Power • History

o Rise of the Prothean Empire o Fall of the Prothean Empire o Interspecies Wars

▪ Metacon Wars • Legislation

Current Cycle

o Modern Era ▪ Citadel Council

• Governance: The Council o Councillors o Council Agencies

▪ Citadel Emergency Services ▪ Citadel Fleet ▪ Citadel Security Services ▪ Citadel Travel Advisory ▪ Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission ▪ Spectres (Special Tactics and Reconnaissance)

o Associate Members ▪ Political Representation

• Embassies o Bureaucracy

▪ Departments • Ministry of Finance

▪ Committees


• Committee on Disease Prevention • Committee on Habitable Worlds • Committee on Paleotechnology

o Territories ▪ Inner Council Space ▪ Outer Council Space ▪ Attican Traverse ▪ Earth Systems Alliance Space

• Center of Power o Citadel, Widow System, Serpent Nebula o Specs (found on the Space Map info)

• History o Discovery of the Citadel (580 BCE) o Formation of the Council o Interspecies Wars

▪ Rachni Wars ▪ Krogan Rebellions ▪ Morning War ▪ First Contact War ▪ Skyllian Blitz ▪ Reaper War

• Legislation o Treaty of Farixen o Citadel Conventions

2. Galactic Society


o Galactic Standard Time


o Trade language

o Translators

Trade and Commerce

o Currency : Credits ▪ Unified Banking Act

• Volus’s influence and expertise ▪ Electronic fund transfers and physical transactions

• Credit chits


o Sculpting

o Painting


Social Media and Communication

o Communication Terminal

o Intranet

o Extranet ▪ Meme ▪ Spam


o Inter-species intercourse


o Race and Racism

Art and Entertainment

o Visual Media ▪ Painting ▪ Sculpture

o Audiovisual Media ▪ Films

• Non-simstim movies o Blasto o Fleet and Flotilla o Starless o Citadel o Last of the Legion o Akuze o Asari Confessions 26: True Blue o Blinder o Bloody Mary o Blue Steel o Bullet Train o C-SEC o Call Me Sally o Check and Mate o Dark Goddess o Diomedes o Farixen o Gravity's Rainbow o Heartbeat o How They Must See Us o Huntresses o Husks 2: Awl Justice o Iota Horologii o Krantt Hardly Wait o Milk Sheik o Molt o Night WInds o Off Stage o Rodin vs Metagodzilla o Ruck Humpers o She's a Keeper


o Talons o Taze Patterson: Part 1: The Beginning o Teenage Ninja Kwanzaa Force o The 840-Year-Old Virgin o The Demon and the Nightmare o The Ever Alert o The Jar o The Phage 2 o This One's Hanukkah Cheer o Vaenia o We Meet Again, Doctor Fear o With Genericized Holiday Spirit - A holiday film. o With Soft Shoe Number

• Simstim movies o Nekyia Corridor o Confederates o Holly's Last Chance o Make It Look Real: The Lili T'Nigus Story

▪ Extranet Series • Blue’s Anatomy • Dynasty of Stars • Gagged

▪ Documentaries • Afraid of the Dark: Reapers, Collectors and other Myths • Damaged: The Truth Behind the Citadel Crisis • Exiles: Portraits of the Lost Quarians • Saren: A Hero Betrayed • The Madness of Sacrifice: The Unauthorized Biography of

Warlord Okeer • The Path of Lies: A History of the Alliance Military • When Fauna Attacks!

▪ Theater • Hamlet (Francis Kitt) • The Man Who Hung Himself

o Interactive Media ▪ Games

• Playground Games o Tackle the Varren

• Tabletop o Chess o Firebreathing Thresher Maws of Doom o Kepesh-Yakshi

• Mobile Omni-Tool Games o Alliance Corsair

• Arcade Games o Shattered Eezo o Claw Game o Quasar o Roulette o Towers of Hanoi o Varren Racing

• Extranet Games o Galaxy of Fantasy (MMO) o Third Coil

• Singleplayer Games


o Normandy Flight Sim o Grim Terminus Alliance o Relay Defense o Fleet and Flotilla: Interactive Cross-Species

Relationship Simulator o Geth Attack: Eden Prime Fundraising Edition o N7 Code of Honor: Medal of Duty

o Music ▪ Blue Giants ▪ Bootyherax ▪ Domino Masque ▪ Dramaxeens ▪ Expel 10 ▪ Eff Tee El ▪ Jenellen Lepp ▪ Lady Sweat ▪ Skinsuit ▪ Varrencage ▪ Vi-vian Wonder

o Written Media ▪ News

• Justicar Heroes ▪ Poetry

• Among The Multitude by Walt Whitman • And Love Feel by Techllis Bel • Rumi: His Remembrance • Tear-Songs of the Plains by Nockrick Taur • The Collected Alfred Tennyson

