Transformational Teaching

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Presentation to Graduate Students at Griffith Uni on July 23rd

Transcript of Transformational Teaching

Transformational TeachingTransformational Teaching

23rd July 2009Tony Ryan

All things considered, you are lookin’ sensational!!!!

Hot Hints on finding some inspiration in


• Make a conscious choice to be inspiring

• Stay open to possibility

• Look after your Self

• Get into social justice... and make a difference

Transformational teachers??

• Transactional (boring) cf transformational (inspiring)

• We will need innovative teachers who think in a solution paradigm

• We will need educators who believe in the profession

• We will need educators who contribute on a local and global scale

Some questions for you?

• What’s your Inspiration Factor about life (from 1 to 10) ??

• How do you rate teaching in terms of importance to society?

• Why really are you going into teaching?

Make a conscious choice to be


• It’s not hard work that tires us out.

• It’s a negative attitude that tires us out.

• People make energy choices in their lives:

• Energy creators

• Energy neutrals

• Energy consumers(Brighouse and Woods; cited in Fullan, 2005)

Manage your inspiration??

Energy consumers

• Have a negative view of the world

• Resent change and practice blocking strategies

• Use other people’s time excessively

• Don’t feel good about themselves

• Be able and unwilling to critically examine their teaching practice

• Appear not to want to improve on their best

Energy neutrals

• Competent sound practitioners

• Willing to address the task

• Good at ‘maintenance’

• Sometimes uncomfortable accepting examination of their practice by others

• Capable of improving on their previous best

Energy Creators• Are enthusiastic and always positive

• Use critical thinking, creativity and imagination

• Stimulate and spark others

• Practise leadership at all levels

• Are able and willing to scrutinise their practice

• Wish to improve on their previous best

Energy creators??

• How do you ‘inspire’ yourself at the start of the day?

• What do you do when you’re feeling ‘down’?

• Remember that teaching (and life) can be a mirror - your attitude can be reflected back to you

• Just GOIMO

Stay open to possibility

In the next ten years??

• Global teachers who take part in Collective Intelligence concepts?

• Lessons via YouTube

• Online use of your IP?

• I-Tunes U + Rate My Teacher + Second Life

Focus on solution!

1. Do your research

2. Work out the REAL problem / issue

3. Brainstorm solutions

4. Choose one (or some) of the solutions

5. Put it (them) into action

Watch for the further use of visual literacy

• Many Z Gens are highly visual learners

• Use every possible IWB, data projector, computer screen and chart that you can find

• Use your own visual collection to reinforce your lessons

• Create icons and visual stimuli for key learning points

Look after your Self

•50 % Self

•50% Others

Look for the fabled balance in life!


• Eustress? Distress? Hyperstress?

• Two steps:

• 1. Recognise the indicators

• 2. Put stress-busters into place

Nijo Castle

Stress indicators

Nightingale floors

Relating To OthersHow professionally will you engage in teacher dialogue?

Connecting through professional dialogue

• The quality of your everyday dialogue will determine your level of professionalism

• Two critical skills in dialogue: listening and paraphrasing

• Paraphrasing? Listen first...

• Then pause

• Then begin with: “So, you’re saying that....”

Get into social justice - and make a difference

What will be your personal

contribution to local and global


Here’s the reality: Quality teaching makes a difference in students’ lives

The Ripple effect of what you’ll do every day

Help students to become global socially aware citizens

Remember that it takes everyone (Every One) to offer a contribution

Teaching that makes a difference

• English: To write a blog that explores your social justice contributions throughout the year

• SOSE: To research, and create, a YouTube video on homelessness that will score 20 000 hits

• Math: To create a wiki of student research on the worth of local community initiatives

• Music: To produce a podcast that integrates the use of music / image / video for an anti-cyberbullying message

• Excursions: To develop a short video that demonstrates the community worth of the visited institution

Inquiry-based digital tasks that support others?

1. What are your three core messages from this conference?

2. What could you put into action?

3. What will you put into action?

4. What will be the process for implementation?

5. How will you keep this going??

Adapted from ‘The Leadership Coaching Guide’

Learn to coach each other

1. What do you need to achieve?

2. What’s happening right now?

3. What could you put into action?

4. What will you put into action?

5. What will be the process for implementation?

6. How will you keep this going??Adapted from ‘The Leadership Coaching Guide’

Learn to coach each other (Take Two)

Hints for sustaining any of today’s learnings

• Revisit the notes twice

• Specifically dialogue about the new strategies with other enthusiasts

• Just have a go! Put something into place

Wrapping Up


• Remember that you’re going to be working in the most important profession on the planet

• Have a fantastic Semester 2

• Thank you