Transforming Leadership - Co Brochure

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Transforming Leadership - Co Brochure

Transforming Leadership

Inspiring Fierce Loyalty

The Hidden Financial Risk to Your BusinessLeading Edge Performance is helping businesses to save £millions p.a. by dramatically improving employee engagement and retaining their talent. While most organisations are feverishly over-engineering solutions to improving engagement, they are fatally overlooking the fundamentals that will get them there quickly and easily with results that persist over time.

Mistake #1They focus their efforts too far down the leadership ladder. This is a mistake because engagement filters down, not up. For changes at a cultural level, senior leaders must go first so they can role model expected behaviours. When people see consistent behaviours from the CEO down the force is irresistible. Change at this scale cannot start in the middle.

Mistake #2They do a short focused burst of development and believe that simply acquiring new knowledge is the key. This is a mistake because people learn through observing action and behaviours(especially those of role models such as leaders), replicating what they see and experience, failing and repetition until they eventually master new skills and importantly, it happens over time.

The Silent Profit KillerDo you know the cost of attrition to your business? Does anyone? Do you have an agreed calculation method? Is it on the senior leadership team agenda like other risk and financial discussion points? What if the cost to your business was £Millions p.a.?

“It costs over £30,000 to replace a staff member.” HR Review, Feb 2014

Businesses lose £thousands, sometimes £millions p.a. in attrition costs (re-hiring, ramp time, reduced productivity, talent drain, poor morale, etc)

£ Attrition

The dis-engaged workforce puts forth lower effort and poor attitude which affects profits and the customer experience. Disciplinary issues prevail.

Under Performance

It becomes harder to attract top talent as the culture of poor engagement becomes known. The hiring bar lowers and a vicious cycle ensues.


The ProblemThe problem with many organisations today is that most of the workforce is poorly engaged, underperforming and just one click away from a new job. Talent attrition costs businesses £thousands, sometimes £millions per year. As a hidden cost it represents a big and unseen risk to many organisations.

People want to be engaged in fulfilling, rewarding work that gives them a sense of purpose. They want leaders who can inspire them to want to perform beyond their current levels. They want to know they are contributing to something important and worthwhile and that their efforts are recognised and appreciated, and are only too happy to talk with their feet if those needs aren’t being met. In today’s age of social media, that’s all too easy to do.

“You’re only a click away from losing your heroes.” Andre Marcos

The biggest single factor in engagement isn’t salary, training or how shiny the offices’s the leader and their leadership style.

Senior leaders set the culture in an organisation. Most leaders have forgotten that their consistent actions, i.e. the culture, are role modelled by those around them.

"If you could get all the people in the organisation rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.“ Patrick Lencioni

If we could get the senior leadership team all ‘rowing in the same direction’ on engagement, the effect would cascade throughout the entire organisation and the workforce would be fiercely loyal to their leader, the vision and the company.

And the solution is surprisingly easy.

Leading Edge Performance is helping senior leaders to engage with their teams in powerful, transformational ways.We’ve discovered there are really only six steps that a leader needs to master to build highly engaged and fiercely loyal teams.

When leaders use the program as designed they immediately start to engage and more importantly retain their talent. Performance and results increase as people begin to engage with and take ownership for their attitude and results. Team and interdepartmental collaboration become the hallmark of the organisation and the ultimate customer experience dramatically improves.

Our unique leadership model, F.I.E.R.C.E Loyalty, is a high-impact formula to transform employee engagement.

Significant gearshifts in responsibilities that inspire passion and purpose so people want to succeed

Raise The Bar

If you can’t lead yourself, you haven’t earned the right to lead others. Being a role model of excellence is vital

Focus On Yourself

Build a solid foundation of trust and confidence so people feel they can succeed in their role and organisation

Inspire Self-belief

Clarity on what the leader expects and their definition of high performance, attitude and success


Willingly preparing people to move on (internally) so people do succeed. High internal moves should become the norm

Career Conversation

Stepping back to allow self-direction where the employee defines their own success. Leader consults


The Solution

How We WorkWe offer powerful accelerator programmes based on our unique methodology; F.I.E.R.C.E Loyalty. The programmes are typically delivered over 6 months to ensure the methodology is not only understood, but adopted, embedded and effective over the longer term for real, measurable return on investment. At Leading Edge Performance we work closely with the extended leadership team over the duration of the programme for maximum impact.

