Travel Plan Pack (1)

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Transcript of Travel Plan Pack (1)

  • 8/14/2019 Travel Plan Pack (1)


  • 8/14/2019 Travel Plan Pack (1)


    TravelWise is the Merseyside Transport Partnerships Campaign to help people in Merseyside

    make smarter travel choices. TravelWise works with schools, businesses, universities, colleges,

    hospitals, housing developments and tourist sites to support Travel Plans. This improves access

    to those sites and also helps reduce congestion and pollution.

    The Merseyside Transport Partnership is investing in this package of support in order to assist

    the TravelWise programme, which has the following aims:

    To reduce the increase in peak hour traffic flows to urban centres and areawide road traffic

    To contribute to measures to improve air quality, particularly in relation to

    existing and potential future air quality management areas

    To improve accessibility for workplaces, health sites and education

    To improve public transport patronage through marketing to potential users,

    and to retain existing markets that are at risk of abstraction

    To increase levels of cycling

    To increase levels of walking

    To increase the use of more sustainable modes for trips to school

    To achieve road casualty reduction targets To increase positive perceptions of sustainable modes

    To increase stakeholder involvement and support

    After reading this pack, if you would like an informal discussion, please contactthe TravelWise team on 0151 330 1855 or visit

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    Travel Plans the background

    Travel Plan Pack introduction 4

    What is a Travel Plan 5

    What TravelWise can do for you 7

    Managing your Travel Plan 8

    Current travel patterns

    Making informed decisions 10

    Structure for a Travel Plan

    Your Travel Plan - template structure 12

    Action plan template 18

    Measures, initiatives and case examples

    Your organisation 22

    Being pedestrian friendly 24 Encourage cycling 26

    Encouraging the use of public transport 28

    Reducing the need to travel 31

    Use of car clubs in the workplace 33

    Car park management 35

    Promoting car share 37

    Annexe - Assessing your organisation 39

    Promoting sustainable transport TravelWise contacts 40

    Useful web links 41

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    TravelWise MerseysideTravel Plan PackThe TravelWise Merseyside pack is intended asa resource for organisations looking todevelop and implement their own Travel Plan.The booklet is intended to be a resource whichis appropriate to all types of organisationsincluding public and private sector companies,hospitals, colleges and retail outlets. Somesections may be more relevant than others butthe principle Travel Plan process is universallyappropriate. This booklet includes informationon the stages of Travel Plan development, withprompts, questions and interactive tools tohelp you complete your Travel Plan.

    Please note that there is a separate resourceavailable for developers who need Travel Plansas part of the planning process. Details can befound on the TravelWise .

    Key stages to managing the projectIt is important to realise that a Travel Plan is anon-going process that requires regularreviewing.

    Stage 1Why you need a Travel Plan

    Stage 2

    Produce your business case to obtain seniormanagement support

    Stage 3Set up steering group - include keydepartments; personnel, finance, estatesmanagement and fleet managers

    Stage 4Employee travel survey and facilities audit

    Stage 5Devise specific objectives and targets

    Stage 6Introduce a tailored package of measures foryour organisation

    Stage 7Monitoring strategy

    Stage 8Review programme


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    A Travel Plan is a site-specific policy and actionplan for managing transport effectively, withthe aim of improving access to a site by allmodes of travel, ensuring choice for everyone.By implementing a Travel Plan you can addressseveral transport issues; commuting, businesstravel, fleet management, business deliveriesand transport contracts.

    A Travel Plan is a package of practical

    measures and incentives, developed byemployers and employees with the aim ofreducing car dependency and encouraging theuse of sustainable modes of transport. Theplan can include improved bicycle facilities, carsharing schemes, support for public transportor changes in parking provision. Departmentfor Transport (DfT) research shows that a well-designed travel plan can typically cut 15% ofcommuter car use.

    On average, Travel Plans that addressed carparking resulted in a 24% reduction in theproportion of commuter journeys being madeby car. For Travel Plans that had not addressedcar parking the average reduction was 10%.(DfT Research Report: Making Travel PlansWork).

    Many organisations, both in Britain as well asinternationally, are adopting travel planning

    as an integral part of their overall businessstrategy. Across Merseyside private companies,Local Authorities, hospitals and GovernmentAgencies are all developing Travel Plans.

    What is a Travel Plan?

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    Why Travel Plans are increasing inimportance Local authorities increasingly require Travel

    Plans through the planning process,demonstrating recognition of the benefits oftravel planning to business and the wider

    community A workplace with limited accessibility will

    make recruitment and retention of staffproblematic

    Over-reliance on the car means it is notalways the most efficient method oftransport, due to rising congestion levelsacross the UK. The cost to UK businesses ofdelays and unreliability due to congestion isestimated to cost business over 17.5 billion

    a year. The Government has set targets to reduce

    carbon emissions to avoid dangerous climatechange. Travel Plans can help towardsreaching these targets, as currently 73% of

    journeys to work are made by car. Thisproportion has been steadily increasing in allMerseyside districts while the proportion of

    journeys made by sustainable modes hasdeclined across all modes.

    The World Health Organisation has officiallyprescribed each of us moderate exercise forhalf an hour five times a week, which can fitperfectly with walking or cycling to work

    The Business case for Travel PlansExperience shows that the benefits ofadopting a Travel Plan can be extensive. Yourorganisation, its staff, its customers and yourwider local community all stand to gain fromtheir implementation.

    Travel Plans can give your organisation acompetitive advantage by:

    Solving problems caused by demand forparking

    Saving money on the cost of providing andmaintaining car parking spaces

    Cutting mileage claims and other businesstravel costs

    Reducing the costs of running a fleet Solving problems caused by trafficcongestion in and around your site

    Improving your image with both customersand stakeholders

    Improving staff health, which in turn couldreduce absenteeism

    Assuring parking for those who most needaccess to a vehicle

    Freeing up land used for car parks to beutilised more productively

    Meeting corporate goals e.g. corporate andsocial responsibility, quality assurance andenvironmental management

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    What we can dofor you?

    Provide single point of enquiry for travelneeds

    Provide expert one to one advice - ATravelWise advisor will be assigned to yourcompany to take you through developing

    your Travel Plan

    Share resources and best practice, e.g. ourTravel Plan pack, Travel Plan self-assessmenttool, free on-line survey facility, action plans,suggested structure and site audits

    Offer free support and advice TravelWiseOfficers will attend Travel Plan action teammeetings as appropriate, make presentations

    to managers and employees, and providelinks to local authorities

    Facilitate networking and exchange of goodpractice through regular Merseyside TravelPlan Forums

    Provide updates via email newsletter

    Provide a staff postcode map

    Offer the TravelWise grant scheme to helpfund your Travel Plan initiatives (conditionsapply)

    Provide staff with Personal Journey Planners

    Inform on latest national and local policydevelopments, events and governmentgrants

    Liaise with local public and communitytransport operators

    Support promotional activities such as on-siteTravel Fairs

    Inform on travel and ticketing schemes

    Provide research on particular topics

    Publicise and promote successful initiatives

    Give you access to the Wise Moves Network,giving exclusive access to the TravelWisegrant scheme and our marketing materials

    TravelWise MerseysideLTP Support Unit24 Hatton Garden Liverpool, L3 2ANTel: 0151 330 1253 Fax: 0151 330 1094Email:

    TravelWise Merseyside offers a range of support services to help you develop yourTravel Plan. We can:

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    Managing your Travel PlanSupportCommitment to the Travel Plan from seniormanagement should be demonstrated fromthe outset. Leading by example is alwayseffective. This can be achieved by personalaction and participation within project groups.It may prove easier to get senior managementcommitment if you first develop a businesscase for the Travel Plan. Senior managementmay view the plan more favourably when they

    understand the financial, social and politicalbenefits. It is important for everyone tounderstand the need for a Travel Plan at anearly stage, and how it will benefit everyone.

