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Translational Research in Nicotine Dependence

Jill R. Turner1, Allison Gold2, Robert Schnoll2, and Julie A. Blendy1

1Department of Pharmacology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 191042Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104


Nicotine addiction accounts for 4.9 million deaths each year. Furthermore, althoughsmoking represents a significant health burden in the United States, at present there areonly three FDA-approved pharmacotherapies currently on the market: (1) nicotine replace-ment therapy, (2) bupropion, and (3) varenicline. Despite this obvious gap in the market, thecomplexity of nicotine addiction in addition to the increasing cost of drug developmentmakes targeted drug development prohibitive. Furthermore, using combinations of mouseand human studies, additional treatments could be developed from off-the-shelf, currentlyapproved medication lists. This article reviews translational studies targeting manipulationsof the cholinergic system as a viable therapeutic target for nicotine addiction.

Smoking is the cause of 4.9 million deathseach year (Ebbert et al. 2010). Although the

detrimental effects of smoking are commonlyunderstood and 70% of smokers indicate thatthey want to quit, successful attempts amongsmokers remain below 5% (Nides 2008). Manyfactors contribute to thedevelopment and main-tenance of nicotine addiction, and these process-es have been investigated in both human popu-lations and animal models to better understandunderlying mechanisms. Cessation of chronicnicotine produces withdrawal symptoms inboth animals (Grabus et al. 2005; Malin et al.1992) and humans (Hughes 2007; Hendrickset al. 2006), and avoidance of withdrawal symp-toms is one factor that contributes to the main-tenance of smoking and relapse during quit at-tempts. Conversely, studies have also shown thatthe severity and duration of nicotine withdraw-al symptoms strongly predict relapse (Piasecki

et al. 1998, 2000). Therefore, recent endeavorsin medication development are targeted at atten-uation of nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Currently, there are three “first-line” phar-macotherapies for nicotine addiction: nicotinereplacement therapy, bupropion (a mixed nor-epinephrine/dopamine reuptake inhibitor),and varenicline (a nicotinic acetylcholine recep-tor [nAChR] partial agonist). The most prom-ising of the current pharmacotherapies is vare-nicline (Chantix), which results in maintenanceof smoking cessation in nearly 80% of treat-ment-seeking participants (Cahill et al. 2011).The success of varenicline, which targets a4b2nAChRs, suggests that compounds modulatingthe cholinergic system and/or nicotinic recep-tors would serve as promising drugs for utiliza-tion as a smoking cessation therapy. Therefore,the central theme of this translational articlefocuses on modulation of the cholinergic system

Editors: R. Christopher Pierce and Paul J. Kenny

Additional Perspectives on Addiction available at

Copyright # 2013 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

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as aviable candidate for smoking cessation treat-ment, whether this be through modulation ofthe endogenous system via synthesis and releaseor through the direct activation of nAChRs.


Neurochemisty of Nicotine

Nicotine, the major psychoactive componentin tobacco smoke, is thought to mediate bothtobacco reinforcement and dependence (LeFoll and Goldberg 2006). Once in the blood-stream, nicotine, a highly lipophilic compound,rapidly crosses the blood–brain barrier (Gah-ring and Rogers 2005) and can be sequestered inlipid-rich, slightly basic reservoirs, such as glia(Crooks 1999). This compartmentalization ofnicotine can lead to its accumulation in the brainduring chronic administration (Ghosheh et al.2001), potentially producing continued effectsfollowing termination of nicotine exposure.Once in the brain, nicotine binds to nAChRs.These receptors are pentameric ion channels,which pass Naþ, Kþ, and Ca2þ ions and thushave the ability to alter cellular activity. Entryof these ions can either directly impact cell excit-ability or trigger calcium-sensitive molecules,such as protein kinase C (PKC) (Soliakov andWonnacott 2001), protein kinase A (PKA) (Da-jas-Bailador et al. 2002), calmodulin-depen-dent protein kinase II (CAMKII) (Steiner et al.2007), and extracellular signal-regulated kinases(ERKs) (Dajas-Bailador et al. 2002; Steiner etal. 2007). These calcium-sensitive kinases thenhave myriad downstream effects, including acti-vation of transcription factors such as CREB(Chang and Berg 2001; Pandey et al. 2001; Huet al. 2002; Brunzell et al. 2003; Walters et al.2005) (for a review of signaling effects of nico-tine, see Shen and Yakel 2009).

