Tratamientos - Ing. Edson Rodríguez Solórzano | UNI … · Web viewinfinitive/ past tense/ past...

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Transcript of Tratamientos - Ing. Edson Rodríguez Solórzano | UNI … · Web viewinfinitive/ past tense/ past...






Letras Pronunciación

A eiB biC ciD diE iF efG yi H eichI aiJ jey K kei L elM emN en O ouP pi Q kiúR arS esT tiU iu V viW dóbliu X exY uay Z zi

A: Tiene 3 sonidosSonido corto, entre la a y la e example man, rat, pat, gas Sonido medio como la a en español example ask, dance, sofa, facilitySonido abierto como la a en español example arm, father, and, anSonido largo, equivalente a ei example play, name, same, stateSonido equivalente a ea example care, air, prepare, dareCombinacion wa , suena como o example water, war, warm, wagon

B: Sonido similar al español, pero mas explosive

Example Better, bib, but, best

C:Sonido similar al español en palabras combinadas, ca, co cu, cla, cle, cli, clo, cra, cre, cru, car example copper, current, clan, clean, climate, closed, clue, crayon, credit, crime, crown, crew.En palabras con combinaciones ce y ci se pronuncian xomo se y si example central y circle


Esta letra no existe en el alfabeto inglesCuando la c va unida a la h , tiene 3 sonidosSuena como ch en rich, chicken, much, cheeseSuena como k en Chemistry, character, chronicleEn algunas palabras tambien se pronuncia como k cuando aparece al final monarch, headache.


Sonido similar a la del español, pero mas fuerte, example desk, dog, admire, saved

E: Tiene 4 sonidos Como en español en dentist, desk, intented.Como la i en me, repeat, eat.La doble ee suena como una i larga meet, see.Como la ia en dear, clear, rear,Es muda al final de excuse, love, have


Sonido similar al español en fabric, fun, fax, fatherLa combinación ph tambien tiene el sonido de f phone, photo, philosophy

G: Tiene 3 sonidos

Suena como la g española en vocablos con la combinación ga , go, gu, gla, gle, gli, glo, glu, gra, gre, gri, gro, gru gain, good, guard, great, glare, glean, blueSe pronuncia como y en giant, genera,En alguna palabras se pronuncia como la g en español cuando aparece al final log, rug, drug


Sonido aspirado y de pronunciación parecida a una j suave hello, how, high, houseEn algunas palabras es muda honest, honor, tour

I: Tiene 3 sonidos

Como la i en español interesting, rain, interior, americanComo e en first, third, thirstyComo ai right, dime, night, time


Sonido similar a la Y en español en june, john, jet, joy


Sonido similar a la K en español king, key, kitchen, kiteEs siempre muda delante de la N Knight, knock, knife


La l inicial suena como la de español able, cable, doubleLa LL suena como una sola L roll, smell, fullEs algunas palabras es muda could, lincoln, salmon,


Sonido similar al español may, mother,alarmLa m doble se pronuncia como una sola en comité, command, comma


Sonido similar a la española none, new, consonant

O: Tiene 5 sonidos

Como la española en stop, no, onlyComo la U con ciertas excepciones cuando es doble book, root, lootComo OU home, boneLigeramente similar a la española en how, houseComo AU en pound, ounce, round


Similar a la español,pero mas explosiva passion, pantry, pie, appointment


Sonido similar al español, pero la u que siempre le sigue si se pronuncia a difrencia del español quality, quiet, quote


Sonido más gutural que lingual. La punta de la lengua se arrolla hacia atrás sin tocar el paladar razor, red, ruby, La rr se pronuncia como una soal ferry, arrange


Sonido aproximado a la española sea, years, mostLa ss se pronuncia como una sola assist, pass, classSeguida de la H tiene un sonido como la ch, pero mas suave shoot, shift, flash

T: Tiene 4 sonidos

Como la española en today,tankUnida a la H suena como la Z española Thursday, birthComo una D suave en those, this, thatComo SH en nation, essential, administration

U: Tiene 4 sonidos

Como la españo en put, salute, glueComo IU en use, unify, unitedComo entre la O y la A en Up, umbrella, untilComo A en uncle,much, flush


Es labiodental y se pronuncia como la de español


Sonido como la UA, UE, UO, UI, en water, wednesday, Wolf, winter

X: Tiene 2 sonidos

Como la de español en extra, maximumEn las palabras que empiezan con esta letra que son muy pocas, suena como S o Z Xenophobia

Y: Tiene 2 sonidos

Al principio y en la mitad suena como la española yes, year, yesterdayAl final suena como I boy, my, day


Sonido similar al español , pero mas sonoro zebra, zone, zany


1 Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms

Estas formas se utilizan para dirigirse o referirse a un hombre (Mr), una mujer casada (Mrs), una mujer soltera (Miss), y una mujer sin distinción de estado civil (Ms).Se emplean siempre con el apellido:

Mr BoyceMs King

(Nótese que aunque estas formas son abreviaturas, ya no se suelen escribir con punto).Al referirse a una persona, se puede incluir también el nombre de pila:

the prizes were presented by Mr Michael Steinel señor Michael Stein hizo entrega de los premios

2 Sir, Madam, Miss, Ms

Estas formas se utilizan sin mencionar el apellido, pero su uso es más limitado que el de 'señor', 'señora' y 'señorita' en español. Se suelen emplear para dirigirse a un cliente en una tienda,restaurante, etc, y son más frecuentes en los Estados Unidos que en Gran Bretaña:

Can I help you, sir?

3 Los apellidos

En los países de habla inglesa las personas utilizan un solo apellido, el del padre.

Tradicionalmente las mujeres adoptan el apellido del marido al casarse, pero es cada vez mayor el número de mujeres que prefieren conservar su apellido de soltera.

Hasta hace algunos años era usual referirse a una mujer casada utilizando el nombre y apellido del marido, por ejemplo 'Mrs John Ashdown', pero esta costumbre está cayendo endesuso.

No se suele usar el apellido para dirigirse a un compañero o colega, salvo en algunos colegios privados. Suele usarse, sin embargo, sobre todo entre hombres, para referirse a personasque se conoce a través del trabajo pero con quienes no se tiene mayor intimidad.

4 Esq.

'Esq.' es la abreviatura de 'esquire'. Se usa en Gran Bretaña en correspondencia comercial u oficial dirigida a un hombre. Sustituye a 'Mr' y se coloca detrás del apellido:

Roy Russell Esq.

En los Estados Unidos 'Esq.' sólo se utiliza en cartas dirigidas a abogados.

5 Formas de tratamiento y cortesía

Título Usado para dirigirse/referirse aYour/His Eminence un cardenalYour/His/Her Excellency un embajador, un gobernadorYour/His/Her Grace un duque, una duquesa, un arzobispoYour/His Holiness el papaYour/His/Her Honor (AmE) un juez, un alcalde, un gobernador,

un senadorYour/His/Her Honour (BrE) un juezYour/His Lordship un lord, un juez del 'High Court',

un obispoMost Reverend/the Most un arzobispo ReverendReverend/the Reverend un sacerdoteRight Reverend/the Right Reverend un obispoYour/His/Her Majestyel monarcaYour/His/Her Royal Highness otros miembros de

la familia realYour/His/Her Worship (BrE) un alcalde, algunos jueces

'The Honorable' se antepone al nombre de los congresistas estadounidenses, mientras que 'the Honourable' se utiliza para referirse a los parlamentarios y a ciertos funcionarios delestado británicos. Ambas formas se suelen abreviar 'Hon.':

the Hon. Dominic Dee


1 Números cardinales

one 1two 2three 3four 4five 5six 6seven 7eight 8nine 9ten 10eleven 11twelve 12thirteen 13fourteen 14fifteen 15sixteen 16seventeen 17eighteen 18

nineteen 19twenty 20twenty-one 21twenty-two 22twenty-three 23thirty 30thirty-one 31thirty-two 32thirty-three 33forty 40fifty 50sixty 60seventy 70eighty 80ninety 90a hundred 100a hundred and one 101a hundred and two 102a hundred and three 103two hundred 200three hundred 300four hundred 400five hundred 500six hundred 600seven hundred 700eight hundred 800nine hundred 900

En inglés se usa una coma para separar los millares de las centenas y los millones de los cientos de millares:

one thousand 1,000one thousand and one 1,001ten thousand 10,000ninety thousand 90,000one hundred thousand 100,000one million 1,000,000twelve million 12,000,000one billion or 1,000,000,000 one thousand million

El numeral 'billion' equivale a mil millones, aunque en el inglés británico puede significar también un millón de millones.

Nótese que se usa 'and' entre las centenas y las decenas:

two hundred and twenty 220

pero no entre las decenas y las unidades:

seventy-six 76 three hundred and thirty-three 333

Las palabras 'million' y 'dozen' funcionan igual que 'hundred' y 'thousand' en cuanto al uso de la preposición 'of ':

a million people un millón de personas a dozen eggs una docena de huevos a million of them un millón de ellos a dozen of his friends una docena de sus amigos

2 Números ordinales

first 1stsecond 2ndthird 3rdfourth 4thfifth 5thsixth 6thseventh 7theighth 8thninth 9thtenth 10theleventh 11thtwelfth 12ththirteenth 13thfourteenth 14thfifteenth 15thsixteenth 16thseventeenth 17theighteenth 18thnineteenth 19thtwentieth 20thtwenty-first 21sttwenty-second 22ndtwenty-third 23rdtwenty-fourth 24ththirtieth 30thfortieth40thfiftieth 50thsixtieth60thseventieth 70theightieth 80thninetieth 90thhundredth 100ththousandth 1,000thmillionth 1,000,000th

Los números ordinales se emplean:

(a) en títulos:

Queen Elizabeth II (Queen Elizabeth the Second) Pope John XXIII (Pope John the Twenty-third)

(b) para referirse a siglos:

the 19th century

(c) para indicar la fecha:

April 3rd

3 Decimales y fracciones

En inglés se utiliza el punto para separar los números enteros de los decimales:

10.5 ten point five 12.76 twelve point seven six

Las fracciones se expresan de la siguiente manera:

1/2 one half or a half 1/3 one third or a third 2/3 two thirds 1/4 one quarter or a quarter 3/4 three quarters 1/5 one fifth

En todos los demás casos, el denominador se expresa por medio del número ordinal correspondiente:

3/8 three eighths

Fracciones fuera del contexto estrictamente matemático:

half an orange media naranja I want half (of) the money quiero la mitad del dinero two thirds of the students las dos terceras partes de los estudiantes three quarters of the population las tres cuartas partes de la población

