Traveleads Sample Application ·...

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Travelport SpeedList Application 11 October 2013


11 October 2013 Travelport SpeedList 1

Table of ContentsTravelport SpeedList Application..................................................................................1


The Travelport SpeedList (hereafter referred to as SL) application allows users to produce complex behaviour on Galileo Desktop at the touch of a button.....................3


Using SpeedList............................................................................................................4Starting SL.............................................................................................................................................4Accessing existing keys..........................................................................................................................4Editing keys...........................................................................................................................................8Adding keys.........................................................................................................................................10Note: You are only able to add a key to the list that is currently open in your personal key Connect List.......................................................................................................................................................10Building a definition............................................................................................................................11

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The Travelport SpeedList (hereafter referred to as SL) application allows users to produce complex behaviour on Galileo Desktop at the touch of a button.


MS Windows XP or later.

Galileo Desktop version 2.

MS Excel 2007.

MS windows installer 3.0 or later.

MS .NET 4.0 or later

Installation Details

SL is a single file .MSI install package and uses a standard windows installation wizard. SL installs into the sub directories of Galileo desktop. Keys are stored in Excel ".xls" files

N.B. .XLSX are not supported

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Using SpeedList

Starting SL

SL can be started in two ways. Firstly, by typing “#SL” in a focalpoint window, or by clicking on its icon in the toolbar.

Keys can be called from Focalpoint by typing #SL:KeyName or from and external application by calling Speedlist with the name of the key as a command line parameter e.g. Travelport.Speedlist.exe MyKey

Getting started

Accessing existing keys

It is envisioned that there will be 3 layers of keys for the user to access and use:-

Office level keys – these will “read-only” to users and are keys that cannot be edited unless you are in charge of these keys and they appear as your personal key file. Obviously, place these on

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a directory where all users have read only access apart from personnel who have the right to change this file.

PCC level keys – once again these should be treated in the same way as Office level key files in that normal users should only have read access to these keys.

Personal keys – user editable keys So, to access these files the user will need to click on the “Connect list” button on the Options tab.

You can navigate to the relevant files by pressing the “Open” button which will produce a standard file dialog, common throughout MS Windows.

If you do not require access to any particular level then the related text box should be left empty.

Colours can also be set so that you can visually determine which type of key you are dealing with, Office, PCC or User.

Once you are happy with your selections, press the "OK" button for the keys to load.

If you are building a new speed key list, you would create a blank.xls spread sheet for each level of list that is required, then name and save them with the correct access rights.

If no existing key are defined create a blank work book in Excel and save as an XLS e.g. personal.xls and select it using the above process.

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Travelport SpeedList Display

The SpeedList window will display as soon as at least one spread sheet is connected in the connect list.This window can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the screen using the window title bar.The list can be searched using the filter option. One letter is the minimum.

Note: The search is case sensitive.

Travelport SpeedList Functions

Right click the mouse anywhere on the SpeedList window to display a context sensitive menu:

Connect lists

Allows you to re-open the screen displayed when SL is first accessed to change the .xls lists of keys to which you have access.

Create new key

Allows you to create new SpeedList key.

Edit key

Allows you to edit existing keys to which you have read/write access.

Note: You can only edit keys that are displayed in your own SpeedList personal key list.

When amending a PCC or Office key list, you must have read/write access to the corresponding spreadsheet and use the connect lists option to open the PCC or Office key list as your personal key file.

Delete key

Allows you to delete keys from the key list open as your "personal" .xls file.

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Move key in list

Allows you to rearrange the display order of the keys on screen.

Editing keys

Note: You are only able to edit or delete keys from the list that is currently open in your personal key connect list. Also when editing keys the text in the edit box may flicker.

To enable editing of a key list that is either PCC or Office level, you must have read and write access to the excel spreadsheet that controls the level of keys you are amending.

