Transport -

Post on 14-Sep-2019

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Transcript of Transport -


Información del recurso .................................................................................. 2

Students ...................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ............................................................................................ 5

Activity 1: Means of transport ................................................................... 6

Activity 2: Choosing transport ................................................................... 8

Activity 3: I am lost ................................................................................ 10

Self-evaluation ....................................................................................... 13

Final activity .......................................................................................... 18

Referencias bibliográficas y electrónicas .......................................................... 22

Recursos TIC................................................................................................ 23

Mapa de contenidos ...................................................................................... 25

Glosario....................................................................................................... 26

Ayuda ......................................................................................................... 28

Créditos ...................................................................................................... 29

Información del recurso


Área curricular: Lengua extranjera: Inglés

Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

Segundo curso

Illustration. Transport Source: Intef.

Durante este recurso se aprenderá a clasificar y a describir diferentes medios de

transporte así como a describir cómo llegar a diferentes lugares utilizando los

medios de transporte.

Se trabajará de forma colaborativa y participativa, esto significa que la fuente de

conocimiento surgirá de la interacción entre compañeros y compañeras a través de

la realización de las diferentes actividades propuestas. Para que el trabajo sea

óptimo, se seguirán las pautas y orientaciones indicadas en cada una, a través de

la consulta de recursos web y enlaces proporcionados como fuentes de información.


To start off

In this resource, Luisa and Miguel will describe different means of transport.

The resource is divided into four activities:

Activity 1: first, you will learn how to classify different means of transport.

Activity 2: in this activity, you will describe some means of transport and

how to get to different places using them.

Activity 3: you will create a leaflet and a radio spot about a forthcoming

exhibition of antique vehicles in the London Transport Museum.

Final activity: finally, you will create and perform a role play about two

friends who are travelling from London to Oxford in order to visit the city.

In this educational resource, you will carry out different types of activities: you will

work independently and also with classmates, think for yourself, go one step

further when to get more information on the topic studied, and finally, assess


These are some of the skills you will practise with theses activities:

You will learn how to work in groups and how to present your ideas;

specifically, you will learn to:

present concepts and ideas clearly;

analyse and evaluate other people's points of view;

develop attitudes that foster reflection and dialogue.

Picture. Skills. Source: Mediateca.

You will learn how to use your computer and the Internet to study:

using search engines and official websites with useful information;

using desktop applications to edit images or to create text

documents, audio material and presentations;

you will also learn to make sense of informative texts.

You will learn and use vocabulary related to transport:

using the correct words and expressions;

using the prepositions to and from correctly;

using the verbs expect and wait for correctly;

and you will then be able to understand a dialogue in which

people talk about transport.

You will learn to choose the most appropriate transport depending on the


Are you ready? Let’s go!


Help Luisa’s and Miguel by doing the following activities:

Activity 1. Means of transport.

Activity 2. Choosing transport.

Activity 3. I am lost.

Final activity. Tourist Information Centre.

Activity 1: Means of transport

It's your turn: Transport

Individually, visit the following link:


Do all the activities that you find in the sections "Transport classification",

"Sky/water/land" and "Big/small". You will learn vocabulary and expressions about

means of transport. Take screenshots of each activity that you do (you may use

GIMP), paste them into a text document and then, send it to your teacher by email

or webmail.

Illustration. Question. Source: Agrega.

In this activity, you will learn a lot of vocabulary about transport.

Create a mind map about the different means of transport that exist currently.

Remember to include as many means of transport as possible and to classify them

according to the environment in which they operate: sea, land or air.

You may use the web application CmapTools to create your mind map.

To find the vocabulary, you can use the Richmond dictionary, which is available in

the following website:

Online dictionary.

Once you have finished, publish your mind map in a new entry of the classroom

Blog. Your teacher may ask you to present your mind map using the interactive


Let's practise together: Guess my transport

In groups of four, you will revise and practise the vocabulary that you learnt in the

previous task.

Illustration. Bus. Source: Intef.

A member of your group must write the name of a certain means of transport on a

piece of paper.

In turns, the other members of your group will make questions to guess the means

of transport that he or she chose. You can make questions about its length, speed,

size, colour, etc. You can also ask if it is dangerous or healthy, if you can use it

individually or not, if it is private or public, etc.

Remember to write your questions and also the correct answer in a text document.

You and the members of your group must share the document using Google Docs.

Remember to activate the “track changes” option in Google Docs to let your teacher

see the changes that you have made in the text.