4 El cero en inglés

En el inglés norteamericano se prefiere el uso de la palabra 'zero', mientras que en el inglés británico se emplea más la palabra 'nought':

0.25 point two five zero point two five nought point two five

Al leer un número cifra por cifra, el cero suele leerse 'zero' en el inglés norteamericano y como la letra 'o' en el inglés británico:

250674 two - five - zero - six - seven - four (esp AmE) two - five - oh - six - seven - four (esp BrE)

Al dar el resultado de un encuentro deportivo, el cero puede expresarse de las siguientes maneras:

they won six - nothing o six to nothing ganaron seis a cero they won six - zero (AmE) they won six - zip (AmE)

they won six - nil (BrE)

En tenis se usa la palabra 'love':

he was winning thirty-love iba ganando treinta a cero

5 Operaciones matemáticas

13 + 3 = 16 thirteen plus three is sixteen thirteen plus three equals sixteen thirteen and three are sixteen4 - 1 = 3 four minus one is three3 x 2 = 6 three times two is six three twos are six20 ÷ 4 = 5 twenty divided by four is fivea > b a is greater than bb < c b is less than c

6 Porcentajes

En inglés no se utiliza el artículo delante del numeral:

10% (ten per cent) of the population el 10% de la población prices have gone up by 15% los precios han subido un 15% (fifteen per cent) if 40% (forty per cent) of the members si el 40% de los socios vota en contra vote against

7 Números telefónicos

Al dar un número telefónico en inglés se suele decir cada cifra por separado:

740 1382 seven - four - zero one - three - eight - two (esp AmE) seven - four - oh one - three - eight - two (esp BrE) 82199 eight - two - one - double nine 872111 eight - seven - two - one - double one eight - seven - two - treble one

La hora

1 Unidades de tiempo

a second un segundoa minute un minutoan hour una horaa quarter of an hour un cuarto de horahalf an hour media horathree quarters of an hour tres cuartos de hora

2 Para preguntar la hora

what time is it? ¿qué hora es?what's the time?

can you tell me the time? ¿me dice(s) or me da(s) la hora?

do you have the time? ¿tiene(s) hora?have you got the time (on you)

what time do you have (AmE) ¿qué hora tiene(s)?what time do you make it?

3 Respuestas

it's twelve o'clock son las doceit's exactly ten o'clock son las diez en punto

Para expresar los minutos después de la hora se utiliza 'after' en el inglés norteamericano y 'past' en el inglés británico:

it's five after seven (AmE) 7:05it's five past seven (BrE)

it's a quarter after three (AmE) 3:15it's a quarter past three (BrE)

El caso de la hora y media es ligeramente diferente:

it's four thirty 4:30it's half past four (BrE)

Para expresar los minutos que faltan para la hora se emplea 'to'. En el inglés norteamericano también se utiliza 'of':

it's twenty to twelve 11:40it's twenty of twelve (AmE)

Respuestas menos precisas:

it's just after five o'clock son las cinco pasadasit's just gone five (colloq)

it's coming up to three o'clockson casi las tresit's nearly three o'clock

it must be about sevenserán las sieteit must be around seven

4 De las doce a la una

12:00it's twelve o'clock

12:05it's five after twelve (AmE)it's five past twelve (BrE)

12:10it's ten after twelve (AmE)it's ten past twelve (BrE)

12:15it's a quarter after twelve (AmE)it's a quarter past twelve (BrE)

12:20it's twenty after twelve (AmE)it's twenty past twelve (BrE)

12:25it's twenty-five after twelve (AmE)it's twenty-five past twelve (BrE)

12:30it's twelve-thirtyit's half past twelve

12:35it's twenty five to oneit's twenty-five of one (AmE)

12:40it's twenty to oneit's twenty of one (AmE)

12:45it's a quarter to oneit's a quarter of one(AmE)

12:50it's ten to oneit's ten of one(AmE)

12:55it's five to oneit's five of one(AmE)

1:00it's one o'clock

5 De la mañana/de la tarde/de la noche

Para especificar si se trata de antes o después del mediodía se utilizan las siguientes expresiones:

7 in the morning las 7 de la mañana 3 in the afternoon las 3 de la tarde 8 in the evening las 8 de la tarde/noche 11.30 at night las 11.30 de la noche

'In the evening' se emplea normalmente para referirse al período comprendido entre las seis y las nueve. A veces se usa 'at night' si el hablante quiere dar a entender que es muy tarde:

seven o'clock in the morningthree o'clock in the afternoonthe concert starts at nine in the eveningshe didn't leave the office until nine o'clock at night

También se pueden utilizar las abreviaturas a.m. y p.m.:

three fifteen a.m. las tres y cuarto de la madrugada four thirty p.m. las cuatro y media de la tarde

(la forma escrita es 3:15 a.m. en el inglés norteamericano y 3.15 a.m. en el inglés británico)

Existen varias alternativas para hablar de las doce del mediodía y las doce de la noche:

12:00 24:00 it's twelve o'clock it's twelve o'clock it's midday it's midnight it's twelve a.m. it's twelve p.m. it's twelve midday it's twelve midnight it's noon

6 ¿A qué hora?

What time did you arrive?

at five (o'clock) a las cinco at six (o'clock) on the dot a las seis en punto at exactly 4:45 a.m. a las cuatro cuarenta y cinco around o about 3 p.m. alrededor de las tres de la tarde soon after midnight poco después de (la) medianoche just after ten a las diez pasadas sometime between eight entre las ocho y las nueve and nine in the morning de la mañana

7 El sistema de 24 horas

Este sistema se emplea fundamentalmente cuando se trata de horarios. Es poco usado en el inglés norteamericano:

twenty thirty 20:30 fourteen ten 14:10 eighteen forty-four 18:44

Para la hora en punto se suele agregar 'hundred hours':

it arrives at sixteen hundred hours llega a las 16:00 the sixteen hundred (hours) departure el tren/avión de las 16:

La fecha

1 Los días y los meses

Los nombres de los días de la semana y los meses del año se escriben con mayúscula en inglés:

Monday lunes Tuesday martes Wednesday miércoles Thursday jueves Friday viernes Saturday sábado Sunday domingo January enero February febrero March marzo April abril May mayo June junio July julio August agosto September septiembre or setiembre October octubre November noviembre December diciembre

En inglés se emplean los números ordinales para referirse a los días del mes:

today's the ninth hoy es nueve he arrived on the third llegó el tres we'll meet again on the nos volveremos a reunir twentieth el día veinte

En el inglés norteamericano la fecha normalmente se escribe de la siguiente manera:

March 3rd (léase March third)

En el inglés británico puede escribirse de dos maneras distintas:

3rd March (léase the third of March) March 3rd (léase March the third)

2 Para preguntar la fecha

what's the date? ¿a cuánto estamos?what date is it today? ¿qué fecha es hoy?it's the seventhhoy es siete

January seventh (AmE)January the seventh (BrE) (el) siete de enerothe seventh of January (BrE)

what day is it today? ¿qué día es hoy?it's Wednesday es miércoles

3 Años y décadas

En inglés los años se expresan de la siguiente manera:

55 BC fifty-five BC 763 seven sixty-three 900 nine hundred

Los años a partir del año 1000 se expresan en centenas y no en miles:

1066 ten sixty-six 1200 twelve hundred 1996 nineteen ninety-six

Cuando se añade el año a la fecha, sólo hace falta agregar una coma:

she was born on May 27th, 1913 nació el 27 de mayo de 1913

Esta coma suele omitirse en correspondencia formal, donde la fecha puede escribirse:

September 8th 19968th September 1996September 8 19968 September 1996

Cuando la fecha se escribe en cifras, el inglés norteamericano indica primero el mes y luego el día, mientras que en Gran Bretaña se expresa primero el día y luego el mes:

10.28.93 (AmE) 28 de octubre de 1993 28.10.93 (BrE)

Las cifras pueden ir separadas por puntos, guiones o barras:

5.10.96 5-10-96 5/10/96

Para referirse a una década se utiliza el plural:

the twenties los años veinte the eighteen fifties la década 1850 - 1860

4 Siglos

Se utilizan los números ordinales para referirse a los siglos:

the fifth century el siglo quinto the eighteenth century el siglo dieciocho

Cuando se escriben en cifras, se utilizan números arábigos:

the 14th century el siglo XIV 19c s.XIX C19

5 ¿Cuándo?

When did it/does it/will it happen?¿Cuándo sucedío/sucede/sucederá?

on Thursday el jueves on Thursday 6th el jueves 6 on Thursday afternoon el jueves por la tarde on February 26th el 26 de febrero on June 10th, 1979 el 10 de junio de 1979 in January en enero in (the) spring en primavera in the spring of 1996 en la primavera de 1996 in 1970 en 1970 in the eighties en la década de los 80 in the 21st century en el siglo XXI in early August a principios de agosto in mid-January a mediados de enero in late December a fines de diciembre in the early spring a principios de la primavera at the beginning of this year a principios de este año in the mid-1960s a mediados de la década de los 60 in the late 18c a fines del s.XVIII

Pesos y medidas/Weights and measures

1 Longitud/Length


Millas a kilómetros Miles to kilometersDividir por 5 y multiplicar por 8 Divide by 5 and multiply by 8

Kilómetros a millas Kilometers to milesDividir por 8 y multiplicar por 5 Divide by 8 and multiply by 5

Sistema Sistemaestadounidense y

métrico británico

Metric system US/UK system

10 milímetros = 1 centímetro = 0.394 inch10 millimeters = 1 centimeter

10 centímetros= 1 decímetro = 3.94 inches10 centimeters = 1 decimeter

100 centímetros = 1 metro = 39.4 inches/1.094 yards100 centimeters = 1 meter

10 metros = 1 decámetro = 10.94 yards10 meters = 1 dekameter

1.000 metros = 1 kilómetro = 0.6214 mile1,000 meters = 1 kilometer = 5/8 mile

US/UK system Metric systemSistema estadounidense Sistema métrico y británico

1 inch = 25.4 mm1 pulgada

12 inches = 1 foot = 30.48 cm= 1 pie

3 feet = 1 yard = 0.914 m= 1 yarda

220 yards = 1 furlong = 201.17 m= 1 estadio

8 furlongs = 1 mile = 1.609 km= 1 milla

1,760 yards = 1 mile = 1.609 km= 1 milla

2 Superficie/Surface area

Sistema métrico Sistema estadounidense ybritánico

Metric system US/UK system

1 centímetro cuadrado= 0.155 in2

1 square centimeter

10.000 centímetros cuadrados= 1 metro cuadrado = 10.764 ft2

10,000 square centimeters = 1 square meter

100 metros cuadrados = 1 área = 0.025 acre

100 square meters = 1 are

100 áreas = 1 hectárea = 2.471 acres100 ares = 1 hectare

100 hectáreas = 1 kilómetro cuadrado = 0.386 square mile

100 hectares = 1 square kilometer

US/UK system Metric systemSistema estadounidense y Sistema métricobritánico

1 square inch = 6,452 cm21 pulgada cuadrada

144 square inches = 1 square foot = 929,03 cm2= 1 pie cuadrado

9 square feet = 1 square yard = 0,836 m2= 1 yarda cuadrada

4,840 square yards = 1 acre = 0,405 Ha= 1 acre

640 acres = 1 square mile = 2,59 km2/259 Ha= 1 milla cuadrada

3 Volumen/Volume

Sistema métrico Sistema estadounidensey británico

Metric system UK/UK system

1 centímetro cúbico = 0.06 cubic inches1 cubic centimeter

1.000.000 centímetros cúbicos = 1 metro cúbico = 35.714 cubic feet

1,000,000 cubic centimeters = 1 cubic meter

US system Metric systemSistema estadounidense y Sistema métricoBritánico

1 cubic inch = 16,38 cm31 pulgada cúbica

1,728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot = 0,028 m3= 1 pie cúbico

