TREAD: A generic construction for provably TF resistant ... · This talk : Outline TREAD I Family...

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Transcript of TREAD: A generic construction for provably TF resistant ... · This talk : Outline TREAD I Family...

  • TREAD: A generic construction for provably TFresistant distance bounding

    Gildas Avoine3 Xavier Bultel1 Sébastien Gambs 2 DavidGerault1 Pascal Lafourcade1 Cristina Onete 3 Jean-Marc

    Robert 4

    1University Clermont Auvergne, 2UQAM, Montréal, 3INSA/IRISA Rennes,4ÉTS, Montréal


  • This talk : Outline

    TREADI Family of protocolsI Provably secureI Modular : several possible instances

    I LightweightI Private vs eavesdropperI Anonymous vs verifiers

    I New mechanism for TF resistanceThe DFKO framework

    I Another security model for DBI Dürholz, Fischlin, Kasper, Onete (2011)I Overview of the proofs for TREAD

  • Why provable ?

    I Too many broken protocolsI A 2015 survey on 40+ protocols found only 9 survivorsI New attack statregies appear regularly

    I TF against noise resistant protocolsI MF via key recovery/bit flippingI PRF programming attacksI . . .

  • Why anonymous ?

    I User tracking has become pervasiveI Location history reveal a lot :

    I Work addressI Home addressI Social links

    I DB is a good candidate for tracking

  • Why a new approach for TF resistance ?

    I TF resistance : if P helps A once, then A can impersonnate P at willI Generally done by forcing P to leak his key for A to succeedI r0 = a, r1 = a ⊕ XI P can give A a noisy version of his secret : proving it is enough to

    pass is difficultPrevious solutions :

    I FO, SPADE : BackdoorI SKI, DBopt : Leakage schemeI Proprox : Extractor

    Additionally, it helped with anonymity

  • Combining TF resistance and anonymity

    I Challenging (with a revocation mechanism)I Metro access system

    I Anonymity for location privacyI DF/DH/TF resistance to prevent access sublettingI MF for obvious reasons

  • TREAD : Design

    Prover P Verifier VAgree on r0,r1←−−−−−−−−−−−→for i = 0 to n

    Pick ci ∈ {0, 1}ci←−−−−−−−−−−−− Start clock

    rcii−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Stop clockstore ∆ti

    Everything is in the setting of r0 and r1(Usually PRF)

  • One problem : PRF programming

    I PRF securiy : PRFX (input) ≡ random if x random and hiddenI 6= unpredictible if the key is known : Encx (input) is a PRFI DF : PRFX (NP,NV ) =

    I Cste if NP = H(X)I fx (NP, NV ) otherwise

    is a PRFI Not safe if combined with the key eitherI MF : PRFX (NP,NV , a) =

    I X if a = fX (NP, NV ) ⊕ XI fx (NP, NV , a) otherwise

    is a PRFLet’s remove the PRF !

  • How to pick the response vectors

    I ∀i , r0i = r1i : DF, MFI ∀i , r0i 6= r1i : DF, MFI ∀i , r1i = r0i ⊕ Xi : TF, MF

    Solution : P pick a, b, V picks m, r0 = a, r1 = b ⊕mP authenticates a, b with a signature S and an encryption scheme E

  • TREAD...almost

    Prover P Verifier Vek : encryption key dk : decryption keysk : signature key vk : verification key

    a||b $← {0, 1}2·nσp = S.sigsk(a||b)

    e = E.encek(a||b||σp)e−−−−−−−−−−−−→ (a||b||σp) = E.decdk(e)

    if S.vervk(σp , a||b||idprv(P)) = 0then abort

    m←−−−−−−−−−−−− m $← {0, 1}n

    r0 = a, r1 = b ⊕mfor i = 0 to n

    Pick ci ∈ {0, 1}ci←−−−−−−−−−−−− Start clock

    rcii−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Stop clockstore ∆ti

  • TREAD with identities

    Prover P Verifier Vek : encryption key dk : decryption keysk : signature key vk : verification key

    idpub(P) : public identityidprv(P) : private identity

    a||b $← {0, 1}2·nσp = S.sigsk(a||b||idprv(P))

    e = E.encek(a||b||idprv(P)||σp)e||idpub(P)