    Building support from employeesrequires: Their understanding of the aims of the

    Travel Plan The Plan to be prepared with their active

    participation ensuring wide ownership Their representatives, including trade unions,

    to be involved with the steering group Their understanding of the benefits it will

    bring to them both individually and

    collectively, and financially That the Travel Plan takes into accountemployees' views, and that it contains fairproposals

    Their appreciation of the Travel Plan notbeing anti-car it is about using all modes oftransport, including cars, more wisely

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    CommunicationGood communication is essential to asuccessful Travel Plan. Ensuring the positiveintroduction of the subject is an importantfirst step. TravelWise Merseyside can supplyleaflets, posters and and displays to help raise

    awareness and to stress the positive aspects ofa Travel Plan. Publicity of each measure as it isintroduced (and ongoing encouragement andreminders to take action) will ensure success.This effort must be sustained throughout theimplementation of the plan. Somecommunication ideas include:

    Newsletters and magazines E-mail and intranet

    Bulletin boards to display posters Travel Fairs - providing information, adviceand promoting special offers or newincentives

    Team briefings Open meetings and discussion groups Pay slips messages or attachments for

    distribution of information PR events e.g. senior management leading

    by example

    Publication of survey results, success ofmeasures and employee accounts

    Employee recruitment and inductioninformation to incorporate the Travel Planand information on access to all travel modes

    Links to wider events such as Bike Week,health campaigns and TravelWise Week(TravelWise will let you know more aboutthese)

    Resources neededTravel Plan measures are cost effective solutionsto transport and parking managementproblems. Initial start-up costs may be offset,for instance, by savings in car park subsidies.Recent alterations to company car allowancesand taxes on travel arrangements make TravelPlan measures even more financially attractive.

    Time is required from employees in order toprepare and implement a Travel Plan. It isuseful to nominate an individual to co-ordinatethe project and set up an action group,responsible for taking the project further. Inlarge organisations a nominated representativewithin each department may be on the actiongroup and act as a point of contact.

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    Making informed decisions

    In deciding what measures and initiatives aremost appropriate for your organisation, youneed to understand your organisationscurrent travel patterns and how transport isaffecting you. This information is useful formaking the business case for initiatives youpropose. You can do this by carrying out a siteassessment, a survey of employee travelpatterns and an audit of other related travel.An accurate picture of travel patterns and an

    understanding of the factors that influence aperson's choice of travel will be reached. Theinvolvement of keen and enthusiasticindividuals will ensure the completion ofthe work.

    Assessment of current practiceFirstly, an assessment of your sites currenttransport infrastructure and systems alongwith transport subsidies is required. In theannex of the booklet is a simple audit form

    which can help your organisation. Most of theinformation is likely to be readily availablewithin your organisation. Other departments(such as personnel, finance and estatemanagement) will be able to help with datacollection. Involving other departments is apositive move as it raises awareness of theTravel Plan. It can help to give a sense ofownership within the organisation and alsohelp to recruit colleagues onto the steering

    group. TravelWise can provide some of thisinformation, such as details of publictransport, walking and cycling routes.

    Wise Moves NetworkAs a member of Wise Moves Network you willhave exclusive access to a number of benefits.

    A free on-line travel survey, bespoke to yourneeds

    This employee survey gathers data about howyour employees currently travel to work, theiropinions on transport and identifies whichTravel Plan measures will be most effective.

    Questions can be modified to address yourorganisations specific needs. An on-line surveypackage including a library of questions isavailable to assist you in developing a surveyspecific to your site. Results will automaticallybe analysed, providing you with fast results.

    Free TravelWise Merseyside marketing materialsAs a Wise Moves member you can orderposters, postcodes maps, mousemats, drinkscoasters, leaflets and a whole host of otherpromotional material to display and distributethroughout your organisation in support ofyour travel plan.

    Bespoke marketing resources such asTravelWise guides which detail how to reachyour site by all modes, and posters / flyers mayalso be available.

    Free Travel Plan Forums

    TravelWise Merseyside organises three forumsa year for organisations that want toimplement their Travel Plans. These freeforums are an opportunity to keep up withtravel developments, share best practice withother Merseyside organisations and Partnerswho can help you make your organisation'sTravel Plan a success.

    Postcode mapping service

    This service assesses which employees livewithin a reasonable walking or cyclingdistance from your workplace. It highlightslinks to bus and road routes, and identifiespotential car sharers for those who live furtherafield.

    Personalised Journey Planning ServiceYou can access Merseytravels personal journeyplanning service free to all your staff as partof your organisations Travel Plan.

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    Mode based marketing plans and free resourcesTravelWise Merseyside has developed modebased marketing plans which outline severalpromotions focusing on different modes oftravel throughout the year. These promotionsare designed to assist in the ongoing

    implementation of your organisationsTravel Plan.

    TravelWise DiscountsTravelWise have organised discounts at a numberof cycle shops for cycles, cycle equipment, cyclerepair and services to members of Wise MovesNetwork. Discounts for the individual employeeare granted on the provision of theorganisations staff identity card.

    Your next stepsWith all the collated information, you canbegin to design and implement the measuresand initiatives that are best suited to yourorganisation. The initial measures must focuson encouragement, making alternatives todriving more attractive, promoting car sharingand supporting those who don't drive.Restrictive measures, such as reducing parkingprovision, will be necessary to achieve wider

    success. Initiatives that save time and moneyare the most likely to influence people's travelbehaviour.

    A good Travel Plan will incorporate a widevariety of measures over time to attract

    different people. TravelWise Merseyside isalways willing to offer advice and makesuggestions on your plan.

    Issues to consider: Your working practices for new and existing

    employees Working hours and opportunity for

    teleworking and teleconferencing The inclusion of transport within your

    environmental management system Encouraging public transport for business

    trips Mileage payments for trips by bicycle rather

    than by car Provision of loan and subsidy schemes for

    public transport season tickets and bikepurchases Parking management, considering allocation

    and current criteria for priority parking Provision of parking for both bicycles and


    Monitoring and EvaluationMonitoring progress of your scheme is veryimportant and a requirement of planningobligations for Travel Plans. You need tounderstand the effect the measures arehaving, which approaches have been costeffective and what successes have been made.Survey data will establish baseline figures toenable realistic targets to be set in the planand to measure actual change over time.