27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard = 0,764 m3= 1 yarda cúbica

4 Capacidad/Capacity

Sistema métrico Sistema estadounidense yBritannic

Metric system US/UK system

10 mililitros = 1 centilitro10 milliliters = 1 centiliter

10 centilitros = 1 decilitro10 centiliters = 1 deciliter

10 deciliters = 1 litro = 2.1 US pints10 deciliters = 1 liter = 1.76 UK pints

= 0.264 US gallons= 0.22 UK gallons

10 litros = 1 decalitro10 liters = 1 dekaliter

US system Metric systemSistema estadounidense Sistema métrico

1 fluid ounce = 2,95 centilitros1 onza fluida

16 fluid ounces = 1 pint = 0,47 litros= 1 pinta

2 pints = 1 quart =0,946 litros= 1 cuarto

4 quarts = 1 gallon = 3,785 litros= 1 galón

UK system Metric systemSistema británico Sistema métrico

1 fluid ounce = 2,84 centilitros1 onza fluida

20 fluid onces = 1 pint = 0,568 litros= 1 pinta

2 pints = 1 quart = 1,136 litros= 1 cuarto

4 quarts = 1 gallon = 4,546 litros

= 1 galón

5 Peso/Weight

Sistema métrico Sistema estadounidense yBritánico

Metric system US/UK system

10 miligramos = 1 centigramo10 miligrams = 1 centigram

10 centigramos = 1 decigramo10 centigrams = 1 decigram

100 centigramos = 1 gramo = 0.0352 ounces100 centigrams = 1 gram

10 gramos = 1 decagramo= 0.352 ounces10 grams = 1 dekagram

1.000 gramos = 1 kilo(gramo) = 2.205 pounds1,000 grams = 1 kilo(gram)

1.000 kilogramos = 1 tonelada = 0.9842 tons1,000 kilograms = 1 metric ton

= 1 tonne

US/UK system Metric systemSistema estadounidense y Sistema métricobritánico

1 ounce = 28,35 gramos1 onza

16 ounces = 1 pound = 0,454 kilogramos= 1 libra

14 pounds = 1 stone* = 6,35 kilogramos

112 pounds = 1 hundredweight = 50,8 kilogramos

20 hundredweight = 1 ton = 1,016 kilogramos

2000 pounds = 1 short ton = 0,907 toneladas

2,240 pounds = 1 long ton = 1,016 toneladas

*En EEUU el peso de una persona se suele expresar en libras y no en 'stone':

She weighs 129 pounds (US)She weighs 9 stone 3 pounds (UK)

6 Temperaturas/Temperatures


De °F a °C From °F to °C

Restar 32, multiplicar por 5 y Subtract 32, multiply by 5dividir por 9 and divide by 9

De °C a °F From °C to °F

Multiplicar por 9, dividir por 5 Multiply by 9, divide by 5 andy añadir 32 add 32

Escala Escalacentígrada FahrenheitCentigrade Fahrenheitscale scale

°C °F

100 212 Boiling point of waterPunto de ebullición del agua

90 19480 17670 15860 14050 12240 10437 98.4 Body temperature

Temperatura del cuerpo humano30 8620 6810 500 32 Freezing point

Punto de congelación del agua-10 14-17.8 0-273.15 -459.67 Absolute zero

Cero absoluto

7 Tallas/Sizes

(Equivalentes aproximados/Approximate equivalents)

América Latina y España EEUU Reino UnidoLatin America & Spain US UK

Calzado de señoraLadies' shoes

36 5 3½

37 5½ 437 6 4½38 6½ 539 7 5½39 7½ 640 8 6½41 8½ 7

Calzado de caballeroMen's shoes

39 7 641 8 742 9 843 10 944 11 10

Tallas de ropa de señoraWomen's clothing sizes

36 6 838 8 1040 10 1242 12 1444 14 1646 16 1848 18 2050 20 22

Tallas de ropa de caballeroMen's clothing sizes

40 30 3042 32 3244 34 3446 36 3648 38 3850 40 4052 42 4254 44 44

Camisa de caballeroMen's collar sizes

36 14 1437 14½ 14½38 15 1539 15½ 15½41 16 1642 16½ 16½43 17 1744 17½ 17½46 18 18

8 Monedas de los distinto países de habla hispana/Currencies used in Spanish-speaking countries

País MonedaCountry Currency

Argentina el peso (100 centavos)Boliviael boliviano (100 centavos)Chile el peso (100 centavos)Colombia el peso (100 centavos)Costa Rica el colón (100 céntimos)Cuba el peso (100 centavos)Ecuador el sucre (100 centavos)El Salvador el colón (100 céntimos)España la peseta (100 céntimos)Guatemala el quetzal (100 centavos)Honduras el lempira (100 centavos)México el peso (100 centavos)Nicaragua el córdoba (100 centavos)Panamá el balboa (100 centavos)Paraguay el guaraní (100 centavos)Perú el sol (100 centavos)Puerto Rico el dólar (100 centavos)

estadounidenseRepúblicaDominicana el peso (100 centavos)Uruguay el peso (100 centésimos)Venezuela el bolívar (100 céntimos)

Los verbos irregulares ingleses

La siguiente tabla comprende todos los verbos irregulares que se incluyen en el diccionario excepto los verbos modales (e.g. can, must) y aquéllos formados por un verbo base precedidopor un prefijo con guión (e.g. re-lay). Éstos conservan la irregularidad del verbo del cual derivan.

Las formas irregulares que sólo se usan en algunas acepciones se indican con un asterisco (e.g. *abode). La información completa acerca del uso, la pronunciación, etc de cada verbo seencontrará en el artículo correspondiente.

infinitive/ past tense/ past participle/infinitivo pretérito participio pasado

abide abided, *abode abided, *abodearise arose arisenawake awoke awoken

be was/were beenbear bore bornebeat beat beatenbecome became becomebefall befell befallenbeget begot, (arch) begat begotten

begin began begunbehold beheld beheldbend bent bentbeseech beseeched, beseeched,

besought besoughtbeset beset besetbespeak bespoke bespoken, bespokebestride bestrode bestriddenbet bet betbid *bade, bid *bidden, bidbind bound boundbite bit bittenbleed bled bledbless blessedblessed, (arch) blestblow blew blown, *blowedbreak broke brokenbreed bred bredbring brought broughtbroadcast broadcast broadcastbrowbeat browbeat browbeatenbuild built builtburn burned, burnt burned, burntbust busted, busted,

(BrE also) bust (BrE also) bustbuy bought bought

cast cast castcatch caught caughtchide chided, chid chided, chid, chiddenchoose chose chosencleave cleaved, *cleft, cleaved, *cleft,

(arch) *clove (arch) *clovencling clung clungcome came comecost *cost, *costed *cost, *costedcountersink countersank countersunkcreep crept creptcrow crowed, (arch) crew crowedcut cut cut

deal dealt dealtdig dug dugdive dived, (AmE also) dived

dovedo did donedraw drew drawndream dreamed, dreamed

(BrE also) dreamt (BrE also) dreamtdrink drank drunkdrive drove drivendwell dwelt, dwelleddwelt, dwelledeat ate eatenfall fell fallen

feed fed fedfeel felt feltfight fought foughtfind found foundflee fled fledfling flung flungfloodlight floodlitfloodlitfly flew flownforbear forboreforborneforbid forbade, forbad forbiddenforecast forecast, forecasted forecast, forecastedforesee foresaw foreseenforetell foretold foretoldforget forgot forgottenforgive forgave forgivenforsakeforsook forsakenforswear forswore forswornfreeze froze frozen

gainsay gainsaid gainsaidget got got, (AmE also) gottengird girded, girt girded, girtgive gave givengo went gonegrind ground groundgrow grew grown

hamstring hamstrung hamstrunghang *hung, *hanged *hung, *hangedhave had hadhear heard heardheave *heaved, *hove *heaved, *hovehew hewed hewn, hewedhide hid hidden, (arch) hidhit hit hithold held heldhurt hurt hurt

inlay inlaid inlaidinput input, inputted input, inputtedinset inset, inset,

(AmE also) insetted (AmE also) insettedinterweave interwove, interwoven,

interweaved interweaved

keep kept keptkneel kneeled, knelt kneeled, kneltknit knitted, *knit knitted, *knitknow knew known

lay laid laidlead led ledlean leaned, leaned,

(BrE also) leant (BrE also) leantleap leaped, leaped

(BrE also) leapt (BrE also) leaptlearn learned, learned,

(BrE also) learnt (BrE also) learntleave left leftlend lent lentlet let letlie (yacer etc) lay lainlight lighted, lit lighted, litlose lost lost

make made mademean meant meantmeet met metmiscast miscast miscastmisdeal misdealt misdealtmishear misheard misheardmishit mishit mishitmislay mislaidmislaidmislead misled misledmisread / "mIs"ri;d / misread / "mIs"red / misread / "mIs"red /misspell misspelled, misspelled,