Next, share the text document with your teacher using Google Docs.

Finally, you will play a last round in which all the groups will participate. Your

teacher will choose a means of transport and all the groups must try to guess it.

Activity 2: Choosing transport

Let's practise together: How to get to...

First, and individually, visit the following link:


Do all the activities that you find in the section How to get to… Take screenshots of

each activity that you do (you may use GIMP), paste them into a text document.

Convert the format of the text document into PDF and send it to your teacher by

email or webmail.

Illustration. Student. Source: Intef.

Then, in groups of three, you will create an Impress presentation about the

different means of transport that you can use in London.

The presentation must include a picture and a brief description about them. You can

mention the following aspects: if it is land, sea or air transport; if it is slow or fast;

if it is cheap or expensive; if you use it to travel short or long distances, etc.

You can find a lot of pictures by visiting any of the following links:

Banco de imágenes y sonidos del Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas.

Buscador de imágenes Creative Commons.

Banco de imágenes Pics4 Learning.


Visit the link below to obtain some information about the different means of

transport that you can use in London:

Transport in London.

Once you have finished your presentation, send it to your teacher by email or

webmail. Then, upload your presentation to AuthorStream and publish the URL in

the entry that your teacher has created in the classroom Blog. Thus, your

classmates will see your work.

Let's practise together: From lost to the river...

In pairs, you will write a dialogue in a text document. The dialog must consist of

two characters who are talking about how to get to certain places in a city. One of

you is a visitor to the city and the other one lives in that same city.

Illustration. Boat. Source: Intef.

Remember to use the vocabulary and structures that you learnt in the previous


Then, share the text document with your teacher by email or webmail so that he or

she can assess your work.

Once your teacher has assessed your dialogue, record it in an audio file using


Finally, you must present your dialogue to your teacher and your classmates.

Activity 3: I am lost

Let's practise together: Where is the museum?

In this activity, you will work individually. Visit the following link:


Do only the activities that you find in the section "Travel game/revision". Take

screenshots of each activity that you do (you may use GIMP), paste them into a

text document and then, send it to your teacher by email or webmail.

Illustration. Museum. Source: Intef.

Now, in groups of three, you will create a leaflet about a forthcoming exhibition of

antique vehicles that will take place in the London Transport Museum.

The leaflet will be presented in an Impress presentation which must include four

different slides with the following information:

A cover, which must contain the title, a representative image of the

exhibition, the name of the institution, the date and the place which will hold

the event.

A description of the event.

A brief description and images of three vehicles that you can visit in the


A quote or slogan to catch the public’s attention, and also to give directions

on how to get to the event by using public transport.

In the websites below, you can find information about the transport and the

directions on how to get to the museum:

Vehicles collection.

London transport museum.

To find the pictures, visit the following links:

Banco de imágenes y sonidos del Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas.

Buscador de imágenes Creative Commons.

Banco de imágenes Pics4 Learning.


Once you have finished your presentation, upload it to AuthorStream and publish it

in a new entry of the classroom Blog.

Let's practise together: Poster-ize!

In this activity, you will continue working in the same group than in the previous


You must create a radio spot about the opening of the exhibition of antique

vehicles. The objective of the spot is to get as much public as possible in the


Illustration. Car. Source: Intef.

First, you and the other members of your group must create a text document

containing a summary of the information in the leaflet that you made in the

previous task. Remember to summarise and present the information in an

attractive way, in order to catch the public’s attention. Then, share the text

document with your teacher so that he or she can assess it.

Once your teacher has validated your text document, you must record the radio

spot in an audio file using Audacity. Then, upload your audio file to Ivoox and link

the audio file to a new entry in the classroom Blog using the Podcasting service.

Finally, your group must visit the other radio spots created in the classroom and

vote for your favourite one. You must publish your vote by writing a comment in

the Blog entry.

Your teacher will publish the name of the winner group in the classroom Blog.


Before starting the final activity, you will check what you have learned with all the

activities that you have been doing.

Final activity

Task: Tourist Information Centre

In this activity, you will work in groups of four. Are you ready?

First, visit these links:

Illustration. Question.

I am lost.


Do all the activities that you find in the section "Transport" of the resource I am lost

and the activities that you find in the section "By train" of the resource Travelling.

You will revise the contents that you studied throughout the entire resource and

you will learn vocabulary and expressions that you may use when travelling (how to

buy a train ticket, how to request tourist information…) Take screenshots of each

activity that you do (you may use GIMP), paste them into a text document and

then, send it to your teacher by email or webmail.

