Traditions February 2011

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The February 2011 edition of Bethlehem Academy's Traditions Newsletter for alumni and supporters.

Transcript of Traditions February 2011

Spring Edition February, 2011

T H E M I R A C L E I S H E R E !


BETHLEHEM ACADEMY CAPITAL CAMPAIGNFARIBAULT, MINNESOTA – Since launching the BACapital Campaign last September, the school has receivedgifts, pledges and commitments amounting to $3,000,000 as ofJanuary 15, 2011, according to school leadership. The BACampaign calls for improvements and additional space forband, choir, and theater, a field house to address athletic andadditional fine arts needs, an elevator and ramps to meetaccessibility concerns, and an additional endowed scholarshipfund.

Established in 1865, BethlehemAcademy’s existing schoolfacility was built in 1949 and serves the academic needs ofover 300 students. BethlehemAcademy is the first of over100 schools established by the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters.Planning for this campaign was initiated over five years ago toaddress the current and future growth needs at BethlehemAcademy.

BA Board of Trustee JoeVarley, who graduatedfrom the school in 1965,and who owns VarleyConstruction in Faribault,spoke at the launchingevent saying that both theBABoard of Trustees andBA School Board haveendorsed the campaign.Varley said growingenrollment at BA and thegreat success of BAgraduates livingthroughout the country“adds up to a goodsituation for graduatesand past parents tosupport the project.”

BethlehemAcademy is the longest-running Catholic school inthe Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. To insure thefuture, BethlehemAcademy is inviting the generosity of itsmany graduates, parents, grandparents and friends to join incontributing to raise $11 million to keep the miracle ofeducation going strong in Faribault.

BA President PrincipalSherri Langfeldt andCampaign Chair FranzBoelter addressed themission of the campaign.Langfeldt said, “Theschool has not conducteda major buildingcampaign in more thansixty years. The school isdebt-free and in a goodposition to make thisinvestment in the future.This campaign is animportant historical stepfor the future of BA.”

Boelter said BethlehemAcademy is proud that more than 95%of its graduates continue their education by enrolling in post-secondary schools. “We believe this school, through its greatfaculty members, helps to launch students to successful futuresand careers. A successful capital campaign can ensure moregenerations of great BA students”, Boelter said.

If you would like to become a part of the BACapitalCampaign, we invite your participation and support.

For more information about the BACampaign, or to arrangefor a tour of the school, please contact Franz Boelter,Campaign Chair at (507) 334-3948.

In This Issue: February 2011Cover Story ............................................BA Capital CampaignJack Kolars Column ................................................................2BA Court of Honor ...................................................................3Desk of Sherri Langfeldt .........................................................4BA Scholarship Funds .............................................................5Cardinal Cruise.........................................................................6Babs Night ................................................................................7Alumni Update/Class Reunion News.....................................8BA Annual Fund........................................................................9Coming Events .........................................................................9BA Volleyball.............................................................................9Capital Campaign Corner .......................................................9Memorial Gifts........................................................................10Rest in Peace....................................................................11-12


Bethlehem AcademyAdvancement/Alumni OfficeAs BethlehemAcademy turned the calendar page to its 146th

year, the school has benefited with higher enrollment numbersand unprecedented charitable gifting by its supporters. BA has(301) students enrolled this school year and the schoolattracted over one million dollars in gifts and pledges in thepast calendar year.

Much of the credit for the increased enrollment goes to theoutstanding faculty members at BA and Divine MercyCatholic School who are strong advocates of today’s students,helping them in the classroom and throughout the community.The credit for the more than million dollars in gifts andpledges to the school goes directly to the great generosity ofdonors like you.

From January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, BethlehemAcademy received gifts and pledges totaling more than $1.25million from (1,023) donors. Over $900,000 of that amount isbeing generated from (312) donors who have made gifts, orreturned their Pledge Card to the BA Capital Campaign. Ifyou have turned in a commitment letter pledging a certainamount, we ask you to turn in a Pledge Card. This gives BAinfo on how you want to fulfill that commitment.