(BrE also) misspelt (BrE also) misspeltmisspend misspent misspentmistake mistook mistakenmisunderstand misunderstoodmisunderstoodmow mowedmown, mowed

outbid outbid outbid,(AmE also) outbidden

outdo outdid outdoneoutfight outfought outfoughtoutgrow outgrew outgrownoutlay outlaid outlaidoutput output, outputted output, outputtedoutrun outran outrunoutsell outsoldoutsoldoutshine outshone outshoneoverbid overbid overbidovercome overcame overcomeoverdo overdid overdoneoverdraw overdrew overdrawnovereatoverateovereatenoverflyoverflew overflownoverhang overhung overhungoverhear overheard overheardoverlay overlaid overlaidoverlie overlay overlainoverpay overpaid overpaidoverride overrode overriddenoverrun overran overrunoversee oversaw overseen

overshoot overshot overshotoversleep overslept oversleptovertake overtook overtakenoverthrow overthrew overthrown

partakepartook partakenpay paid paidplead pleaded, pleaded,

(AmE also) pled (AmE also) pledprove proved proved, provenput put put

quit quit, quitted quit, quitted

read / ri;d / read / red / read / red /rebuild rebuilt rebuiltrecast recast recastredo redid redoneremakeremaderemaderend rent rentrepay repaid repaidreread / "ri;"ri;d / reread / "ri;"red / reread / "ri;"red /rerun reran rerunresell resold resoldreset reset resetresit resat resatretake retook retakenretell retold retoldrethink rethought rethoughtrewrite rewrote rewrittenrid rid ridride rode riddenring rang rungrise rose risenrun ran run

saw sawed sawed, (esp BrE) sawnsay said saidsee saw seenseek sought soughtsell sold soldsend sent sentset set setsew sewed sewn, sewedshake shook shakenshear sheared *shorn, *shearedshed shed shedshine *shone, *shined *shone, *shinedshit shit, shat shit, shatshoe shod shodshoot shot shotshow showed shown, showedshrink shrank, shrunkshrunk, shrunken

shrive shrove, shrived shriven, shrivedshut shut shutsing sang sungsink sank sunksit sat satslay slew slainsleep slept sleptslide slid slidsling slung slungslink slunk slunkslit slit slitsmell smelled, smelled,

(BrE also) smelt (BrE also) smeltsmite smote smittensow sowed sowed, sownspeak spoke spokenspeed *sped, *speeded *sped, *speededspell spelled, spelled,

(BrE also) spelt (BrE also) speltspend spent spentspill spilled, spilt spilled, spiltspin spun, (arch) span spunspit spat, (esp AmE) spat, (esp AmE)

spit spitsplit split splitspoil spoiled, spoiled,

(BrE also) spoilt (BrE also) spoiltspotlight *spotlit, *spotlighted *spotlit, *spotlightedspread spread spreadspring sprang,sprung

(AmE also) sprungstand stood stoodstave staved, *stove staved, *stovesteal stole stolenstick stuck stucksting stung stungstink stank, stunk stunkstew strewed strewn, strewedstride strode striddenstrike struck struckstring strung strungstrive strove strivensublet sublet subletswear swore swornsweat sweated, sweated,

(AmE also) sweat (AmE also) sweatsweep swept sweptswell swelled swollen,

(esp AmE) swelledswim swam swumswing swung swung

take took taken

teach taught taughttear tore torntell told toldthink thought thoughtthrive thrived, thrived,

(liter) throve (arch) thriventhrow threw thrownthrust thrust thrusttread trod trodden, trodtypecast typecast typecasttypeset typeset typesettypewrite typewrote typewritten

unbendunbent unbentunderbid underbid underbidundercut undercut undercutundergo underwent undergoneunderlie underlay underlainunderpay underpaid underpaidundersell undersold undersoldunderstand understood understoodundertake undertook undertakenunderwrite underwrote underwrittenundo undid undoneunfreeze unfroze unfrozenunlearn unlearned, unlearned,

(BrE also) unlearnt (BrE also) unlearntunstickunstuck unstuckunwind unwound unwounduphold upheld upheldupset upset upset

wake woke wokenwaylaywaylaid waylaidwear wore wornweave wove, *weaved woven, *weavedwed wedded, wed wedded, wedweep wept weptwet wet, wetted wet, wettedwin won wonwind (dar cuerda wound woundetc)withdraw withdrew withdrawnwithhold withheld withheldwithstand withstood withstoodwork worked, *wrought worked, *wroughtwring wrung wrungwrite wrote written

Lista de Verbos Regulares e Irregulares

120 Irregular VerbsLos verbos que integran esta lista no siguen un patrón predecible, por ello se llaman 'irregulares'. Aquellos verbos 'predecibles', es decir, que siguen las reglas básicas, se llaman 'regulares' y puedes consultarlos aquí.


abide (abáid) abode (abóud) abode (abóud) tolerar, soportar

arise (aráis) arose (aróus) arisen (arísn) surgir, plantear

awake (auéik) awoke (auóuk) awoke (auóuk) despertarse

be (bi)  [am/are/is] was/were (uós/uér) been (bin) ser, estar

beat (bit) beat (bit) beaten (bitn) golpear, latir, batir

become (bikám) became (bikéim) become (bikám) llegar a ser

begin (biguín) began (bigén) begun (bigán) comenzar

bend (bend) bent (bent) bent (bent) doblarse, inclinarse

bet (bet) bet (bet) bet (bet) apostar en algo

bind (báind) bound (báund) bound (báund) atar, unir, ligar

bind (báind) bound (báund) bound (báund) atar, unir, ligar

bite (báit) bit (bit) bitten (bítn) morder/se

bleed (blíí:d) bled (bled) bled (bled) sangrar

blow (blóu) blew (blu) blown (bléun) soplar, hacer sonar

break (bréik) broke (bróuk) broken (bróukn) romper

breed (brí:d) bred (bred) bred (bred) criar, reproducir/se

bring (bring) brought (brot) brought (brot) traer

build (bilt) built (bilt) built (bilt) construir

buy (bái) bought (bot) bought (bot) comprar

catch (kach) caught (kot) caught (kot) agarrar

choose (chus) chose (chos) chosen (chúsn) elegir

come (kám) came (keím) come (kám) venir

creep (krí:p) crept (krept) crept (krept) arrastrar, deslizarse

cut (kat) cut (kat) cut (kat)


deal (dí:l) dealt (delt) dealt (delt) tratar, ocuparse

dig (dig) dug (dag) dug (dag) cavar, excavar

do (dú)  [does] did (díd) done (dán) hacer

draw (dró:) drew (drú) drawn (drón) dibujar, atraer

drink (drink) drank (drénk) drunk (drank) beber

drive (dráiv) drove (dróuv) driven (drívn) conducir

eat (í:t) ate (et) eaten (ítn) comer

fall (fol) fell (fel) fallen (fólen) caer

feed (fí:d) fed (fed) fed (fed) alimentar

feel (fí:l) felt (felt) felt (felt) sentir

fight (fáit) fought (fó:t) fought (fó:t) luchar, pelear

find (fáind) found (faúnd) found (fáund) encontrar

flee (flí:) fled (fled) fled (fled) escapar, huir

fling (flín:) flung (flang) flung (flang) arrojar, lanzar

fly (flái) flew (flu) flown (flón) volar

forget (forguét) forgot (forgót) forgotten (forgótn) olvidar

freeze (frí:s) froze (fróus) frozen (fróusn) helar, congelar

get (guét) got (got) got/gotten (got/gotn) obtener, conseguir

give (guív) gave (guéiv) given (guívn) dar

go (góu) went (uént) gone (gón) ir

grind (gráind) ground (gráund) ground (gráund) moler

grow (gróu) grew (grú) grown (grón) cultivar, crecer

hang (jéng) hung (jáng) hung (jáng) colgar

have (jev)  [have/has] had (jad) had (jad) tener, haber

hear (jíar) heard (jerd) heard (jerd) oír

hide (jáid) hid (jid) hidden (jídn) ocultar, esconder

hit (jit) hit (jit) hit (jit) golpear

hold (jóuld) held (jeld) held (jeld) sostener, soportar

keep (kí:p) kept (kept) kept (kept) guardar, conservar

kneel (ní:l) knelt (nelt) knelt (nelt) arrodillarse

know (nóu) knew (niú) known (nóun) saber, conocer

lead (lí:d) led (led) led (led) guiar, conducir

lend (lend) lent (lent) lent (lent) prestar

learn (lérn) learnt (lernt) learnt (lernt) aprender

leave (lí:v) left (left) left (left) irse, dejar, partir

lose (lú:s) lost (lost) lost (lost) perder

make (méik) made (méid) made (méid) hacer, fabricar

mean (mí:n) meant (ment) meant (ment) significar

meet (mí:t) met (met) met (met) encontrarse con

pay (péi) paid (ped) paid (ped) pagar

put (put) put (put) put (put) poner, colocar

read (rid) read (red) read (red) leer

ride (ráid) rode (róud) ridden (rídn) cabalgar

ring (ring) rang (reng) rung (rang) sonar

run (ran) ran (ren) run (ran) correr

say (séi) said (sed) said (sed) decir

see (sí:) saw (só:) seen (sin) ver

seek (sí:k) sought (sot) sought (sot) buscar

sell (sel) sold (sóuld) sold (sóuld) vender

send (send) sent (sent) sent (sent) enviar

shake (shéik) shook (shuk) shaken (shéikn) agitar, sacudir

shine (sháin) shone (shóun) shone (shóun) brillar, resplandecer

shoot (shú:t) shot (shot) shot (shot) pegar un tiro

show (shóu) showed (shóud) shown (shóun) mostrar, demostrar

shrink (shrink) shrank (shrenk) shrunk (shrank) encogerse (tamaño)

shut (shat) shut (shat) shut (shat) cerrar

sing (sing) sang (seng) sung (sang) cantar

sink (sink) sank (senk) sunk (sank) hundir/se

sit (sit) sat (sat) sat (sat) sentar/se

slay (sléi) slew (sliú) slain (sléin) asesinar

sleep (slíp) slept (slépt) slept (slépt) dormir

slide (sláid) slid (slid) slid (slid) resbalar, deslizar

sling (sling) slung (slang) slung (slang) lanzar con fuerza

smell (smel) smelt (smelt) smelt (smelt) oler

speak (spik) spoke (spóuk) spoken (spóukn) hablar

spend (spend) spent (spent) spent (spent) gastar, pasar 

spin (spin) spun (span) spun (span) girar, hilar

stand (stand) stood (stú:d) stood (stú:d) pararse

steal (stíl) stole (stóul) stolen (stóln) robar

stick (stik) stuck (stak) stuck (stak) pinchar, atascarse

sting (sting) stung (stang) stung (stang) picar, arder

stride (stráid) strode (stróud) strode (stróud) dar pasos largos

strike (stráik) struck (strak) struck (strak) golpear, sonar

strive (stráiv) strove (stróuv) striven (strívn) esforzarse

swear (suéa:) swore (suór) sworn (suórn) jurar, maldecir

sweep (suí:p) swept (suépt) swept (suépt) barrer

swell (suél) swelled (suéld) swollen (suólen) hinchar/se

swim (suím) swam (suém) swum (suám) nadar

take (téik) took (tul) taken (téikn) tomar, llevar

teach (tích) taught (tot) taught (tot) enseñar

tear (téa:) tore (tor) torn (torn) rasgar, arrancar

tell (tel) told (told) told (told) decir, contar

think (zink) thought (zot) thought (zot) pensar, creer

thrive (zráiv) throve (zróuv) thriven (zrívn) crecer, prosperar

throw (zróu) threw (zru) thrown (zróun) tirar, arrojar

tread (tred) trod (trod) trodden (tróden) pisar, aplastar









undo (andú) undid (andíd) undone (andán) deshacer

wake (uéik) woke (uóuk) waken (uéikn) despertarse

wear (uéar) wore (uór) worn (uórn) vestir, usar (ropa)

