Transatlantic Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century - Cambridge

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Transcript of Transatlantic Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century - Cambridge


1.Does your country have a 'youth law' or

legislation that specifically refers to youth

issues, or laws containing a section

addressing the needs and/or rights of young



2. Please provide references for the law

(title, adoption date, validity, etc) in your

national language as well as in English

The Youth Law adopted by the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia

(Saeima) came into force on 1 January, 2009. The Amendments of

the Youth Law that supplements national youth policy coordination

came into force on 1 January, 2011. The Youth Law in Latvian

language is available: 1) on the national legislation website -, 2) on the website of the

Ministry of Education and Science -

3. Is the document available in other

languages, in full or abbreviated version?


If YES, please provide a web-link or a copy

of the law in available languages together

with this national report.

The Youth Law (old version) in English language is available:

ntus.html?query=Youth law&resultsPerPage=10

4.Does your country have a National Youth

Strategy and/or Action Plan, or a cross-

sectoral strategy specifically referring to

youth issues?


If YES, please provide references (title,

adoption date, validity, etc) to this strategy

or action plan

In order to achieve the aim settled in the Youth Law – to improve

the life of quality of young people (13 – 25) – the Guidelines of

Youth Policy for the Years 2009 – 2018 and the Youth Policy State

Programme for the Years 2009 – 2013 was developed and approved

by the Cabinet of Ministers in 2009. Documents in Latvian language

are available: 1) on the national legislation website -; 2) on the website of the

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia -

5. Is the document available in other

languages, in full or abbreviated version?


If YES, please provide a web-link or a copy

of the document in available languages

together with this national report.

6. Please indicate how the EU Youth

Strategy, adopted in November 2009, has

influenced youth priorities in your country at

the NATIONAL level?

A: It has reinforced existing priorities

Please specify your answer. EU Youth Strategy gave impulse to propose at the national level a

cross-sectoral approach with both short and long-term actions. The

Strategy invited to organize a permanent and regular dialogue

(Structured Dialogue) with young people. Furthermore, it

encouraged a more research and evidence-based youth policy.

National report: First cooperation cycle of the EU Youth Strategy 2010-2012



Page 1


7. Please indicate how the EU Youth

Strategy has influenced youth priorities in

your country at the LOCAL and/or REGIONAL


A: It has reinforced existing priorities

Please specify your answer. Taking into account that EU Youth Strategy’s proposed priorities

and actions have been integrated into national youth policy

planning documents that are relevant to local/regional institutions

in organization of youth work. In order to promote the

implementation of youth work in municipalities according to the

long term national planning documents the general criteria to

assess the youth work in municipalities were developed. 105

general criteria grouped in 10 thematic sections that can be used

to assess the current situation in the youth work. Municipalities are

responsible to develop the policy planning documents in the youth

field determined by the amendments of the Youth Law initiated by

the Ministry of Education and Science.

8. Does the government of your country

support and promote cross-disciplinary

research relating to young people and their

living conditions in line with the Council

resolution on active inclusion, having regard

to the socio-economic environment and the

opportunities and obstacles this poses for

the social inclusion and employability of

young people?

NO, but we plan to take concrete measures in this field in 2012.

Please specify your answer. Since 2009 the annual monitoring about self-assessment of the life

quality of young people, the level of awareness among young

people, as well as youth participation in different social activities,

youth organisations and voluntary work is taken place in Latvia in

order to obtain data about the youth policy implementation

results. In 2012 it is planned to take measures indicating living

conditions of young people by developing life quality index using

cross-disciplinary approach.

9. Is there an institutionalised and regular

cooperation between the Ministry

responsible for Youth and the youth research

community in your country?

NO, but we have an ongoing initiative to establish such cooperation

in 2012.

Additional comments. According to the Youth Policy State Programme for the Years 2009 –

2013 institutionalized cooperation between the Ministry of

Education and Science (responsible for youth) and youth

researchers is going to be launched in 2012 starting with

development of youth researchers’ network.

10. Does your Government have an inter-

ministerial working group on youth or any

other institutionalised mechanism for

ensuring a cross-sectoral approach to youth


YES, such an institutional mechanism has existed since before the

EU Youth Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Page 2


Additional comments. Since 2008 it is established the Youth Advisory Council that is an

advisory body the objective of which is to promote the

development and implementation of co-ordinated youth policy, as

well as the participation of youth in decision-making and social life.

Members of the Council are representatives of the Ministry of

Education and Science, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of

Welfare, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Defence, the

Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, the

National Youth Council of Latvia, the Latvian Student Association

and five representatives of youth organisations chosen by open


11.Has your Government carried out specific

initiatives targeting young people or the

field of youth policy utilising EU funding

opportunities through the European Social

Fund, the European Regional Development

Fund and/or the Rural Development Fund, or

any other relevant EU funds or programmes

such as PROGRESS[1]? [1] Please note that

the question does not refer to EU

programmes such as the Lifelong learning or

Youth in Action programmes.

NO, we do not plan to utilise the EU funding opportunities

mentioned above to finance youth activities or projects.

Additional comments. There are EU funding investments to seperate initiatives targeting

young people or the field of youth policy, mostly through the

Operational Programme “Human Resources and Employment” (2007

– 2013) and the Operational Programme “Entrepreneurship and

Innovations” (2007 – 2013).

12. Does the Government of your country

have a strategy to acknowledge, raise

awareness of, and reinforce the role of

youth work in society, in line with the

Council Resolution on Youth Work (2010)?

YES, we already had such a strategy in place since before the EU

Youth Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Additional comments. The Guidelines of Youth Policy for the Years 2009 – 2018 and the

Youth Policy State Programme for the Years 2009 – 2013 pay crucial

attention to the role of youth work in society. Annually the Ministry

of Education and Science develops one year programme in line with

budgetary situation and allocates finances to municipalities and

NGOs for reinforcing initiatives of the youth work.

13. What are the main measures

implemented by your Government in order

to improve the recognition and support the

development of governmental and non-

governmental youth work?

In order to evaluate given support to development of governmental

and non-governmental youth work regular e-questionnaires after

concrete initiatives are organized. Regular meetings with youth

specialists and youth organizations’ representatives are taken

place. Every year the Ministry of Education and Science is launching

monitoring that collects data in the youth field that is used after in

short and long term planning.

14. What are the main challenges and/or

obstacles that your Government has been

confronted with during the first three years

of the implementation of the EU Youth


The main obstacle confronting implementation of the EU Youth

Strategy is lack of sufficient financial support both for

governmental and non-governmental youth work. The central

challenge is to keep youth policy as a priority in the political

agenda and raise awareness of the role of the youth work and

necessity of its recognition.