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    Your Travel PlanTemplate Structure

    1.0 Introduction

    2.0 Objectives and Measures of the Travel Plan

    State the specific objectives of the Travel Plan for your organisation. Actions and initiatives setout within the plan, together with targets to measure success, should aim to meet theseobjectives.

    2.1 Public Transport

    Nature of business and background Site locationEmployee/visitor/resident numbersDevelopment proposalsInformation from survey and site audit shouldbe used to set the scene

    Aims/aspirations of your Travel Plan Why are you developing a Travel Plan?

    How does it fit in with your companystrategies and policies?

    Roles & responsibilities Dedicated Travel Plan Co-ordinatorSteering/Action Group - list key players toguarantee commitmentTravel Plan should have senior managementsupport and approval

    Current levels of public transport use Survey responses

    Current facilities for public transport Site assessment and audit

    What would encourage use of publictransport to work and for work related


    Survey responses

    Proportion of employees living within accessof public transport links / outside Merseyside

    Proportion of employees living within 5 milesof the site and close proximity of rail station -postcode map can be used for thisinformation (ask TravelWise)

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    2.2 Cycling

    Set target to increase level of use of publictransport

    % using public transport to get to site by yearX(TravelWise can advise on realistic targets byusing survey and postcode information)

    What initiatives will help to achieve thistarget?(include within Action Plan)

    Provision of information on siteProvision of information at inductionTicketing schemesPhased approach for measures over a 3 year


    Funding Budget requirementTax implication

    Marketing Effective promotion of initiatives and benefitsof sustainable travel choices

    Current levels of cycling Survey responsesCurrent facilities for cycling Site assessment and audit

    What would encourage cycling to work andfor work journeys?

    Survey responses

    Numbers living within a realistic cycle distance(3 miles)

    This can be greatly expanded by incorporatingrail - postcode map can be used for thisinformation (ask TravelWise)

    Set target to increase level % cycling to site by year X

    (TravelWise can advise on realistic targets byusing survey and postcode information)

    What initiatives will help to achieve thistarget?(include within Action Plan)

    Improved cycle storageOffering cycle trainingProvide cycle mileage allowanceProvide interest free loan to buy bikesPhased approach for measures over a 3 year periodSalary-sacrifice scheme

    Funding Budget requirement

    Tax implication

    Marketing Effective promotion of initiatives

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    2.3 Walking

    2.4 Car Parking

    Current levels of walking Survey responses

    Current facilities for walking Site assessment and audit

    What would encourage walking to work andfor work journeys?

    Survey responses

    Numbers living within a realistic walkingdistance (1 mile)

    This can be greatly expanded by incorporatingwith rail - postcode plot can be used for thisinformation (ask TravelWise)

    Set target to increase level % walking to site by year X(TravelWise can advise on realistic targets byusing survey and postcode information)

    What initiatives will help to achieve thistarget?

    (include within Action Plan)

    Provision of information on walking routesEncouragement of lunchtime walks

    Offer pedometersPhased approach for measures over a 3 yearperiod

    Funding Budget requirementTax implication

    Marketing Effective promotion of initiatives

    Current levels of driving Survey responses

    Current facilities for car parking andmotorcycle parking

    Car parking management policy, siteassessment and auditNote the number of spaces for cars,motorcycles and disabled drivers for bothemployees and visitors

    What would encourage alternatives to drivingand for work journeys?

    Survey responses

    Set target to decrease level % of lone drivers to work by year X(TravelWise can advise on realistic targets byusing survey and postcode information)

    What initiatives will help to achieve thistarget?(include within Action Plan)

    Private car sharing groupDedicated parking baysGuaranteed ride home schemeIncentivesPhased approach for measures over a 3 year periodIntroducing car parking charges / permit schemes

    Funding Budget requirementTax implication

    Marketing Effective promotion of initiatives

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    2.5 Car Share

    2.6 Business Trips

    Current levels of car sharing Survey responses

    Current facilities for car sharing Car parking management policy, siteassessment and audit

    What would encourage car sharing for

    commuting and business purposes?

    Survey responses

    Numbers of those interested which may makepotential match

    TravelWise postcode plot can be used for thisinformation

    Set target to decrease level % car sharing to site by year XThere is a need to ensure wherever possiblecar share is from lone car and not from moresustainable modes.(TravelWise can advise on realistic targets byusing survey and postcode information)

    What initiatives will help to achieve thistarget?(include within Action Plan)

    Private car sharing groupDedicated parking baysGuaranteed ride home schemeIncentivesPhased approach for measures over a 3 year periodIntroducing car parking charges / permit schemes

    Funding Budget requirementTax implication

    Marketing Effective promotion of initiatives

    Current facilities/policies for business travel Site assessment and audit

    Current levels of business trips Survey responses on common journeys

    Numbers of essential and/or car users Personnel records

    What would encourage alternatives for worktrips?

    Survey responses

    Set target to decrease level % of business trips made by sustainablemodes by year X(TravelWise can advise on realistic targets byusing survey and postcode information)

    What initiatives will help to achieve thistarget?(include within Action Plan)

    Amend or introduce new organisation policiesInterest in pool bikes and carsSharing journeysReview levels of car mileagePhased approach for measures over a 3 yearperiod

    Funding Budget spend on car mileage and taxisTax implication

    Marketing Effective promotion of initiatives

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    2.7 Reducing Company Emissions

    2.8 Reducing the Need to Travel

    Current number of vehicles and fuel type Survey responses

    Current procedures on vehicle purchasing andleasing

    Company policies

    Current mileage Administration records

    Emissions from vehicles Current vehicle / fleet records

    Set target to decrease levels % decrease in emissions by year X

    What initiatives will help to achieve thistarget?(include within Action Plan)

    Information on green driving techniqueswhen registering to drive work vehicleIncorporate into induction processPhased approach for measures over a 3 yearperiod

    Adjustments to fleet

    Funding Budget spend on vehiclesTax implication

    Marketing Effective promotion of initiatives

    Current procedures to reduce the need to


    Company policies

    Current facilities available Site assessment and audit

    How many long distance commuters andbusiness trips?

    Survey responses

    Response to home working / videoconferencing

    Survey responses

    What initiatives will help to achieve thistarget?(include within Action Plan)

    Investigate operation of flexi systemPotential for a 9-day fortnightInvestigate potential for teleworking pilotInvestigate potential for video conferencingPhased approach for measures over a 3 yearperiod, with shorter term to investigate

    Funding Budget spend on car mileage and taxisTax implication

    Marketing Effective promotion of initiatives

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    3.0 MarketingMarketing and communication is key to the success of your Travel Plan. A detailed marketingplan setting out communications for each initiative and the plan as a whole is vital.

    Publicity can be produced in a variety of media including:


    Summary leaflet of Travel Plan, posters, notice boards, newsletters, induction, intranet andinternet Spoken

    Working groups, team meetings, presentations Other

    Promotional materials such as pens and mouse mats Special events

    Travel Plan launch, Travel Fairs, local and national events such as Bike Week and Car Free Day

    All marketing and events must be ongoing and should be included within your Annual ActionPlan.