▪ Novels • Fiction

o Ascension by Drew Karpyshyn o Revelation by Drew Karpyshyn o Last Star in the Sky by Delsae Orthysa o True Stories of the Ardat-Yakshi Among Us

• Non-fiction o What the Dalatrass Knew -- Post Mortem Edition:

Reviewed by B. Plim. / TO VERIFY o What the Drell Don't Know: And the Hanar Won't Say by

Bernard Plim o STG: The Forbidden Files by Bernard Plim. o Criminal Negligence: The Citadel Council and the True

Story of the Geth Threat by C-Sec officer (name unknown)

o First Contact: Who Needs It? by Kurt Riven o Juggling the Monkeys: An Insider's View of the Tower

by Erlan Golta o A Rock in the Maelstrom by Sarissa Theris o The First Three Centuries: The New Huntress's Path by

Sarissa Theris o Twelve Leaves by by Sarissa Theris and R. T'Naya. o Speeches and Silences by by Sarissa Theris o Essays from the Void by by Sarissa Theris

▪ Magazines and Anthologies • Astonishing Adventures


• Tales to Amazee • Flight into Mystery • Fornax • Spectacular Science

o Sports ▪ American football ▪ Baseball ▪ Beach volleyball ▪ Biotiball ▪ Biotic gymnastics ▪ Clawball ▪ Combat simulator ▪ Kailat ring-ball ▪ Kowla ▪ Mixed martial arts ▪ Soccer ▪ Urban combat ▪ Yoga

3. Species

Council Races


o Biology • Anatomy and Physiology

• Aging • Biotics

• Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction

• Melding and Genetics • Ardat-Yakshi

o Asari Worlds • Homeworld: Thessia • Colony Worlds

• Agessia • Asteria • Chalkhos • Cyone • Hyetiana • Illium • Kurinth • Lesuss • Lusia • Lymetis • Nevos • Niacal • Phoros • Sanves


• Selvos • Terapso • Teukria • Tevura • Trategos • Zesemeni

o History • Origins • Discovery of the Citadel and Establishment of the Council • The Rachni War • The Krogan Rebellion • The Reaper Threat

o System of Governance • Asari Republics • Asari High Command • The Justicar Order

o Military • Asari Commandos • Huntresses • Asari Navy

• Second Fleet • Sixth Fleet • Destiny Ascension

• Serrice Guard • Armali Sniper Unit

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality

• Athame Doctrine • Athame • Janiri • Lucen

• Rings of Alune • Siari

• Customs and Traditions • Life-Stages • Bond Ceremony • Janiris

• Sexuality

Humans o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Aging • Biotics

• Evolution • Gene Therapies

• Sex and Gender • Reproduction

o Human Worlds • Homeworld: Earth • Colony Worlds


• Akuze • Amaterasu • Anhur • Arvuna • Asteria • Bekenstein • Benning • Chasca • Cuervo • Cyrene • Demeter • Dobrovolski • Drasta • Eden Prime • Elysium • Euntanta • Fargone • Fehl Prime • Feros • Ferris Fields • Franklin • Freedom’s Progress • Gei Hinnon • Gilead • Horizon • Israfil • Intai’sei • Joab • Jupiter • Luna • Mars • Mercury • Mindoir • Naxell • Neptune • New Canton • Oliveira • Olor • Ontarom • Pluto • Proteus • Sanctum • Sathur • Saturn • Shanxi • Sinmara • Sirona • Terra Nova • Therum • Tiptree • Trebin • Trident • Tyr • Uqbar • Uranus


• Venus • Watson • Yandoa • Zion

o History • Present Day to Mars Archives • Prothean Advancements • First Contact War • Joining Galactic Civilization • The Reaper Threat

o System of Governance • Nations of Earth

• United North American States • History • Members

• European Union • History • Members

• Chinese People’s Federation • History • Members

• Systems Alliance • History • Members • Government

• Prime Minister • Parliament

• Doctrine • Diplomatic Relations • Military (See Alliance Military)

o Military • Alliance Military

• Alliance Navy • First Fleet • Second Fleet • Third Fleet • Fourth Fleet • Fifth Fleet

• 63rd Scout Flotilla • Sixth Fleet • Seventh Fleet • Eighth Fleet

• Alliance Marines • 2nd Frontier Division • 10th Frontier Division • 103rd Division • Spec-Ops Biotics Division