Open the connect list using right click and connect lists from the key list window Select the open option against the personal keys Browse to find the correct excel spread sheet of keys that needs to be updated Any amendments or additions will be saved to the level of key excel list selected Following amendment it is recommended that you return to Connect Lists and remove the

link or open the link to your own personal keys again to ensure updates are not made to the wrong level of keys in error.

Clicking on the "Edit" button then brings up the following pop up. Alternatively you can right click on a specific key and select edit.

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Moving keys

Note: You are only able to move keys that are currently open in your personal key Connect List.

If you want to change the order of the keys in the list, then you must select the "Move" option from the menu. This will cause the following pop up to appear.

By selecting an item and then using the "Move Up"/"Move Down" buttons, the key can be placed to your satisfaction

Deleting existing keys

Note: You are only able to delete from the key list that is currently open in your personal key Connect List. If you want to delete a key then you must click on the "Delete Item" button.

You will be presented with a simple pop up from which you can select which key you wish to delete and press the "OK" button.

It is also possible to right click on a specific

You select the item to be edited and press the OK button. This will open the Add item option and you can then change the key's functionality.

Adding keys

Note: You are only able to add a key to the list that is currently open in your personal key Connect List.

When you wish to create a new key, click on the "Add Item" button from the options menu. This option can be expanded by pressing the maximize button, the font can also be changed to suit your requirements.

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Any key you create must have:

A name (compulsory)

A description (compulsory)

Shortcuts (optional) – They are currently based around a 3 key combination Shift + Alt + one of (A to Z) or (0 to 9).

Building a definition

The definition of a key is that part of a key that interacts with a user and/or the Galileo host.

The definition can be as simple or complex as required and we shall now examine the current options.

Send/Sendex – this command sends any accumulated text to the host

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Any key you create must have:

A name (compulsory)

A description (compulsory)

Shortcuts (optional) – They are currently based around a 3 key combination Shift + Alt + one of (A to Z) or (0 to 9).

e.g. *NP<SEND>, sends a *NP request to the host

You can determine if you want to send the output to the current Focalpoint window you are using or to one of the four Focalpoint windows, a Smartpoint window, or a results window.

The difference in syntax is that to send outputs to a specific window is that <SENDEX,3> is used where the number is the Focalpoint window. Currently, valid numbers are:

0 – Clear the contents of the Results window

1 – Focalpoint window 1

2– Focalpoint window 2

3– Focalpoint window 3

4– Focalpoint window 4

5 – Results window

6– Smartpoint window

Example Use of Send/SendexExample: Automatic Multiple Fare quotes display to screen from a booking. No user input required.

To include entries: 11 October 2013 Travelport SpeedList 12


Note: Each action within the definition, i.e. SENDEX is surrounded by < beginning and > ending cursors. SpeedList needs these to see the beginning and ending of the command. The key cannot run without them.


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Right click and select add key

Complete the name (Compulsory)

Description (Compulsory)

Shortcut key (Optional)

1) Type the initial entry i.e. FQBB++-AB ensure your cursor is at the position where you would normally enter.

2) Click the SEND button.

3) Select send output to selected window and click on the output required from the drop down list i.e. 1 for FP window 1.

Repeat this process with:

FQ Send to window 2FS Send to window 3

Click Save to make the key permanent

Variables are storage holders for data of interest and allow data from prompts, choices or "Get" operations to be stored for use elsewhere in the key.

The variable name should be relevant to the data it is to hold.

Note: The variable name is case sensitive.

Variables can pre-define the type of data entered. Using the drop down menu either a number, or a string, can be selected. You can also initialize the variable; this means that you can pre-populate data into it when it is created. An example of this is shown below.

For small keys it may not be practicable or useful for variables to be used. If a piece of data is to be used more than once then put that data into a variable.

When you have finished creating your variable, its syntax will look something like this:


This says that the key will create some data storage called "STARTDATE" and it is of type string and it has been prepopulated with "26NOV".

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Prompts are the basic mechanism to allow a key to request user input whilst the key is running, when a prompt occurs a small pop up appears which allows user input.