Page 3


15. Which measures and/or actions have

your Government carried out in order to

communicate the EU Youth Strategy to

relevant stakeholders?

In order to communicate the EU Youth Strategy several press

relises were created. Dissemination of the information among

direct target groups (youth workers, NGOs, youth leaders etc.),

discussions on-line and publications in youth portals such as and others.

16. Has your Government carried out any

actions to measure the impact or success of

the implementation of the EU Youth

Strategy at the national level?

At the moment there is no concrete measure to evaluate the

impact of the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy at the

national level. But as EU Youth Strategy’s proposed priorities and

actions have been integrated into national youth policy planning

documents that are relevant to national institutions anad

local/regional institutions in organization of youth work, in future

defined indicators in youth planning documents could help to

measure the impact of the implementation of the EU Youth

Strategy at the national level.

17. According to the principles of the EU

Youth Strategy and in line with previous

practice, Member States are asked to

involve young people and their organisations

in responding to this National Report. Please

outline the various ways how young people

have been consulted.

Direct consultations with young people didn't take place, but in

frames of Youth Advisory council the National Report was

disseminated to youth organisations for organising further

consultations with youth.

Page 4


18. To take the specific situation of young

people into account when devising

flexicurity strategies?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Active labour market policy measures aimed particularly at young

unemployed. Persons who in accordance with the procedure

prescribed by the law have been granted the status of unemployed

by the State Employment Agency as well as job seekers have the

right to participate in active employment measures. In accordance

with the Law on Support of the Unemployed and Job Seekers the

active employment measures are as follows: 1) Vocational training,

re-training and improving of qualification; 2) Paid temporary work;

3) Measures for increasing competitiveness; 4) Measures for

disadvantaged groups of persons;

5) Measures to facilitate start up of business activities and self-

employment. Several active labour market policy measures

implemented in the country are targeted particularly at young

unemployed: 1) Subsidised employment for the most vulnerable

groups of unemployed (firstly introduced in 2001-2002) 2) Youth

workshops (planned to be implemented in 2012) 3) Support for

youth volunteer work (started in 2011) 4) Workplace for a young

unemployed (started in 2010, amendments in 2011) In order to

raise the awareness of young people in employment relations and

health and safety at work, the State Labour Inspectorate in close

co-operation with social partners (The Employers’ Confederation

and The Free Trade Union Confederation) regularly develops and

disseminates informative materials for young people about health

and safety at work, as well as labour relations.

19. To promote cross-border professional

and vocational opportunities for young


YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Latvia became partner of EURES after joining EU in 2004. Within

this network everybody can find information about vacancies,

working and life conditions in Latvia and other European countries

via internet. Advisors working in the State Employment Agency of

Latvia consult and help people to find the necessary information

on available vacancies in EU, working conditions in other countries


20. To develop career guidance and

counselling services?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.


On youth employment & entrepreneurship

Page 5


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Career counselling and vocational guidance provided by the State

Employment Agency to all residents of Latvia for free was firstly

introduced in 1991. The services include consultations on choosing

education and career, vocational development, returning to the

labour market and changing occupations, assessment of client’s

vocational atitude, interests and preferences, abilities, skills and

suitability for a given profession, consultations on effective ways of

job-finding, provision of information about the content and

requirements of different occupations, information about

educational and training opportunities in Latvia and abroad.

The General Education Standard for secondary education

programmes includes elements of career planning and development

which are integrated into the various teaching subjects. It is up to

subject teachers to determine the methods to be used for

exploring themes within the curriculum. Vice-directors of schools

in charge of extracurricular activities also integrate elements of

careers development in their programme of activities. Careers

education guidelines were developed by the ESF funded “KIPNIS”

(Development of Careers Education Programmes for the Education

System) project, however, these guidelines were not made

compulsory – they have the status of recommendations. The KIPNIS

project also provided in-service teacher training on how to

implement careers education during the project period (2005-


21.To promote quality internships and

apprenticeships to facilitate the entry to,

and progress within, the labour market?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Page 6


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

The active labour market policy measure “Vocational training,

requalification, qualification improvement and non-formal training

for unemployed and job-seekers” was firstly introduced in 1991.

This measure is available for all registered unemployed willing to

participate and raise their qualification. Although it is not targeted

particularly at young unemployed, it also provides on-the-job

training if employer cannot find an appropriate employee on the

labour market. The following activity is carried out within the

measure - if an employer could not find an appropriate employee

in the labour market, he may request the State Employment

Agency to select and train an unemployed person for him.

Within the activity, an employer is responsible for providing on-the-

job training and is obliged to provide a workplace after the training

is finished. On-the-job training is also organized for unemployed

with obsolete qualification or without a document, certifying the

proficiency of a person. In 2010 a new measure “Workplace for a

young unemployed” was launched in order to address those young

unemployed’ needs, who do not have first work experience and

therefore face difficulties in finding a permanent work.

22. To promote sharing of responsibilities

between partners in order to facilitate

reconciliation between professional and

private life for both young women and young


YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Regulation on prenatal and maternity leave, leave to father of a

child and parental leave provided by the Labour Law facilitates

reconciliation between professional and private life for both young

women and young men who have children. Part – time work also

allows to facilitate reconciliation between professional and private

life. Labour Law Section 154. Prenatal and Maternity Leave Section

155. Leave to Father of a Child, Adopters and Other Persons

Section 156. Parental Leave Section 134. Part-time Work

23. To promote entrepreneurship in the field

of sustainable development?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Page 7


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

The State Employment Agency is providing the following measures

for unemployed and people looking for employment - measures to

support the unemployed to enter self-employment or

entrepreneurship; different training programmes, consultations

and grants for business start-up or self-employment. Support is

provided to unemployed with appropriate level of knowledge - who

have gained a sufficient level of education or completed vocational

training or non-formal education programmes in the Agency

(different training courses in business administration - basics of

business administration, project management, business plan

developing, accounting and finance, marketing and basic

management) as well as for those, who already developed their

business plans and want to take practical consultations about its

implementation. The financial support is provided for

development, evaluation and implementation of a business plan.

The programme Support for self-employment and business start-

ups co-financed by the European Social Fund provides complex

support to business start-ups and newly established companies, i.e.

consultations, training, financial loans and grants for starting an

economic activity. The Business Incubators combines premises and

equipment with consultations for business development, financing

and supporting start-ups that have ideas, courage to start a

business. On October 30, 2009, the Cabinet of Ministers approved

the Concept on Support Measures for Micro Enterprises.