The goal of the Capital Campaign is to improve the facilitiesfor the BethlehemAcademy band, choir and theater, makingadditional space available for the growing number of studentsinvolved in those activities. The plan is to also construct a newgymnasium to answer space needs for boys and girl’s athleticteams and activities. The campaign also invites donors tomake a contribution to increase the endowed scholarship fundsso more families can afford to send their children to BA. Thecampaign seeks to raise funds to build an elevator to make theentire school handicapped accessible.

We ask that you please return your Capital Campaign PledgeCards that were mailed last November in the event you havenot already done so. As the school receives these pledge cardsit can plan better for the next phase of reaching the CampaignGoal. We thank you for your prayerful support as thecampaign continues for BA.

BethlehemAcademy. The Miracle is Here!

Jack Kolars, Advancement Office507-334-3948


TRADITIONS NEWSLETTERServing Bethlehem Academy

The TRADITIONS NEWSLETTER, a publication of BethlehemAcademy is published three times each year in fall, winter andsummer to serve our alumni, friends and many benefactors. Somephotos are courtesy of Faribault Daily News.

If you have story ideas, news items or photos, TRADITIONSwelcomes your contributions for the newsletter. Please send yournews to:

BETHLEHEMACADEMY105 Third Ave. SW • Faribault, MN 55021Email: jkolars@bacards.orgTel: 507-334-3948Fax: 507-334-3949

Editor: Jack Kolars

If you would like to support the funding for the TRADITIONSpublications, please send your charitable gift to:

TRADITIONS NEWSLETTER105 Third Ave. SW • Faribault, MN 55021

BethlehemAcademyTRUSTEES DIRECTORSJoe Varley ’65 & PP, Chair Steve Kohl ’83 (President)Sr. Doris Rauenhorst Carol (Van Orsow) Hafemeyer ’77 Michelle MahowaldSr. Carol Bongaarts Mike Mulcahy, ‘90 Charlie SheridanDave Campbell, PP Linda Laughlin Jay ValentynBob Foley, PP Shari Mayer (Vice President) Julie (Donahue) Zweber, ‘83

PRESIDENT/PRINCIPAL DEAN OF STUDENTSMs. Sherri Langfeldt Mr. Scott HansonACADEMIC DEAN DIRECTOR OF GUIDANCEMrs. Melinda O’Connor Mrs. Laura CarlsonACTIVITIES DIRECTOR PRIORESS OF THE ORDERMr. Ed Friesen ‘86 Sr. Patricia Mulcahey, OPADVANCEMENT OFFICE CHAIR OF BA INC.Jack Kolars, Franz Boelter, Sue Erpenbach Sr. Erica Jordan, OP

Attention ParentsIf this issue of The Traditions Newsletter is arriving at yourhome in the name of your child who graduated from BA,please do us the favor of sending the publication along to yourson or daughter, and the favor of sending us an updatedmailing and email address for your son or daughter. We’dlike to stay in touch with all BA graduates and update our BAAlumni Database. Thank you.

Championship StudentsLoyal Alumni

Outstanding InstructorsFaith-filled Classrooms

Proud ParentsGenerous Benefactors

105 Third Avenue S.W., Faribault, Minnesota 55021334-3948


Following the 2010 BABenefactor Massand Brunch held December 4, BethlehemAcademy honored two couples who madeextraordinary contributions to the richhistory of the school. BethlehemAcademyis proud to add the names of Tom andPhyllis Jandro and Rich and CarolErnste to the BACOURT OFHONOR.The BethlehemAcademy Court of Honorpays tribute to those individuals whoseparticipation, support and work on behalf ofBA has enriched the vitality of the schoolsince 1865.Tom and Phyllis (Parkos) Jandro are both

BA graduates.Tom graduated in1952 and Phyllisgraduated in 1953.Both of theseinductees havebeen involved inmany “firsts” atBA over the past60 years. Tomwas one of the

first people involved in the BAMinutemenand the Cardinal Club to help raise moneyfor the school. He was also a member ofone of the first BA school boards. Phylliswas the first Development Director at BA in1979 and served in that position for tenyears. Both have served as class reunionorganizers.The Jandros raised six children whograduated from BA includingMary KayWilson, BA ‘72, Lou Ann Lindblade, BA‘73, Barbara Grote, BA ‘75, TonyJandro, BA ‘85, Mike Jandro, BA ‘87 andJim Jandro, BA ‘88.As Phyllis puts it, “I can’t remember a timewhen BethlehemAcademy was not a hugepart of our family. Six of my siblingsgraduated from BA and after ourexperiences, there was never a questionabout where our kids would go to school.”For Tom, the memories of his first days atBA back in 1948 are clear. “My firstassociation with BA came when the schoolbus dropped me off in front of the conventwhere I met my classmate Jerry Brazil.We were both excited and frightened, but itturned out to be a great experience for me.”Tom worked in the insurance industrywhile he and Phyllis were raising theirchildren through the Catholic schools.Today, six of the Jandro grandchildren areenrolled in Catholic schools, following inthe footsteps of their grandparents.

Rich Ernste andCarol Schmitzboth attendedCatholic gradeschool (St.Lawrence) andthen went on toBA graduating in1958 and 1959,respectively. In

1970 their eldest child started at St.Lawrence Catholic School and theiryoungest child graduated from BA in 2001,a span of raising children in the Catholicschools for 31 years. Now in 2010, Richand Carol’s first grandchild is attendingBA.After graduating from BA in 1958, Rich ranthe farm for his mother and through theyears did construction and factory work andserved in the National Guard. Rich workedwith Northern States Power Company for24 years. He later worked as a real estateagent in Faribault for 12 years. Rich servedas Chair on the CCS Board for 6 years andalso served on the BA School Board, BAActivities and BABS Night auction formany years. While convalescing withhealth issues, Rich volunteered as aplayground supervisor for 4 years and in theBA Shop helping Ron Thibault. Rich sangin church choirs for 52 years.After graduating from BA in 1959, Carolfurthered her education and later didsecretarial work. Carol and Rich weremarried in 1962 and Carol was a “stay athome Mom” for 24 years volunteering inthe CCS classrooms and as a secretary toRich on the school board. Carolvolunteered as a 4-H Leader, on variouschurch committees, and also served on theBABenefactors committee and BABSNight silent auction. She was alsoemployed as a Rice County Home HealthAide for 13 years.The Ernstes are proud of their children, allgraduates of BethlehemAcademy includingEd Ernste, BA ‘82, Rick Ernste, BA ‘84,Sue Jandro, BA ‘85, Jim Ernste, BA ‘87,Laurie McCormick, BA ‘91, CathyHaugen, BA ‘97 andMike Ernste, BA ‘01.Rich passed away August 29, 2010 at theage of 70 after battling heart disease for 31years and cancer for 8 months. Carolthinks it was fitting that after the manyhours he served on boards and committeesto consolidate the Faribault Catholicchurches, that his funeral was held at thenew Divine Mercy Church. That was his

dream, along with seeing a DM CatholicGrade school built, and additions built forBA.Sr. Kate Theis, former BA principal duringthe times the Ernste children were enrolledat BA had special memories of both Richand Carol. Theis said Rich always teasedher about a former principal at BA. “Heused to say if only I could be a principallike Sister Vincentine, who worked at BAfrom 1954 through 1960. I always thoughtabout Sr. Vincentine, who I had never met.I knew she had done her job because ofhow Rich and Carol valued Catholiceducation and supported BA all through theyears.”The BethlehemAcademy Court of Honorwas established in 1995 as the schoolcelebrated its 130th anniversary. It is a“Hall of Fame” consisting of scholars andteachers, artists and musicians, coaches andathletes, school supporters and friends.In 1995, there were (15) initial members ofthe BACourt of Honor including:

Five Maternal Members:Sister Josephine Cahill (1865)