Below is a "Prompt" form which allows the key creator to decide what the prompt will be, e.g. "Please enter the passenger’s last name" and whether the data entered should be placed into a variable.Note if asking a question the ? must be last in the text.To use the @ symbol in a prompt prefix it with / e.g. Please enter your email address name/

The key creator can also decide if:

1) The prompt should abort the whole key if the user presses the Cancel button (by selecting the "Exit all on Cancel" check box).

2) The "Optional prompt bypass" button, if ticked, means that if the user presses the cancel button then the key will continue to run. This option would be useful in a key running multiple entries or fare quotes where not every possible option for a quote is needed, or even desirable.

You can select one or the other of these options as possibilities but not both

Variables in prompts

The Variable does not have to be defined here. When you enter a variable name in a prompt form, SpeedList will automatically create a variable of that name when the key is run.

The prompt pop up:

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Examples of prompts

<?enter start date > - this means a prompt will appear and if you enter any data then it is tagged on to the end of the current command being created by this key.

<?enter start date@STARTDATE> - which means you will be asked for a start date and this will be stored in a variable called STARTDATE for later use.

[<?enter start date@STARTDATE>] - this means that if you press the Cancel button then the key will carry on but not add anything to the command being created

<?enter start date@STARTDATE, ABORT> - this means that if you press the Cancel button then the whole key is stopped and aborted.

Optional bypass and Exit on Cancel are mutually exclusive.

If no prompt is entered then the statement becomes


Example Use of Variable and Prompt

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Example: Key to complete multiple Booking file list search entries to direct them to different queues, using a date range specified by the user.

To include entries:




Right click and select Create New KeyComplete the name (Compulsory)Description (Compulsory)Shortcut key (Optional)

1) Type the first part of the first entry i.e. LD/ALL/ place the cursor where you would normally enter the details click PROMPT.

Note: Ensure no spaces are added in-between key elements as this can cause problems with the format entry.

2) Click PROMPT and enter the text you would want to appear to the user, e.g. enter your sign on initials. 3) Select optional prompt bypass if the key can still continue without this data or Exit all on cancel to stop the key running if the user clicks cancel.

4) Enter a Variable text identifier to create the Variable this must be entered in exactly the same way Upper case or lower case with spaces when it is referenced later in the key, e.g. SIGN and click OK

5) Type the Variable identifier and "syntax" into the key <@SIGN> This will provide the key with the link to the prompt and a reference as to where to find the data and enter it

6) Enter the LD entry delimiter /

7) Click PROMPT and enter the text you would want to appear to the user, e.g. enter today's date.

8) Select optional prompt bypass to allow the key to continue running. This is preferred for testing.

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9) Enter a Variable text identifier e.g. TODAY and click OK.

10) Type the Variable identifier and "syntax" into the key <@TODAY>

11) Enter the LD entry delimiter *

12) Click PROMPT and enter the text you would want to appear to the user, e.g. enter the date 2 weeks from today.

13) Select optional prompt bypass.

14) Enter a Variable text identifier e.g. 2WEEKS and click OK.

15) Type the Variable identifier and "syntax" into the key <@2WEEKS>

16) Enter the LD entry delimiter and remainder of the entry which is static -Q/50

17) Click the SEND button.

18) Select send output to selected window and click on the output required from the drop down list, e.g. 1 for FP window 1.

Repeat this process with:

LD/ALL/HHL entry Send to window 2LD/ALL/CCR entry Send to window 3

Click Save to make the key permanent.

An example of the built key is shown below:

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Note: Whenever you use a variable, it is entered into the definition of the key, using the syntax <@VARIABLENAME> and can be typed manually or amended using this format.

Where ever you use a prompt it is entered into the definition of the key using <?Text> and can be typed manually or amended using this format.

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A comment is only for the key creator and serves as a mechanism to have notes in a key. Comments are ignored when the key is running.A comment will appear in the key like this <*This is a comment*>


Inserts today's date in the format "ddMMM" into the command being created by the running speedkey.