Nicotinic receptors come in two moieties,homomeric receptors (e.g., a7) or heteromericreceptors (e.g., a4b2) (for more informationon specific subtypes, see Fowler et al. 2008).However, in this work, we will be focusing onthe a4b2 heteromeric receptor in terms of itstranslational importance. In contrast to other

subtypes, the a4b2 nAChR subtype has beenshown to readily up-regulate following chronicexposure to nicotine, as evidenced by findingsin cell culture (Xiao and Kellar 2004), rodents(Schwartz and Kellar 1983; Marks et al. 1985),monkeys (Picciotto et al. 2008), and humans(Mukhin et al. 2008). The up-regulation of re-ceptors in the face of increased agonist is a char-acteristic unique to nicotine, and its full impor-tance is not understood. However, PET imagingin human smokers following different periodsof abstinence suggest that this up-regulationmay directly contribute to smoking relapse.Cosgrove and colleagues showed that b2-con-taining nAChRs remain significantly up-regu-lated after 1 mo of abstinence and their densitywas positively correlated to craving (Cosgroveet al. 2009). Although correlational, this studysuggests that the phenomenon of receptor up-regulation could directly contribute to failedsmoking cessation.

Cholinergic System: Synthesis, Release,and Activation of nAChRs

Nicotinic receptors are endogenously activatedthrough the binding of acetylcholine (ACh)(Fig. 1). The rate-limiting step in the synthesisof acetylcholine (ACh) is the availability of cho-line in the cell (Jope 1979). Therefore, cholin-ergic cells possess a high-affinity choline trans-porter (HA-TS) on their terminals, in additionto the low-affinity choline transporter found onall neuronal cell types (Simon and Kuhar 1975;Okuda et al. 2000). ACh is actively synthesizedvia choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), which islocated in the presynaptic nerve terminals nearsynaptic vesicles (Jope 1979). Because this en-zyme is exclusive to the synthesis of ACh, it is areliable marker of cholinergic neurons (Ecken-stein and Sofroniew 1983). Cholinergic neuronscan be subdivided into two major pools: (1)projection neurons arising from cholinergicnuclei and (2) subpopulations of cholinergicinterneurons (Hoover et al. 1978). The majorcholinergic projection neurons in the brainarise from two main sets of nuclei: the basalforebrain cholinergic complex, which includesthe nucleus basalis, diagonal band of Broca, and

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medial septal nuclei and the pontomesencepha-lotegmental cholinergic complex, which includesthe pedunculopontine nucleus and dorsolateraltegmental nuclei (Hoover et al. 1978; Eckensteinand Sofroniew 1983). Projections arising fromthese cholinergic nuclei innervate diverse brainareas, and thus impinge on numerous neuralnetworks controlling such states as cognition, re-ward, and affect (Johnston et al. 1979; Muir et al.1993). The second major pool of acetylcholine inthe central nervous system (CNS) arises fromcholinergic interneurons (Hoover et al. 1978).These GABAergic cells, which have been mostthoroughly investigated in the cerebellum (Kali-nichenko and Okhotin 2005), hippocampus(Lawrence 2008; Drever et al. 2011), and striatum(Oldenburg and Ding 2011), corelease ACh dur-ing high frequency stimulation, leading to strongmodulation of local circuitry within the specificbrain regions (Witten et al. 2010). Followingrelease of ACh from either cholinergic projec-tion neurons or cholinergic interneurons, AChis inactivated through rapid degradation in thesynapse by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase

(AChE), rather than reuptake as is the case withmany neurotransmitters (Zimmerman and Soreq2006).

Although cholinergic projection neurons andinterneurons are widely distributed throughoutthe CNS, nAChRs are predominantly found onpresynaptic terminals. Thus, the main effect ofnicotine is to modulate the release of numerousother neurotransmitters, including serotonin,norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine, glu-tamate, and GABA (for a review, see Wonnacottet al. 2006). This presynaptic modulatory role ofnicotinic receptors in the CNS may in fact un-derlie many of the problems in developing asuccessful smoking cessation aid. For example,in order for a pharmacotherapy to be successful,it needs to address not only central nicotinicsignaling, but also nicotine’s potential effectson diverse other neurotransmitter systems. Fur-ther complicating this issue is that knowledgeof how the cholinergic system is altered in asmoker remains largely unknown. Therefore,examination of human and animal studies in-vestigating alterations to or polymorphisms