Additional comments on employment &


24. to develop mechanisms for dialogue with

youth and youth participation on national

youth policies?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Co-operation and participation in implementing youth policy is

ensured by the Ministry of Education and Science by establishing

consultative and co-ordinating institutions to ensure youth

participation and co-operation among state administration,

municipal institutions and nongovernmental organizations in youth

policy. Presently, the Ministry of Education and Science ensures the

work of the Youth Advisory Council and Youth Organisations

Advisory Committee, and organizes participation activities and

gives hearing to the views of the work group. At the same time the

Ministry of Education and Science co-operates with Latvian Youth

Council. In accordance with Article 4 of the Youth Law, the Youth

Advisory Council was established to facilitate the development and

implementation of a co-ordinated youth policy and the

participation of youth in decision-making and social activities. At

least 50% of the staff of the Youth Advisory Council must be

comprised by delegated representatives of youth and youth


SECTION 2b: PRESIDENCY PRIORITIES On youth participation

Page 8

Latvia encourage use of already existing, or

development of, guidelines on youth

participation, information and consultation

in order to ensure the quality of these


YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

In 2011 the Ministry of Education and Science has started

evaluation process of existing mechanisms in order to ensure that

more young people can participate in decision - making process. At

the same time for the year 2012 one of the national youth policy

priorities is defined the development of youth participation. The

Ministry of Education and Science and the National Agency of Youth

in Action programme are planning to work on improvement of

information about youth participation. At the moment young

people have possibility to involve in decision - making process on

national and local level (formal and non-formal ways).

26. to support politically and financially

youth organisations, as well as local and

national youth councils and promote

recognition of their important role in


YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

In the frames of the Youth Policy State Programme for the Years

2009 - 2013 each year is provided financial support for youth

organisations. At the same time financing for youth organizations is

provided through foreign financial instruments, as well. For

example, the Swiss financial instrument, the Society Integration

Fund, within the scope of the EU structural funds, is carrying out a

project contest “Administrative Capacity Building of NGOs” (ESF

Sub-activity in which youth organisations have the

opportunity to participate and of course the budget provided for

the European non-formal learning programme “Youth in Action”.

27. to promote the participation of more

and a greater diversity of young people in

representative democracy, in youth

organisations and other civil-society


YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Differents surveys represent that currently 2.8% of Latvian young

people are involved in youth organisations. Some of them are also

involved in non-formal youth groups, interest groups and youth

departments of political parties. In order to wider diversity of

young people in representative democracy youth organisations and

youth centres are invited to involve in activities young people with

fewer opportunities. From 2007 Ministry of Education and Science

provides work of the youth policy webpage

(youth affairs) in order to inform young people about youth policy,

youth participation etc. At the same time each year are organized

seminars and trainings about importance of youth participation and

methods about involving of young people in representative


28. to make effective use of information and

communication technologies to broaden and

deepen participation of young people?

NO, but we plan to take concrete measures in this field in 2012.

Page 9


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

The Ministry of Education and Science is planning to use more

effective a social media and new modern tehnologies to broaden

and deepen participation of young people in Latvia.

29. to support various forms of learning to

participate from early age through formal

education and non-formal learning?

NO, we do not have any current plans to carry out measures in this


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Currently it is existing only ideas and necessity to provide such

possibility. further develop opportunities for

debate between public institutions and

young people?

NO, but we plan to take concrete measures in this field in 2012.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Additional comments on participation (for

example references, web-links, project


Youth organisation "Next" together with partners is very

successfully working on youth participation issue in Latvia.

Recently it is finished the project "We have something to say!". In

the frames of the project dicsussions "Coffee with politicians" (non

formal method to provide dialogue between youth and politicians,

decision makers) were organized in different municipalities. One of

the results of the project was methodogical handbook on youth

participation. Latvian young people have possibility to participate

in political processes and practicaly explore work of state

administration (such projects as "Youth Parliament", "I can be a

Prime Minister!" etc.) More and more young people are involved in

the local youth policy evaluation and planning in the

municipalities, which ensures that in the future local youth policy

will be more based on young people needs and interests.

Page 10


31. To create more opportunities for

mobility of young volunteers?

NO, we do not have any current plans to carry out measures in this


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

The Youth Law defines youth volunteering and procedures for the

organization of the voluntary work in Latvia. As well issue of the

youth volunteering is indentified in the Guidelines of Youth Policy

for the Years 2009 – 2018. In the frames of the Youth in Action

programme many young people from Latvia are using possibility to

participate in the European Voluntary work.

32. To raise awareness about opportunities

for mobility of young volunteers?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

There have been number of activities carried out in 2011 in the

frames of the European Year of Volunteering 2011 to raise

awareness about opportunities for mobility of the young people.

During 2011 was implemented an Integrated Marketing

Communications Campaign to promote volunteering, as a result

increased understanding of society and level of knowledge about

volunteering, increased voluntary work prestige in society,

increased level of participation. In the frames of such activies as

round table discussions with politics, experts and NGO

representatives in all regions of Latvia , European Year of

Voluntary trip 2011, Day of Europe etc. was stressed importance to

wider opportunities for mobility of young volunteers.

33. To assure quality through the

development of self-assessment tools?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Volunteers of European Voluntary Service use Youthpass as a tool

to self-assess competencies acquired during their projects. In 2011

there were 121 Youthpasses issued to 121 volunteers from Latvia.

In 2011 Riga city council in cooperation with non-governmental

organizations have developed the methodology for documentation

of the voluntary work in institutions. Volunteer organizer

(association, foundation, state or local authority) may prepare and

issue the certificate to its volunteers on the experience gained in a

long time doing voluntary work. Standardized form, include

information on length of service, performance of the duties and

skills that a volunteer has developed while working on a volunteer

organizer. Provides that the certificate can be issued for a period

of not less than 120 volunteer hours.

Although the statement may be issued to any volunteer, predicted

that the greatest interest in the reception will be from the youth.

Upon entry into higher education or involvement in the labour

market, this document will serve as evidence of admission to the

Commission or a potential employer not only for youth civic

activities, but also on competencies, which he has acquired while

working on a voluntary basis.