• N7 Special Forces • Interplanetary Combatives Academy

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality


• Abrahamic Religions • Eastern Religions • New World Faith and Spirituality

• Customs and Traditions • Sexuality

Salarians o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Aging • Biotics

• Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction

• Salarian Parthenogenesis

o Salarian Worlds • Homeworld: Sur’Kesh • Colony Worlds

• Dagnes • Erinle • Gorot II • Halegeuse • Jaëto • Mannovai • Nasurn • Olor • Rannadril • Senoquol

o History • Origins • Discovery of the Citadel and Formation of the Council • The Rachni Wars and Krogan Uplift • The Krogan Rebellions • Turian First Contact • The Genophage • Genophage Modification Project • The Reaper Threat

o System of Governance • Salarian Union • Matriarchy and Dynasticism

o Military • Special Tasks Group

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality • Customs and Traditions

• Betau • Naming Practices • Reproduction Contracts

• Sexuality


Turians o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Aging • Biotics • Plating

• Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction

o Turian Worlds • Homeworld: Palaven • Colony Worlds

• Aephus • Altakiril • Baetika • Bostra • Carthaan • Chatti • Digeris • Edessan • Epyrus • Galatana • Gellix • Gothis • Invictus • Pheiros • Macedyn • Magna • Maitrum • Nimines • Parthia • Oma Ker • Quadim • Rocam • Syglar • Taetrus • Thracia • Tridend • Triginta Petra • Xerceo

o History • Origins • Turian Unification War • Discovery of the Citadel • Krogan Rebellions • First Contact War • The Reaper Threat

o System of Governance • The Turian Hierarchy

• Client Races • The Primarch

o Military • Turian Fleet


• Military Bootcamp

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality

• Valluvian Priests • Spirits

• Customs and Traditions • Required Military Service • Facial Markings

• Sexuality

Citadel Races Drell

o Biology • Anatomy and Physiology • Aging • Biotics • Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction

o Drell Worlds • Homeworld: Rakhana • Homeworld: Kahje

o History • Origins • Societal Collapse of Rakhana • Rescue by the Hanar and the Creation of the Compact • The Reaper Threat

o System of Governance • The Compact

o Military

o Economy

o Language • Bioluminescent Communication and Implants

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality

• Drell Religion • Adoption of Enkindlers Religion and Asari Philosophies

• Customs and Traditions • Sexuality

Elcor o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Biotics • Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction


o Elcor Worlds • Homeworld: Dekuuna • Colony Worlds

• Ekuna • Oltan • Sangel • Thunawanuro

o History • Origins • Joining Galactic Society • The Reaper Threat

o System of Governance • The Courts of Dekuuna

o Military

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality • Customs and Traditions • Sexuality

Hanar o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Biotics • Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction

o Hanar Worlds • Homeworld: Kahje • Colony Worlds

• First Land • Belan • Rough Tide

o History • Origins • Drell Rescue and the Compact • The Reaper Threat

o System of Governance • The Illuminated Primacy

o Military

o Economy

o Language • Bioluminescence • Politeness

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality

• The Enkindlers • Customs and Traditions

• Soul Names • Sexuality


Keepers o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction

o History • Origins • Reaper Servitude

o Economy

o Language

o Culture

Krogan o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Redundant Organ Systems

• Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction

• The Genophage

o Korgan Worlds • Homeworld: Tuchanka • Colony Worlds

• Garvug • Gellix • Gembat • Wrill

o History • Origins • Uplift and Joining Galactic Society • The Rachni Wars • The Krogan Rebellions • The Genophage Era • The Reaper Threat and Krogan Unification

o System of Governance • Clan System

o Military • Krogan Warlords • Krogan Battlemasters • Krantt

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality

• Shamen • Ancient Beliefs

• Customs and Traditions • Rite of Life


• Rite of Passage • Rite of Honour • Rite of Firsts • Death Practices

• Sexuality

Volus o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Biotics • Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction

o Volus Worlds • Homeworld: Irune • Colony Worlds

• Alahya • Boro • Daleon • Maskawa • Patavig • Talis Fia • Zada Ban

o History • Origins • Joining the Galactic Community • The Reaper Threat

o System of Governance • Vol Protectorate • Client Status of the Turian Hierarchy

o Military • Volus Bombing Fleet

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality

• The Book of Plenix • Customs and Traditions

• Names • Sexuality

Raloi o Biology

• Sex and Gender

o Raloi Worlds • Homeworld: Turvess

o History • Origins • Joining Galactic Society • The Reaper Threat


o System of Governance

o Military

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality • Customs and Traditions • Sexuality