Figure 1. Diagram of endogenous cholinergic transmission in the brain. Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT, 1)enzymatically produces acetylcholine from the precursors choline and acetyl CoA. Following synthesis, acetyl-choline is packaged in presynaptic vesicles and released, where it can act on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors(nAChR, 2). Termination of acetylcholine activity is accomplished via enzymatic breakdown by acetylcholineesterase (AChE, 3), yielding choline and acetate. Choline is then actively transported back into the cell by thehigh-affinity choline transporter (HA-TS) and resynthesized into acetylcholine. Viable smoking cessation drugtargets in the cholinergic system include synthesis (1), receptor activation (2), and degradation (3).

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within the cholinergic system may lead to moreeffective novel therapeutics for nicotine depen-dence.


Acetylcholine (ACh) Synthesis Pathway—Rate-Limiting Steps and Genetic Influences

ChAT Studies in Smokers

Genetic studies in smokers have found signifi-cant association of single-nucleotide polymor-phisms (SNPs) in the ChAT gene with smokingcessation phenotypes. An initial pharmaco-genetic study found that a single ChAT SNP(rs1917810) was associated with higher absti-nence rates in smokers with the minor allele(Heitjan et al. 2008). Follow-up studies in bothtreatment-seeking smokers (Ray et al. 2010) aswell as nontreatment seekers (Wei et al. 2010)also showed significant association of ChATSNPs or haplotypes with multiple measures ofsmoking and nicotine dependence. In the treat-ment seekers, a systems-based genetic associa-tion analysis was performed assessing smokingrelapse following 8 wk of transdermal nicotinetherapy. This approach highlighted a cluster ofChAT SNPs that were significantly associatedwith relapse (Ray et al. 2010). A replicationand extension of this finding in non-treatmentseekers examined SNPs in the ChAT gene forassociation with a number of nicotine depen-dence parameters, including smoking quantityand heaviness of smoking. This study, whichused a haplotype-based association analysis,identified several ChAT haplotypes that weresignificantly associated with all parameters ofnicotine dependence (Wei et al. 2010). In total,these human studies support additional inves-tigation of ChAT manipulations for potentialsmoking cessation therapeutics.

ChAT Studies in Rodents

Because of the link between human SNPs in theChAT gene and smoking behavior, it could behypothesized that endogenous cholinergic tone

afforded by ChAT activity may influence nico-tine withdrawal behaviors. Indeed, animal stud-ies probing the mechanistic effects of chronicnicotine during adolescence or adulthood haveshown long-term alterations of ChAT activi-ty (Abreu-Villaca et al. 2003; Ribeiro-Carvalhoet al. 2009). Specifically, chronic exposure tonicotine during adolescence was shown to in-crease ChAT activity in adulthood in the cortexand hippocampus of male rodents (Abreu-Vil-laca et al. 2003; Ribeiro-Carvalho et al. 2009).This effect appears to be sex specific, becausechronic nicotine treatment in adolescent fe-male rodents results in a decreased ChATactivityprofile during adulthood when compared tountreated female littermates (Ribeiro-Carvalhoetal. 2008).However, it remainsunknownwheth-er these alterations are driven hormonally orthrough inherent sex differences in the cholin-ergic system.

In addition to adolescent studies, it has alsobeen shown that chronic nicotine treatment dur-ing adulthood impacts ChAT activity as well.Adult exposure in male rodents resulted in de-creased ChAT activity in the midbrain (Cianiet al. 2005), striatum, and cortex (Slotkin et al.2008) following chronic nicotine treatment.However, following 72 h of nicotine withdrawal,ChAT activity was elevated in males, but not fe-males (Slotkin et al. 2008), suggesting a homeo-static response in males but not females to thenicotine withdrawal state. This finding, in addi-tion to the sex-specific effects observed follow-ing adolescent exposure (Ribeiro-Carvalho et al.2009), may contribute to the differential nico-tine reward and withdrawal profiles reported inwomen (for a review, see Perkins et al. 1999).The combined observations of rodent ChATstudies and human ChAT SNP studies suggestthat modulation of endogenous ACh may be aviable candidate for future smoking cessationmedication development.