SECTION 3: ON VOLUNTEERING and the implementation

of the Recommendation on the mobility of young volunteers

Page 11


34. To promote cross-border mobility of

youth workers and young people in youth


NO, we do not have any current plans to carry out measures in this


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

According to the Immigration Act (came into force on 1 May, 2003)

persons who wish to do voluntary work have rights to request a

term residence permit for up to one year with possibility to


35. To give particular attention in this

context to young people with fewer


YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Young people with fewer opportunities is one of priority target

groups for Youth in Action programme and National Agency of

Youth in Action programme implements social inclusion strategy to

involve them in projects of non-formal learning. During 2011

young people with fewer opportunities were actively involved as

volunteers in activities of the European Year of Volunteering 2011,

for example, during the European Year of Volunteering trip 2011 in


36. To promote the recognition of skills

acquired through voluntary activities

through instruments such as Europass,

Youthpass and Member State instruments?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

The National Agency of Youth in Action programme promotes use of

Youthpass, it is well known among beneficiaries of Youth in Action

programme. In 2010 the National Agency organised a training for

youth workers on Youthpass as a tool for learning and section on

Youthpass is included in most trainings of Youth in Action

programme. However more attention should be devoted to

validation of skills gained through non-formal learning among

employers and institutions of formal education and European

cooperation in this regard is beneficial.

37. To promote intergenerational solidarity

through voluntary activities?

NO, but we plan to take concrete measures in this field in 2012.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Since 2012 is a year designated as European Year for Active Ageing

and Solidarity between Generations (EY2012), Latvia is in process

of action plan development to reach the goals and objectives

interposed for this EY2012. So far the responsible institution for

EY2012, i.e., Ministry of Welfare, in cooperation with relevant

stakeholders including inter alia youth organizations has proposed

four priorities for EY2012 at national level where one of four is

focused directly on cooperation among generations or

intergenerational solidarity. Though work on specific measures is

still under development.

Additional comments on volunteering (for

example references, web-links, project


Page 12


38. To support the development of youth

work and other non-formal learning

opportunities as a way of addressing early

school leaving?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

In frames of annual Youth State Programme different non-formal

learning activities for youth affairs specialists took place. For

example, in 2011 trainings for youth affairs specialist addressing

problem of involvement of passive young people, including early

school leavers, into social and democratic processes. In the

framework of the Cooperation Programme between Switzerland

and the Republic of Latvia (2011-2017) 17 multifunctional youth

initiative centres will be established and trainings for young people

and youth workers carried out.  

Both the trainings (based on non-formal learning approach) and the

centres will provide an open and supporting environment for young

people, regardless of their social or economical status, level of

education, etc., in order to include them in different activities that

will help them to learn new skills, acquire knowledge and

experience in various fields. In 2011 first 10 trainings (5 for

youngsters and 5 for youth workers) took place and the first 2

centres were opened. In 2012 and the coming years it is planned to

organise around 30 trainings per year, while establishing of the

centres will be finished until the end of 2012.

39. To strengthen the use of the range of

tools established at EU level for the

transparency and validation of skills and the

recognition of qualifications?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

In order to strengthen transparency and validation of skills and the

recognition of qualifications in February 22, 2011 the Regulations of

the Cabinet of Ministers Nr146 “The Procedure of recognition of

professional qualification gained through non-formal learning”

came into force. The Regulations determine process of validation

and recognition of competences that comply to the first, second

and third level of professional qualifications.

40. To promote learning mobility of all

young people?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

National agencies (the National Agency of Youth in Action

programme and the State Agency on Education Development) are

very active in promoting EU learning mobility programmes for

young people in all parts of education system (higher education,

schools, VET, non-formal and informal learning settings). It is

created several youth friendly portals –,, – where all relevant

information regarding learning mobility is available.

SECTION 4: On the implementation

of the additional fields of action of the EU Youth Strategy

Page 13


41. To make the broader public aware of the

value of non-formal learning?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Starting with 2010 it is established a youth information network

involving different stakeholders on national (state institutions),

regional (municipalities) and local (communities, NGOs) level in

order to provide relevant and actual information to all young

people as well as to raise public awareness on the role and

necessity of the youth work. The recommendations on

development of youth information system in Latvia were

elaborated by the Youth Advisory Council.

Additional comments on education &

training (for example references, web-links,

project examples).

42. To follow up the Council Resolution on

the health and well-being of young people

and encourage youth fitness and physical

activity by applying the EU Physical Activity


YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Regional health promotion coordinators of the Ministry of Health in

cooperation with local authorities, educational institutions and

NGOs annualy organize mass sporting events in different regions of

Latvia. Promotion of physical activity has been included into

children's summer camps' (including a camp for disabled children)

agenda. Activities have been carried out according to the Public

Health Strategy 2001-2010, the National Sports Development

Program 2006-2012 and the Youth Policy State Program 2009-2013.

In 2011 a new Public Health Strategy 2011-2017 was adopted.

43. To encourage healthy lifestyles for young

people via physical education, education on

nutrition, physical activity and collaboration

between schools, youth workers, health

professionals and sporting organisations?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Regional health promotion coordinators of the Ministry of Health

organize informative seminars, competitions, drawing contests,

interactive games on healthy lifestyles of young people. Also

informative educational lectures, interactive lessons, quizzes, and

discussions were organized on addiction prevention (tobacco,

intoxicating substances, computer addiction and drug use - such as

"I don’t smoke!", "How to be free from addictions?", "Say “no” to

smoking") themes and related health risks (HIV/AIDS). Informative

educational lectures, interactive discussions and training sessions

for staff, parents, social educators were organized on addiction

prevention and related health risks, early addictive substance use

among adolescents in schools and family. Activities have been

carried out according to the Public Health Strategy 2001-2010, the

National Sports Development Program 2006-2012, Youth Policy

State Program 2009-2013, the National Tobacco Monitoring Program

2006-2010 and the Action Plan “Healthy Nutrition 2003 -2013”.


Page 14


44. To increase knowledge and awareness of

youth workers and youth leaders of health


YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Creative business and health camps were organized for young

people, youth leaders, particularly emphasizing healthy lifestyle,

including nutrition.

45. To encourage peer-to-peer health


YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

In 2011 the Youth Forum "It is cool to be healthy" was organized

with an aim to promote healthy and physically active lifestyle,

activating students in local activities in the field of health

promotion, in order to increase young people's awareness about the

importance of maintaining health, the personal and social

responsibility for public health, and actively involved in organizing

various health maintenance-oriented activities (including

educational and physical activities). The event was attended by

around 200 young people. As a result of the action they obtained

the necessary knowledge, skills, and received a task to organize

health-enhancing measures in an educational establishment, thus

promoting peer-to-peer health promotion issues in their schools.

46. To facilitate access to existing health

facilities by making them more youth


NO, we do not have any current plans to carry out measures in this


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Mainly activities have been carried out by NGOs and municipalities.