Virtual Aliens o Biology/Mechanics

• Sex and Gender

o History • Origins • Joining Galactic Society

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Sexuality

Non-Citadel Races


o Biology • Anatomy and Physiology • Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction

o Batarian Worlds • Homeworld: Khar’shan • Colony Worlds

• Adek • Anhur • Aratoht • Camala • Cholis • Erszbat • Logasiri • Lorek • Ramlat • Vana • Verush

o History • Origins • Joining Galactic Society • Human/Batarian Conflict • Withdrawal from Galactic Society • The Reaper Threat


o System of Governance • The Batarian Hegemony

o Military • Batarian State Arms

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality

• Pillars of Strength • Customs and Traditions • Sexuality

Collectors o Biology

• Reaper Modifications and Evolution • Anatomy and Physiology • Sex and Gender

o Collector Worlds • Collector Base

o History • Origins • Harvesting Humanity

o Military • Collector Troops • Huskification • Ships

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Sexuality

Geth o Mechanics

• Platforms • Geth Consensus • Geth Coding • Sex and Gender

o Geth Worlds • Homeworld: Rannoch • Colony Worlds

• Ammut • Charoum • Haestrom

o History • Origins • The Morning War • Joining Galactic Society • The Eden Prime War • The Reaper Threat


o System of Governance • The Geth Consensus

o Military • Troops • Ships

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality

• Heretics • Customs and Traditions • Sexuality

Leviathans o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Evolution • Indoctrination • Sex and Gender

o Leviathan Worlds • 2181 Despoina

o History • Origins • The Reaper Threat

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Leviathan Artifacts • Sexuality

Protheans o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Biotics • Evolution • Sex and Gender

o Former Prothean Worlds • Agetoton • Antibaar • Binthu • Bira • Chasca • Corang • Eden Prime • Eletania • Fehl Prime • Feros • Garvug • Gei Hinnom • Ilos


• Joab • Kahje • Karumto • Kopis • Mars • Quana • Sharring • Therum • Thessia • Tuntau • Zada Ban • Zafe

o History • Origins • The Prothean Empire • The Prothean-Reaper War

• The Science Team on Ilos • Final Stand on Eden Prime

• Enthrallment • Prothean Technology in the Current Cycle • The Last Prothean • Awakening by the Leviathan

o System of Governance • The Empire

o Military

o Economy

o Language • Tactile Communication • Prothean Beacons

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality • Customs and Traditions • Prothean Superiority • Sexuality

o Technology • The Mars Archives

Quarians o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Immune Systems

• Evolution • Coevolution with Plants of Rannoch

• Sex and Gender

o Quarian Worlds • Homeworld: Rannoch • Former Colony Worlds

• Adas • Haestrom • Kaddi • Ket’osh • Uriyah


• The Migrant Fleet • The Civilian Fleet

• Liveships • Rayya • Shellen

o History • Origins • Joining Galactic Society • The Geth War • Withdrawal from Galactic Society and the Birth of the Migrant Fleet • The Reaper Threat

• The Second Geth War

o System of Governance • Admiralty Board • The Conclave • The Judicial and Legal Systems

o Military • The Heavy Fleet • The Patrol Fleet • Special Projects Fleet

• Alarei • Quarian Marines • Quarian Military Technology

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality

• Ancestor Worship • Customs and Traditions

• The Pilgrimage • Economy

• Communal Living • Sexuality

Rachni o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Evolution • Sex and Gender • Reproduction

• Sex and Classes of Rachni • Parthenogenesis

o Rachni Worlds • Homeworld: Suen • Colony Worlds

• Altahe • Damkianna • Nepmos • Utukku

o History • Origins • The Rachni Wars • The Return of the Rachni


• The Reaper Threat

o System of Governance

o Military

o Economy

o Language • Telepathic Communication and Control

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality • Customs and Traditions • Sexuality

Reapers o Mechanics

• Platforms • Reaper Code • Sex and Gender

o History • Origins • Extinction of the Leviathan • Extinction Cycles • The Prothean Extinction • The Reaper War of 2186

o System of Governance

o Military • Classes of Vessels • Indoctrinated Troops

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Sexuality

Vorcha o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Evolution

• Adaptability • Sex and Gender • Lifespan

o Vorcha Worlds • Homeworld: Heshtok • Colony Worlds

• Flett • Garvug • Namakli • Parasc • Volturno • Wrill

o History • Origins • Joining Galactic Society


• The Reaper Threat

o System of Governance

o Military • The Void Devils

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality • Customs and Traditions • Sexuality

