Trasforma il tuo approccio alla Talent Acquisition in 3 semplici passi. Parte prima: Costruisci la...

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Transcript of Trasforma il tuo approccio alla Talent Acquisition in 3 semplici passi. Parte prima: Costruisci la...

Wednesday 20th May 2015

Part 1 of 3 in the Build, Engage, Recruit series

How to attract the right followers for your business

© 2015 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Media Solutions ConsultantTomaso Giusti

Media Solutions ConsultantCristina Arbini


 What we will cover today


1. An introductions to Build, Engage, Recruit

2. Why followers are important to your business

3. Why people follow

4. What users want to see before they follow you

5. How to generate followers

6. Key takeaways

7. Questions


An effective and efficient strategy to get the most from Social Media


Build, Engage, Recruit

 Build  Engage  Recruit

+ =


The best Recruiters act like Marketers

Jeff Weiner


Recruitment & MKTG

Same funnel, same techniques

Talent ecosystem

Talent prospects

Talents you want

Customer ecosystem

Customer prospects

Customers you want

Recruitment Marketing


57%of the decision to ‘buy’ is now made

before any contact with your business

Why followers are important to your business

95%Followers are 95% more likely to

respond to an InMail

79%79% of members are interested in job

opportunities from companies they are following

61%Members are 61% more likely to share information as a result of

following your company

Why people follow


13Following other people’s behaviour


Fear of missing out. Need to belong


Be an early adopter, be a trend setter


Who has the authority and carisma in your business?


 A couple of techniques you can use

Why do people follow

Social proofing – how can you reach a tipping point?

Fear of missing out (FOMO) – why do people need to listen to you?

Bandwagon effect – what can I do to join the conversation before it is too late?

Authority – who has enough authority in your organisation?

What users want to see before they follow you


 Build your strategy around it

Understanding what users want from you


 Would follow a company

 Follow companies for jobs

 Projects and initiatives

 News and insights




What do Java Developers look for in a job? What skills and keywords should you look for?


 Think about your users and what you would want in their shoes

Persona development


 Give the right content to the right user at the right time

Tailor your message


 One unified message across all touch points with your business

Not just on LinkedIn

Across Social channels Your website Offices Whilst on the phone In emails Etc….

How to generate followers


What are you doing today to be heard?

 It’s a massive thumbs up

Generate followers through word of mouth

 With targeted advertising


Targeting capabilities:• Geo• Function• Industry• Seniority• Groups• Graduation year• School/university• Company• ...

Defensive and offensive branding tactics

Leverage your employees

• Every Employee is a brand ambassador

• Recruiters get 10x profile views

• Profile needs to be branded

• Unify your brand across your business

 Allow users to follow directly

Job postings

• Jobs are presented to the right profiles

 Simple changes can have a massive impact

Use other channels

• Add the Linkedin logo in your signature

• QR code

 Simple and effective

Add to your website

• Social buttons on your website


 Start or join in with the conversation

Be interesting

• Join conversations to enhance the engagement and visibility


 It’s good to share

Status updates

Companies that post at least 1 status update per week on LinkedIn get….

….40% more job views….and 25% more applications



Sponsored Updates gets

3x more traffic


If I only had two dollars left I would spend one dollar on PR

Bill Gates




*Engaged member = any member who viewed one of your jobs, your company/career page or became a follower within the 60 days prior to receiving an InMail from one of your employees

InMail success rates by brand engagement

Telling the right story to your audience

No engagement with your brand

Engaged with your brand*

Key takeaways


 Your next steps to building the audience you want

Things you can do today

1. Work out why people should follow you

2. Communicate the benefits of following you using the best channel for the job

3. Sync all channels and communications

4. Leverage Social Proof, Fear of missing out and Authority

5. Advertise to your audience and make a BIG noise



 Some dates for the diary

Build, Engage, Recruit webcast series

Engage your audience June 18th at 3pm

Recruit more effectively July 7th at 11am



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