weave (wív) wove (wov) woven (wóven) tejer

weep (wí:p) wept (wépt) wept (wépt) llorar

win (uín) won (uón) won (uón) ganar

wind (uáind) wound (uáund) wound (uáund) serpentear, enrollar

withdraw (uizdró:) withdrew (uizdrú) withdrawn (uizdróm) retirar/se, extraer

wring (ring) wrung (rang) wrung (rang) retorcer, escurrir

write (ráit) wrote (róut) written (rítn) escribir

A nuestro favor, la mayoría de los verbos ingleses son 'regulares'. Esto significa que podemos confiar en las formas que adoptan porque siguen un patrón predecible. Aquellos verbos que no siguen las reglas básicas se llaman 'irregulares' y puedes consultarlos pulsando aquí. La mayoría de los verbos de esta lista agregan "-d" o "-ed" al infinitivo. Los verbos resaltados en esta lista duplican su consonante final (admit - admitted) o cambian "-y" por "-ied", cuando la "y" está precedida por una consonante (bury - buried)


accept (acépt) accepted (acéptid) accepted (acéptid) aceptar

add (ad) added (ádid) added (ádid) agregar

admire (admáiar) admired (admáiard) admired (admáiard) admirar

admit (admít) admitted (admítid) admitted (admítid) admitir

advise (adváis) advised (adváist) advised (adváist) aconsejar

afford (afórd) afforded (afórdit) afforded (afórdit) afrontar

agree (agrí:) agreed (agrí:d) agreed (agrí:d) estar de acuerdo

alert (alért) alerted (alértid) alerted (alértid) alertar

allow (aláu) allowed (aláut) allowed (aláut) permitir

amuse (amiús) amused (amiúst) amused (amiúst) entretener

analyse (énalais) analysed (énalaist) analysed (énalaist) analizar

announce (anáuns) announced (anáunst) announced (anáunst) anunciar

annoy (anói) annoyed (anóid) annoyed (anóid) molestar

answer (ánsuer) answered (ánsuerd) answered (ánsuerd) contestar

apologise (apólodchais)

apologised (apólodchaist)

apologised (apólodchaist)

pedir disculpas, disculparse

appear (apíar) appeared (apíard) appeared (apíard) aparecer

applaud (aplód) applauded (aplódid) applauded (aplódid) aplaudir

appreciate (apríshieit)

appreciated (apríshieitid)

appreciated (apríshieitid)


approve (aprúv) approved (aprúvt) approved (aprúvt) aprobar

argue (á:rguiu) argued (á:rguiut) argued (á:rguiut) discutir

arrange (arréindch) arranged (arréindcht) arranged (arréindcht) arreglar

arrest (arrést) arrested (arréstid) arrested (arréstid) arrestar

arrive (arráiv) arrived (arráivt) arrived (arráivt) llegar

ask (ask) asked (askt) asked (ask) preguntar

attach (atách) attached (atácht) attached (atácht) adjuntar

attack (atáck) attacked (atáckt) attacked (atáckt) atacar

attempt (atémpt) attempted (atémptid) attempted (atémptid) intentar

attend (aténd) attended (aténdid) attended (aténdid) asistir

attract (atráct) attracted (atráctid) attracted (atráctid) atraer

avoid (avóid) avoided (avóidid) avoided (avóidid) evitar

back (bak) backed (bakt)  backed (bakt)  apoyar

bake (béik) baked (béikt) baked (béikt) hornear

balance (bálans) balanced (bálanst) balanced (bálanst) balancear

ban (ban) banned (bánd) banned (bánd) prohibir

bathe (béid) bathed (béidid) bathed (béidid) bañarse

beg (beg) begged (bégd) begged (bégd) rogar

behave (bijéiv) behaved (bijéivd) behaved (bijéivd) comportarse

belong (bilóng) belonged (bilóngd) belonged (bilóngd) pertenecer

bless (bles) blessed (blest) blessed (blest) bendecir

blind (bláind) blinded (bláindid) blinded (bláindid) enceguecer

blink (blink) blinked (blinkt) blinked (blinkt) parpadear                   

blush (blash) blushed (blasht) blushed (blasht) enrojecer                   

boil (bóil) boiled (bóild) boiled (bóild) hervir

book (buk) booked (bukt) booked (bukt) reservar              

bore (bor) bored (bord) bored (bord) aburrir                

borrow (bórrou) borrowed (bórroud) borrowed (bórroud) pedir prestado                 

bounce (báuns) bounced (báunst) bounced (báunst) rebotar               

brake (bréik) broke (bróuk) broken (bróukn)  frenar                

breathe (brid) breathed (brídid) breathed (brídid) respirar              

brush (brash) brushed (brasht) brushed (brasht) cepillar                 

burn (bern) burnt (bernt) burnt (bernt) quemar               

bury (béri) buried (bérid) buried (bérid) enterrar     

call (kol) called (kold) called (kold) llamar               



calculated(kálkiuleirid) calcular

camp (kamp) camped (kampt) camped (kampt) acampar

care (ker) cared (kerd) cared (kerd) cuidar

cause (koz) caused (kozd) caused (kozd) causar

challenge (chálindz) challenged (chálindzd) challenged (chálindzd) desafiar

change (chéindz) changed (chéindzd) changed (chéindzd) cambiar

charge (chárdz) charged (chárdzd) charged (chárdzd) cargar

chase (chéis) chased (chéist) chased (chéist) cazar

cheat (chit) cheated (chítid) cheated (chítid) engañar

check (chek) checked (chekt) checked (chekt) verificar

cheer (chir) cheered (chird) cheered (chird) alegrar

chew (chu) chewed (chud) chewed (chud) mascar

claim (kléim) claimed (kléimd) claimed (kléimd) reclamar

clap (kláp) clapped (klápt) clapped (klápt) aplaudir

clean (klin) cleaned (klind) cleaned (klind) limpiar

clear (klíar) cleared (klíard) cleared (klíard) aclarar

close (klóus) closed (klóust) closed (klóust) cerrar

collect (kolékt) collected (koléktid) collected (koléktid) cobrar, coleccionar

comb  (kom) combed (komd) combed (komd) peinar

compare (kompér) compared (kompérd) compared (kompérd) comparar

compete (kompít) competed (kompítid) competed (kompítid) competir


complained  (kompléind)

complained  (kompléind)



completed (komplítid)

completed (komplítid)


damage (dámidz) damaged (dámidzd) damaged (dámidzd) dañar

concentrate  (kónsentreit)

concentrated  (kónsentreired)

concentrated (kónsentreired)


concern (konsérn) concerned (konsérnd) concerned (konsérnd) concernir

confess (konfés) confessed (konfést) confessed (konfést) confesar

confuse (konfiús) confused (konfiúst) confused (konfiúst) confundir

connect (konékt) connected (konéktid) connected (konéktid) conectar

consider (konsíder) considered (konsíderd)

considered(konsíderd) considerar

consist (konsíst) consisted (konsístid) consisted (konsístid) consistir

contain (kontéin) contained (kontéind) contained (kontéind) contener

continue (kontíniu) continued (kontíniud) continued (kontíniud) continuar

copy (kópi) copied (kópid) copied (kópid) copiar

correct (korrékt) corrected (korréktid) corrected (korréktid) corregir

cough (kof) coughed (koft) coughed (koft) toser

count (kaunt) counted (káunid) counted (káunid) contar

cover (káver) covered (káverd) covered (káverd) cubrir

crack (krak) cracked (krakt) cracked (krakt) rajar

crash (krash) crashed (krasht) crashed (krasht) embestir

crawl (krol) crawled (krold) crawled (krold) arrastrarse

cross (kros) crossed (krost) crossed (krost) cruzar

crush (krash) crushed (krasht) crushed (krasht) aplastar

cry (krái) cried (kráid) cried (kráid) gritar, llorar

cure (kiúr) cured (kiúrd) cured (kiúrd) curar

curl (kerl) curled (kerld) curled (kerld) enrular

curve (kerb) curved (kerbd) curved (kerbd) curvar

cycle (sáikl) cycled (sáikld) cycled (sáikld) pasear en bicicleta

dance (dans) danced (danst) danced (danst) bailar

deceive (disív) deceived (disívd) deceived (disívd) engañar

decide (disáid) decided (disáidid) decided (disáidid) decidir

decorate (dékoreit) decorated (dékoreirid) decorated (dékoreirid) decorar

delay (diléi) delayed (diléid) delayed (diléid) demorar

delight (diláit) delighted (diláirid) delighted (diláirid) deleitar

deliver (delíver) delivered (delíverd) delivered (delíverd) repartir

depend (dipénd) depended (dipénid) depended (dipénid) depender

describe (diskráib) described (diskráibd) described (diskráibd) describir

deserve (disérv) deserved (disérvd) deserved (disérvd) merecer

destroy (distrói) destroyed (distróid) destroyed (distróid) destruir

detect (ditékt) detected (ditéktid) detected (ditéktid) detectar


develop (divélop) developed (divélopt) developed (divélopt) desarrollar

disagree (disagrí) disagreed (disagríd) disagreed (disagríd) no estar de acuerdo

disappear (disapíar)








