Trench warfare

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Trench warfare

Trench Warfare

Offence to Defence

• Trench warfare occurred because the German offensive plan, known as the “Schlieffen Plan” did not work as planned

• The Germans shifted to the defence and established trenches in anticipation of an allied counter attack

The Ultimate Defence

• Trenches were only a small part of a defensive system that made the taking of any amount of land very costly in lives

• Barbed wire, mines, defensive artillery faced advancing troops besides rifle and machinegun fire from the enemy

Parts of a Trench

• Fire step – where soldiers would stand to fire at an advancing enemy

• Duck board – Floor boards for the trench

• Dugout – Small caves where soldiers would sleep

Life in the Trenches

• Lice– Lice were everywhere and spread quickly because of the close quarters in the trenches

• Trench Foot – Trench Foot would happen because soldiers spent their days in knee deep water, this meant their tissue would die and begin to rot, requiring amputation

• Rats – rats were everywhere eating leftover food and even dead bodies

Daily Routine

• Everyday at dawn soldiers were ordered to “stand to” on the firing step in anticipation of an enemy attack

• Daily routine involved repairing the sandbags and duckboard in the trenches

• On a regular basis the enemy would unleash gas attacks, artillery barrages and sniper fire

Enemy Aliens

• Nationals of Germany or Austria-Hungary were detained

• There needed to be “reasonable grounds” to believe they were acting illegally

• There were 8579 men in 24 camps across Canada, along with81 women and 156 children