Translating Google Analytics into Marketing Metrics by Chad Brustin 512-653-0978...

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Transcript of Translating Google Analytics into Marketing Metrics by Chad Brustin 512-653-0978...

Translating Google Analytics into Marketing Metrics

by Chad

Your website generates a lot of insightful user data that needs

to be mined to reach your company’s goals.

Generic reporting tools don’t always provide the full picture.

Where do you start?

You are unsure what you should measure, how you should

measure, and how often you should measure.

You Need A Google Analytics dashboard aligned with your measurable goals

Follow three steps to translate Google Analytics reporting tools

into a Marketing Metrics framework.

Step One: Define your goals

Examples include: Increase sales Increase user lists (newsletters, etc.) Increase education (white paper

downloads) Increase visibility in the market (top

search engine ranking) Deflect inbound customer phone calls

(self service tools)

Examples of Qualitative Goals

Brand Advertising Goals: Lift in recall Lift in Positive Sentiment Lift in Key Attributes or Benefits Associated Lift in Purchase Intent

* Akin Arian, MultiChannel Marketing, Pp 136-137

Examples of Quantitative Goals

Survey Goals: Campaign Impressions or Reach Campaign Click Throughs or Click Through

rate Campaign View Throughs and View Through

Rate Unique Campaign Responders (Visitors)

* Akin Arian, MultiChannel Marketing, P 63

Examples of Qualitative Goals

Engagement Metrics Campaign Bounce Rate Percent of Engaged Campaign Visits

or Visitors Page views per Visit for Campaign


* Akin Arian, MultiChannel Marketing, P 63

Examples of Qualitative Goals

Online Revenue Metrics Campaign Revenue Campaign Average Order Value Campaign Lifetime Revenue

* Akin Arian, MultiChannel Marketing, P 64-65

Examples of Qualitative Goals

Online Cost Metrics Campaign Costs Campaign Cost Per Click Through or

Visitor Campaign Cost Per Acquisition

* Akin Arian, MultiChannel Marketing, P 65

Step Two: Formulate KPIs KPIs, or key performance indicators help

organizations achieve organizational goals through the definition and measurement of progress. The key indicators are agreed upon by an organization and are indicators which can be measured that will reflect success factors. The KPIs selected must reflect the organization's goals, they must be key to its success, and they must be measurable.

KPI Example: Lead Generation Overall Conversion (leads/site visits) Conversion by campaign

New user campaign 30% conversion rate; Switcher campaign 15% conversion rate)

Drivers to the registration process (10% of visitors who land on the contact us page take an action to

email, call, or fax us) Step-by-step conversion analysis via the registration process. Analysis of registration process dropouts Conversion of leads to actual customers

5% of visitors who sign up for the newsletter become customers 60% of visitors who download the product purchase the trial 10% of visitors who submit a form requesting information become


* Jason Burby & Shane Atchison, Actionable Web Analytics, P 83

Marketing’s View of Lead Generation0 & 20% 10-30% 90%70%30-50%

Online Tactics Associated With Lead Generation Stages

Focus for new markets Consistent CommunicationBuilds Relationship with Prospect

Business partnerships

Leads from business partners

Website reports can inform UI or content changes

Where is your website leaking?

KPI Example: E Commerce Overall Purchase Conversion (orders/site visits) Average Order Size Items Per Order Step-by-step purchase conversion via the registration

process. Analysis of purchase funnel defectors Effect on offline sales

Unique toll free numbers help track this and highlight customer changing the sales channel

First-time versus returning buyers.

* Jason Burby & Shane Atchison, Actionable Web Analytics, P 81-82

Step Three: Reflect Your KPIs In Your Dashboard

Add Goals To Your Dashboard

Goal Example: Navigation from Home Page to Contact Us Page

Combine “metrics” and “dimensions” definitions

Add Custom Reports to Your Dashboard

Tips For Creating Custom Reports

Start simple and experiment! Choices Consist of Metrics (blue) &

Dimensions (green) Print out definitions of metrics and

dimensions while creating a custom report.

Use consistent naming conventions. Think about the question you want

answered that is aligned with the KPI.

Question Examples: Related Metrics

1. Who visited my website? Unique Visitors, Return Visitors,

2. From where did they come? Referring URLs, Referring Search Engines, Browsing Path Within Your Website, Referring Search Phrases.

3. What pages did they view? # Entry Pages, # Page Views, Average Time on Pages, Page Views per Visitor

4. Did they have any trouble with my site?

Browser Versions, Platform Versions, Flash Versions, Java Versions

5. What did they view, buy, or sign-up for?

Orders (average amount, number, total revenue) Sign-Ups

The reports become powerful when you combine two of the questions above.

Correlating Questions with Metrics & Dimensions

What Keywords Are Being Used?

You Tube: Video Example

Where are visitors coming from?

You Tube: Video Example

Correlating Two Data Points

Custom Report Details

Metrics DefinitionsDimensions DefinitionsValid Combinations of Metrics and Dim


Combine “metrics” and “dimensions” to answer questions

Links To Custom Report Definitions

Custom Report Example

You Tube: Video Example

Click on the links to drill down deeper

Custom Report Definitions Example

Another Tool for Visualizing Traffic


• Websites:•Marketing Profs: Google Analytics Articles •Google Analytics Webinar through ROI Revolution•You Tube:

•Google Analytics channel•Google Business•Tech Savvy Marketer

• Books:• Actionable Web Analytics by Jason Burby & Shane Atchison• Web Metrics: Proven Methods for Measuring Web Site Success by Jim Sterne:• Multichannel Marketing by Akin Arikan