Sister Gertrude Power (1865-1891)Sister Veronica Power(1865-85, 1898-1906)

Sister Imelda Hartsock (1865-1885)Sister Benvenuta McCullough (1865-1885)

Other inductees included thefollowing Members:

Sister Raymund Connelly(1930-31, 1939-1954)

Daniel Churchill, BA ‘63Tom Paul (1952-1963)

Tony ReuversSister Marie (Mercedes) Lee (1946-1961)

Leo BrandOrdean (“Rev”) Reveland, BA ‘49

Arnie ReuversDewey Van Orsow, BA ‘45

Mother Samuel (Ellen) Coughlin,BA-1885

Dick Ostrom, BA ‘41 was inducted in 2006Herb Cook, PP – 2008

Monsignor John Foley – 2008Sr. Kate Theis – 2009

Mr. Ron Thibault – 2009Rich & Carol Ernste – 2010Tom & Phyllis Jandro - 2010

2010 Bethlehem Academy Court of Honor

From the Desk ofSherri LangfeldtBA President/Principal


The 2011 BASnoBall Courtcelebrated withstudents duringthe annualdance heldJanuary 8,2011 at the BAGymnasium.

Pictured above from left to right are: Gus Perez, CrystalMartiarena, Nick Weiers, Maddie Correll, Al Tousignant, JessicaBendzick, Stephanie Pozuelos, Michael Olson, Sarah Johnson,Mac Malecha, Sam McBain, Jacob Mayer, Christina Angel andKirk Allen.Congratulations to the 2011 BA SnoBall Queen - StephaniePozuelos.

News & Notes 9/15/10 thru 1/15/11The Traditions would like to extend our congratulations to Sue & EdSchmitz, PP, of Northfield who celebrated 70 years of marriageOctober 3, 2010. The Schmitz’s are the parents of Carol Ernste, BA‘59, Bill Schmitz, BA ‘61, Don Schmitz, BA ‘63, Patty Pflaum, BA‘68, Tom Schmitz, BA ‘69, Jan Schmitz Scarlett and Teresa Smith.Congratulations to Ryan Davies of Grand Rapids, MN, son of JeffDavies, BA ‘73 and Mary Jane (Reuvers) Davies, BA ‘78, who wasmarried toMichelle Arnhold on June 10, 2010. Ryan Davies is thegrandson of Norita Reuvers, PP, and Jeanne Davies, PP, both ofFaribault.Congratulations to former BA athletes John Dudley, ChrisChappuis and Nicole Trnka Hess who were honored with the

Faribault Sports Hall of Fame induction on October29, 2010. Dudley, BA ‘48, of Northfield, was anAll-State football player at BethlehemAcademy,played football at St. Thomas, and was a GoldenGlove boxing champion. Chappuis, BA ‘94, ofLakeville, was a three sport athlete at BethlehemAcademy excelling in football, basketball andbaseball, and advancing to be a four year footballplayer at St. Thomas. Nicole Trnka Hess, BA ‘98,of Morristown, was an all-conference performer involleyball, basketball and softball while atBethlehemAcademy. She excelled in collegevolleyball, being named All-MIAC at St. Olaf, andis currently the head volleyball coach at St.Benedict College.

BA sends congratulations to Stu & Lillian Thibodeau whocelebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in January with family. Stuand Lillian are the parents of BA graduates Greg Thibodeau, BA‘65, JoAnne Knuttila and Barb Timmers, BA ‘71.

