Transportation Engineering Q&A

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Transcript of Transportation Engineering Q&A

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

Ranganathan Polytechnic College, Coimbatore


UNIT – I 1. What is I.R.C? Indian Road congress :- In 1934, on the recommendation of the Jayakar committee, the central Government formed a semi official Technical body known as the Indian Road Congress. 2. Write any three National highways. a) NH 7A - Palayam Kottai to Tuticorin part. b) NH 45 - Chennai to Dindugal c) NH 45 A - Villupuram to Nagapattinam 3. Write any three state highways in Tamil Nadu. a) SH 21 - Pollachi to Karur b) SH 37 - Mettur to Dharapuram c) SH 41 - Rajapalayam to Tirunelveli. 4. What is camber? The term camber is defined as the slope of the line joining the Crown and the edge of the road surface. 5. What are the different types of camber? a) Parabolic camber b) Sloped camber c) Combined camber. 6. Define super elevation. It is defined as the inward tilt or transverse inclination given to The cross section of the road surface. 7. Define gradient? The rate of rise or fall along the length of the road. 8. What are the different types of gradient? a) Maximum gradient b) Minimum gradient c) Average gradient d) Ruling gradient e) Exceptional gradient f) Floating gradient. 9. Define right distance. It is defined as the distance along the centre line of a road over

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

Which a driver can see the opposite object on the road surface in Order to avoid accident. 10. What are the different types of right distance? a) Crossing right distance b) Non passing right distance c) Passing right distance d) Lateral right distance. 11. What are the different types of curves? a) Horizontal curves b) Vertical curves c) Summit curves d) Valley curves.

12. What are the different types of horizontal curves? a) Simple curve b) Compound curve c) Reverse curve d) Transition curve. 13. Define: a) liquid limit b) plasticity Index. Liquid limit It is defined as the minimum water content at which the soil is Still in the liquid state. But has a small shearing strength against Flowing. Plasticity Index The numerical difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit. 14. Define a) plastic limit b) shrinkage limit. Plastic limit It is defined as the minimum water content at which a soil can Be rolled into threads of approximately 3 mm in diameter without the threads breaking into pieces. Shrinkage limit It is defined as the maximum water content at which any further reduction in water content will not cause a decrease in volume of the soil mass. 18. What is consistency limit? The water content at which the soil passes from one state of the next are known as atterberg limits (or) consistency limits. 19. What is compaction ? It is the process of densification of soil particles closely together by reducing air voids. 20. Define atterberg limits. The water content at which the soil passes from one state of the next are known as atterberg limits (or) consistency limits.

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

21. Define CBR. California bearing ratio is defined as the ratio of the force per unit area required to penetrate a soil mass. 22. Write any two laboratory test to find out the evaluation of soil strength. a) California bearing ratio b) Direct Shear Test 23. What is the objective of pavement? a) To provide a stable and unyielding surface due to loads Caused by traffic. b) To provide an even surface so that passengers in fast moving vechicles will not be put to discomfort. c) To prevent water from entering the soil which may lead to yielding of the road. d) To rustain a large number of repeated load. 24. What are the different types of pavement ? a) Flexible pavements b) Rigid pavements 25. Write the component of pavement. a) Soil sub grade b) Sub base course c) Base course d) Surface course. 26. Give two examples for flexible pavement. Examples of a flexible pavement are the bituminous concrete road and water bound macadam road.

27. What is grade separation ? These are the road junctions which two roads or a road and railway line cross each other at different elevation. It may be an over crossing (or) under crossing. 28. Give two examples for Rigid pavement. Example of a rigid pavement is the cement concrete road. 29. What is Road sign ? Road signs are symbols provided to warn, direct and guide road users. 30. What are the different types of Road sign ? a) Regulatory (or) Mandatory signs. b) Warning (or) cautionary signs c) Informatory and guiding signs

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

d) Prohibitary sign. 31. Define grade intersection. These are road crossings, where the roads cross each other at the same level. 32. Write any three types of grade intersection. a) Square junctions b) Acute junctions c) T - junctions d) Y - junctions e) Staggered junction f) Multiple junction. 33. What is meant by road arboriculture ? Road arboriculture is one of the architectural effect which add to the general and overall appearance of the road. Arboriculture means tree culture.