For example, Cēsis children and young people in education and

health center have been founded in the city of Cēsis in 2007 by the

municipality of Cēsis City, municipality of Cēsis District and the

Children's and Family Affairs Ministry. The Centre aims to promote

healthy lifestyle, to promote young people's responsibility for their

health and for parents to love and understand their children. The

campaign "The doctor is my friend!" was launched by the NGO

“Papardes zieds” (specializing in family planning and sexual

health). The aim of the project was to identify youth friendly

doctors and to develop an easy-to-use interactive map with

directions how to find a doctor. Young people who have met a

youth-friendly doctor, gynecologist, dermatovenerologist or urolog,

were asked to notify by completing the questionnaire.

Additional comments on health & well-

being (for example references, web-links,

project examples).

47. To realise the full potential of youth

work and youth centres as means of


YES, such measures/initiatives were taken the EU Youth Strategy

came into force in January 2010.


Page 15


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Th youth work and youth centres play huge role in the field of

inclusion. Youth centres became more and more a central resource

for youth (especially in regions). In frames of annual Youth State

Programme youth centres receive financial support in order to

implement inclusion initiatives. 17  multifunctional youth centres

which will be established by support of Swiss government in the

framework of the Cooperation programme (2011-2017)  will serve

as a means of inclusion of young people by ensuring qualitative

educational and leisure activities that will help them to learn new

skills, acquire knowledge and experience in various fields. In

general there are 80 youth initiative centres in Latvia.

48. To adopt a cross-sectoral approach when

working to improve community cohesion and

solidarity and reduce the social exclusion of

young people, addressing the inter linkages

between e.g. young peoples education and

employment and their social inclusion?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

The main national youth policy planning documents establishing the

cross-sectoral approach are the Youth Policy Guidelines 2009-2018

and Youth Policy Sate Program 2009-2013 encompassing activities

to be implemented by different institutions of state administration.

However there are several other policy documents that provide a

cross-sectoral approach regarding youth policy but in those

documents the youth is not the main or the only target group for

which the policy is being implemented. State Family Policy

Guidelines 2011-2017 have the objective to promote establishment

of families, stability, well-being of families and to facilitate birth

rate as well as to strengthen the marriage institute and its value in

the society.

However these policy guidelines (as well as many other policy

documents, which here are not mentioned) are influencing young

people either as teenagers with their special needs or young adults

planning to establish their own families and raising children.

Another example is the plan “Latvia Fit for Children 2010-2012”.

The goal of the policy planning document is to promote the

implementation of the UN document “World Fit for Children”. The

policy document tackles health issues, quality education,

discrimination, as well as prevention of violence against children

and minor delinquency. The main target group of this policy

document is children (0-18).

49. To support the development of

intercultural awareness and competences

for all young people and combat prejudice?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Page 16


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

In frames of annual Youth State Programme different non-formal

learning activities for youth affairs specialists and young people

took place especially on topics adressing combation of prejudice. In

the framework of the Cooperation programme between Switzerland

and the Republic of Latvia (2011-2017) around 30 trainings a year

will be organised  for young people and youth workers.

Methodological and training materials which will be developed

within the given Cooperation programme will serve as a tool to

support qualitative youth work and ensure qualitative trainings  to

develop  intercultural awareness an competences like tolerance

and others of young people

50. To address the issues of homelessness,

housing and financial exclusion with a

particular focus on young people?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Social assistance is residual social benefits, which acts as final

safety net. It is financed from local municipalities' budgets and it is

granted to households or separately living persons, whose place of

residence is situated in municipalities’ territory. According to the

law there are 4 main types of social assistance benefits: 1) Benefit

for ensuring guaranteed minimum income level (GMI benefit); 2)

Housing benefit; 3) Benefit in an emergency situation; 4) Other

benefits defined by municipalities. The GMI benefit shall be

granted and paid to a household or separately living person which

income level is lower than GMI level, set by the Cabinet of

Ministers. GMI benefit is paid on the basis of net income and assets

test (means test). GMI benefit is calculated as a difference

between GMI level (40 LVL per month for adult and 45,-LVL per

month for child under 18) and households or separately living

person’s income.

Calculation of the benefit does not involve application of the

equivalence scale – the calculated GMI benefit is equal to all adults

and children in the family. Housing benefit is established by local

municipality’s regulation. Benefit in an emergency situation the

local government grants without means testing to the person

(family) a benefit in an emergency situation if, due to a natural

disaster or unforeseen circumstances he or she is not able to satisfy

his or her basic needs. Other benefits can be established by local

municipality’s regulation.

51. To promote access to quality services

e.g. transport, e-inclusion, health, social


YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Access to social care and social rehabilitation services is provided

in accordance with needs of particular person. There are

established different services to meet needs of different social

groups (such as homeless people, persons with disability, deaf and

blind persons, families with children, addicted persons, abused

children, children feft without parental care etc).

52. To promote specific support for young


YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Page 17


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

There is a family state benefit available to all families with

children in Latvia. Family state benefit shall be granted to a person

(parents or care-giver) that is raising a child, which is at least one

year old and not older than 15; or if older than 15, but not older

than 19, attends general or professional educational school and is

not married. Within family benefits there is supplement to family

state benefit for disabled child and other allowances: child birth

grant, child care allowance for disabled child. There are two kinds

of benefits for persons who take care of chidren: earnings related

Parent’s benefit for employed (socially insured) persons and flat-

rated Childcare benefit for unemployed (socially uninsured)

persons and persons are raising children between 1 to 2 years of


Parent’s benefit is social insurance benefit, earning related.

Childcare benefit is universal state social benefit, flat-rated and

not means or income tested. There is also Housing lending system

supporting young families. The Housing development lending

programme of Latvia was approved on August 2005. The aim of this

programme was to improve the housing lending system by providing

support by the state (as a guarantee) to expand credit availability

to specific categories of population for dwelling procurement and

stimulating renovation of apartment houses. Maximum amount of

guarantees was 15 000 lats.

53. To engage young people and youth

organisations in the planning, delivery and

evaluation of European Year of Combating

Poverty and Social Exclusion in 2010?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Youth was widely represented in majority of the activities

throughout the EY2010. 13 years old boy, a singer, involved in

Latvian Child Forum activities was one of the Ambassadors of the

EY2010. Two major events where youth constituted the majority of

public was EU Garden party and Riga Solidarity Days where the

exchange of best practice and various informative and

understanding raising activities on poverty and social exclusion

problems as well as cultural events were organized.