As I write this, I am sitting in a beautiful cabin,listening to the waves break on the rocks below

and watching the sunrise over Lake Superior. We are enjoying a rarecouples weekend away with friends from BA. On January 20th of thisyear I turned fifty, and I decided to recognize this milestone bycelebrating for fifty days beginning on January 1st! Sometimes Icelebrate by doing things that I love to do but don’t often have thechance to do (like spending a weekend on Lake Superior with friendsor skiing and snowshoeing or going out dancing). However, mostdays I simply celebrate by recognizing something special about thisgreat life and the tremendous opportunities God grants us.One of the tremendous gifts that God has given me is the choice to bethe President/Principal here at BA. I feel blessed to be given boththis opportunity and this responsibility. It is a privilege to be a part ofeducational institution with a mission so highly respected that we canboast of benefactors from all walks of life, benefactors of all ages,and benefactors from around the world. I am quite certain that thereare not many small, out-state, Catholic high schools that can layclaim to the same.People support BethlehemAcademy in a myriad of ways. We havemany who volunteer their time and talents and more who support theschool financially; many do both, and even more keep the school intheir prayers. BethlehemAcademy’s mission could not be carriedforward without all of these means of support!We have had some wonderful events over the past several months.The Holiday Gathering is one that brings many families and friendstogether once a year to enjoy a ton of creativity, good company andgreat food. Last Saturday night we celebrated Evening Under theStars in the Bachrach building, a beautiful venue in which to enjoygood fellowship and great food. On the morning of April 9, we willkick off our Cardinal Cruise, a new family-friendly event. Therewill be 5K and 10K runs and a children’s run. You can be involvedby running in the event as an individual or a team, or you can pledgesomeone else who is running. That evening is BABS Night with liveand silent auctions, great food (we are partnering this year with ElTequila!) and more good fellowship! The great food and goodfellowship thing is a theme that we try to carry through with all of ourevents!Speaking of events, look for an Alumni Gathering Event near yourarea sometime over the next year. The purpose of these events istwo-fold: to set a venue for BA alumni to get together and to enjoygood food and fellowship and to update you on all of the great thingstaking place at BethlehemAcademy. Think of these as mini multi-class reunions!Nowhere has the pride that people have for BA or their willingness tosupport the school been exhibited more clearly to me than in thetremendous support that we are experiencing through the CapitalCampaign. We continue to receive pledges, prayers and positivefeedback daily. Please turn in your pledge card if you have not doneso. Our plan continues to be to break ground this spring, with thebuilding opening in the fall of 2012! We have a lot of work to do, butI continue to trust that with all of your support and with God’scontinued guidance, this campaign will be successful.There are a couple of bits of news to report with regard to thecampaign. We have established a building committee, which consistsof seven voting members: John Mathews (Chair), Bob Foley, JeffJirik, Steve Kohl, Doug Marquard, Jay Valentyn and Joe Varley.

This group has graciously volunteered their expertise in making thedecisions that will directly affect this project. We are blessed to havetheir leadership. On another note, you can follow the progress of theEmbrace the Miracle Capital Campaign on Facebook and on ourcampaign website at www.give.bacards.orgI pray that God blesses each of you and your families as we begin thisnew year. Please keep BethlehemAcademy in your prayers.Peace be with all of you!Sherri LangfeldtPresident/Principal