dislike (disláik) disliked (disláikt) disliked (disláikt) disgustar

divide (diváid) divided (diváidid) divided (diváidid) dividir

double (dábl) doubled (dábld) doubled (dábld) duplicar

doubt (dáut) doubted (dáurid) doubted (dáurid) dudar

dream (drim) dreamed (drimd) dreamed (drimd) soñar

dress (dres) dressed (drest) dressed (drest) vestir

drop (drop) dropped (drópt) dropped (drópt) dejar caer, caerse

drown (dráun) drowned (dráund) drowned (dráund) ahogar

dry (drái) dried (dráid) dried (dráid) secar

dust (dást) dusted (dástid) dusted (dástid) limpiar

earn (ern) earned (ernd) earned (ernd) ganar

educate (édzukeit) educated (édzukeirid) educated (édzukeirid)  educar





employ (implói) employed (implóid) employed (implóid) emplear

empty (émpti) emptied (émptid) emptied (émptid) vaciar





end (end) ended (éndid) ended (éndid) finalizar

enjoy (indzói) enjoyed (indzóid) enjoyed (indzóid) disfrutar

enter (éner) entered (énerd) entered (énerd) ingresar





escape (iskéip) escaped (iskéipt) escaped (iskéipt) huir

examine (igzámin) examined (igzámind) examined (igzámind) examinar

excite (iksáit) excited (iksáirid) excited (iksáirid) excitar

excuse (ikskiúz) excused (ikskiúzd) excused (ikskiúzd) excusarse





exist (igzíst) existed (igzístid) existed (igzístid) existir

expand (ikspánd) expanded (ikspándid) expanded (ikspándid) expandir

expect (ikspékt) expected (ikspéktid) expected (ikspéktid) esperar

explain (ikspléin) explained (ikspléind) explained (ikspléind) explicar

explode (iksplóud) exploded (iksplóudid) exploded (iksplóudid) explotar

extend (iksténd) extended (iksténdid) extended (iksténdid) extender

face (féis) faced (féist) faced (féist) enfrentar

fade (féid) faded (féidid) faded (féidid) decolorarse

fail (féil) failed (féild) failed (féild) fracasar

fancy (fánsi) fancied (fánsid) fancied (fánsid) imaginar, desear

fasten (fásen) fastened (fásend) fastened (fásend) atar

fax (faks) faxed (fakst) faxed (kakst) enviar un fax

fear (fíar) feared (fíard) feared (fíard) temer

fetch (fech) fetched (fecht) fetched (fecht) ir a buscar

file (fáil) filed (fáild) filed (fáild) archivar

fill (fil) filled (fild) filled (fild) llenar

film (film) filmed (filmd) filmed (filmd) filmar

fire (fáier) fired (fáierd) fired (fáierd) disparar, despedir

fit (fit) fitted (fítid) fitted (fítid) caber, encajar

fix (fiks) fixed (fikst) fixed (fikst) reparar

flash (flash) flashed (flasht) flashed (flasht) brillar, centellear

float (flóut) floated (flóurid) floated (flóurid) flotar

flood (flad) flooded (fládid) flooded (fládid) inundarse

flow (flóu) flowed (flóud) flowed (flóud) fluir, circular

flower (fláuer) flowered (fláuerd) flowered (fláuerd) florecer

fold (fóuld) folded (fóuldid) folded (fóuldid) doblar

follow (fólou) followed (fóloud) followed (fóloud) seguir, continuar

fool (ful) fooled (fuld) fooled (fuld) engañar

force (fors) forced (forst) forced (forst) forzar

form (form) formed (formd) formed (formd) formar

found (fáund) founded (fáundid) founded (fáundid) fundar

frame (fréim) framed (fréimd) framed (fréimd) enmarcar

frighten (fráiren) frightened (fráirend) frightened (fráirend) asustar

fry (frái) fried (fráid) fried (fráid) freír

gather (gáder) gathered (gáderd) gathered (gáderd) recoger

greet (grit) greeted (grírid) greeted (grírid) saludar

graduate (grádueit) graduated (grádueirid) graduated (grádueirid) graduarse

grease (gris) greased (grist) greased (grist) engrasar

groan (gróun) groaned (gróund) groaned (gróund) gruñir

guess (ges) guessed (gest) guessed (gest) adivinar

guide (gáid) guided (gáidid) guided (gáidid) gu

hammer (jámer) hammered (jámerd) hammered (jámerd) martillar

hand (jand) handed (jándid) handed (jándid) pasar, entregar

hang (jang) hanged (jangd) hanged (jangd) colgar

happen (jápen) happened (jápend) happened (jápend) suceder

harm (járm) harmed (jármd) harmed (jármd) dañar

hate (jéit) hated (jéirid) hated (jéirid) odiar

head (jéd) headed (jédid)  headed (jédid) encabezar

heat (jit) heated (jírid) heated (jírid) calentar

help (jelp) helped (jelpt) helped (jelpt) ayudar

hunt (jant)  hunted (jánid)  hunted (jánid)  cazar, ir de caza

hope  (jóup) hoped  (jóupt) hoped  (jóupt) esperar con ansiedad

hug (jág) hugged (jágd) hugged (jágd) abrazar

hurry (jári) hurried (járid) hurried (járid) apurarse

identify (aidéntifai) identified (aidéntifaid) identified (aidéntifaid) identificar

ignore (ignór) ignored (ignórd) ignored (ignórd) ignorar

imagine (imádzin) imagined (imádzind) imagined (imádzind) imaginar

impress (imprés) impressed (imprést) impressed (imprést) impresionar

improve (imprúv) improved (imprúvd) improved (imprúvd) mejorar

include (inklúd) included (inklúdid) included (inklúdid) incluir

increase (inkrís) increased (inkríst) increased (inkríst) aumentar

influence (ínfluens) influenced (ínfluenst) influenced (ínfluenst) influenciar

inform (infórm) informed (infórmd) informed (infórmd) informar

inject (indzékt) injected (indzékrid) injected (indzékrid) inyectar

injure (índzur) injured (índzurd) injured (índzurd) herir, lesionar

introduce (introdiús) introduced (introdiúst) introduced (introdiúst) presentar

instruct (instrákt) instructed (instrákrid) instructed (instrákrid) instruir

intend (inténd) intended (inténdid) intended (inténdid) intentar

interest (íntrest) interested (íntrestid) interested (íntrestid) interesar

interfere (interfír) interfered (interfírd) interfered (interfírd) interferir

interrupt (interápt) interrupted (interáptid) interrupted (interáptid) interrumpir

invent (invént) invented (invénid) invented (invénid) inventar

invite (inváit) invited (inváirid) invited (inváirid) invitar

irritate (íriteit) irritated (íriteirid) irritated (íriteirid) irritar

jail (dzéil) jailed (dzéild) jailed (dzéild) encarcelar

join (dzóin) joined (dzóind) joined (dzóind) unir, juntar

joke (dzóuk) joked (dzóukt) joked (dzóukt) bromear

judge (dzadz) judged (dzadzd) judged (dzadzd) juzgar

jump (dzamp) jumped (dzampt) jumped (dzampt saltar

kick (kik) kicked (kikt) kicked (kikt) patear

kill (kil) killed (kilt) killed (kilt) matar

kiss (kis) kissed (kist) kissed (kist) besar

kneel (nil) kneeled (nild) USA kneeled (nild) USA arrodillarse

knit (nit) knitted (níltid) knitted (nítid) tejer

knock (nok) knocked (nokt) knocked (nokt) golpear

knot (not) knotted (nótid) knotted (nótid) anudar

label (léibl) labelled (léibld) labelled (léibld) etiquetar

land (land) landed (lándid) landed (lándid) aterrizar

last (last) lasted (lástid) lasted (lástid) durar

laugh (laf) laughed (laft) laughed (laft) reírse

launch (lonch) launched (loncht) launched (loncht) lanzar

level (lével) levelled (léveld) levelled (léveld) nivelar

lick (lik) licked (likt) licked (likt) lamer

lighten (láitn) lightened (láitnd) lightened (láitnd) iluminar, alivianar

like (láik) liked (láikt) liked (láikt) gustar

list (list)  listed (lístid)  listed (lístid)  listar

listen (lísen)  listened (lísend)  listened (lísend)  escuchar

live (liv)  lived (livd)  lived (livd)  vivir

load (lóud)  loaded (lóudid)  loaded (lóudid)  cargar

lock (lok)  locked (lokt)  locked (lokt)  cerrar con llave

long (long)  longed (longd)  longed (longd)  durar

look (luk)  looked (lukt)  looked (lukt)  mirar

love (lav)  loved (lavd)  loved (lavd)  amar

manage (mánidz) managed (mánidzd) managed (mánidzd) administrar

march (march) marched (marcht) marched (marcht) marchar

mark (mark) marked (markt) marked (markt) marcar

marry (mári) married (márid) married (márid) casarse

match (mach) matched (macht) matched (macht) hacer juego

measure (méshar) measured (méshard) measured (méshard) medir

melt (melt) melted (méltid) melted (méltid) derretirse





mend (mend) mended (méndid) mended (méndid) remendar

milk (milk) milked (milkt) milked (milkt) ordeñar

miss (mis) missed (mist) missed (mist) perder, extrañar

mix (miks) mixed (mikst) mixed (mikst) mezclar

move (muv) moved (muvd) moved (muvd) mover, mudarse

multiply (máltíplai) multiplied (móltí-pláid) multiplied (móltí-pláid) multiplicar

murder (mérder) murdered (mérderd) murdered (mérderd) asesinar

nail (néil) nailed (néild) nailed (néild) clavar

name (néim) named (néimd) named (néimd) nombrar

need (nid) needed (nídid) needed (nídid) necesitar

note  (nóut) noted (nóurid) noted (nóurid) advertir, fijarse en

notice (nóuris) noticed (nóurist) noticed (nóurist) prestar atención

number (námber) numbered (námberd) numbered (námberd) numerar

obey (obéi) obeyed (obéid) obeyed (obéid) obedecer

object (obdzékt) objected (obdzéktid) objected (obdzéktid) objetar

observe (obsérv) observed (obsérvd) observed (obsérvd) observar

obtain (obtéin) obtained (obtéind) obtained (obtéind) obtener

offend (ofénd) offended (oféndid) offended (oféndid) ofender

offer (ófer) offered (óferd) offered (óferd) ofrecer

open (óupen) opened (óupend) opened (óupend) abrir

order (órder) ordered (órderd) ordered (órderd) ordenar, pedir

overflow  (ouverflóu) overflowed (ouverflóud)