Additional comments on social inclusion (for

example references, web-links, project


Assistance in solving apartment matters - see website at

Page 18


54. To support the development of creativity

among young people by following up the

Council conclusions on promoting a Creative

Generation: developing the creativity and

innovative capacity of children and young

people through cultural expression and

wider access to culture?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

55. To make new technologies readily

available to empower young people's

creativity and capacity for innovation, and

attract interest in culture, the arts and


YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

56. To provide access to environments

where young people can develop their

creativity and interests and spend a

meaningful leisure time?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

57. To promote specialised training in

culture, new media and intercultural

competences for youth workers?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.


Page 19


Additional comments on culture & creativity

(for example references, web-links, project


Hobby education – realization of person’s individual needs and

desires, with respect of ones age and previous education (Law on

Education, Art. 1) Opportunities and gains of youth in hobby

education: - Useful and meaningful usage of leisure time, -

Creative self-expression, self development, talent improvement, -

Socialization (mastering of life skills, prevention of anti-social

behavior, decreasing social exclusion). Hobby education

programmes are implemented at schools of general education,

schools of vocational education and 50 institutions of hobby

education in Latvia. 61% of all extracurricular programmes are

cultural education.

The most significant events in cultural education on the state level

(around 30 projects – events annually) are competitions and

concerts of school choirs (various age groups); folk song festivals

for children of various age and youth dance groups; festivals of

modern dance, events of school brass bands and musical groups,

competitions of visual and applied arts, school theatres, projects of

creative activities for children and youth with special needs.

Web-links: ;

58. To raise the awareness of young people

about global issues such as sustainable

development and human rights?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Latvia is a member of largest network of EuroMed organisations

Anna Lindh foundation. Aim of the foundation is to bring people

together from across the Mediterranean to improve mutual respect

between cultures. Since its launch in 2005, the Anna Lindh

Foundation has launched and supported action across fields

impacting on mutual perceptions among people of different

cultures and beliefs, as well as developing a region-wide Network

of over 3000 civil society organisations. In Latvia network of Anna

Lindh foundations includes 38 organisations that organise activities

to promote better understanding of EuroMed partner countries.

59. To provide opportunities for young

people to exchange views with policy-

makers on global issues (e.g. via

participation in international meetings,

virtual platforms/fora etc.)?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.


Page 20


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

There is possibility for young people to exchange views with policy-

makers on global issues due to structured dialogue process.

60. To encourage young people to

participate in green volunteering and

"green" patterns of consumption and

production (e.g. recycling, energy

conservation, hybrid vehicles, etc.)?

YES, such measures had already been taken before the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010, no additional initiatives

were necessary.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Green lifestyle and green consumption in Latvia is implemented

involving both young people and other members of society.

According to Environmental Protection Law, the matters in respect

of environmental education and education for sustainable

development shall be included in the mandatory curriculum of the

subject or course standard in accordance with the specific

character of each subject by co-ordinating and ensuring succession

on different education levels. The knowledge gained are being

successfully improved in practice implementing environmental

education projects with the assistance of non-governmental

organizations, professional associations and businesses.

For example, „Zaļā josta" Ltd. organizes campaigns for waste paper

and used battery collection. Educating a new generation to be

capable of taking care for the Earth's health, Getliņi Eko organizes

call for proposals „Aizej tur nezin kur atnes to nezin ko!/Go there,

don't know where bring back that, dont know what!” about

creative and effective management, involving high school students.

Green point of Latvia organizes a mission-competition "Green

Night" both for students and for pupils.

61. To promote entrepreneurship,

employment, education and volunteering

opportunities with countries or regions

outside of Europe?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Page 21


Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

According to the Development Co-operation Policy guidelines for

the Period from 2011 to 2015 there is an intention to broaden the

scope of regions where Latvia's bilateral development co-operation

interests currently lie and, in addition to the Eastern Partnership

countries which are part of the European Neighbourhood policy,

include also Central Asian states. The interest to cooperate has

been expressed by Latvian youth and youth organisations as well.

Particular interest has been paid to strengthen cooperation with

young people from Georgia, Russia and Moldova. Interest in

cooperation with  EECA countries is reflected in number of projects

submitted to the National Agency of the Youth in Action

programme. In 2011 there were 33 projects submitted to Action 3.1

”Youth and the World”.  Most of those projects involved partners

from EECA countries. Interst towards volunteering in EECA

countries is growing with every year as well. In 2011 10 young

people from Latvia participated in voluntary projects in EECA

countries while 29 young volunters  from EECA countries were

hosted in Latvia.

62. To encourage young people to

participate in development cooperation

activities either in their country of residence

or abroad?

YES, such measures/initiatives were taken after the EU Youth

Strategy came into force in January 2010.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

From the viewpoint of young people as the most named reasons of

not getting involved in developmet cooperation activities were: •

Distance (geographically); • Lack of information • Lack of trust –

e.g. projects have been started, but the partner disappeared •

Lack of interest • Stereotypes To increase development

cooperation young people consider: • Organize youth projects with

topics of priorities important to both parts as culture and

mentality, which can bring bigger understanding of each other

culture, environment and can increase cooperation between both

sides • Raise awareness why we need to cooperate and why it is

interesting for young people • Distribute of good examples and

practices of projects and exchanges already implemented

Page 22


Additional comments on youth & the world

(for example references, web-links, project


Organization "Youth for Society" implemented job shadowing

project in Armenia to explore reality of European Voluntary

service, international projects and local initiatives in Armenia.

Project was an opportunity to learn about young people in

Armenia, challenges they face, their expectations towards future

and interest in cooperation with European countries. Youth

organization ''Plauksta'' implemented a project ''We want to know

about IT''on reproductive health and healthy lifestyle among young

people in Latvia and Georgia.

Participants gained better understanding of other countries,

cultures and challenges they face, and this promoted variety of

opinions, cooperation and friendship. In the beginning young

people found it challenging to listen to argumentation of other

country regarding reproductive health, as it questioned mainstream

views of their country. Seeing that each nation is different and

traditions have an influence on each field of our life, including

reproductive health. As a result young people concluded that there

is no perfect opinion and there are different ways to do things.

63. Has your government carried out any

specific measures or is it planning to do so

based on the conclusions from the European

Youth Week, which presents a number of

recommendations on how the structured

dialogue can be improved at the national

and the European levels?

NO, but we plan to take concrete measures in this field in 2012.

Please elaborate on your answer, if

necessary. If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Ministry of Education and Science as a competent national Ministry

together with National Agency of the Youth in Action Programme

and youth organisations is planning to work on development of

wider youth participation system in Latvia, where structured

dialogue will play main role.

64. Has your Government supported the

establishment of a National Working Group?