Over the years, BethlehemAcademy has been blessed by the creation ofscholarship funds designed to honor people who loved the school.These scholarship funds continue today and are a source of income tobe used to make a BethlehemAcademy education a reality for manystudents. Here is a list and description of the active and currentScholarship Funds at BethlehemAcademy:Arthur & Lorraine Amundson Fund honors the memory of theAmundson’s who sent six children through BA. The scholarship willbenefit a junior or senior student at BethlehemAcademy whose familyis dedicated to the BA traditions.Jim (Coach) Anderson Scholarship benefits a BA boy with athleticinterest who is a good student.BAPresident’s Fund benefits deserving BA students with scholarshipassistance beginning in 2011. The President’s Fund is made up ofother BA endowments to help provide a BA education to futurestudents.Stella Bedford Service Scholarship benefits a BA student whodemonstrates financial need and serves BA, the church or thecommunity with the dedication to serve that Stella Bedforddemonstrated during her lifetime. (Established in 2009)Candie (Stoner) Brand Scholarship benefits a BA student interestedin Math and Science.Cecelia Borsch (Milewski/Schaffer) Nursing Endowment is ascholarship fund designed to assist BA students interested in pursuingnursing as a career.Leo & Ottie Brand Scholarship produces scholarship funds for anincoming freshman looking to enroll at BethlehemAcademy.Patrick Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund will create proceeds tobe used to help a future sophomore at BAwho takes part in athletics andneeds tuition assistance.Class of 1943 Endowed Scholarship Fund provides tuition andscholarship assistance for deserving students wishing to attendBethlehemAcademy.Class of 1968 Scholarship Fund. Established in 2008 to honor Classof ’68 BA graduates and assist future BA students.Crosby Family Scholarship benefits a hardworking BA student whoenjoys education, fine arts and sports and is willing to live, love andlaugh.Gloria Dapper Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance forstudents desiring to attend BethlehemAcademy.Bob & Joanne DeGrood Family Scholarship benefits BethlehemAcademy students who demonstrate outstanding Christian values andapply themselves according to their abilities in school, church andcommunity activities.Kilian Donahue Scholarship honors the memory of Kilian Donahue,the son of Jim and Jessie (Mullenmeister) Donahue. Kilian was bornDecember 22, 2003 and died on December 25, 2003. The fund wascreated with the intent to have future scholarships awarded to BAstudents who have siblings attending BethlehemAcademy.Regina M. Dunleavy Estate Fund honors the life of 1920 BA graduateRegina Dunleavy. The fund helps to benefit selected BethlehemAcademy students in need of scholarships in order to attend BA.TheMary McKenna Friesen Memorial Scholarship Fund honors thememory of Mary who graduated from BA in 1949 and was a passionatesupporter of the school. This fund provides financial assistance to astudent in need who shares Mary’s love of BA and has an aptitude forMath.Mary Griffin Scholarship was established in 2005 with proceeds usedas scholarship money for future BethlehemAcademy students in need.Hanlon Family Fund—-Established in 2008 for future BethlehemAcademy students in need of financial assistance.Lawrence Johnson Memorial Trust Fund was established in 1951 tohonor the 1947 BethlehemAcademy graduate. Proceeds are used toassist a BA freshman.Irene Kratt Memorial Scholarship assists a junior boy and girlparticipating in basketball as a senior with $100 activity scholarship.Recipients show good sportsmanship, team player skills, and are goodall-around students.Delores, Joseph and Michael LaCanne Family Scholarship Fundbenefits students who demonstrate outstanding Christian values and