UNIT - II FOUN 1. What is highway survey? Name the different types of surveys. To determine the location of the proposed road and to collect the necessary data for the design and construction of a road the following engineering surveys are to be conducted. a) Reconnaissance Survey b) Preliminary Survey c) Final location Survey d) Construction Survey 2. Define Project. The project data collected during survey and investigations and the proposals worked out on that highway project should be presented in a proper form for the approval of the appropriate authority. 3. Define Alignment. It is the course or route along which the centre line of a road is located in plan. 4. Write any five excavation equipment. a) Tractors b) Dozers c) Ripper (or) Rooter d) Scraper e) Grader. 5. What are the various types of road roller ? The various types of road roller are, a) Smooth wheeled rollers b) Sheep foot rollers c) Grid roller d) Rubber tyred rollers etc. 6. Write down the equipment for bituminous.

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

The equipment for bituminous are, a) Bitumen boiler b) Bitumen Sprayer c) Bitumen mixer and Sprayer d) Gritting machine. 7. Define earth roads. An ordinary earth road is one whose foundation and wearing surface are composed of natural soil originally available at site. It is cheap in constructions and provides a link for very light traffic. 8. Define gravel roads. These are roads constructed with well-graded quality gravel obtainable from river beds or by crushing the stones. 9. Define Soil Stabilization. It is the process of treating a soil in such a manner as to improve or alter its physical properties so that it may become more stable and durable. 10. Define W.B.M roads. This type of road consists of broken stones of irregular shape bounded together by water on consolidation under a roller.

11. Write down the steps involved in the maintenance of W.B.M roads. a) Replacing the lost bindage b) Repairing ruts and pot - holes c) Renewing the surface. d) Maintaining gradient, camber and drainage. 12. Define Bitumen. It is a mixture of natural pyrogenous hydrocarbons and their nonmetallic derivatives which may be gaseous liquid, viscous or solid, but must be completely soluble in carbondi sulphide. 13. Define - Asphalt. It is a natural or mechanical mixture in which bitumen associated with inert mineral matter. It is blackish brown in colour, non-inflammable but burns with a smoky flame at 250°C. 14. Define - cut back. It is the solution of bitumen, asphalt or coaltar in solvents. The solvent is the distillate of petroleum or coaltar. Its function is to soften the heavy product and convert it into a liquid form so that they can be used without heating or require only a light heating. 15. Define Emulsion. 3.33 3.34 It is a mixture comprising of two unmixable liquids the one being dispersed in the other in the form of fine globules or droplets.

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

Bitumen emulsion consists of asphalt or tar particles dispersed in water in the presence of an emulsifying agent. 16. Write down the various test on Bitumen. a) Flash and Fire point test b) Penetration test c) Softening point test d) Viscosity test e) Ductility test f) Float test g) Loss on heat test h) Solubility test i) Spot test j) Water content test k) Swell test l) Specific gravity test. 17. Define Bituminous Macadam. What are the various types ? This kind of surfacing is very much suitable for heavy and mixed traffic. These are of two types. a) Grouted macadam b) Premixed macadam 18. What are the various classification of concrete roads ? a) Premixed concrete roads b) Cement bound macadam roads. 19. Write down the methods adopted in permined concrete roads. a) Alternate bay method b) Continuous construction method.

20. What are the classifications of Hill roads ? Hill roads are classified into three types. a) Motor roads b) Bridle paths c) Village paths or tracks 21. Write down the methods of formation of Hill roads. The cross section of hill roads going round a hillock may have their formation, a) in cutting i) in full cutting ii) in half tunnelling iii) in full tunnelling b) Partly in cutting and partly in embankment and c) in full embankment. 22. Define - Breast walls.

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

These are stone walls with vertical back and face batter, constructed on the inner side of road to support the slopes of cutting in loose and unreliable soil of the hill.