Please explain the reasons for your answer.

If yes, how has this been supported? If young

people or other stakeholders who are

consulted as part of finalising this National

Report have a different opinion than that

stated by the Government (above), their

opinions can be stated here

National Working Group was established under the Youth

Organisations Advisory Committee which is one of the national

youth participation mechanisms co-ordinated by the Ministry of

Education and Science as a competent national Ministry.

65. Does the National Youth Council play a

leading role in the National Working Group?



Page 23


If your answer is NO please elaborate and

indicate who plays a leading role. If young

people or other stakeholders who are

consulted as part of finalising this National

Report have a different opinion than that

stated by the Government (above), their

opinions can be stated here.

66. Does the competent national ministry

play an active role in the National Working



Please explain the reasons for your answer.

If young people or other stakeholders who

are consulted as part of finalising this

National Report have a different opinion

than that stated by the Government

(above), their opinions can be stated here.

The Ministry of Education and Science as a competent national

Ministry is co-operating with the Latvian Youth Council in the

National Working Group.

67. Given the cross-sectoral character of the

EU Youth Strategy, have other national

ministries played an active role in the

National Working Group?


If your answer is YES please elaborate and

indicate who plays an active role. If young

people or other stakeholders who are

consulted as part of finalising this National

Report have a different opinion than that

stated by the Government (above), their

opinions can be stated here.

Other govermental institutions were involved in the National

Working Group. For example, during the cycle of structured

dialogue on youth employment issue was involved the State

Employment Agency in the work of the National Working Group.

68. Does your Government provide financial

or other support for the National Working



If your answer is YES please elaborate

(maximum 300 words) If young people or

other stakeholders who are consulted as

part of finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

In the frames of the Youth in Action programme the Ministry of

Education and Science is planning to provide co-finance to the

Latvian Youth Council's (coordinator of the National Working Group

in Latvia) project which will focus on the structured dialogue

implementation in 2012. The Ministry is providing informative

support and consultations for the National Working Group.

69. Is the competent national ministry aware

of the process of consultations, and

subsequent results, undertaken by the

National Working Group in response to

guiding questions issued by the European

Steering Committee for the structured

dialogue with youth?


Please explain the reasons for your answer.

If young people or other stakeholders who

are consulted as part of finalising this

National Report have a different opinion

than that stated by the Government

(above), their opinions can be stated here.

The Ministry of Education and Science as a competent national

Ministry is aware of the process of consultations and results.

Representatives of the Youth Policy Division under the Ministry are

active members of the National Working Group.

Page 24


70. Has your Government taken any

initiatives to follow up the points that were

raised as priority areas in the conclusions of

the structured dialogue on youth

employment, as outlined in the Council

Resolution on the structured dialogue?


Please elaborate If young people or other

stakeholders who are consulted as part of

finalising this National Report have a

different opinion than that stated by the

Government (above), their opinions can be

stated here.

Competent ministries and other institutions already partly

implement defined recommendations and evaluate possible actions

in the raised priority areas.

71. Would your Government support a

structured dialogue with young people and

youth organisations in other fields than

those covered by the overall thematic

priorities, and individual Presidency

priorities, agreed at European level?


Please explain the reasons for your answer The Ministry of Education and Science as a competent national

Ministry together with youth organizations are working on

development of structured dialogue in Latvia which can work as

effective mechanism for indentifying youth opinion in different


72. Does your Government consider the

National Working Group already established

in your country to be sufficiently inclusive in

its composition to ensure a participatory

process open to all young people?


If your answer is NO please elaborate The members of the National Working group are one part youth

organizations and second part representatives of the state

administration, persist necessity to involve more young people who

are ready to be active.

73. What are the methods of consultation

with young people that have been applied

within the structured dialogue in your


More common methods of consultation with young people are e-

questionnaires, direct consultations with youth organizations. In

2012 the National Working Group is planning to have more open

discussions in different Latvian regions. Currently National Working

Group is working on new methods of consultation with young

people in order to ensure all young people participation in

structured dialogue process.

Page 25


If young people or other stakeholders who

are consulted as part of finalising this

National Report have a different opinion

than that stated by the Government

(above), their opinions can be stated here.

74. Do youth researchers and those engaged

in youth work play a role in carrying out the

structured dialogue in your country?


If your answer is YES please elaborate If

young people or other stakeholders who are

consulted as part of finalising this National

Report have a different opinion than that

stated by the Government (above), their

opinions can be stated here.

Local youth workers are informed about importance of the

structured dialogue and are invited to inform and involve young

people. As well municipalities have there own methods of

consultation with young people, which can be improved during

development of the national structured dialogue.

75. Would your Government support efforts

to enhance the visibility and transparency of

structured dialogue at national level?


Please explain the reasons for your answer. Structured dialogue is viewed as a system of youth participation in

decision – making process, which is necessary to develop in Latvia,

that's why visibility is very important aspect. During European

Youth Week structured dialogue events take place at national and

regional level.

76. Based on the experiences gained since

2010, does your Government feel that the

format and working methods employed at EU

Youth Conferences contribute to a successful

conduct of structured dialogue?


Please explain the reasons for your answer. The chosen format and working methods applied at EU Youth

Conferences were successful. There is better understanding of the

format and values of the structured dialogue on the national level.

77. Based on the experiences gained from

the first two cycles of the structured

dialogue, does your Government have

particular recommendations for the further

development of the structured dialogue?


Please explain the reasons for your answer. It is significantly to find out new methods of consultation with

young people, therefore given possibility to involve young people in

the European level decision-making process is important. Financial

support to structured dialogue can be provided through Youth in

Action Programme.

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Presentation of good practice # 1 I) In order to pay particular attention to young people with fewer

opportunities, Latvian National Agency of Youth in Action

programme implements Social inclusion strategy. Aim of the

strategy is to increase encourage young people with fewer

opportunities to participate in Youth in Action projects and to

promote Youth in Action as a tool for social inclusion. In the

framework of strategy, the National Agency organise training for

people working with young people with fewer opportunities to

equip them with non-formal learning tools, e.g. Youth in Action

projects, to improve competences of their target groups. This

training has attracted new beneficiaries to the programme and

consequently more young people with fewer opportunities of

diverse backgrounds were involved in Youth in Action projects.