    4.0 Monitoring and ReviewAs your Travel Plan is a working document, your initiatives will develop and change as the planevolves. Regular monitoring of your initiatives and modal split snap shot survey allow you to doan effective annual review and update.

    Identify responsibilities and mechanisms forreporting progress

    How will the Action Team report to SeniorManagement?How will progress information be circulatedto staff?

    Identify how each initiative will be monitored % uptakeNumbers deliveredModal split

    State how progress will be assessed every 6months with necessary adjustments to plansas appropriate to ensure effectiveness

    Snapshot email surveys are a quick and easyway of gathering information which can beused to inform ongoing reviews

    Agreement for regular full travel survey andaudit is vital to inform plan

    To be carried out every 2-3 years

    Results to be analysed Plan will be reviewed and altered accordinglyto ensure continued effectiveness

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    Action plan template

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    Action By whom By when Intended outcome/output

    Links with company policy:

    Determine common aims andobjectives with company strategies

    and policies

    Incorporate sustainable travelacross all company activities

    Identify relevant policies inoperation such as parking andcompany car policies

    Amend existing policies in linewith travel plan objectives

    Include travel plan in managementand team meetings

    Update information andexchange ideas

    Improve travel information:

    Promote links to public transport

    information on the intranet and/orprovide personalised journeyplanners on request

    Incorporate sustainable travel

    across all company activities

    Establish travel information points Information points established

    Include information abouttransport policy and travelinformation at recruitment stage

    All new staff aware of travelplan

    Identify common work journeys

    and provide public transportinformation

    Information about common

    work journeys produced

    Promote public transport:

    Investigate potential for publictransport incentives

    Report on incentives produced

    Provide interest free loans forseason tickets

    Number of loans taken out

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    Action By whom By when Intended outcome/output

    Support cycling:

    Investigate options to provideshower and changing facilities

    Report to Action Group

    Investigate scope for secure cycleparking provision

    Report on optionsNumber of secure spacesavailable

    Provide interest free loans / salarysacrifice schemes for purchase ofcycles and safety equipment

    Number of loans / salarysacrifice schemes taken out

    Set target

    Support walking:

    Increase percentage cycling towork

    Investigate support and incentivesfor encouraging walking

    Report on options

    Review car park management:

    Develop car park management


    Efficient use of external space

    Reflect true costs inadministration

    Develop car sharing:

    Investigate support and incentivesfor encouraging car sharing

    Report on car sharing options toSteering Group

    Set up car share scheme andpromote to staff

    Reduce number of singleoccupancy car journeys to site

    Conduct needs assessment andinvestigate scope for motorcycleparking provision

    Ensure motorised two-wheelerscan be accomodated

    Set target Increase percentage walking towork

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    Action By whom By when Intended outcome/output

    Green fleet management and driver awareness:

    Review existing fleet and fleetmanagement to identify efficiency

    and use of alternative fuel

    Report to Action GroupImprove efficiency of fleet

    Use alternatively fuelledvehicles or conversion ofexisting vehicles to alternativefuels

    Change work practices to promote sustainable travel:

    Review of flexible workingarrangements

    Investigate changes to flexibleworking practices

    Participate in TravelWise promotions:

    Publish Travel PlanTravel Plan available on theintranet

    Travel plan widely understood

    Monitoring and review of Travel Plan:

    Set targets for travel patterns

    Carry out annual snapshot surveyReassess targets and action plan

    Annual progress report andupdated action plan

    Repeat employee travel surveyevery three years

    Publish TravelWise information onintranet

    Information updated

    Promote national initiatives such asNational Bike Week, Car Free Day


    Report on promotions

    Support and participate inTravelWise Merseyside

    Join mailing list for TravelWisenewsletterAttend TravelWise Travel PlanForums

    Set targets Achieve targets

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    Your organisationAn effective Travel Plan must be tailored toyour organisation. This means that it mustconsider your location(s) accessibility, existingpolicies and work travel patterns.

    Site planIt is useful to include this in your Travel Plan,with information regarding:

    Roads serving the site

    Main entrances linking into the roadnetwork Other entrances for pedestrians and vehicles Disabled access Number and location of car park spaces

    (include reserved, motorcycle, disabled andvisitors)

    Number and location of cycle parking Cycle routes in and around the site Walking routes in and around the site Location of bus stops Location of train stations Number and location of showers and lockers Location of city centre car parks both on and

    off site

    Existing policiesIn order to develop your Travel Plan you willneed a thorough understanding of yourorganisation's policies. These could be formalpolicies written into a manual or informal'unwritten' policies, for example, attitudestowards working from home, dress code, etc.You may find that what actually happens inpractice contradicts the formal policies.

    Policies that will be relevant to the Travel Planare:

    Recruitment - information provided atrecruitment and induction regardingtransport options for travel to work anddistances travelled (relocation packages andlocal recruitment)

    Conditions of employment regarding travelto and from work (contractual arrangementsto provide car parking and travel costs)

    Conditions of employment regarding workpatterns (shift patterns, homeworking,flexi-time)

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    Business travel rules and guidelines (mileagerates paid for car and cycle use)

    Conditions for vehicle use during the courseof work (company car provision, essential caruser payments, availability of pool cars andbikes)

    Incentives offered to discourage singleoccupancy car use - car-sharing scheme,interest-free loans, mileage paid for cyclingon business trips, pool bikes, home-working

    Visitors to site - what travel advice is given tothem

    Procedures for deliveries and collections Policy for fleet vehicles - choice of vehicles

    and use

    An Active Travel Workplace toolkit is availableto download from the Active Travel section onthe Sustrans website,

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    Being pedestrian friendlyEncouraging Walking

    Many of us are pedestrians for part of ourjourneys. Walking is a viable option for manyat no cost, and can significantly improve healthand fitness levels. Walking 15 minutes to workand home again each day can halve the risk ofheart disease. For those living further away,the walk to public transport could help tocontribute to the recommended 10,000 stepsa day.

    There are a number of ways walking canbe encouraged: Offering pedometers to staff/departments in

    your organisation. You can receive freepedometers by joining the TravelWise WiseMoves Network

    Providing walking maps of local areas Providing TravelWise calorie maps for your area Liaising with local walking contacts, for

    example Walking your Way to Healthco-ordinators and Rangers

    Reviewing and improve walking routes,lighting and signage in and around your sitecreating better pedestrian access foremployees and visitors

    Providing financial incentives for walkingsuch as discount vouchers or interest freeloans for employees to buy walking shoes,waterproof clothing etc, or reward

    employees for not using their cars for shortwalkable journeys

    Providing TravelWise calorie maps for allareas of Merseyside

    Benefits to your organisation: Improves the health of your work force Makes public transport options more

    attractive by making the walking element apositive benefit

    Holding lunchtime or after work walks foremployees provides an opportunity tosocialise

    Improving pedestrian access makes it easierto get to your site and around large sites

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    Assessing pedestrian access for yourworkplace

    Are there convenient access points forpedestrians to/across the site? Are pedestrian routes direct to bus stops

    and other important destinations? Are routes accessible in and around the site

    e.g. good surfacing, good state of repair,drop kerbs, etc.?