    −−−−−−−−−−−−→ (a||b||idprv(P)||σp) = E.decdk(e)if S.vervk(σp , a||b||idprv(P)) = 0then abort

    m←−−−−−−−−−−−− m $← {0, 1}n

    r0 = a, r1 = b ⊕mfor i = 0 to n

    Pick ci ∈ {0, 1}ci←−−−−−−−−−−−− Start clock

    rcii−−−−−−−−−−−−→ Stop clockstore ∆ti

  • Security of TREAD

    If E is a CCA-2 secure encryption scheme, and S is unforgeable, thenTREAD is

    I DF/DH resistant, and PrDF = ( 34 )n

    I MF resistant, and PrMF = ( 34 )n + negl . (signature+encryption)

    I And SimTF ResistantProofs in the DFKO (Dürholz, Fischlin, Kasper, Onete) model

  • The DFKO model

    I Session based (P-V, P-A, A-V)I A strictly increasing clock marker(sid ,m) per sessionI A quantified in terms of t, qobs , qP , qVI Notion of tainted sessionI A wins if he is accepted in an untainted session

  • DFKO : DF/DH

    A malicious, far away prover P∗ tries to be accepted by V , possibly inthe presence of honest provers near the verifier.

    I CommitTo(ri) ≡ send in advanceI Prompt(ri) ≡ use P’s responseI In practice, two dummy sessions

    A session is tainted if during the time critical partI P∗ does not either commit or prompt for one roundI P∗ changes his response after receiving the challenge

    P∗ wins if ∃pid such thatI pid is not taintedI P∗ is accepted in pid

  • TREAD : DH resistance

    Prover P Verifier Vek : encryption key dk : decryption keysk : signature key vk : verification key

    idpub(P) : public identityidprv(P) : private identity

    a||b $← {0, 1}2·nσp = S.sigsk(a||b||idprv(P))

    e = E.encek(a||b||idprv(P)||σp)e||idpub(P)

    −−−−−−−−−−−−→ (a||b||idprv(P)||σp) = E.decdk(e)r0 = a, r1 = b ⊕m

    I r0i 6= r1i for half the rounds due to mI commit correct with probability 34 for each roundI For DH-like attacks :I Pr

    [rP∗i = rPi

    ]= 12

    The best strategy is to guess ri in advance

  • DFKO : MF

    A is between a far away P and VA session is tainted if A performs pure relaying during the time criticalphase, ie :P c

    ′i←− A ci←− V

    P ri−→ A r′i−→ V

    I ci = c ′iI ri = r ′iI A receives ci before sending c ′iI A receives ri before sending r ′iA wins if ∃pid such that

    I pid is not taintedI P is accepted in pid

    A can perform impure relaying(equivalent to the learning phase of BMV)

  • TREAD : MF resistance

    Prover P Verifier Vek : encryption key dk : decryption keysk : signature key vk : verification key

    idpub(P) : public identityidprv(P) : private identity

    a||b $← {0, 1}2·nσp = S.sigsk(a||b||idprv(P))

    e = E.encek(a||b||idprv(P)||σp)e||idpub(P)

    −−−−−−−−−−−−→ (a||b||idprv(P)||σp) = E.decdk(e)r0 = a, r1 = b ⊕m

    I r0i 6= r1i for half the rounds due to mI a, b protected by EI A cannot forge eI a, b are never reused, A only learns the responses for one set of

    challenges (or slightly more)

  • DFKO : SimTF

    P∗ helps A, the protocol is resistant if after one success, a simulator withthe view of A Prsim can pass with probability at least PrA.A session is tainted if A and P∗ communicate at all during the timecritical phase.Other notions :

    I GameTF : Prsim ≥ PrMF

    I strSimTF : like simTF, but A and P∗ can communicate during thetime critical phase

  • TREAD : TF resistance

    Counter intuitiveI Combining r0 and r1 gives no keyI No full secret vector recoveryI No backdoor/extractor/leakage scheme