The National Agency cooperates with organisations working with

young people with fewer opportunities and also purposefully

involves their target audiences in trainings for young people and

youth workers (for example, young people with hearing deficiency,

young people with visual impairment, young people with mental

disability etc.) and this has benefits both for young people with

fewer opportunities in terms of social inclusion and learning points,

and also for other participants in learning to communicate with

different people. To facilitate access to European Voluntary

Service for young people with fewer opportunities, the webpage of

the National Agency is available in easy language for people with

mental disability and in text version for people with visual

impairment. The National Agency promotes information on

European Voluntary Service among target audiences and provides

support when necessary.

II) To raise awareness of young people about global issues such as

sustainable development and human rights Latvia is a member of

largest network of EuroMed organisations Anna Lindh foundation.

Aim of the foundation is to bring people together from across the

Mediterranean to improve mutual respect between cultures. Since

its launch in 2005, the Anna Lindh Foundation has launched and

supported action across fields impacting on mutual perceptions

among people of different cultures and beliefs, as well as

developing a region-wide Network of over 3000 civil society

organisations. In Latvia network of Anna Lindh foundations includes

38 organisations that organise activities to promote better

understanding of EuroMed partner countries. One of the traditional

activities is Baltic-Medditarian spring festival. In 2011 there were

21 activities organized- discussions, meetings with interesting

people, exhibitions, film viewing, dance workshops, concerts, food

tasting and other activities that allowed people in


Page 27


Latvia to learn more about culture of Medditarian region from

different viewpoints. III) To give opportunity to young people to

express themselves creativly Latvian School Youth Song and Dance

Celebration which takes place every five years is the most

significant cultural event for school youth. The 10th Latvian School

Youth Song and dance Celebration was held in Riga on 6 - 11 July,

2010. The Celebration was included in the UNESCO World Heritage

Calendar 2010-2011 to mark the 50 year anniversary of this event.

30 975 participants of 1305 song and dance groups took part at the

Celebration, but 100 000 children and young people worked hard in

preparation for the event in choir singing, brass bands, symphonic

orchestras, folk and modern dance groups, folklore groups, fine

and applied art hobby groups and drama groups.

To involve as much pupils as possible in the Celebration and

preparation for it various activities according to pupils’ abilities

and interests were offered – the study of the history and traditions

of the Celebration, creative workshops to popularize the

Celebration and recruit young photo reporters and journalists to

record and reflect the Celebration, volunteer work (about 200

young people were involved as volunteers at the Celebration).The

sorting of waste and tidying the venue of the Celebration and

memorial objects made the Celebration environmentally friendly.

Presentation of good practice # 2 I) Within the European Social Fund project “Practical application of

the legislation on occupational safety and health and labour

relations in sectors and enterprises” (2008-2013) implemented by

the Latvian Employers’ Confederation, the computer game on

occupational safety and health issues has been elaborated for

young people. Information about the game is available here:, and the game is

available online: The game suggests

to solve the real problems related with health and safety at work in

real Latvian enterprises (7 companies working in distribution of

automobiles, retail trade, manufacturing and distribution of

cosmetics, telecommunications, tourism and hotel services,

construction, distribution of computer techniques).

Page 28


Presentation of good practice # 3 I) Involvement of young people in development of national planning

document “Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030”

that was approved by the Latvian Parliament in June 10, 2010. The

Development Planning System Law determines that Latvija 2030 is,

in terms of hierarchy, the highest long-term development planning

document of the state where the state long-term development

targets, priorities and spatial development perspective put forward

are implemented by implementing subordinated development

policies of sectors and territories. The development of the strategy

began in Summer 2007 with analysis of global development

tendencies and their impact on Latvia. In the Framework Report on

the Present Situation and Use of Resources in Latvia the study

results and main conclusions were published, and individual themes

and problems were more closely studied, brainstormed and

presented in separate analytical reports. It resulted in

crystallisation of several strategic choices or dilemmas, which are

of great importance for the future of Latvia.

Discussion thereof took place in general public in regional forums

“Latvia 2030. Your Choice”, in youth discussions, as well as via

mass media and the Internet. The public choice and the difference

of opinions served as the basis for the creation of four potential

development scenarios of Latvia, which were also widely discussed.

Public participation of such scale in the development of a

document of national level is a new experience for Latvia and

marks a new way for the society to participate in policymaking.

Particularly, active involvement of young persons in discussing of

dilemmas and scenarios and creation of their future vision of Latvia

should be noted. In collaboration with youth organisation

“Jauniešu konsultācijas” (Youth’s Consultation) “The Youth’s vision

of the development of Latvia” has been established where we can

see the future of Latvia by rising generation, get new ideas and

look at the situation from a different point of view. In May 9, 2008

“The Youth’s vision of the development of Latvia” was presented

at National Development Council.

Afterwards the Prime Minister asked the representatives of youth

to develop the vision of educational development till 2030. In

October 10, 2008 youth organisation “Jauniešu konsultācijas”

(Youth’s consultation) presented the vision of youth at the National

Forum "Take-off. Latvia2030". Basic principles of Youth’s vision of

education were creativity, openness, versatility and global

competitiveness. Young people offer to create an education system

that is aimed at the excellence and that ensures the talent and

personality development of everyone. Here you can find more information on Latvia

2030 (You can also download Latvia 2030 and “Latvia 2030 Browser”

in English), National Forum "Take-off. Latvia2030" etc.

Page 29


II) Youth’s involvement in discussions on the future of regional

policy of Latvia In October and November, 2011 Ministry on

Environmental Protection and Regional Development organizes

discussion on the future of regional policy of Latvia by organizing

five Regional Growth Forums “Tavā varā!" (In Your Power) in five

regions of Latvia: Zemgale, Latgale, Vidzeme, Kurzeme and Riga.

The main tasks of Forums are: - to explain and promote the

meaning of local strategies, initiatives and partnership in territory

development and implementation of industry policies, - to discuss

the draft of Regional policy guidelines made by Ministry on

Environmental Protection and Regional Development as a basis for

the planning of Each Forum takes place four days and is divided

thematically in:

- Youth’s Day - Entrepreneurs’ Day - Local Governments’ Day -

Central or final discussion. The first day of each Forum (the

Youth’s Day) is devoted to discussion, where the co-operation

opportunities of youth, students, youth’s organizations and

associations with a city and district governments are discussed to

develop a region. To promote a new, creative thinking and action

that would improve the quality of life in both urban and rural

areas, within the framework on Forums “The Future City Game” is

organized. Participation in this game allows local community to

participate actively and offer their input in the development

planning of local governments, at the same time getting to know

more closely with other socially active representatives of their

district. “The Future City Game” is an interactive methodology to

work in teams made by British Council and recognized urban-

planning British organizations. It has already been successfully

practiced in several cities in Europe and East Asia. Here you can find more information on Regional

Growth Forums.

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