    Are there any conflicts between vehiclesand pedestrians?

    Are pedestrian routes well signed in andaround the site?

    Are pedestrian routes in and around thesite well lit?

    Are any CCTV cameras provided alongwell-used routes?

    Staff information - survey to find out: Number of staff living within one mile of

    their work place? How many staff currently walk to work? What are the barriers that discourage or

    prevent staff walking to work? What would encourage staff to walk to


    Case exampleMerseytravel, Liverpool

    As part of their most recent Travel Plan,Merseytravel have set a target of increasingthe percentage of staff walking to workfrom 3.9% in 2007 to 5% in 2010. Thelaunch of the organisation-wide pedometerchallenge was seen as a major promotionalopportunity to support this target. Very fewpeople seem to realise just how little theywalk on an average day and providingthem with a pedometer, as well as a targetto aim for (such as the NHS sanctioned10,000 steps per day), helps incentivisethem to walk more - and more often.

    As part of the package to promote theirtravel plan initiatives, Merseytravel have setup numerous and regular pedometerchallenge events to encourage staff to walkmore as part of their daily routine. Freepedometers are handed out to staff andthey are asked to record their steps eachday. Those with the most steps at the endof the challenge period receive walking-

    related prizes and gift vouchers.Approximately 70 members of staff tookpart in the initial challenge 2008/09 andbased on positive feedback the numberlooks set to increase for the next challenge.

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    Encourage Cycling

    With 58% of all car trips covering less than 5miles (National Travel Survey) the potential forcycling is huge. Cycling can provide a fast,efficient, predictable journey at very low cost.Employees who regularly cycle to work willgenerally be fitter than those travelling by car.Bikes can be taken on all Merseyside's trainsand ferries free of charge, including peaktimes. As part of Merseyside's Local TransportPlan, a Cycling Strategy has been developed topromote and increase cycle use throughoutMerseyside. This will be achieved through thedevelopment of infrastructure, which is safe,convenient, efficient and attractive for cyclists.

    There are a number of ways toencourage cycling. Some ideasinclude: Providing information of local cycle routes.

    TravelWise cycle maps are available for allareas of Merseyside

    Offer adult cycle training for sessions onroute planning/or cycle maintenance(TravelWise can provide contact details)

    Providing basic equipment such as reflectivebands and puncture repair kits

    Installing secure, covered, convenient andprominent cycle parking at your workplace

    Providing locker and shower facilities

    Offering a cycle mileage allowance forbusiness travel

    Providing pool bikes for business travel Interest free loans to buy a cycle and

    equipment Cycle to work tax-free schemes for bicycles

    and commuting equipment Cycle skills course (information available

    from cycling solutions

    Benefits to your organisation: Improves the health of your work force-

    reduces sick leave and lowers stress levels inemployees, resulting in higher productivity

    Encourages staff to use their cars less,reducing pressure on your car parking andfreeing up the space for other users

    A greener corporate image, contributing to

    ISO14001 accreditation Efficient journeys with predictable trip times

    Case exampleMerseyside Fire and Rescue Service

    The Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service willbe running the Cycle to Work scheme for itsthird consecutive year in 2009. In the lasttwo years the organisation has seen 10% of

    its staff take advantage of the scheme,allowing them to make tax and interest freerepayments for cycles and equipment over 18months. As a result the Fire Service havesaved over 10,000 in employer nationalinsurance contributions and lookset to continue the trend this year.

    The Fire Service have taken a holisticapproach to encouraging cycling and have

    arranged for Dr. Bike maintenance sessionsto be hosted at four fire stations in the areato ensure that staff also benefit frommaintenance training. In addition they haveorganised cycle training for staff which notonly trains employees to ride safelythemselves, but also equips them with theskills to train colleagues, so that the FireService can train from within.

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    Assessing cycling provision for yourwork place:

    What facilities do you provide?

    How many cycle spaces are provided? Are they in an overlooked location? Are they well covered and secure? Are they well lit and maintained? How many spaces are generally used? Are they at convenient locations? Are there lockers and showers? Are cycle skills sessions offered to

    employees? Are there any cycle routes or lanes servicing

    the site? Are they in good state of repair, well lit, etc? Are roads serving the site inviting to cyclists?

    (i.e. slow traffic speeds) Are there any busy junctions to cross? Are crossings for cyclists provided in the

    vicinity of your site? Where are the local train stations?

    Tax ReliefWithout incurring tax charges, employers can: Lend cycles or cycling safety equipment to

    employees to travel to and from work -employees can also use them for leisure aslong as the main use is for commuting

    Provide workplace parking for cycles Provide incentives such as a breakfast for

    employees who cycle to work on designatedcycle to work days

    Pay up to 20p per mile to employees cyclingon business using their own bike

    Provide an interest free loan to an employeefor the purchase of the employee's ownbicycle and equipment which is less than5000 per annum

    For further information go to and see:

    EIM21664 - Particular benefits: exemption forbicycles and cyclists' meals or refreshments

    EIM31240 - Employees using own vehicles forwork: statutory mileage rates 2002/03onwards

    EIM26140 - The benefits code: beneficialloans: exemptions from charge: small loans

    MotorcyclesSignificant improvements to theenvironmental performance of motorcycleshave been made in the last decade, makingthe use of small and medium size 2-wheelersan environmentally preferable option to singleoccupancy car use - especially in congestedurban traffic. Travel Plans should ensure thatthey address the issues and benefitssurrounding motorcycling, more so as sales of

    small engine 2-wheelers increase.

    Many of the issues and concerns ofmotorcyclists are similar to those of nonmotorised cycles. As such, much of theguidance on this page can easily be adaptedfor motorcycles.

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    Encouraging the use of

    public transportMerseyside's network of rail and bus servicesoffers a comprehensive and reliable service formany journeys. There are several initiativesthat could encourage employees and visitorsto use public transport for commuting andbusiness travel. Many car drivers simply do notknow anything about the bus and trainservices available. Providing public transportinformation is an important step towardspersuading people to stop using their cars, atleast for some journeys. There is a perceptionthat public transport is expensive whencompared with driving. The true cost ofowning, insuring and maintaining a car is notgenerally recognised by drivers.

    Merseyside has a relatively low rate of carownership, with 36% of households nothaving access to a car compared to a nationalaverage of 24%. Making the assumption thatyour staff and visitors can access your site bycar may limit your organisation's ability torecruit and retain staff.