who are motivated to apply themselves in school and church. Deloresand Joseph LaCanne raised eleven children, with ten of themgraduating from BethlehemAcademy.Father Ken LaVan Scholarship Fund will help provide financialassistance to future BA student-athletes in need.Clarence E & Olive Low Scholarship benefits BA students who livein the rural area and who have an appreciation for religious education atBA.Luckow Family Scholarship Fund—-Established in 2008 by pastBethlehemAcademy parent Kim Halvorson. Future proceeds willassist future BA students truly in need.Steven Malecha Scholarship Fund was established to assist future BAstudents with financial needs who take part in band, basketball ortheater.McQuoid Family Scholarship Fund—-The McQuoid Fund honors thememory of past BA parentsWeir and Edna (Endres) McQuoid whoraised three sons to receive Catholic school education in Faribault.Future proceeds of the endowment will benefit BethlehemAcademystudents in need of financial assistance.L.E. “Abe” Merrill Scholarship provides money to graduating BAstudents who are pursuing a college education.Gladues Geiger McCarthy Scholarship was created to providescholarship assistance for deserving students attending BethlehemAcademy.Frank & Edna Miller Fund provides scholarship assistance forstudents attending BethlehemAcademy High School in need of tuitionsupport.Robert & Doris Mullenberg Scholarship provides scholarshipassistance to deserving students at BethlehemAcademy.Ostrom Family Fund is an endowment which provides scholarshipassistance to students attending BA.Jackee Reichert Memorial was established in remembrance ofJacqueline Reichert who did not live to see her graduation in 1996.Jackee’s family encourages scholarship recipients to be positive andfilled with the zest for life.David Reuvers Memorial Fund is designed to benefit BethlehemAcademy students involved in BAActivities, an “all-around goodstudent.” Reuvers was a 1952 graduate who was a great BA Boosterwho loved sports.Ordean Reveland Memorial Fund honors the memory of the 1949 BAgraduate who had a passion for the school and as a promoter of BA andcity-wide athletics. This fund will benefit future male students involvedwith sports in need of financial assistance.Dr. C.F. Robertshaw Memorial Scholarship fund provides financialassistance to BethlehemAcademy students in need.Ron Thibault Scholarship Fund was created in 2010 to honor the lifeof 1959 BA graduate, Ron Thibault, who worked as a teacher, coachand administrator at BA until his untimely death on Sept. 6, 2009.Proceeds from the Thibault endowment will help students interested inthe arts including Industrial Arts, Band, Choir, Theater and Art.Denis and Mary Varley Family Scholarship Fund provides tuitionscholarship funding for financially needy, hard working students whoare interested in enrolling at BA. (Created in 2008)Strauss Family Scholarship honors the lives of Clemens and R.Annetta Strauss, BA’32. The Strauss’ were great believers inBethlehemAcademy and raised eight children who graduated from BA.Dewey Van Orsow Family Scholarship Fund provides financialassistance for a BAHigh School student who does well in school andenjoys athletic participation.William &Aleen Wells Family Scholarship Fund created inNovember 2008 honors the parents of nine children, eight of whomgraduated from BethlehemAcademy.Proceeds will assist students in grades 9-12 in need of financialassistance.BethlehemAcademy accepts charitable contributions to all of theScholarship Funds listed here. If you would like to make a donation tobenefit and support one or more of these scholarship funds, please usethe Gift Envelope enclosed in this issue of the Traditions Newsletter.We thank you for enriching these funds with your personalcontributions.

Scholarship Funds at Bethlehem Academy


Sponsorship Opportunities Available!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

For Run Information, Registration, Course Map, etc. go and click on Cardinal Cruise.

For questions, contact Sue Erpenbach BA,507-334-3948, Ext. 209


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Join us for an evening of

adventure. The school

will be transformed for

one evening into a western

mexican fiesta. Enjoy the

wonderful aroma of tortillas

filled with tasty mexican

cuisine. Come to our cantina

and purchase a bottomless

beer mug. Attend our silent

and live auctions and find

many treasures. Add to the

fun of the evening by attend-

ing in costume and win the

prize for best costume!

Live Auction!

Bottomless Beer Mugs!

Authentic Mexican Cuisine!Supplied by El Tequila Restaurant

Mercantile!(aka our country store, but this soundsso much better!)

Starts at 7:15 Sharp! Salsa Contest! Bring in your best homemade salsa.Contest categories are:

Best TastingHottest SalsaMost Original Name

(Entry deadline is 6 p.m.)

Silent Auction!

Best Costume!

50 Horses!4-Wheeler Raffle

Ends at 7:00!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


ALUMNI UPDATE 9/15/10 thru 1/15/111943 Congratulations to Betty (Reichert) Waskosky and her husband

Julius, who celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in June2010.

1953 Ed Dusbabek and his wife, Peggy, celebrated their 50 yearwedding anniversary in November 2010.

1953 Erwin Peine, the husband of BA graduate Lorraine (Werner)Peine, passed away Sept. 23, 2010 at the age of 78. Lorrainelives in Vermillion, MN.

1953 Hank Von Ruden and his wife, Kay, celebrated their 50 yearwedding anniversary in November, 2010.

1955 Congratulations to Theresa (Herda) Gucker and her husbandGeorge, who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary onDec. 31, 2010 with family and friends in Meyers Chuck, Alaska.Terry Herda Gucker had her book,Wild by Nature, publishedon in January 2011.

1962 Leo Cashman is working as the executive director of DAMS Intl,based in St. Paul, Minnesota. DAMS-Dental Amalgam MercurySolutions helps to educate the public about dental amalgamfillings, which contain mercury, and other dentistry health issues.