Potential Therapeutics

Increased ACh Synthesis via Dietary Supple-mentation. Long-lasting alterations in the cho-linergic system may indicate a need for increasedmodulation of the endogenous cholinergic

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system in treatment of nicotine dependenceand withdrawal. Manipulations of acetylcholinesynthesis via dietary choline supplementationhave been shown to increase nAChR-bindingsites in the hippocampus, frontal cortex, andstriatum to levels similar to that seen followingchronic nicotine administration (Coutcher et al.1992). Furthermore, dietary supplementationwith choline or other nutrients, like acetyl-l-carnitine and huperzine A, which have alsobeen shown to increase acetylcholine levels inthe brain, have been shown to rescue cognitiveimpairments in a number of animal models (DeBruin et al. 2003; Teather and Wurtman 2005,2006; Wang et al. 2007; Holguin et al. 2008a,b).Although a clinical report in healthy youngsubjects did not report any significant effectson cognitive performance following dietarycholine supplementation (Deuster et al. 2002),nutrient supplementation targeting increasedsynthesis of acetylcholine in persons with trau-matic brain injury reported significant improve-ments in general cognitive functioning (Amenet al. 2011). These data suggest the benefit ofincreased ACh is evident only under conditionsin which deficits are present. A clinical hallmarkof nicotine withdrawal is cognitive impairment;therefore, these animal and human studies sug-gest that modulation of central acetylcholinelevels via dietary supplementation may be avalid adjunctive treatment during smoking ces-sation.

Increased ACh Levels via Acetylcholinester-ase Inhibitors. Because the actions of ACh in thesynapse are terminated by degradation of theneurotransmitter by the enzyme acetylcholines-terase (AChE), an alternative approach to in-crease cholinergic tone in the synapse is throughadministration of AChE inhibitors. Inhibitionof AChE is the primary mode of action of riva-stigmine, donepezil, and galantamine, all ofwhich are commonly prescribed medicationsfor cognitive impairment and first-line medica-tions for Alzheimer’s disease (Mehta et al. 2012).In nicotine-dependent animals, studies utiliz-ing these drugs during withdrawal show thatincreasing endogenous ACh tone via inhibi-tion of AChE can rescue some aspects of cogni-tive withdrawal deficits (Wilkinson and Gould

2011). Furthermore, although galantamine hasnot been successful at reducing smoking behav-ior in schizophrenic patients (Kelly et al. 2008),treatment with galantamine in alcohol-depen-dent smokers had promising results (Diehl et al.2006).

nAChR Signaling—Polymorphisms inSubunits and Subsequent DownstreamEffects

nAChR Polymorphism Studies in Smokers

Polymorphic alterations in the subunits com-prising nAChRs can also impact smoking behav-iors. Whether using a candidate gene approachor a genome-wide association studies (GWAS)approach, a number of studies have implicatedSNPs occurring in nicotinic subunit genes in theetiology of smoking. The most widely evaluatedexample of this is the CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 gene cluster, which has been exam-ined for associations with nicotine dependencephenotypes, withdrawal symptoms, and smok-ing cessation. A number of recent GWAS andpathway-based studies have identified SNPs inthis gene cluster associated with heaviness ofsmoking and/or nicotine dependence (Berret-tini et al. 2008; Bierut et al. 2007; Caporaso et al.2009; Saccone et al. 2007; Thorgeirsson and Ste-fansson 2008; Thorgeirsson et al. 2010). Otheraspects of nicotine dependence, such as nicotinetolerance, craving, withdrawal severity, and in-ability to stop smoking, have also been associ-ated with CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 SNPs(Baker et al. 2009). However, although thishighly reproducible finding implicates thisgene cluster in various aspects of nicotine de-pendence, whether it predicts cessation ratesis unclear. For example, in both retrospectiveand prospective studies no evidence was foundfor associations of SNPs in the CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 gene cluster with smokingcessation (Conti et al. 2008; Breitling et al. 2009;Ray et al. 2010). Yet, two SNPs in the CHRNA5and CHRNB4 genes were identified as predic-tors of abstinence at 52-wk followup (Sarginsonet al. 2011), and in pharmacogenetic studies,SNPs in this gene cluster appear to predict

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success rates with either nicotine or vareniclinetreatment (Munafo et al. 2011; King et al. 2012).

