Trainings and education at hackerspaces

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Trainings and education at hackerspaces

Trainings and education@ hackerspaces

Kalin Chernev, init Lab, Sofia

Agenda● Introduction

● Trainings

● Online education

● Education at hackerspaces

● My call ;)

Living in an information ageDo you agree?

Do we need to keep with the information age?

How can we keep up?

Trainings (and education)Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies.

Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, research,

What is important?

But, why?Because:

In your work:

As a freelancer:

There will be a point, where you will have to get the shitty work done! (yourself)

New technologies, new requirements, new frameworks, very dynamic environment

one-man army (at most cases)

In business:

Education and training are sexy

10% of each startup pitches are about building or starting education platforms

Education is trending topic (in Bulgaria)

Online learning

Facing the cons of OLPExercises are not always really practical

Slow communication and Q&A

Lack of personal touch

Education @hackerspaces● Healthy environment of smart people

● Personal attitude during and after trainings

● Place to meet people with similar interests

● Place to gather a team and work on a project

● Place to get hired if you do well

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Entrepreneurship● Raising skills & capabilities in the community

● Gathering teams with technical skills

● Developing products

● Developing personal skills

Become a trainer!● Make the product YOUR way

● Contribute to the overall tech environment

● Hire the best students in a course if you like

● Become a well-known expert in your area

● Develop your presentation skills ;)

● $ if you are really good

Thank you

Kalin Chernevemail: kalin.chernev@gmail.comtwit: @kalinchernevlink: blog: