Transient Visual Loss

Post on 03-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Transient Visual Loss

Transient Visual Loss

Transient Visual Loss


Neuro Opthalmology Sub Division Depatment of OphthalmologyAndalas University2015

IntroductionThe word transient may be defined as being temporary or momentary.

Transient visual loss is a reversible symptom of some underlying disease

The loss of vision may be monocular or bilateral, and may last from seconds or minutes, but less than 24 hours.

IntroductionEpisodes are usually ischemic in origin.

Because of the many causes of transient visual disturbance, a structured approach to both the assessment and the management of these patients is essential.

3Anatomy of Visual Pathway

PatophysiologyOclusionVasospasmCompresiOklusi : emboli pembuluh darahVasospasme : perdarahan sub arachnoid, krisis hipertensi, migrenKompresi : papil udem

5Questions :Is the visual loss monocular or binocular? monocular implies a prechiasmal problem, whereas binocular is chiasmal or retrochiasmal.

How old is the patient?