    TravelWise can assist you in providing publictransport information at the workplace. Thiscan raise awareness of what's available in thelocal area and can be publicised in numerousways:

    Providing online timetable information bylinking your organisation's internet and/orintranet to the Merseytravel website and on linejourney planner service

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    Publicising the Traveline number(0871 200 22 33) to phone for specific

    journey information, for both local andnational journeys

    Promoting Merseytravel's personalisedjourney planner service to staff as part of

    your organisation's Travel Plan, tailoring theinformation you provide to meet the needsof individual members of staff

    Displaying targeted timetable information attravel information points. This informationcan be displayed on notice boards, in leafletdispensers and offices, or distributed to staffdirectly

    Holding an on-site travel informationpromotional fair, and arranging for

    timetable information to be provided at busstops and shelters nearby Offering interest free loans for annual tickets

    to staff, spreading the cost of a long-termseason ticket over the year, possibly via directpayroll deductions

    Arranging for public transport tickets to besold directly at large sites or as part of aninterest free loan scheme

    Providing information to visitors on how toaccess your site using public transport

    Including public transport information aspart of your recruitment/induction policy fornew staff

    Providing SAVEAWAY daily travel tickets toencourage people to use public transportfor work purposes on an occasional basis

    Tax ReliefWithout incurring tax charges, employers can:

    Pay subsidies to finance a public transportservice, provided the service is available to allemployees and they pay the same fare asother members of the public

    Provide a works bus service with nine ormore passenger seats at no cost to theemployee, to transport employees betweenhome and work, between work sites orbetween workplace and shops or amenitieson workdays

    Provide an interest free loan to an employeefor a travel pass which is less than 5000 perannum

    Provide tax free annual bus passes throughGreen Travel to Work schemes

    For further information go see:

    EIM21850 - Particular benefits: exemption forworks buses

    EIM21855 - Particular benefits: exemption forsubsidies to public bus services

    EIM26140 - The benefits code: beneficialloans: exemptions from charge: small loans

    Benefits of promoting public transportto your staff: A travel pass that enables weekend travel

    and travel on other bus and train routes is aconsiderable perk which, as well asencouraging people to use public transport,can also enhance your recruitment package

    Tickets for work journeys reduce the need touse the car, reduce milage and parking costsfor business trips made by car

    Providing alternatives to the car can helpwith recruiting and retaining staff andpromotes equity through the recruitmentprocess

    Encouraging staff to use their cars lessreduces pressure on your car parking, easescongestion and can help to improve local airquality

    Taking positive action on staff travelcontributes to your organisation's image as aresponsible employer

    Support new staff with public transporttickets

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    How well maintained and secure are the busstops? Are covered shelters provided? Are seats provided? Are bus stops well lit? Are bus stops free of vandalism and graffiti? Are bus times displayed at the bus stop?

    What bus routes service the site? Are employees provided with bus

    route/time-table information? Are visitors provided with public transport

    information? Are there any park and ride facilities that

    can be used for employees and visitors? Are there any organisations that run private

    buses that may be willing to share?

    What is your nearest train station? How far away is it? Are employees provided with rail timetables

    and information?

    How can you reach your site from the railstation? Pedestrian routes? Cycle routes? Bus services? Taxi? Other?

    What are the service frequencies and times?

    What information is available to staff andvisitors with regard to taking public transportto and from the site?

    Staff opinions on public transport - yoursurvey should include questions to find outcurrent staff travel patterns and potential forchange Number of staff living within five miles of

    their work place? How many staff currently use public

    transport? What are the barriers to prevent staff using

    public transport to get to work?

    What would encourage staff to use publictransport to get to work?

    Assessing public transport provision for your work place

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    Reducing the need totravelTravel Plans should look at the big picture andunderstand why journeys are undertaken andquestion whether travelling is the best way toachieve the business in hand.

    Flexible practices in the work place can:

    Reduce the need to travel Bring increased profitability Reduce mileage claims and travel expenses Accommodate employees lifestyles Make the company a more family friendly

    employer Provide a better work/life balance Cut your carbon footprint

    Flexibility may be achieved by choosing anaccessible location, mobile working,introducing on site services, managing services

    and deliveries and utilising technology or acombination of all of these.

    Choosing a good locationLocating your business close to a good publictransport hub achieves more sustainable travelpatterns than any travel plan could for anisolated location.

    A local recruitment strategy for jobs with skills

    that are likely to be achievable locally hasbeen shown to make companies moreattractive to local employees.

    Introducing on site servicesYour on line travel survey may highlight largenumbers stating multi-purpose journeys as aneed to travel to work by car, e.g doingshopping on the way. By providing facilitiesemployees require e.g cash machines,

    sandwich/general store, crches etc. the needfor travel may be removed. This has localisedbenefits of reducing pollution and congestion

    and improving community relations byreducing congestion at these times.

    Alternative measures could be, introducing alunchtime shuttle service to a local shoppingarea or a shuttle service between work sites, inconjunction with operating a car sharingscheme for commuting.

    Flexible workingThese initiatives are often driven by therequirement to attract good staff and toimprove profit and workplace achievements.

    Flexi-time can stagger the time of arrival anddeparture, making public transport an easieroption and reducing the number of carstravelling at peak hours which contribute tocongestion and pollution.

    Compressing the working week achieves thesame number of hours of work, in fewerworking days e.g the 9 day fortnight or the 4day week. Travel demand is therebysubstantially cut and for working parents thismay have the added benefit and incentive ofreducing child care costs.


    Work is no longer dependant upongeography; information can easily beexchanged between employees thousands ofmiles apart. Computer files, data, voiceconversations, pictures and moving imagesand other multi-media technology can all beconverted to electronic signals and sentthrough telecommunication pathways. Theprocedure, known as teleworking, relies onthe use of information and communication

    technologies for its effectiveness.

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    This use of technology allows some employeesto carry out their work without leaving theirhomes all or part of the working week. Otheremployees may travel to a more convenientsatellite office closer to home or a childsschool. Information is accessible 24 hours a day

    and allows employees to work at times thatsuit themselves and their employer.

    Video conferencing and data conferencing cannow be run from ordinary desktop computers.They are becoming increasingly cheaper toperform and save travel costs.

    The benefits of teleworking are not automatic;measures must be planned and managed

    properly to reap the rewards.

    Occasional and informal teleworking schemesdo not require extensive health and safetyprocedures, more information can be found Further information onintroducing a teleworking scheme in yourorganisation can be found in the TravelWise-How to... guides at companies have achieved successfullevels of homeworking, supporting staff with

    facilities, equipment and practical assistance.

    Management of deliveries andservicingEver wonder how many deliveries yourbusiness receives and how they are delivered?Assessing this can help you to reduce yourcarbon footprint, reduce costs, reduce the

    need to travel and manage freight vehiclemovements to and from your building. Thisalso helps to reduce the impact of delivery andservicing vehicles on local communities. Thiselement of the plan needs to be flexible totake into account any changes to thebuilding, the area adjacent to the buildingand procurement.

    You can undertake a delivery and service

    survey to help you manage your deliveriesmore efficiently. This survey will be thebaseline for reviewing reductions. You can alsoreview your procurement processes and assessthe product miles of the purchases andconsider more local suppliers. Simple stepssuch as expanding your office storage canallow for fewer orders to take place if largerquantities can be purchased. You may evenconsider joint orders within a mixed officeblock to reduce the number and frequency ofdeliveries required to your office.