Yahg o Biology

• Anatomy and Physiology • Sex and Gender

o Yahg Worlds • Homeworld: Parnack

o History • Origins • Encounters with Citadel Space

o System of Governance

o Military

o Economy

o Language

o Culture • Religion and Spirituality • Customs and Traditions • Sexuality

Extinct Races o Arthenn

o Densorin

o Ditakur

o Enduromi

o Inusannon

o Oravores

o Synril

o Thoi’han

o Vandomar

o Zeioph

o Zha

o Zha’til


Unidentified Races (Listed by planet of origin) o 433 Spidau

o Alpha Centauri

o Anjea

o Aphras

o Bothros

o Carcosa

o Chasca

o Cyllene

o DC1938

o Etamis

o Farcrothu

o Joab

o Junthor

o Gamayun

o Mnemosyne

o Namakli

o Siano

o Vecchio

4. Organizations


Exploration, Colonization

o Baria Frontiers

o Delta Pavonis Foundation

o Dunawurachum Consortium

o ExoGeni Corporation

o Halegeuse Corporation

o Noveria Development Corporation

o Pyrena Corporation


Weapons Manufacturing

o Aldrin Labs

o Ama-Lur Equipment

o Armax Arsenal

o Batarian State Arms

o Cerberus Skunkworks

o Devlon Industries

o Elkoss Combine

o Gateway Personal Defense

o Geth Armory

o Haliat Armory

o Hahne-Kedar

o Hahne-Kedar Shadow Works

o Haribon Military Industries

o Jormangund Technology

o Kassa Fabrication

o Rodam Expeditions

o Rosenkov Materials

o Snap Crackle and Shock Defense Solutions

o Wegner Arms

Bioengineering and Biotechnology

o Binary Helix

o Conatix Industries

o Genex Chemical

o Heyuan Genomics

o MarsGene

o New Dawn Pharmaceuticals



o Apex Omnitools

o Ariake Technologies

o Armali Council

o Ayndroid Group

o Blamps Lamps

o Dah'tan Manufacturing

o Delumcore Systems

o Ion Liquidators

o Saronis Applications

o Serrice Council

o Serrice Technology

o Solar Electronics

o Synthetic Insights, Ltd.

Mining, Energy

o Altai Mineral Works

o Dynamis Corporation

o Eldfell-Ashland Energy (EAE)

o Guanghui Solutions

o Heavy Metals Exomining of China (HMEC)

o Hoshichiri Heavy Industries

o Kore (Sonax Industries)

o Merida Industria

o Narhu Combine

o T-GES Mineral Works

Vehicle Design and Manufacturing

o Cision Motors

o Cord-Hislop Aerospace

o Borkat Combine

o JenanTech

o Nashan Stellar Dynamics

o Nezo Transportation



o AquaStructure

o CitadelAir

Media and Communications

o Alliance News Network (ANN)

o Constant Times

o Future Content Corporation

o Galactic Broadcasting Corporation (GBC News)

o HCC News

o Heleus News Services

o Scott Examiner

o Second Star Broadcasting

o Shared Visions

o Sirenum Scopuli Network

o Skywire

o Spyte Media

o Tyriel Advanced Communications Corporation (TACC)

o Westerlund News


o Cepheid Variable

o Goddess Essentials

o Kon Junction

o Micah Black

o Red Janey

o This One's Intimate Apparel

o Van Allen Belts


o Curve Glider Sporting Goods

o Isenberg-Wyatt Toys

o Light & Shadow Pictures


Restaurant and Grocery

o Black Horse Foods

o EZ Meat Inc.

o Fishdog Food Shack

o Ryuusei

Galactic Shipping

o ExSolar Shipping

o The Morrison Company

o Omega Coalition of Cargo Transporters


o Beckmann Financial

o Butler Supplies

o Heed Industries

o Indenture Tech

o Marsh Rentals

o Novacorp

o Oyama Industries

o Oxford Press

o Rahael Group

o Tuhi District Storage

o U-Forge-It

o Umsung Holdings

o Uwan Consortium

o Value Added

o Whitman Foundation

o Zephs


Non-profit Organizations

Bioengineering and biotechnology

o Sirta Foundation

Private Armed Forces

Mercenary Group

o Blood Pack

o Blue Suns

o CAT6

o Eclipse

o Talons

Private Security Companies

o Elanus Risk Control Services

Criminal Organizations


o Leader

o Members

o Philosophy

o History

o Activities

Intelligence Organizations

Shadow Broker

o Leader

o Members

o Philosophy

o History

o Activities


Educational Institutions

Biotic Acclimation and Training

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

Jon Grissom Academy

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

▪ Ascension Program

Ardat-Yakshi Monastery at Lessus

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

Ten-Clan Academy

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

University of Serrice

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

Oxford University

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs


University of California, Los Angeles

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

Auxua School of the Arts

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

Besaral Institute of Planetary Science

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

The Citadel University

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

▪ Citadel University Engineering Club

University of Milgrom

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

▪ Rossberg School of Journalism

University of Aurais

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs


Ross School of Art

o Administration

o Philosophy

o History

o Programs

Political Organizations

Terra Firma

o Leader

o Members

o Philosophy

o History

o Activities

Resistance Movements

Reaper Resistance Movement

o Lorek Resistance

▪ Leader ▪ Members ▪ Philosophy ▪ History ▪ Activities

o Erszbat Resistance

▪ Leader ▪ Members ▪ Philosophy ▪ History ▪ Activities

Cerberus Resistance Movements

o Eden Prime Resistance

▪ Leader ▪ Members ▪ Philosophy ▪ History ▪ Activities

o Benning Resistance

▪ Leader ▪ Members ▪ Philosophy ▪ History ▪ Activities


Space Travel and Technology

Space Flight

FTL Drive

o Appearance

o Drive Charge

Mass Relays

o Alpha Relay

o Charon Relay

o Citadel

o Conduit

o Mu Relay

o Omega-4 Relay

o Relay 202 (Arcturus)

