Training the Next Generation of Engineering Advocates

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Training the Next Generation of Engineering Advocates

The Next Generation of Engineering Advocates?

What’s the problem?

Kids & relationship to physical world

"I knew kids who were pushed out the door at eight in the morning, and not allowed back until five unless they were on fire or actively bleeding.” Bill Bryson on ‘50s childhood

Seeing the built world

Yet not so much this

The missed opportunity

Why does it matter?

The Road to Happiness

Guess what? Kids love this stuff

Not teaching engineering

3-D built world => designed

Design & operation vary = different outcomes

Everything is networked

Change is normal => let’s think about how

built world <=> how we live

Value built world

Kids have a role too (now and future)

Idea 1. Become an Explorer of the Street

Idea 2. Build a Better Box-Block

Idea 3. Celebrate Infrastructure

Idea 4. Unravel Streets Secrets

Idea 5. I ♥ Public Works 

Idea 6: Making it fun & important

Idea 7: Safety programs to teach design ideas

Idea 8: Maps & wayfinding

Idea 9: Programs

Idea 10: Successful Networking for Kids

Inviting & including all kids

Low cost, readily implementable

A word about volunteers

Reimagining our built world

Thank you!

Fionnuala QuinnThe Bureau of Good Roads