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    Use of car clubsin the workplaceMany organisations spend a significantamount on pool cars, company cars, taxisand mileage claims to enable their employeesto move between sites and attend meetings.A car club can provide a more efficient, andtherefore cheaper, way of using vehicles,and reduce the need for employees to driveto work.

    Car clubs provide community based, short-term car hire and give members access to acar for essential journeys without the cost ofownership. This means that members donthave to pay insurance, tax, petrol ormaintenance costs. Vehicles are parked inreserved parking spaces, close to homesor workplaces.

    Car clubs have been operating in Northern

    Europe and North America for many years.Research from Europe shows that car clubmembers who previously owned a car reducetheir overall travel and cut their car mileage bymore than half, making greater use of publictransport, cycling and walking. One car clubvehicle can replace up to 20 private cars. Thishas big implications for the area in terms ofimproving air quality, peoples health andreducing congestion.

    How could you operate a car club? You can enrol as a corporate member of a

    local car club and block book vehicles duringworking hours (see overleaf for informationon Liverpools car club) or as needed

    As a smaller company or self employedperson, you could register as a member with

    a local car club and use the clubs cars forbusiness and personal use

    You could make your fleet of pool carsavailable to staff for out of hours use usingthe same administration system used forbusiness travel bookings

    Benefits of using a car club for your

    organisation: Reduce the amount spent on taxis, pool cars orcompany vehicles significantly. There are nocharges for insurance, fuel, repairs or MOT

    Reduce your internal administration costs.You are sent one bill per month includingyour own internal job codes so that you cankeep track of your travel costs and easilyattribute the charges

    Allocated car parking spaces are alwaysavailable cars are parked in designated bayswithin walking distance of your workplace

    Reduce car park pressures. Staff have accessto a car during the day which can enablesome to travel to work by other means thantheir car, freeing up valuable parking spaceand reducing rush-hour congestion

    Improve your environmental credentials -corporate social responsibility involvesexamining every aspect of your business andthinking how you can use resources more

    efficiently Provide a new source of income from private

    use of existing pool vehicles outside ofbusiness hours

    An added employee benefit which may aidrecruitment and retention

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    Liverpool Car Club - A Car When YouWant OneWhizzGo launched Liverpools car club in July2006. There are 10 cars based around the citycentre, based around the city centre. Movesare being taken to increase the number of

    parking bays for the provision of more cars asusage is so high.

    Once your organisation is a member of theWhizzGo car club, it is very easy for youremployees to use:

    1.Book a car. You can reserve a WhizzGo caronline or by phone. The cars can be bookedout in 30 minute increments with a

    minimum booking period of one hour. Bookyour car as far as 12 months or as little asone minute in advance.

    2.Drive off. Hold your smart card against thereader in the windscreen and wait a secondor two for it to recognise you and give youthe green light. Get in the driving seat,enter your PIN, grab the keys from thepassenger glove box and drive away.

    3.Want it for longer? If you discover you needthe car for a longer period, you can extendyour booking by phone if no-one else hasbooked it. Just press the button on theonboard computer to speak directly to amember of the WhizzGo team or extend thebooking online.

    4.Failsafe parking. When youre finished withit, park the car back in its allocated space,return the keys and walk away.

    5.Simple monthly payments. Each month youwill be emailed full details of your companyusage and can pay in a variety of ways to

    suit your organisation.6.Expect major savings. Using WhizzGo means

    you pay for what you use, rather than alease car where you pay an annual fee. Italso allows employers to reduce costlypersonal mileage claims by offering analternative.

    Case ExampleThe WhizzGo service is convenient, handy

    and easy to use. It saves time having to travelhome to pick up a car for meetings as theWhizzGo car is located just a couple ofminutes walk from the office. There is noneed to claim expenses, and bookings can beextended when necessary which is usefulwhen meeting schedules change.

    Ben Riley,Taylor Young - Liverpool

    Contact WhizzGo at formore information about rates and locations inLiverpool.

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    Car park management

    Revisiting the way your car park operates is anideal opportunity to encourage the use ofother modes of transport. It is also an idealopportunity to promote equality issues and tomake sure that those who have the genuineneed for a car parking space receive one.


    Find out who genuinely needs to use a carsuch as for work business and those withchildcare responsibilities

    Consider the number of spaces needed formotorcycles and scooters

    Give priority spaces to disabledemployees/visitors and car sharers

    Restrict access to those living near to thesite/with good public transport option

    Issue parking permits and credit them witha value

    Buy out permit holders with an exchange forpublic transport pass

    Operate a cash alternative

    Benefits to your organisation: Improves health and safety policy Increases security on site Reduces maintenance costs Frees up land for alternative uses Allows those who need to drive to park

    stress free

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    Assessing car parking provision foryour work place:

    How many car parking spaces are providedfor Employees? Visitors? Disabled?


    How many cars enter your site each day? Employees? Visitors? Deliveries?

    How many cars are parked on site during theday? Is circulation of vehicles around the car park

    easy? Do drivers have to queue for a space/to getout of a space?

    What is the ratio of spaces:users?

    Are there any concerns with safety on /around the site? Are car parks well lit with CCTV? Are car parks well signed? Is access controlled?

    Do you have a car parking policy? How are spaces allocated (e.g. needs based,

    according to grade, first come first served,allocation on certain days)?

    Are there any reserved spaces? Are there any reserved spaces for

    motorcycles and scooters? Is access to the site regulated?

    Do new recruits receive a car parking space? Is there a cash alternative to a car park


    What are the costs for car parking? Is the car park owned or rented? How much does each car parking space cost

    per annum (inc. rent, management,administration, security, maintenance)? Inthe UK the annual cost of operating a

    parking space is 300 to 500 Is there a charge for a parking permit? What is the cost of parking in the local

    vicinity as opposed to the site?

    What information is provided forstaff/visitors travelling to and from the site?Are there contractual arrangements relatingto: Provision of free car parking Assistance for travel costs

    What is the policy on company cars? Who is entitled? What cars are offered?

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    Promoting car shareCars have a major role to play in Travel Plans.Travel Plans aim for appropriate, effective useof cars alongside the more sustainable modesof walking, cycling and public transport. Carsharing can reduce car travel whilst retainingconvenient door-to-door commuting. Carsharing is as flexible as required. People canchoose to be a driver, passenger or both. Theycan mix and match to account for shiftpatterns, people taking leave, etc. and

    involvement in the scheme can be on some orall days of the week, as suits the sharers.

    The TravelWise partners have set up a free carshare scheme specifically for people to carshare in and around Merseyside. This websiteprovides a free matching service forindividuals, allowing searches for possiblesharers. For more information and registrationdetails, visit

    Car sharing can be promoted relatively simplywithin an organisation, in a number ofdifferent ways. Postcode coffee mornings, forexample, can provide an opportunity forpotential car sharers to meet each other faceto face.

    Further details of this and other methods ofpromoting car share to staff can be found inthe TravelWise Car Share Marketing Plan. Visit for more details.

    Private groups can also be easily set up foryour organisation. Private groups are wheremembership is limited to employees of onecompany or a group of neighbouringcompanies - contact your TravelWise Officerfor more information.