Other nicotinic subunits have also been im-plicated in nicotine dependence. For example,SNPs in CHRNA6 and CHRNB3, the genesencoding the a6 and b3 subunits, have beenassociated with nicotine dependence, subjectiveresponse to nicotine, and self-reported numberof unsuccessful quit attempts (Bierut et al. 2007;Greenbaum et al. 2006; Saccone et al. 2007;Zeiger et al. 2008; Hoft et al. 2009). Additionalstudies have implicated the gene encoding forthe a4 subunit, CHRNA4, in various smokingphenotypes (Breitling et al. 2009; Wessel et al.2010; Han et al. 2011; Xie et al. 2011). Further-more, polymorphisms in the CHRNA4 genehave been significantly associated with absti-nence rates while on nicotine replacement ther-apy (Hutchison et al. 2007) or varenicline (Kinget al. 2012), suggesting a potential role forCHRNA4 as a target for therapeutic interven-tion.

nAChR Polymorphism Studies in Rodents

Studies from nicotinic receptor knockout micehave helped to elucidate the relative contribu-tions of specific subunits to discrete behaviorspertinent to nicotine dependence and with-drawal (for a review, see Fowler et al. 2008). Forexample, b2 knockout mice do not show nico-tine self-administration (Picciotto et al. 1998),nordo theyshow manyof the classical behavioralresponses to nicotine (Shoaib et al. 2002; Bes-son et al. 2006; Walters et al. 2006). However,the dramatic alterations inherent to completeloss of a nAChR subunit are not likely to reflectthe general smoking population. Therefore, interms of translational relevance, studies of ro-dent polymorphisms in nAChR subunits maybe more representative of the repercussions ofnAChR SNPs in the clinical population.

As an example of this, there is a missensepolymorphism in the mouse Chrna4, which re-sults in altered receptor function, including reg-ulation of receptor stoichiometry (Dobelis et al.2002; Kim et al. 2003). Studies using multiplemouse strains with differing genotypes at thispolymorphism show that this SNP influences

both nicotine preference and consumption inmice (Butt et al. 2005). To confirm that thisSNP is sufficient for the behavioral alterations,studies using a knockin mouse with this samepolymorphism showed that the threonine toalanine substitution results in reduced nicotineconsumption, reduced nicotine reward, as wellas altered a4b2� receptor function (Wilkinget al. 2010). Although the equivalent of thisSNP has not been identified in humans, thesestudies highlight the importance of examiningnatural occurring variation, in which a single-nucleotide alteration results in significant be-havioral effects, in lieu of knockout mice oroverexpression systems that may not be repre-sentative of human genetic variation. Further-more, given the altered receptor function or al-tered stoichiometry arising from these murineSNPs, a similar situation may underlie the a4SNPs and their associated phenotypes in hu-man studies. However, further studies are nec-essary to directly evaluate this possibility.

To date, there are no mouse models thatrecapitulate variants of the human SNPs forthe CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 gene cluster,or for the CHRNA6, CHRNA4, and CHRNB3receptors. To approach this knockin mice couldbe generated that specifically harbor the humanSNPs, or the mouse equivalent of these SNPs.The generation of such mice would allow for theexamination of molecular mechanisms that me-diate the associated behavioral consequencesand thus contribute to a better understandingof their impact in nicotine dependence.

Potential Therapeutics

Coordinated Pharmacogenetic CessationTreatment. Pharmacogenetic approaches tosmoking cessation attempt to individualizetreatment through the tailoring of a person’stherapy with their genetic information. Cur-rently, the most successful pharmacotherapyfor smoking cessation is varenicline (Chantix),an a4b2 nicotinic partial agonist. However,its efficacy rates appear to be variable in thegeneral population. This variability could infact be owing to differential effects in personswith polymorphisms in the genes encoding for

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varenicline’s target nicotinic receptor subunits,a4 and b2. In fact, a recent clinical trial investi-gating the pharmacogenetics of smoking cessa-tion aids showed that continuous abstinencerates while on varenicline treatment is highlyassociated with SNPs in these subunits (Kinget al. 2012). Although perhaps economicallyunfeasible at present, this avenue of treatmentmay be more realistic in the future, with in-creased cost efficiency of individualized geno-typing owing to higher throughput and im-proved methodology in genetic sequencingtechnology (Wu and Fuhlbrigge 2008; Olgiatiet al. 2012). Furthermore, pharmacogenetic in-formation is currently included with over 60FDA-approved drugs (Frueh et al. 2008), indi-cating a progressive shift in the applicability ofthis approach. Therefore, further translationalinvestigations highlighting gene by drug inter-actions may prove highly beneficial in the future.