o Shanxi-Theta Relay/Relay 314

Helios Thruster Module

Tantalus Drive Core

Silaris Armor

Cyclonic Barrier Technology (CBT)

Thanix Magnetic-Hydronamic Weapon

Military Vessels

o Frigates ▪ Normandy Class Frigates

• SSV Normandy • SSV Normandy SR-2

o Cruisers

o Carriers

o Dreadnoughts ▪ Kilimanjaro Class Dreadnoughts ▪ Everest Class Dreadnoughts

o Fighters ▪ F-61 Trident ▪ A-61 Mantis Gunship

o Interceptors

o Shuttles ▪ UT-47 Kodiak

o Corvettes

Commercial Vessels

o Freighters ▪ Athabasca Class Freighters ▪ Kowloon Class Freighters


Space Combat

o Combat Endurance

o General Tactics

o Planetary Assaults

o Pursuit Tactics

o Trans-Relay Assaults


o Crew

o Heat Management

o Sensors

o Thrusters


o Ablative Armor

o Disruptor Torpedoes


o Javelin

o Mass Accelerators

Science & Technology

Scientific Phenomena

o Dark Energy

o Mass Effect

Artificial Intelligence

o Alliance Infiltration Units


o Eliza

o Eva

o Tallaris

o Project Overlord

o Rogue Citadel AI

Virtual Intelligence

o Avina

o ExoGeni VI

o Vendetta

o Vigil

o Victory


Bio-Medical Technology

o Medi-gel


o Drugs

o Disease

o Cybernetics ▪ Skeletal Lattice ▪ Microfiber Weave ▪ Lattice Shunting

o Thoros-B

o Gene Therapy

o Stimulant Pack

o Genophage ▪ Genophage Modification Project ▪ Genophage Cure

o Biotics ▪ Implants

• Models o L1 o L2 o L3 o L3-R o L3-X o L3-X1 o L4 o L5x o L5n

▪ Amps • Models

o Solaris o Prodigy o Gemini o Polaris o Savant o Unity o HMBA

• Amp Modifications o Smart Amplifier o Hyper-Amp o Neural Mask

o Omni-tools o History o Manufacture o Models

▪ Blueiwre ▪ Logic Arrest ▪ Nexus ▪ Polaris ▪ Savant ▪ Chameleon ▪ Cipher ▪ HMOT

o Upgrades ▪ Hydra Module ▪ Multicore Amplifier


▪ Custom Heuristics

Reaper Technology

o Dragon’s Teeth

o Hades Cannon

Combat Technology

o Mechs ▪ FENRIS Mechs ▪ LOKI Mech ▪ Ogre Mech ▪ Orcus Mech ▪ Rampart Mech ▪ YMIR Mech

o Drones ▪ Assault Drone ▪ Combat Drone ▪ Defense Drone ▪ Disruption Drone ▪ Info Drone ▪ Maintenance Drone ▪ Rocket Drone

o Cannons and Turrets ▪ Alliance Heavy Turret ▪ Grad Turret ▪ Sentry Turret ▪ Shadow Strike ▪ Siege Pulse

o Armour ▪ Armour Pieces

• Helmets and Headgear o N7 Helmet o N7 Breather Helmet o Death Mask o Kuwashii Visor o Sentry Interface o Kestrel Helmet o Capacitor Helmet o Archon Visor o Umbra Visor o Recon Hood o Mnemonic Visor o Securitel Helmet o Delumcore Overlay

• Chestplates o N7 Chestplate o Aegis Vest o Kassa Fabrications Chestplate o Serrice Council Chestplate o Rosenkov Materials Chestplate o Capacitor Chestplate o Shield Harness o Armax Arsenal Chestplate o Ariake Technologies Chestplate


o Hahne-Kedar Chestplate o Kestrel Torso Sheath

• Shoulders o N7 Shoulders o Amplifier Plates o Kassa Fabrications Shoulders o Serrice Council Shoulders o Asymmetric Defense Layer o Rosenkov Materials Shoulders o Armax Arsenal Shoulders o Ariake Technologies Shoulders o Hahne-Kedar Shoulders o Strength Boost Pads o Kestrel Shoulder Pieces