UNIT - III FOUNDRY 1. Write down the abbrevation of the following. a) N.R b) N.E.F.R c) N.E.R d) C.R a) N.R - Northern Railway b) N.E.F.R - North East Frontier Railway c) N.E.R - North Eastern Railway d) C.R - Central Railway 2. Defining - Adzing of sleepers. The Sleepers are cut at the rail seat to provide a slope of 1 in 20 to the rails. The process of cutting the wooden sleepers or casting of concrete sleepers accordingly is known as adzing of sleepers. 3. Define - Examination pit. These pits are constructed in the locomotive yards for examination of the engines from underneath. These pits are rectangular tanks larger than the ash pits and plastered inside. 4. Define - check rails. The rails provided on the innersides of the main rails at crossings for guiding the wheel flanges to pass are known as guard rails or check rails. 5. Define - Ash pits. These are long masonry pits, constructed longitudinally inside and under the track to collect the ash discharge from steam locomotives. 6. Define - Gauges. Gauge of railway track is defined as the clear minimum horizontal distances between the inner top faces of the two rails of a track. 7. Define - construction gauges. By adding suitable clearance to the top and sides of the loading gauge, construction gauge is obtained. 8. Define Rail. Rail is a iron beam. Its main function is to provide a most economical and level surface for the smooth passage of heavily loaded vechicles at great speed. 9. What are types of rail section ? a) Double headed rail

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

b) Bull headed rail c) Flat footed rail 10. Define - Welding of rails. Welding is the process of joining two or more pieces of metal together by heat with or without the application of pressure. 11. Define - Hogged rails. Due to the battering action of wheels over the end of rails, the rails get bent down and deflected at ends. The rails with this defect is called hogged rails.

12. Define - bending of rails. On curves the rails should be bent true to the curvature of the curve. 13. Define Sleeper. Sleeper is a transverse support for a railway track to give stiffness to it. 14. Define - Ballast. It is a layer of suitable material used under and around the sleepers in order to distribute the wheel load from the sleepers to the formation facilitating easy drainage of water. 15. Define Sleeper density. Sleeper density is the number of sleepers used per rail on the track. The number of sleepers per rail varies from N + 3 to N + 6 for main tracks where N is the length of the rail in metres. 16. Define - Rail joint. A joint is made between two rails to hold them together in the correct position. 17. Define - Fish plates. Fish plates are used in rail joints to maintain the continuity of the rails. 18. Write down the various types of rail joints. According to position of joints, a) Square joints b) Staggered joints According to position of Sleepers, a) Suspended joints b) Supported joints c) Bridge joints

19. Define - Hook bolts. The sleepers are fixed to the girders of the bridges using hook- bolts. Usually two hook - bolts are used for each sleeper. 20. Define Spikes.

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

For holding the rails to the wooden sleepers, spikes of various types are used. 21. Name the various types of maintenance. a) Maintenance of track materials b) Maintenance of Bridges c) Maintenance of rolling stock.


FOUNDRY 1. What is Railway station ? Station is a place on a railway line, where trains are stopped for the passengers to enter or detrain and an authority to proceed is given to the train. 2. Define points and crossing. To divert the trains from one track to another track some special arrangements are needed due to the flanges on the wheels which can move only on a definite way. 3. Define switches. Switch is a device, which is used to divert the railway vehicle from one track to another track. It consists of tongue rail and stock rail. 4. What are the types of switches ? Switches can be classified into two groups as follows. a) Stub switch b) Split switch 5. What is Drop pits ? These pits are constructed at right angle to the track to examine and repair or to replace the old wheels by new ones. In these pits the wheels of the locomotives are lowered and the wheels and axles are taken out with the help of different kinds of jacks.

6. What are the different types of engine shed ? Two types of sheds are provided on Indian Railway a) Rectangular shed b) Circular shed. 7. What is Buffer stops ? Across the track of a siding or at terminal station a barrier is provided at the end of the track. So that the vehicle do not go off the track. 8. What are the uses of triangles ? These are constructed to changing the directions of engines. At small stations

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

where small number of engines are to be turned, a triangle can be used. This consists of three short lengths of tracks laid to form a triangle. Two tracks are laid in curves and laid as straight. But sometimes all three tracks are laid in curves. These tracks are connected to each other by three pairs of points and crossings. If one engine moves completely round the triangle its direction is automatically changed. 9. What is meant by signalling ? Signalling is the device by which movements of trains is controlled. 10. What are various methods of control movement ? The various systems of control of movement of trains are a) One engine only b) Follow train (or) Time interval system c) Pilot guard system d) Train staff and ticket e) Absolute block or space interval system f) Automatic signalling or Automatic block. g) Centralized Traffic Control (C.T.C) h) Automatic Train Control (A.T.C) 11. What is inter locking ? Inter locking is the inter connection of signals and points by means of mechanical and electrical to safe guard the movement of trains preventing collision and derailments. 12. Define Route Relay system. In this system the points and signals for movements of trains are electrically operated.