overflowed (ouverflóud) inundar

owe (óu) owed (óud) owed (óud) adeudar

pack (pak) packed (pakt) packed (pakt) empacar

paint (péint) painted (péinid) painted (péinid) pintar

park (park) parked (parkt) parked (parkt) estacionar

pass (pas) passed (past) passed (past) pasar, aprobar

paste (péist) pasted (péistid) pasted (péistid) pegar

pat (pat) patted (párid) patted (párid) acariciar

pause (poz) paused (pozd) paused (pozd) detenerse

pedal (pédal) pedalled (pédald) pedalled (pédald) pedalear

peel (pil) peeled (pild) peeled (pild) pelar

peep (pip) peeped (pipt) peeped (pipt) echar una ojeada

perform (perfórm) performed (perfórmd) performed (perfórmd) ejecutar

phone (fóun) phoned (fóund) phoned (fóund) llamar por teléfono

pick (pik) picked (pikt) picked (pikt) recoger, levantar

plan (plan) planned (pland) planned (pland) planear, planificar

plant (plant) planted (plánid) planted (plánid) plantar

place (pléis) placed (pléist) placed (pléist) ubicar

play (pléi) played (pléid) played (pléid) tocar un instrumento,jugar

please (pliz) pleased (plizd) pleased (plizd) complacer

plug (plag)  plugged (plagd)  plugged (plagd) conectar

point (póint)  pointed (póinid) pointed (póinid) señalar

polish (pólish)  polished (pólisht) polished (pólisht) lustrar

possess (posés)  possessed (posést) possessed (posést) poseer

post (póust)  posted (póustid) posted (póustid) enviar por correo

pour (por) poured (pord) poured (pord) derramar

practise (práktis) practised (práktist) practised (práktist) practicar

pray (préi) prayed (préid) prayed (préid) rezar

precede (prousíd) preceded (prousídid) preceded (prousídid) preceder

prefer (prífér) preferred (prifért) preferred (prifért) preferir

prepare (pripér) prepared (pripérd) prepared (pripérd) preparar

present (prizént) presented (prizénid) presented (prizénid) presentar, regalar

press (pres) pressed (prest) pressed (prest) presionar, apretar

pretend (priténd) pretended (priténid) pretended (priténid) fingir

prevent (privént) prevented (privénid) prevented (privénid) impedir

print (print) printed (prínid) printed (prínid) imprimir

produce (prodús) produced (prodúst) produced (prodúst) producir





promise (prómis) promised (prómist) promised (prómist) prometer

protect (protékt) protected (protéktid) protected (protéktid) proteger

provide (prováid) provided (prováidid) provided (prováidid) proveer

pull (pul) pulled (pult) pulled (pult) tirar de

pump (pamp) pumped (pampt) pumped (pampt) bombear

punish (pánish) punished (pánisht) punished (pánisht) castigar

push (push) pushed (pusht) pushed (pusht) empujar

queue (kiú) queued (kiúd) queued (kiúd)  hacer cola

rain (réin) rained (réind) rained (réind) llover

raise (réiz) raised (réizd) raised (réizd) levantar

reach (rich) reached (richt) reached (richt) alcanzar

realise (ríalaiz) realised (ríalaizd) realised (ríalaizd) darse cuenta

receive (risív) received (risívd) received (risívd) recibir

recognise (ríkognaiz) recognised (ríkognaizd)

recognised (ríkognaizd)


record (rikórd) recorded (rikórdid) recorded (rikórdid) grabar

reduce (ridiús) reduced  (ridiúst) reduced (ridiúst) reducir

reflect (riflékt) reflected (rifléktid) reflected (rifléktid) reflejar

refuse (rifiúz) refused (rifiúzd) refused (rifiúzd) rechazar

regret (rigrét) regretted (rigrétid) regretted (rigrétid) lamentarse

relax (riláks) relaxed (rilákst) relaxed (rilákst) relajarse

release (rilís) released (rilíst) released (rilíst) soltar

rely (relái) relied (reláid) relied (reláid) confiar

remain (riméin) remained (riméind) remained (riméind) permanecer

remember remembered remembered recordar

(rimémber) (rimémberd) (rimémberd)

remind (rimáind) reminded (rimáindid) reminded (rimáindid) acordarse de

remove (rimúv) removed (rimúvd) removed (rimúvd) eliminar

rent (rent) rent (rénid) rent (rénid) alquilar

repair (ripér) repaired (ripérd) repaired (ripérd) reparar

repeat (ripít) repeated (ripírid) repeated (ripírid) repetir

replace (ripléis) replaced (ripléist) replaced (ripléist) reemplazar

reply (replái) replied (repládt) replied (repládt) responder

report (ripórt) reported (ripórid) reported (ripórid) informar





request (rikuést) requested (rikuéstid) requested (rikuéstid) solicitar

rescue (réskiu) rescued (réskiud) rescued (réskiud) rescatar

retire (ritáir) retired (ritáird) retired (ritáird) jubilarse

return (ritérn) returned (ritérnd) returned (ritérnd) regresar

rhyme (ráim) rhymed (ráimd) rhymed (ráimd) rimar

rinse (rins) rinsed (rinst) rinsed (rinst) enjuagar

risk (risk) risked (riskt) risked (riskt) arriesgar

rob (rób) robbed (róbd) robbed (róbd) robar

row (róu) rowed (róud) rowed (róud) remar

rub (rab) rubbed (rábd) rubbed (rábd) frotar

ruin (rúin) ruined (rúind) ruined (rúind) arruinar

rule (rul) ruled (ruld) ruled (ruld) regir, dominar

sack (sak) sacked (sakt) sacked (sakt) despedir

sail (séil) sailed (séild) sailed (séild) navegar

satisfy (satisfái) satisfied (satisfáid) satisfied (satisfáid) satisfacer

save (séiv) saved (séivd) saved (séivd) salvar, ahorrar, guardar

scream (skrim) screamed (skrimd) screamed (skrimd) gritar

screw (skru) screwed (skrud) screwed (skrud) atornillar

seal (sil) sealed (sild) sealed (sild) sellar

search (serch) searched (sercht) searched (sercht) buscar

separate (sépareit) separated (sépareirid) separated (sépareirid) separar

serve (serv) served (servd) served (servd) servir

settle (setl) settled (setld) settled (setld) establecer

share (sher) shared (sherd) shared (sherd) compartir

shave (shéiv) shaved (shéivd) shaved (shéivd) afeitarse

shelter (shélter) sheltered (shélterd) sheltered (shélterd) proteger, resguardar

shop (shop) shopped (shópt) shopped (shópt) comprar

sigh (sái) sighed (sáid) sighed (sáid) suspirar

sign (sáin) signed (sáind) signed (sáind) firmar

signal (sígnal) signalled (sígnald) signalled (sígnald) hacer señales

sin (sín) sinned (sínd) sinned (sínd) pecar

ski (ski) skied (skid) skied (skid) esquiar

skip (skíp) skipped (skípt) skipped (skípt) saltearse

slip (slíp) slipped (slípt) slipped (slípt) deslizarse 

slow (slóu) slowed (slóud) slowed (slóud) disminuir la velocidad

smell (smel) smelled (smeld) smelled (smeld) oler

smile (smáil) smiled (smáild) smiled (smáild) sonreír

smoke (smóuk) smoked (smóukt) smoked (smóukt) fumar

sneeze (sniz) sneezed (snizd) sneezed (snizd) estornudar

snore (snor) snored (snord) snored (snord) roncar

snow (snóu) snowed (snóud) snowed (snóud) nevar

soak (sóuk) soaked (sóukt) soaked (sóukt) empapar

sound (sáund) sounded (sáundid) sounded (sáundid) sonar

spell (spel) spelled (speld) spelled (speld) deletrear

spill (spil) spilled (spild) spilled (spild) derramar

spoil (spóil) spoiled (spóild) spoiled (spóild) malcriar

spray (spréi) sprayed (spréid) sprayed (spréid) vaporizar

start (start) started (stárid) started (stárid) arrancar, comenzar

stay (stéi) stayed (stéid) stayed (stéid) quedarse, permanecer

stop (stop) stopped (stópt) stopped (stópt) pararse, detenerse

store (stor) stored (stord) stored (stord) almacenar

stretch (strech) stretched (strecht) stretched (strecht) estirar

succeed (saksíd) succeeded (saksídid) succeeded (saksídid) tener éxito

suffer (sáfer) suffered (sáferd) suffered (sáferd) sufrir

suggest (sadzést) suggested (sadzéstid) suggested (sadzéstid) sugerir

supply (saplái) supplied (sapláid) supplied (sapláid) proveer

support (sapórt) supported (sapórid) supported (sapórid) apoyar

suppose (supóus) supposed (supóust) supposed (supóust) suponer

surprise (supráiz) surprised (supráizd) surprised (supráizd) sorprender

surround (suráund) surrounded (suráunid) surrounded (suráunid) rodear

suspect (saspékt) suspected (saspéktid) suspected (saspéktid) sospechar

suspend (saspénd) suspended (saspénid) suspended (saspénid) colgar

switch (suích) switched (suícht) switched (suícht) cambiar, enchufar

talk (tok) talked (tokt) talked (tokt) conversar

taste (téist) tasted (tésitid) tasted (téistid) saborear

tease (tiz) teased (tizd) teased (tizd) tomar el pelo, atormentar

telephone (télefoun) telephoned (télefound) telephoned (télefound) llamar por teléfono

tempt (tempt) tempted (témptid) tempted (témptid) tentar

terrify (térrifai) terrified (térri-fáid) terrified (térri-fáid) aterrorizar

test (test) tested (téstid) tested (téstid) comprobar

thank (senk) thanked (senkt) thanked (senkt) agradecer

tick (tik) ticked (tikt) ticked (tikt) tildar, marcar

tie (tái) tied (táid) tied (táid) atar

tip (típ) tipped (típt) tipped (típt) dar propina

touch (tach) touched (tacht) touched (tacht) tocar

tow (tóu) towed (tóud) towed (tóud) remolcar

trade (tréid) traded (tréidid) traded (tréidid) comerciar, negociar

train (tréin) trained (tréind) trained (tréind) entrenar





travel (trável) travelled (tráveld) travelled (tráveld) viajar

tremble (trembl) trembled (trembld) trembled (trembld) temblar

trust (trast) trusted (trástid) trusted (trástid) confiar

try (trái) tried (tráid) tried (tráid) tratar, intentar 

turn (tern) turned (ternd) turned (ternd) volver, dar vuelta

twist (tuíst) twisted (tuístid) twisted (tuístid) doblar

type (táip) typed (táipt) typed (táipt) escribir a máquina

use (iúz) used (iúzd) used (iúzd) usar

vanish (vánish)

vanished (vánisht) vanished (vánisht) desaparecer

visit (vísit) visited (vísirid) visited (vísirid) visitar

wait (wéit) waited (wéirid) waited (wéirid) esperar

walk (wok) walked (wokt) walked (wokt) caminar

want (wont) wanted (wónid) wanted (wónid) querer

warn (worn) warned (wornd) warned (wornd) advertir

wash (wosh) washed (wosht) washed (wosht) lavar

waste (wéist) wasted (wéistid) wasted (wéistid) gastar, desperdiciar

watch (woch) watched (wocht) watched (wocht) vigilar

weigh (wéi) weighed (wéirid) weighed (wéirid) pesar

yawn (ión) yawned (iónd) yawned (iónd) bostezar

yell (iél) yelled (iéld) yelled (iéld) gritar

zoom (zum) zoomed (zumd) zoomed (zumd) pasar muy rápido,  acercar


Possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives show who the thing belongs to.