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    Tax ReliefWithout incurring tax charges, employers can:

    Provide transport home from a permanentworkplace on no more than 60 days in anyone year because of the failure of car sharing

    arrangements Pay an allowance for business passengers of

    up to 5p per mile per passenger, providedthe passenger is an employee on businesstravel

    For further information go see:

    EIM21731 - Particular benefits: late night

    journeys and breakdown in car sharingarrangements EIM31405 - Employees using own cars or vans

    for work: the approved amount forpassenger payments

    Smarter DrivingThere are several ways you can encourageemployees to think more efficiently abouttheir use of the private car.

    In meeting the objectives of reducing reliance

    on vehicles you could offer, as part of yourTravel Plan, smarter driving lessons to improvepeoples driving skills and make their drivingas efficient as possible. This reduces fuel costsand improves use of the car. The Energy SavingTrust also offer helpful advice on smarter andgreener driving tips, which can be found, or visitTravelWise website www.LetsTravelWise.orgfor more information.

    Green FleetOnce you have reduced your vehicle use asmuch as possible and implemented eco drivingtechniques you can also think about usingalternative fuels. There are many differenttypes of fuel available including LiquefiedPetroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas(CNG), biodiesel, biomethane, bioethanol andbiobutanol. Some of these fuels can reduceCO2 emissions, some can reduce regulatedemissions which lead to poor local air quality,and some can achieve both. Before switchingto any alternative fuel it is essential that youcheck with the fuel producer and with yourvehicle manufacturer to ensure that the fuel issuitable for your vehicle and that the fuel issustainably produced. It is also important tounderstand exactly what you are getting.Biofuels can be made in many different ways,so for example biodiesel is not a single fuel

    like diesel but covers a range of fuels withsimilar characteristics. More information onfuels is available is a part EUfunded project co-ordinated by Merseytravelsupporting the production and use ofsustainably produced biofuels in five countries.You will also find details of the North WestBiofuels User Group which provides supportfor businesses in the North West of England

    who want to use sustainably produced, locallysourced biofuels.

    Assessing car sharing for your workplace:

    Does your organisation provide car sharinginformation?

    Does your organisation provide an in-housedatabase or have a private group on theMerseyside-wide database?

    Is there a guaranteed ride home in case ofemergency for employees?

    Does your car parking management policy

    include designating spaces for car sharers?

    Could staff change shift patterns in order tocar share with a colleague?

    Staff information - survey to find out: How many staff are willing to car share

    some or all of the time? What would encourage staff to car share?

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    AnnexeAssessing your organisation

    How many people are employed at your site:Full-time


    Shift workers

    Seasonal Workers


    Do you operate:

    Shift working Yes/No

    Flexi time Yes/No

    Home working Yes/No

    Compressed hours Yes/No

    Does your recruitment policy:

    Offer incentives to relocate near the

    work place Yes/No

    Provide information on all modes

    of travel Yes/No

    Encourage recruitment from the

    local area Yes/No

    Are employees offered:

    Interest free loans for public

    transport season ticket Yes/No

    Subsidised public transport tickets Yes/No

    Interest free loans for bikes, equipment

    and clothing Yes/No

    Pool bikes for work journeys Yes/No

    Mileage rate for cycle journeys for

    business trips Yes/No

    Free car parking Yes/No

    Free cycle parking Yes/No

    Free motorcycle parking Yes/No

    Essential or casual car user allowances Yes/No

    Car share scheme Yes/No

    Computerised travel planning facilities Yes/No

    Shuttle/taxi service to local rail/bus

    stations Yes/No

    Is a guaranteed ride home in case of emergencyoffered to:

    Those working late Yes/No

    Car sharers Yes/No

    Walkers Yes/No

    Motorcyclists Yes/No

    Cyclists Yes/No

    Does your organisation support

    home working: Yes/No

    How many staff work from home

    How are they supported

    Does your organisation operate:

    Video conferencing Yes/No

    On-site facilities (e.g. crche, shop) Yes/No

    What is your policy on company cars:

    Who is entitled

    Are cars with low emissions/smaller

    engines encouraged Yes/No

    Are the cars available for use as

    pool vehicles Yes/No

    What is your policy on fleet vehicles:

    Are vehicles with low emissions/smallerengines encouraged Yes/No

    What are they used for

    Are visitors to your organisation:

    Given travel advice including all

    modes Yes/No

    Offered designated visitor car

    parking Yes/No

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    TravelWise MerseysideLTPSU24 Hatton Garden, Liverpool L3 2ANTel: 0151 330 1253/1290/


    Catherine HastieLiverpool City CouncilTransportationMunicipal BuildingsDale Street, Liverpool L2 2DHTel: 0151 233

    St HelensLyndsey RyderSt Helens CouncilTransport PlanningTown Hall, Victoria StreetSt Helens WA10 1HPTel: 01744

    KnowsleyPatience JonesKnowsley Metropolitan Borough CouncilPoplar House

    Poplar BankHuyton L36 9WUTel. 0151 443

    WirralColin IrlamWirral CouncilTechnical ServicesCheshire Lines BuildingCanning StreetBirkenhead, CH41 1NDTel: 0151 606 2366

    SeftonJohn TokerTravel Awareness & Road Safety TeamTechnical Services DepartmentSefton CouncilMagdalen House30 Trinity RoadBootle L20 3NJTel: 0151 934 4259

    MerseytravelHuw JenkinsMerseytravel24 Hatton GardenLiverpool L3 2ANTel: 0151 330

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    Useful web linksNational links

    Government Transport Site


    Environmental Transport Association

    Energy Saving Trust

    Sustainable Leisure Travel Network

    European Mobility Week

    Living Streets

    Walking for Health Initiative

    Cycle Clubs

    National Cycling Organisation

    National Cycling Organisation

    British Cycling

    Cycling Solutions for skills courses

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    Useful web linksMerseyside links

    TravelWise Merseyside and www.LetsTravelWise.orgLocal Transport Plan

    Knowsley Council

    Liverpool City Council


    St Helens Council

    Sefton Council

    Wirral Council

    Regeneration in Liverpool

    Bike for All

    Cycling Projects

    Merseyside Cycling Campaign

    Wirral Cycling Campaign Shops in NW

    Car Plus

    Lift Share

    Life Cycle UK the Cycling Promotion Charity

    Ecotravel Bureau

    Heart of Mersey www.heartofmersey,

    Liverpool Car Club

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  • 8/14/2019 Travel Plan Pack (1)


    Local Transport Plan Partnership

    Contact the TravelWise team for an informal discussion:0151 330 1855 or visit

    Travel Plans help businesses move people and goods to where they need to beeasily and efficiently.

    Implementing Travel Plans with employers, visitor attractions and residentiallocations is a key part of Merseysides Local Transport Plan.

    The 2006 - 2011 Local Transport Plan is a long-term strategy and 230mtransport improvement programme providing Merseyside with a safer,greener, more efficient and accessible transport network.

    Merseytravel and Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral Councilsform the Merseyside Transport Partnership.

    TravelWise is the partnerships campaign to help people on Merseyside makesmarter travel choices.