    Key idea : A can replay eRewind A and make him play again

  • ReplayWith the prover

    P A Vh1−−−→

    e−−−→m←−−− m←−−−



    Later, with a challengerCP A = sim CV V

    h1−−−→e−−−→ e−−−→

    m←−−− m←−−−m2←−−−

    h2(m)−−−→ci←−−− ci←−−−

    rcii−−−→rcii ⊕((mi⊕m2 i )·ci )−−−−−−−−−−−→

  • No extraction

    I No assumptions on h1 or h2(m)I No assumption on how much bits A knowsI If A wins once, he can replay the same game and win againI But : proof more difficult if no SimTF

  • Some instances : symmetric

    E : Symmetric encryption, S : Mac, idpub=PProver P Verifier V

    ek : encryption key dk : decryption keysk : signature key vk : verification key

    idpub(P) : public identityidprv(P) : private identity

    a||b $← {0, 1}2·nσp = S.sigsk(a||b||idprv(P))

    e = E.encek(a||b||idprv(P)||σp)e||idpub(P)

    −−−−−−−−−−−−→ (a||b||idprv(P)||σp) = E.decdk(e)

    I No anonymity, no privacyI Lightweight

  • Some instances : public key

    E : Public key encryption, idpub=∅, idpriv=PProver P Verifier V

    ek : encryption key dk : decryption keysk : signature key vk : verification key

    idpub(P) : public identityidprv(P) : private identity

    a||b $← {0, 1}2·nσp = S.sigsk(a||b||idprv(P))

    e = E.encek(a||b||idprv(P)||σp)e||idpub(P)

    −−−−−−−−−−−−→ (a||b||idprv(P)||σp) = E.decdk(e)

    I Privacy vs eavesdroppersI Requires public key

  • Some instances : group signature

    E : Public key encryption, S : Group signature, idpub=∅,idpriv=GroupID

    Prover P Verifier Vek : encryption key dk : decryption keysk : signature key vk : verification key

    idpub(P) : public identityidprv(P) : private identity

    a||b $← {0, 1}2·nσp = S.sigsk(a||b||idprv(P))

    e = E.encek(a||b||idprv(P)||σp)e||idpub(P)

    −−−−−−−−−−−−→ (a||b||idprv(P)||σp) = E.decdk(e)

    I Privacy vs eavesdroppersI Anonymous wrt verifiersI Requires group signatures

    e can be precomputed

  • Other options

    Prover P Verifier Vek : encryption key dk : decryption keysk : signature key vk : verification key

    idpub(P) : public identityidprv(P) : private identity

    a||b $← {0, 1}2·nσp = S.sigsk(a||b||idprv(P))

    e = E.encek(a||b||idprv(P)||σp)e||idpub(P)

    −−−−−−−−−−−−→ (a||b||idprv(P)||σp) = E.decdk(e)

    I More lightweight : E : Symmetric encryption, S : MAC, idpub=∅,idpriv=P

    I Identity based encryptionI idpub=group, idpriv=identityI Any combination, as long as E is CCA2-secure and S is unforgeable.

    e can be precomputed

  • The anonymous version

    I Anonymity directly comes from the group signatureI We extend the model to perform the proofsI Join, corrupt, revoke...

  • A note on recent attacks

    Distance-Bounding Protocols : Verification without Time andLocation

    andSjouke Mauw, Zach Smith, Jorge Toro-Pozo, Rolando Trujillo-Rasua

    Proving physical proximity using symbolic modelsAlexandre Debant, Stéphanie Delaune, Cyrille Wiedling

    I Multible, possibly dishonest verifiersI Not possible in our model, but still very relevantI V ∗ deciphers e, and gets a, b, σp = S.sigsk(a||b)I V ∗ can use a, b, σp = S.sigsk(a||b) with another verifier and

    impersonate P

  • Possible solutions

    I Authenticating the verifier (eg certificate)I Setting σp = S.sigsk(a, b,V ) and e = E.encek(a, b,V , idprv(P), σp)I But then TF resistance only for one verfiierI (needs to be verified)

  • Thank you for your attention !

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