Today will appear in the key like this <TODAY>


Allows a key definition to collect data from a Galileo Desktop or Smartpoint window and copy it to the clipboard or store it in a variable.

The following example will get 10 characters worth of data from the current Desktop window starting from row 4, column 6. The data will then be placed in a variable called "GETSTORE".<GET,4,6,10, @GETSTORE><SET,@GETSTORE><SEND>Or, if variables are not required:<GET,4,6,10,>Selecting a window uses GETEX with 1 – 4 being Galileo windows and 6 being Smartpoint.<SET><SEND>The second variation just pastes whatever has been copied.

SETEX sets the cursor position and text or text from a variable following it.

<SETEX,windownumber, column,row,textToWrite>

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Example Use of Get and Set

Example: Key to copy a mileage membership card on to every itinerary and add additional static itinerary remarks.

Using entries:


Right click and select Create New KeyComplete the name (Compulsory)Description (Compulsory)Shortcut key (Optional)

1) Type the entry to display the data you wish to copy from, e.g. *MM and place the cursor directly after the entry.

2) Click into the Desktop window and make the required entry *MM to plot its position on the screen. Place your entry cursor at the beginning of the data you wish to copy. The row and column indicator at the bottom right of your Desktop screen will provide exact co-ordinates to enter into the GET screen.

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3) Enter the co-ordinates of the data to be copied into the GET pop up box and create a variable named MM to store the copied data for use in the next entry and click ok to complete the GET option.

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4) Type the entry to enter the itinerary remark into the definition box "RI.YOU ARE EARNING MILES ON YOUR. Place the cursor where you want the copied data from your GET key to paste.

5) Either type the variable syntax <@MM> or click the VARIABLE button and add the name MM.

6) Type the rest of the itinerary remark "CARD ON THIS TRIP" Click the send button and select send this entry to the current Focalpoint window.

7) Add the remaining static itinerary remarks with SEND options for each entry.

8) Add the *RI command to show the user what has been entered to finish the key with a SEND option.

9) Click Save to make the changes permanent.

A copy of the completed key is shown below:

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Example 2 Use of Get and Set

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Note:  The GDS format commands do not need to be surrounded by <> beginning and end cursors but do require an action to transmit them to the GDS host that is i.e. <SEND>


Provides the ability to offer a range of selections from which a choice is made by the user from a drop down menu.

To define a Choose statement, you will see the following dialogue box, where you can enter a prompt and a list of choices which each has three parts, a keyword, a description and an Action.

Keyword and Description – this display to the user to assist with selection from the drop down menu.

Action – is the syntax command to define what will happen when the user selects this option possibilities include <SEND> GDS formats NP.TEXT <SEND> or other keys can be called otherwise known as a SPEEDKEY <%SPEEDKEYNAME> . The full action syntax including cursors and action identifiers must be typed into the Action box.

Repeat…Until – will cause a choice pop up to stay open when a key is run until the user clicks OK/Cancel. If a Repeat … Until strategy is required then when a key is run an extra button appears where a user can "Apply" a choice (repeatedly). This can be useful if updating multiple booking files from a queue for example.

Assign selected keyword to variable – The selection made by the user can also be trapped in an output variable for use later if required

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Note: If the speedkey creator selects “Assign selected keyword to variable” then the selected Action can be passed to a variable for later use

To demonstrate this see the next example. When this key is run then if the user selects the first choice the associated notepad entry is made, likewise,if the user selects the second choice the the associated notepad entry is made:

<CHOOSE<Make a choice>First Choice::possible choice<NP.USER SELECTED FIRST CHOICE<SEND>>Second Choice::another choice<NP.USER SELECTED SECOND CHOICE<SEND>>>

In the next example, when you make a choice then the associated Action is stored in a variable for later use:

<CHOOSE<my choose pop up>First choice::possible choice<NP.USER SELECTED FIRST CHOICE>Second choice::another possible choice<NP.USER SELECTED SECOND CHOICE>=@CHOOSERESULT><@CHOOSERESULT><SEND>

Note: You can put whatever you like in the “Action” section, multiple statements, calling other speedkeys, etc.