1st (I) my mine 2nd (you) your yours 3rd (he) his his

  (she) her hers   (it) it its

Plural 1st (we) our ours 2nd (you) your yours

3rd (they) their theirs

NOTE: In English, possessive adjectives and pronouns refer to the possessor, not the object or person that is possessed.


Jane's brother is married to John's sister. Her brother is married to his sister. Peter and his sister. Jane and her father. Do you know where your books are? Is this their picnic? No, it is ours. I think this is your passport. Yes, it is mine.


When creating possessive form nouns there are 8 simple rules:

1. If a singular noun does not end in s, add 's

The delivery boy's truck was blocking the driveway. Bob Dole's concession speech was stoic and dignified. The student's attempts to solve the problem were rewarded

2. If a singular common noun ends in s, add 's—unless the next word begins with s. If the next word begins with s, add an apostrophe only. (This includes words with s and sh sounds.)

The boss's temper was legendary among his employees. The boss' sister was even meaner. The witness's version of the story has several inconsistencies. The witness' story did not match the events recorded on tape.

3. If a singular proper noun ends in s, add an apostrophe.

Chris ' exam scores were higher than any other students.

4. If a noun is plural in form and ends in an s, add an apostrophe only, even if the intended meaning of the word is singular (such as mathematics and measles.)

The instructor asked us to analyze ten poems' meanings. The dog catcher had to check all of the dogs' tags. It is hard to endure the Marine Corps' style of discipline.

5. If a plural noun does not end in s, add 's

Many activists in Oregon are concerned with children's rights. Everyone was disappointed with the American media's coverage of the Olympics in Atlanta.

6. If there is joint possession, use the correct possessive for only the possessive closest to the noun.

Clinton and Gore's campaign was successful. She was worried about her mother and father's marriage. Beavis and Butthead's appeal is absolutely lost on me.

7. If there is a separate possession of the same noun, use the correct possessive form for each word.

The owner's and the boss's excuses were equally false. The dog's and the cats' owners were in school when the fire broke out.

8. In a compound construction, use the correct possessive form for the word closest to the noun. Avoid possessives with compound plurals.

My father-in-law's BMW is really fun to drive. The forest ranger's truck is painted an ugly shade of green. Your neighborhood letter carrier's job is more difficult than you imagine.



Countable nouns are for things we can count


dog, horse, man, shop, idea.

They usually have a singular and plural form.


two dogs, ten horses, a man, six men, the shops, a few ideas.

Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count


tea, sugar, water, air, rice.

They are often the names for abstract ideas or qualities.


knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love.

They are used with a singular verb. They usually do not have a plural form. We cannot say sugars, angers, knowledges.

Examples of common uncountable nouns:

money, furniture, happiness, sadness, research, evidence, safety, beauty, knowledge.

We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of one of these nouns, use a word or expression like:some, a lot of, a piece of, a bit of, a great deal of...


There has been a lot of research into the causes of this disease. He gave me a great deal of advice before my interview. They've got a lot of furniture. Can you give me some information about uncountable nouns?

Some nouns are countable in other languages but uncountable in English. Some of the most common of these are:









BE CAREFUL with the noun 'hair' which is normally uncountable in English:

She has long blonde hair

It can also be countable when referring to individual hairs:

My father's getting a few grey hairs now



Most nouns form the plural by adding -s or -es.


Singular Plural boat boats hat hats

house houses river rivers

A noun ending in -y preceded by a consonant makes the plural with -ies.


Singular Plural a cry cries a fly flies

a nappy nappies

a poppy poppies a city cities a lady ladies

a baby babies

There are some irregular formations for noun plurals. Some of the most common ones are listed below.

Examples of irregular plurals

Singular Plural woman women

man men child children tooth teeth foot feet

person people leaf leaves half halves knife knives wife wives life lives loaf loaves

potato potatoes cactus cacti focus foci

fungus fungi nucleus nuclei syllabus syllabi/syllabuses analysis analyses

diagnosis diagnoses oasis oases thesis theses crisis crises

phenomenon phenomena criterion criteria datum data

Some nouns have the same form in the singular and the plural.


Singular Plural sheep sheep fish fish

species species aircraft aircraft

Some nouns have a plural form but take a singular verb.


news The news is on at 6.30 p.m. athletics Athletics is good for young people. linguistics Linguistics is the study of language. darts Darts is a popular game in England. billiards Billiards is played all over the world.

Some nouns have a plural form and take a plural verb.


trousers My trousers are too tight. jeans Her jeans are black. glasses Those glasses are his.

others include:

savings, thanks, steps, stair, customs, congratulations, tropics, wages, spectacles, outskirts, goods, wits



1. Function

The demonstratives this, that, these, those ,show where an object or person is in relation to the speaker.This (singular) and these (plural) refer to an object or person near the speaker. That (singular) and those (plural) refer to an object or person further away. It can be a physical closeness or distance as in:

Who owns that house? (distant) Is this John's house? (near)

Or it can be a psychological distance as in:

That's nothing to do with me.. (distant) This is a nice surprise! (near)

2. Position

Before the noun.

Before the word 'one'. Before an adjective + noun. Alone when the noun is 'understood'.


This car looks cleaner than that one. This old world keeps turning round Do you remember that wonderful day in June? I'll never forget this.



Articles in English are invariable. That is, they do not change according to the gender or number of the noun they refer to, e.g. the boy, the woman, the children

'The' is used:

1. to refer to something which has already been mentioned.

An elephant and a mouse fell in love.

The mouse loved the elephant's long trunk,and the elephant loved the mouse's tiny nose.

2. when both the speaker and listener know what is being talked about, even if it has not been mentioned before.

'Where's the bathroom?''It's on the first floor.'

3. in sentences or clauses where we define or identify a particular person or object:

The man who wrote this book is famous.'Which car did you scratch?' 'The red one.My house is the one with a blue door.'

4. to refer to objects we regard as unique:

the sun, the moon, the world

5. before superlatives and ordinal numbers: (see Adjectives)

the highest building, the first page, the last chapter.

6. with adjectives, to refer to a whole group of people:

the Japanese (see Nouns - Nationalities), the old

7. with names of geographical areas and oceans:

the Caribbean, the Sahara, the Atlantic

8. with decades, or groups of years:

she grew up in the seventies


Form of Adjectives


1. Adjectives are invariable:They do not change their form depending on the gender or number of the noun.

A hot potato Some hot potatoes

2. To emphasise or strengthen the meaning of an adjective use 'very' or 'really':

A very hot potato Some really hot potatoes.

(BUT see also Modifiers/Adverbs)

Position of adjectives

a) Usually in front of a noun: A beautiful girl.

b) After verbs like "to be", "to seem" , "to look", "to taste":


The girl is beautiful

You look tired This meat tastes funny.

c) After the noun: in some fixed expressions:


The Princess Royal The President elect a court martial

d) After the noun with the adjectives involved, present, concerned:


1. I want to see the people involved/concerned (= the people who have something to do with the matter) 2. Here is a list of the people present (= the people who were in the building or at the meeting)

Be careful! When these adjectives are used before the noun they have a different meaning:

An involved discussion = detailed, complex A concerned father = worried, anxious The present situation = current, happening now



Difference can also be shown by using not so/as


Mont Blanc is not as high as Mount Everest Norway is not as sunny as Thailand A bicycle is not as expensive as a car Arthur is not as intelligent as Albert


To show difference: more, less, fewer + thanTo show no difference: as much as , as many as, as few as, as little as


Using the comparative of adjectives in English is quite easy once you have understood the few simple rules that govern the.

Below you will find the rules with examples for each condition.

If you are not sure what a syllable or a consonant is - have a look here.




Number of syllables Comparative Superlative (see rule)one syllable + -er + -est tall taller tallest

     one syllable with the spelling consonant + single vowel + consonant: double the final consonant: fat fatter fattest big bigger biggest sad sadder saddest

Number of syllables Comparative Superlativetwo syllables + -er OR more + adj + -est OR most + adjending in: -y, -ly, -owending in: -le, -er or -urethese common adjectives - handsome, polite, pleasant, common, quiethappy happier/ more happy happiest/ most happy yellow yellower/ more yellow yellowest/ most yellow simple simpler/ more simple simplest/ most simple tender tenderer/ more tender tenderest/ most tender


If you are not sure, use MORE + OR MOST +Note: Adjectives ending in '-y' like happy, pretty, busy, sunny, lucky etc:. replace the -y with -ier or -iest in the comparative and superlative formbusy busier busiest

     Number of syllables Comparative Superlativethree syllables or more more + adj most + adjimportant more important most important

expensive more expensive most expensive


A cat is fast, a tiger is faster but a cheetah is the fastest A car is heavy, a truck is heavier, but a train is the heaviest A park bench is comfortable, a restaurant chair is more comfortable, but a sofa is the most comfortable


These adjectives have completely irregular comparative and superlative forms:

Adjective Comparative Superlativegood better best bad worse worst little less least much more most

far further / farther furthest / farthest


To show difference: more, less, fewer + than


With countable nouns: more / fewer

Eloise has more children than Chantal. Chantal has fewer children than Eloise. There are fewer dogs in Cardiff than in Bristol I have visited fewer countries than my friend has. He has read fewer books than she has.

With uncountable nouns: more / less

Eloise has more money than Chantal. Chantal has less money than Eloise. I spend less time on homework than you do. Cats drink less water than dogs. This new dictionary gives more information than the old one.

So, the rule is:

MORE + nouns that are countable or uncountableFEWER + countable nounsLESS + uncountable nouns


To show no difference: as much as , as many as, as few as, as little as

as many as / as few as + countable nouns as much as / as little as + uncountable nouns


With countable nouns:

They have as many children as us. We have as many customers as them. Tom has as few books as Jane. There are as few houses in his village as in mine. You know as many people as I do.

I have visited the States as many times as he has.

With uncountable nouns:

John eats as much food as Peter. Jim has as little food as Sam. You've heard as much news as I have. He's had as much success as his brother has. They've got as little water as we have.

Order of AdjectivesRules

Where a number of adjectives are used together, the order depends on the function of the adjective. The usual order is:

Value/opinion, Size, Age/Temperature, Shape, Colour, Origin, Material

Value/opinion delicious, lovely, charmingSize small, huge, tiny

Age/Temperature old, hot, youngShape round, square, rectangular Colour red, blonde, blackOrigin Swedish, Victorian, Chinese

Material plastic, wooden, silver


a lovely old red post-box some small round plastic tables some charming small silver ornaments