• Gauntlets o N7 Gauntlets o Kassa Fabrications Gauntlets o Serrice Council Gauntlets o Rosenkov Materials Gauntlets o Heavy Damping Gauntlets o Armax Arsenal Gauntlets o Offhand Ammo Pack o Ariake Technologies Gauntlets o Hahne-Kedar Gauntlets o Stabilization Gauntlets o Kestrel Arm Sheathing

• Greaves o N7 Greaves o Stimulator Conduits o Life Support Webbing o Ordnance Packs o Kassa Fabrications Greaves o Serrice Council Greaves o Rosenkov Materials Greaves o Armax Arsenal Greaves o Ariake Technologies Greaves o Hahne-Kedar Greaves o Kestrel Power Pack

• Armour Sets o Blood Dragon Armor o Cerberus Ajax Armor o Cerberus Armor o Cerberus Nightmare Armor o Cerberus Shade Armor o Cerberus Spirit Armor o Collector Armor o Inferno Armor o N7 Defender Amor o Reckoner Knight Armor o Terminus Assault Armor o Kestrel Armor

• Full-Body Armours o Agent o Assassin o Battlemaster


o Berserker o Colossus o Duelist o Explorer o Gladiator o Guardian o Hydra o Liberator o Mantis o Mercenary o Onyx o Phantom o Phoenix o Predator o Predator X o Rage o Scorpion o Silverback o Survivor o Thermal o Titan o Ursa o Warlord

▪ Armour Upgrades • Stimulant Pack • Armor Plating • Ablative Coating • Energized Plating • Hardened Weave • First Aid Interface • Medical Interface • Medical Exoskeleton • Kinetic Buffer • Kinetic Exoskeleton • Motorized Joints • Exoskeleton • Combat Exoskeleton • Shock Absorbers • Shield Battery • Shield Modulator • Shield Interface • Shield Regenerator • Energized Weave • Toxic Seals • Hazard Seals • Pressurized Seals • Shield Harmonics • Microscanner • Medical VI • Ablative VI • Nanocrystal Shield • Redundant Field Generator

o Tech Abilities ▪ AI Hacking ▪ Cryo Blast


▪ Damping ▪ Decoy ▪ Defense Matrix ▪ Electric Slash ▪ Electric Hammer ▪ Energy Drain ▪ Flamer ▪ Hex Shield ▪ Incinerate ▪ Neural Shock ▪ Repair Matrix ▪ Sabotage ▪ Seeker Swarm ▪ Shadow Strike ▪ Siege Pulse ▪ Snap Freeze ▪ Submission Net ▪ Tactical Cloak ▪ Tactical Scan ▪ Tech Armor

o Arms and Armaments ▪ Projectiles

• Armor-Piercing Arrows • Concussive Arrows • Nightshade Blades

▪ Firearms • Ammunition

o Armor-Piercing Ammo o Cryo Ammo o Disruptor Ammo o Incendiary Ammo o Shredder Ammo o Warp Ammo

• Heat Management o Heat Sinks o Thermal Clips

• Weapon Classes o Assault Rifles

▪ Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle ▪ Cerberus Harrier ▪ Chakram Launcher ▪ Collector Assault Rifle ▪ Geth Pulse Rifle ▪ M-7 Lancer ▪ M-8 Avenger ▪ M-15 Vindicator ▪ M-37 Falcon ▪ M-55 Argus ▪ M-76 Revenant ▪ M-96 Mattock ▪ M-99 Saber ▪ N7 Typhoon ▪ N7 Valkyrie ▪ Particle Rifle ▪ Phaeston


▪ Striker Assault Rifle o Heavy Pistols

▪ Acolyte ▪ Arc Pistol ▪ Executioner Pistol ▪ M-3 Predator ▪ M-5 Phalanx ▪ M-6 Carnifex ▪ M-11 Supressor ▪ M-77 Paladin ▪ M-358 Talon ▪ N7 Eagle ▪ Scorpion

o Heavy Weapons ▪ Arc Projector ▪ Cobra Missile Launcher ▪ Collector Particle Beam ▪ Geth Combat Software ▪ Geth Spitfire ▪ ML-77 Missile Launcher ▪ M-100 Grenade Launcher ▪ M-333 Particle Beam ▪ M-451 Firestorm ▪ M-490 Blackstorm ▪ M-597 Ladon ▪ M-622 Avalanche ▪ M-920 Cain ▪ Reaper Blackstar ▪ Sync Laser

o Shotguns ▪ AT-12 Raider ▪ Disciple ▪ Geth Plasma Shotgun ▪ Graal SPike Thrower ▪ M-11 Wraith ▪ M-22 Eviscerator ▪ M-23 Katana ▪ M-27 Scimitar ▪ M-300 Claymore ▪ N7 Crusader ▪ N7 Piranha ▪ Reegar Carbine ▪ Venom Shotgun

o Sniper Rifles ▪ Black Widow ▪ Collector Sniper Rifle ▪ Javelin ▪ Kishock Harpoon Gun ▪ Krysae SNiper Rifle ▪ M-13 Raptor ▪ M-29 Incisor ▪ M-90 Indra ▪ M-92 Mantis ▪ M-97 Viper ▪ M-98 Widow