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There is a "Group" option that allows you to present a series of prompts and choices as a single dialog box.

Actions resulting from the prompt inputs can then be contained in an "OK" section so the entries will only be made when the user selects OK. This does not interfere with any actions specified in the drop down.

Note: There is currently no "Group" button and so "Grouping" is a manual typing process.

The following is an example of a Group option with the key formatted into individual lines so that you can see the various parts.

The format of the “Group” function is as follows:-<GROUP…One or more prompts or choices…<OK

<…Actions to perform if user presses the Ok button>


<GROUP<?Enter a surname@FIRSTSURNAME><?Enter a firstname@FIRSTFIRSTNAME><?Enter another surname@FIRSTSURNAME2><?Enter another firstname@FIRSTFIRSTNAME2><?Enter flight date@FLYDAY><?Enter depart airport@DEPART><?Enter arrival airport@ARRIVE>


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When executed the example displays a dialog like so:


Typing an existing key name here or one that you plan to create will allow it to be called when a key definition is run.

The Speedkey syntax will look like this e.g. <%GetSet2> and will cause the key "GetSet2" to be run. This is a method of joining two existing keys together.

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Example Use of Choose, Group and Speedkey

Example: Key to prompt which cost centre is in use. Different Groups of DI. Questions are presented depending on which option is chosen to ensure all necessary cost centre specific DI. Back office entries are entered into every booking.

Using entries:


Right click and select Create New KeyComplete the name (Compulsory)Description (Compulsory)Shortcut key (Optional)

1) Select Choose from the definition options.

2) Add the Prompt: Please select a cost centre.

3) Add the Keywords and descriptions to display to the user.

4) This example is calling another Key (using the Speedkey function) that contains the Group function as this is easier to read.

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5) The Action syntax must be typed manually into the Action box with syntax begin and end cursors < and> as with the below examples.

<%NAMEOFKEY> = call another key<NP.TEXT> = make an entry<@VARIABLE> = save the data for use later.

Click OK and the resulting key definition will look like this:

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6) Click Save to make these updates permanent

Note: A Choose statement will show with a beginning cursor <the text or statement within it shows surrounded by beginning and end cursors <> Description from the choose dialogue box shows following:: resulting action commands show within double begin and end cursors <<>>

Right click and select Create New KeyComplete the name (Compulsory)Description (Compulsory)Shortcut key (Optional)

7) Build the referenced Account key using the GROUP option.

Type the syntax for GROUP into the definition box with a beginning cursor <GROUP. Use Control (Control + Return key) to move the cursor to the next line.

For clearer key building:

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8) Click the prompt button and add the prompt text to appear to the user: Please add the account reference format name and PO number. Add a VARIABLE name ACC for example to capture the data for entry when the user clicks OK.

9) Use CNTL+Return key again to move to the next line and click the prompt button and add the prompt text to appear to the user for the next option: Please enter the account name - 4 numerics. Add a VARIABLE name ACCNO for example to capture the data for entry when the user clicks OK.

10) Use CNTL+Return key again to move to the next line and click the prompt button and add the prompt text to appear to the user for the next option: Please enter the fare saving amount - currency code not required. Add a VARIABLE name FS for example to capture the data for entry when the user clicks OK.

11) Use CNTL+Return key again to move to the next line and type the beginning cursor and the onscreen OK option <OK .

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12) Use CNTL+Return key again to move to the next line and type the format entry for the key DI.AR-<@ACC><SEND> You can click the SEND button and select or type the command. Notice all Variables are defined by @ and surrounded by <> cursors

Click save to make these changes permanent and the resulting key definition will look like this:

Right click and select Create New KeyComplete the name (Compulsory)Description (Compulsory)Shortcut key (Optional)

13) Build the referenced Sales key using the GROUP option

Type the syntax for GROUP into the definition box with a beginning cursor <GROUP. Use Control (Control + Return key) to move the cursor to the next line.