Now, you will create a dialogue between two friends who are travelling from London

to Oxford in order to visit the city. In the dialogue, two members of your group will

act as tourists, a member will act as a ticket seller in a train station, and another

member will act as a receptionist in a Tourist Information Centre.

To create the dialogue, you and the rest of members of your group must create and

share a text document using Google Docs. Such a document must contain the

following points:

An introduction in which both tourists talk about the place they are going to


A conversation between the tourists and the receptionist of the Tourist

Information Centre, in which they talk about the underground lines they

should take to get to Paddington train station.

A conversation between the tourists and the ticket seller in the train station,

in order to buy the train tickets to Oxford. It must include information

related to the timetables, the prices, etc.

A conversation in which the tourists say that they have finally arrived at the


The beginning point of the trip is the Tourist Information Centre, which is located

near the National Portrait Gallery and Piccadilly Circus. Look at the following maps

in order to obtain some information about the underground lines that you can take

to get to Paddington train station.

Screenshot. Map. Source: Google Maps.

Screenshot. Transport for London. Source: Transport for London.

You can include fictitious information about the timetables, the price of the tickets,


Remember to use some sentences that show the difference between the verbs

“expect” and “wait for”. Also, remember to activate the “track changes” option in

Google Docs to let your teacher see the changes that all the group members have

made in the text.

Next, you will create an Impress presentation in which you must include some

pictures that illustrate the different points of the dialogue. For example, you can

include an image of a ticket office to show the tourists while they are buying the

train tickets. The presentation will be displayed on the interactive whiteboard while

you are performing your role play. When you have finished your presentation, send

it to your teacher by email or webmail.

You can get the images images from any of the following links:

Banco de imágenes y sonidos del Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas.

Buscador de imágenes Creative Commons.

Banco de imágenes Pics4 Learning.


Finally, you will perform your role play in the classroom.

Referencias bibliográficas y


Ilustración. Referencias bibliográficas y electrónicas. Fuente: Pics4learning.

Bueso Fernández,I., Casamián Sorrosa, P. (1991). Diferentes usos

gramaticales entre el español y el inglés. Madrid: Edinumen.

Marcel Danesi, Ph. D. (2005). Crucigramas y acertijos en inglés para

hispanohablantes. New York: Baronseduc.



Bancos de imágenes con Licencia Libre o Creative Commons:

Buscador de imágenes Creative Commons.

Banco de imágenes y sonidos del Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas.

Banco de imágenes Pics4 Learning.


Mapa de contenidos

Ilustración. Mapa de contenidos.


Air balloon: globo

Airline: línea aérea, companía aérea

Airport: aeropuerto

Bicycle: bicicleta

Bus: autobús

Car: coche

Exchange: intercambio, cambio

Expect: esperar, anticipar

Flying: vuelo

Ilustración. Glosario.

Land: tierra

Lorry: camión

Means of transport: medio de transporte

Motorbike: motocicleta

Near: cerca

On foot: a pie

Opposite: en frente de

Plane: avión

Port: puerto

Rent a car: alquilar un coche

Routes: rutas

Ship: barco

Sight: vista

Square: plaza

Station: estación

Stop bus: parada de autobús

Street: calle

Taxi: taxi

Ticket: billete

Tourist Information Centre: Centro de Información Turística

Train: tren


Travel: viajar

Tube: metro

Underground: metro

Wait for: esperar

Walk: caminar

Wheels: ruedas


Cada pantalla del recurso tiene una estructura definida:

Las actividades se inician siempre con una situación o presentación del

tema que vas a trabajar.

A continuación se proponen una serie de actividades para trabajar de

manera individual o colaborativa con el grupo. Se trata de "It's your turn"

o "Let's practise together". En estas actividades tendrás que realizar

alguna acción:

o Actividades que tendrás que trabajar individualmente o

colaborativamente, y el resultado enviarlo a tu profesor o profesora

para evaluarlo.

o Recursos para profundizar en el tema.


Este material didáctico digital ha sido desarrollado por el Ministerio de Educación,

Cultura y Deporte, el Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y Formación del

Profesorado, el Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo y la entidad pública

empresarial Se ha desarrollado en el marco del programa Escuela 2.0 y

puede ser utilizado y adaptado en los términos de la licencia Reconocimiento-

CompartirIgual España de Creative Commons.