Senior leadership team effectiveness is the #1 indicator of organisational health

Why traditional learning & development programs don’t work

People learn through observing action and behaviours (especially those of role models such as leaders), replicating what they see and experience, failing and repetition until they eventually master new skills. Traditional ‘classroom’ style events lack the stages of repetition, failure, repetition and mastery. To get good at anything, we have to do it over and over and get better over time so results persist.

In the time it’s taken you to read through this brochure, it’s highly likely that at least one of your employees has searched for a new job. If that search results in them leaving your business, you have potentially lost over £30,000 (many times more than that if that person is a senior leader).

If you were about to lose a customer that would cost your business over £30,000 no doubt you would take immediate action.

If you don’t already have a highly engaged and fiercely loyal workforce, that must become your full time job until you do. Your business depends on it.

Louise Mallam, Director of Leadership Capability, Leading Edge Performance

Leadership Accelerators

Cohorts on our accelerator programmes are no more than 20 participants. Each person is assigned a Leading Edge Performance master coach to support practical application and mastery during the program.

Programme start dates are flexible to the needs of the organisation and each programme lasts for six months. During this time real and lasting change happens at an individual and team level.

“At Leading Edge Performance, we dominate we it comes to implementing programs that are adopted and effective over time” Louise Mallam

4 In-person events (2 days per event). Can be delivered on or off site

3 hours of individual coaching per person from a Leading Edge Performance coach

In the field activity guidance and individual and team assignments

Unique Accelerator Programme

What Participants Receive

4 in person events (8 days in total) to explore, understand and implement the F.I.E.R.C.E Loyalty methodology

3 coaching session with Leading Edge Performance Consultants (3 hours in total)

Structured peer coaching sessions (3 hours in total)

Our accelerators run over 6 months. We take groups of leaders through a series of in-person events, coaching and in the field application activities.

We work with the entire leadership team to ensure they move forwards in lock-step, talk the same language, drive to the same shared goals and with the confidence, language and expectation to hold themselves and each other accountable for significant improvements.

At a Glance

What Others Are Saying About Us

“Louise is able to combine big-picture, strategic thinking, with a flair for creative design and excellent relationship management skills to really shift the performance needle in individuals, teams and leaders.” Lisa Cunningham, Global Manager of Learning Design, American Express

“Louise is a master at what she does. Her way of engaging leaders is inspiring: she’s bold, direct, and on point with her observations and recommendations. She creates environments that bring out the best in people. For any individual or organization looking to make real changes in their way of leading, Louise will be an exceptional partner on that journey.” Stephanie Seracka, Talent Manager, Amazon

“From the moment Louise joined Amazon it was clear that she was someone with a unique gift and passion for people development. She quickly established her credibility with senior leadership, and her Coaching programmes became must-attend events globally. She transformed the conversations we were having with ourselves and our teams, and truly was in the vanguard to embed a coaching mentality into the DNA of the Seller Support organization. She inspired us all to remember that we can only succeed through the people in our organization.” Alex McColl, EU Learning & performance manager, Amazon

“During the time I worked with Louise, she delivered innovative, impactful and engaging leadership development workshops and coaching sessions. Her emphasis on crafting strong working relationships was at the centre of her consultative approach. I would recommend her to any team or organisation looking to significantly enhance performance and engagement.” Des Ryan, HR Manager, Apple

About UsIn my early career I always felt the dreaded knot of anxiety on Sunday evenings as I faced into another week in a job I didn’t like, working for a company I didn’t respect, for a leader who demoralised everyone around them. When I look back now I can’t believe I stayed there as long as I did.

That all change when my role-model leader joined. The company and job stayed the same, my salary stayed the same, but her leadership was different and she literally transformed my life. I was engaged, fiercely loyal and operating at a very high and mostly self-directed level and I loved Monday mornings.

I’ve gone on to lead my teams like that ever since and shown countless other leaders how to do the same. I started Leading Edge Performance to positively impact as many people as possible and create a network of role-model leaders.

Louise Mallam

Louise MallamDirector of Leadership Capability

For the past 20 years Louise has helped leaders to discover the very edges of their capability and shown them how to engage and inspire teams. She has worked for large globals such as Amazon and American Express and UK based companies such as HBoS. She specialises in the adoption and implementation of development programmes across entire leadership teams.

Sarah LewisLeadership Engagement Manager

Sarah is passionate about people’s development. Engagement, support and feedback are at the heart of her collaborative approach. Sarah started her career as a data analyst but it wasn’t long before her passion for people made her switch tracks to learning and development where she quickly established herself as a partner of choice to key business partners.

Leading Edge Performance

Leading Edge Performance


Leading Edge Performance Ltd



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