UNIT - V 1. Define Bridge. A bridge is a structure for carrying the road traffic or other moving loads over a depression (or) obstruction such as channel road or railway. 2. Define Scour. The vertical cutting of river-bed is known as scour. 3. Define Economic span. The span for which the total cost of the bridge will be minimum is known as the economic span of the bridge. 4. Mention the components of a bridge. a) Super structure b) Sub structure a) Super structure

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

i) Slab, Griders, Trusses etc. ii) Bearing for decking b) Sub structure i) Abutment and piers ii) Foundations iii) Approaches to bridge iv) Rivetment v) Apron vi) Wing walls and return walls. 5. Define Cause way. Sometimes the waterway carries very little discharge but is spread over a large width, it becomes quite uneconomical to provide a bridge of such a large opening. In that situation a sloping conuction or stone bed is constructed at or above the bed of a stream for passage of vehicles on compactively less important roads of a highway construction. This type of bridge is known as causeway. 6. Define Culvert. A culvert is a small bridge for carrying water from one side to another side of road or railway. 7. What are the different types of culvert ? Following types of culverts are commonly used in pratice. a) Pipe culverts b) Box culverts c) Arch culverts d) Slab culverts e) Steel grider culverts. 8. Write any three types of causeway. a) Flush causeways (or) bed level causeway b) Low level causeways (or) Vented causeway c) High level causeways (or) submersible bridge. 9. Write any three types of bridge according to the position of floor. According to the position of the bridge floor, a. Deck bridge b. Through bridge c. Semi-through bridge

10. State any two function of foundation. i) To distribute the load from the structure over a large area of the subsoil. ii) To prevent filting and overturning of the piers and abutments. 11. What is pneumatic caisson ? A caission if open at bottom and closed at top in which compressed air is used to keep away the water and mud from coming inside is called a pneumatic caisson.

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

12. What are the different types of foundation ? a) Spread foundation b) Raft foundation c) Pile foundation d) Well foundation e) Caisson foundation 13. What is coffer dam ? A cofferdam is a temporary structure, which is built to exclude water from an area and make it possible to carry on the construction work under reasonably dry conditions. 14. State any two types of caisson foundations. a) Box caisson b) Open caisson c) Pneumatic caisson. 15. What is abutment ? The end supports of the superstructure of a bridge are called abutments. 16. What is wing wall ? These are the walls provided at both ends of the abutments to retain the earth filling of the approach road. 17. What is pier ? The intermediate supports of a bridge super structure are called piers. 18. Write any three types of wing wall. a) Straight wing - walls b) Splayed wing - walls c) Curved wing - walls d) Return wing – walls 19. State any two types of piers. a) Abutment pier b) Dumb - bell pier c) Solid - pier d) Column - pier e) Trestle - pier f) Cylindrical - pier g) Pile - pier. ‘ 20. State any two types of abutments. a) Abutment for masonry arch bridge b) Abutment for R.C.C arch bridge c) Abutment for girder brige. 21. Describe suspension bridge. A suspension bridge consists of two main cables on each side of the roadway. They are carried over towers and anchored securely to solid anchorage blocks at both ends. The cable consists of high tensile wires bound into one unit. 23. Mention the different types of steel girder bridge a) Beam bridges b) Plate girder bridges c) Truss bridges

Prepared by P.Lakshmi, Instructor/civil

24. State any three function of bearing in bridges. The following are the main functions of bearing. a) Longitudinal movement due to temperature variation. b) Transference of horizontal forces due to braking. c) Rotation at supports due to deflection of griders. d) Vertical movement due to sinking of the support. 25. State any five types of bearing. a) Fixed bearing b) Rocker - Roller bearing c) Rocker - bearing d) Rocker bearing with curved bottom e) Knuckle bearing f) Sliding plate bearing g) Sole plate on curved bed plate bearing. 26. What are the purpose of bearing ? Bearings are provided for the following purpose. a) For distribution of the load from super structure to sub structure. b) To provide longitudinal movement due to temperature changes. c) To provide angular movement due to deflection. d) To absorb movements of girder. e) To keep the compressive stress within the safe limits. f) To make movements of girder harmless.

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