▪ N7 Valiant o Submachine Guns (SMGs)

▪ Blood Pack Punisher ▪ Collector SMG ▪ Geth Plasma SMG ▪ M-4 Shuriken ▪ M-9 Tempest ▪ M-12 Locust ▪ M-25 Hornet ▪ N7 Hurricane

o Melee Weapons ▪ Monomolecular blades ▪ Omni-blades

o Miscellanous ▪ Palm Blaster

▪ Grenades and Mines • Arc Grenade • Cluster Grenade • Flashbang Grenade • Frag Grenade • Homing Grenade • Inferno Grenade • Lift Grenade • Multi-Frag Grenade • Mark 14 Grenade • Sticky Grenade • Cain Trip Mine • Tech Proximity Mine

▪ Weapon Mods • Assault Rifle Mods

o Stability Damper o Magazine Upgrade o Piercing Mod o Extended o Barrel o Precision Scope o Omni-Blade o Thermal Scope o High-Velocity Barrel o Ultralight Materials

• Heavy Pistol Mods o Melee Stunner o Piercing Mod o Magazine Upgrade o High-Caliber Barrel o Scope o Ultralight Materials o Heavy Barrel o Cranial Trauma System o Power Magnifier

• Shotgun Mods o Spare Thermal Clip o Shredder Mod o Blade Attachment o High Caliber Barrel


o Smart Choke o Omni-Blade o High-Velocity Barrel o Ultralight Materials

• Sniper Rifle Mods o Concentration Mod o Spare Thermal Clip o Extended Barrel o Piercing Mod o Enhanced Scope o Thermal Scope o High-Velocity Barrel o Ultralight Materials

• Submachine Gun Mods o Ultralight Materials o Magazine Upgrade o High Caliber Barrel o Heat Sink o Scope o High-Velocity Barrel o Recoil System o Power Magnifier

▪ Weapon Upgrades • Combat Sensor • Combat Scanner • Combat Optics • Improved Sighting • Heat Sink • Frictionless Materials • High Caliber Barrel • Rail Extension • Scram Rail • Recoil Damper • Kinetic Stabilizer • Kinetic Coil


Hyper Rail Exploration and Colonization Technology

o Prefabs

o Probes

o The Shroud

Tech Resources

o Element Zero

o Helium-3

o Omni-gel

Information and Communications Technology

o Combat Simulation

o Extranet

o Grayboxes

o Haptic Adaptive Interface

o Optical Storage Devices (OSD)

o Quantum Entanglement Communication (QEC) ▪ Comm Buoys

o Geth Consensus ▪ Organic-Synthetic Interfacing


6. Fauna and Flora

List of creatures :

Pod crabs

o Anatomy/Physiology

o Evolution

o Appearances in canon

Thresher Maws

o Anatomy/Physiology

o Evolution

o Appearances in canon


o Anatomy/Physiology

o Evolution

o Appearances in canon


o Anatomy/Physiology

o Evolution

o Appearances in canon

Space Beetles

o Anatomy/Physiology

o Evolution

o Appearances in canon

Space Cows

o Anatomy/Physiology

o Evolution

o Appearances in canon

Gas bags

o Anatomy/Physiology

o Evolution

o Appearances in canon


Notable creatures :

Shifty looking cow


The Thorian

Urz, Eezo

Space Hamster




7. Characters


o Commander John/Jane/Custom Shepard


Squad members

o Kaidan Alenko

o Tali’Zorah nar Rayya

o Liara T’Soni

o Garrus Vakarian

o Ashley Williams

o Urdnot Wrex

o James Vega

o Miranda Lawson

o Jack

o Urdnot Grunt

o Thane Krios

o Zaeed Massani

o Kasumi Goto

o Legion

o Jacob Taylor

o Javik

o Samara


Normandy crew

o Greg Adams

o David Anderson

o Dr. Karin Chakwas

o Richard L. Jenkins

o Jeff “Joker” Moreau

o Charles Pressly

o Steve Cortez

o Samantha Traynor

o Kelly Chambers

Main Antagonists

o Saren Arterius

o Matriarch Benezia

o Sovereign

o Harbinger

o Collector General

o Donovan Hock

o Gavin Archer

o The Illusive Man

o Oleg Petrovsky

o Clone Shepard

o Maya Brooks