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For clearer key building

14) Follow the process as for the ACCOUNT key to add the specific DI. requirements for the Sales cost centre.

15) Click save to make the changes permanent.


If statements can also be used. If you reach a situation whereby a choice has to be made in the speedkey and user interaction is not required then the "If then else" statement can be used.11 October 2013 Travelport SpeedList 36

First conditional - You select a <@Variable> for the first conditional. If it is already defined in the key it will appear as a drop down menu selection.

Operation (=, !=, <,>). = Equal to != Not Equal to < Less than >Greater than

Operations available depend on the two "types" of variables you are going to compare.

Second conditional can be another variable or a constant. The "Then" and "Else" sections can contain anything and will be activated when the user makes a choice as the key is executed. These areas are completed using manual update and syntax as detailed previously.

An If…Then…Else example11 October 2013 Travelport SpeedList 37

Action & Syntax Explanation

<@SECOND,string,DUB> Create a variable with a pre-defined initialized value of DUB

[<?Enter a date of departure,@DATE>] Create a prompt for user input with a variable attached to collect their input

[<?Enter a start airport,@FIRST>] Create a prompt for user input with a Variable attached to collect their input

[<?Enter an end airport,@DEST>] Create a prompt for user input with a Variable attached to collect their input

<IF (DEST,=,SECOND) If the value typed into the destination prompt is DUB

THEN<<?Please refer to our Guinness conference rates.Hit enter to continue>>>

If the statement is true display a prompt for the user to check a conference rate

>ELSE Alternative action if the statement is not true and Destination typed is not DUB

<A10SEP<@DATE><@FIRST><@DEST><SEND>>> Make availability entry

Points to note:

The repeated <.> beginning and end cursors when an action in this case a prompt is within an IF statement

The >>> triple end cursors to end the multiple If and Else statements

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Example Use of IF Then Else

Example: Key to prompt for a savings code if necessary. If the user decides a savings code is necessary a list will appear for selection. If not a standard notepad qualifier is added.

Using entries:


Right click and select Create New KeyComplete the name (Compulsory)Description (Compulsory)Shortcut key (Optional)

1) Enter the first prompt entry for the user <?Does this itinerary require a fare saving code Y or N@SAVE> The @SAVE variable is being created at the same time.

2) Click on the IF statement option and complete the dialogue box as shown.

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A copy of the completed key is shown below:

Note: The IF and ELSE statements hold other actions within them. They therefore begin with a beginning cursor < and end with >>> multiple end cursors to terminate all actions within that statement

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You can call programs by using the Execute button, as follows:

They locate an executable and can pass arguments as well if the executable accepts them.

Here, in the following example Enhanced Itinerary will be started with a Galileo Desktop record locator. Note: the variable “ARGUMENT” holds the command line argument that tells Enhanced Itinerary to load a Galileo PNR Q7SFQM.


Further, this example could easily have the RECORDLOCATOR variable populated from the result of a choice.

Example Use of Execute

Example: Key to prompt the user for their locator. The locator is then automatically retrieved and displayed within the Enhanced Itinerary Script.

Note: This script is written for and utilized in the UK market.

Right click and select Create New KeyComplete the name (Compulsory)Description (Compulsory)Shortcut key (Optional)

1) Enter the Argument that requests the Record locator is passed to the enhanced itinerary script to open the requested PNR. <@ARGUMENT,string,/GD:>

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2) Enter the first prompt entry for the user <?Please enter your record locator@RL> This is added with a variable to save the input data.3) Click on the EXECUTE option and click find to browse to the location of the required program. Script.exe files are normally found under:

C:\Program files. (X86)\Travelport\ or C:\FP\SWDIR\CustomViewpoint

A copy of the completed key is shown below:

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Note: This key could easily be joined to another key to finish a process using the speedkey option

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Extra Example

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