The cost of designed drug discovery is $1.8 bil-lion dollars per drug, with a multitude of faileddrugs along the way (Paul et al. 2010). Thus,investing in new approaches to bridge animaland human studies to evaluate novel therapeu-tics could significantly improve success rates.Furthermore, using combinations of mouseand human studies, additional treatments couldbe developed from off-the-shelf, currently ap-proved medication lists. For example, bupro-pion is an antidepressant originally developedfor the treatment of mood disorders. Numerousstudies have shown a high degree of comorbid-ity between mood disorders and nicotine de-pendence, which supported bupropion’s utilityas a smoking cessation aid (Totterdell 2006).This logical extension proved rewarding, as itis currently the second most efficacious smok-ing cessation aid on the market after varenicline.There is a similar case for therapeutics used inother disease states. For example, nicotine isprotective against Alzheimer’s disease and otherforms of dementia (for a review, see Shimo-hama and Kihara 2001). However, the novel ap-plication of cognitive impairment therapeuticsfor the treatment of nicotine dependence is

gaining traction with increased animal andhuman studies evaluating cognitive enhancingdrugs for smoking cessation. Perhaps futurestudies examining the underlying benefits of orvulnerabilities to nicotine within other comor-bid populations will prove valuable in develop-ing new smoking cessation therapies. However,this type of coordinated understanding willonly be attainable through increased transla-tional studies and communication betweenthe animal and human side of nicotine depen-dence research.


This work was supported by the National Can-cer Institute at the National Institutes of Health(P50-CA-143187) and by the National Instituteon Drug Abuse at the National Institutes ofHealth (1-F32-DA026236).


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published online January 18, 2013Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med  Jill R. Turner, Allison Gold, Robert Schnoll and Julie A. Blendy Translational Research in Nicotine Dependence

Subject Collection Addiction

Growth Factors and Alcohol Use DisorderMirit Liran, Nofar Rahamim, Dorit Ron, et al. Accumbens Glutamatergic Transmission

Psychostimulant-Induced Adaptations in Nucleus

William J. Wright and Yan Dong

Opioid-Associated ComorbiditiesBrain Axis in−Opioid Modulation of the Gut

Li Zhang and Sabita Roy Next GenerationsNeurophysiology, Behavior, and Health in the Consequences of Parental Opioid Exposure on

Fair M. Vassoler and Mathieu E. Wimmer

PharmacotherapiesThe Persistent Challenge of Developing Addiction

Paul J. Kenny, et al.Sarah E. Swinford-Jackson, Charles P. O'Brien,

Substance Use DisordersAnimal Models of the Behavioral Symptoms of

Louk J.M.J. Vanderschuren and Serge H. Ahmed

Epigenetics of Drug AddictionAndrew F. Stewart, Sasha L. Fulton and Ian Maze

Circuits that Underlie Aberrant Motivational StatesSingle-Cell Strategies to Dissect the Neural Developments from Bulk Optogenetics to

Namboodiri, Marcus L. Basiri, et al.Jose Rodriguez-Romaguera, Vijay M.K.

Translational Research in Nicotine Addiction

et al.Miranda L. Fisher, James R. Pauly, Brett Froeliger, -THC, and Synthetic Cannabinoids

9∆Impairment of Synaptic Plasticity by Cannabis,

R. LupicaAlexander F. Hoffman, Eun-Kyung Hwang and Carl

Underlying Opioid AddictionGlutamatergic Systems and Memory Mechanisms

PetersJasper A. Heinsbroek, Taco J. De Vries and Jamie

Transmission in the Ventral Tegmental AreaDrug-Evoked Synaptic Plasticity of Excitatory

LüscherCamilla Bellone, Michael Loureiro and Christian

Mechanisms of Nicotine AddictionMarina R. Picciotto and Paul J. Kenny Transgenerational Echo of the Opioid Crisis

Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS): A

Reiner, et al.Andrew E. Weller, Richard C. Crist, Benjamin C.

Genetic Vulnerability to Opioid AddictionBrian Reed and Mary Jeanne Kreek

Neural Substrates and Circuits of Drug Addiction

FuchsMatthew W. Feltenstein, Ronald E. See and Rita A. For additional articles in this collection, see

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