1970 Richard Cook retired in January as the Sheriff ofRice County in Minnesota. Cook served as Sherifffor 12 years, and a total of 34 years in lawenforcement.

1975 Catherine A. Kelly works as the Director of Salesand Marketing at Great Lakes Advisors based inChicago. Catherine is a member of the ResourceCenter for Religious Institutes and has been afeatured speaker on ethics, investments andprofessional development.

1985 Nancy Gruber received her Master of Science degree fromGeorgetown University, in Washington, DC in July 2010.Gruber works in the Critical Care Trauma Unit at Johns HopkinsHospital in Baltimore as a Registered Nurse.

1997 Gabriel Purdie married Kathryn Culhane October 23, 2010 inFaribault. Gabe is employed with Trystar Cable of Faribault andthe couple currently resides in Faribault.

1997 Vanessa Varley married Justin Kane Nov. 9, 2010 in Mexico.Vanessa works at Varley Construction in Faribault and the coupleresides in Faribault.

1999 Misty (Kratt) Bindl has been named Head Girls Track Coach atMarshall, Wisconsin High School. Misty also works as a free-lance photographer in Marshall.

2002 Kelly (Schema) Thoreson is working as an RN at St. Mary’sHospital in Madison, Wisconsin.

2002 Tim Campbell is working as a Spanish teacher in the Gilbert,Arizona public school system.

2002 Sarah (Grabanski) Wiebler is working as a Child Psychologistat the University of Minnesota Hospital. Sarah lives with herhusband Troy in Edina, MN

2003 Mike Ogle married Ginny Winninger August 21,2010. Mike is working as a realtor in the TwinCities area.

2003 Kayla Hunt married Allen Krenz of MedfordJanuary 29, 2011 in Faribault. After graduating from BA, Kaylaattended the Minnesota School of Business. She is employed atRust Consulting in Minneapolis.

2004 Brynn (Weikleenget) Borer graduated from the College of St.Scholastica with a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy inDecember 2010. Brynn is the daughter of Cathy Mathews.Brynn and her husband, Eric, are residing in Brooklyn Park, MN.

2005 Brent Zabel and Jessica Kuhlman were marriedJanuary 14, 2011 in Faribault. Brent is the son ofJann (Pettipiece) Zabel, BA ‘80 and Steve Zabel,and Jessica is the daughter of Amy (Selly)Kuhlman, BA ‘86 and Gary Kulhman.

2005 Matt Wagner is engaged to marry Anna Fritz on September 3,2011 in Faribault. Matt is the son of Beverly Caron-Wagner,BA ’79 and RaymondWagner. Anna is the daughter ofGretchen Curtiss, BA ’71 andMike Fritz.

2009 Bridgette Reuvers is engaged to Matt Slinger ofSt. Paul on June 18, 2011. Bridgette, thedaughter of Gregg, BA ’91 and Jamie (Tuma)Reuvers, BA ’92, is studying anthropology atHamline University.

Bethlehem AcademyClass Reunion PlansBA CLASS OF 1971 was looking ahead to its 40-year reunion with a“planning meeting” held on Saturday, January 31, 2011 at Basher’s inFaribault. Organizers includingMay (White) Golden will have moreinformation on the reunion soon. Classmates can phone May at (507)210-1981 or emailmaygolden@gmail.comThe BAAlumni Office would like to hear from your class when you aremaking reunion plans. Your Alumni Office would be happy to assist youwith CLASS MAILING LISTS and promote the news in futurenewsletters. If your class is planning a Reunion, please contact the BAAlumni Office at 507-334-3948 or email either Jack Kolars or Sue Erpenbach at

Reunion Date Ideas: As classes consider their future reunion plans, someideas for dates could include the first weekend in August as BA schedulesits Golf Classic on the first Friday each August, or at the annual BAHomecoming weekend.

Please contact the BAAdvancement/Alumni Office for more information.

Class Reunion for BA 1960 - The BethlehemAcademy Class of1960 held their 50 year reunion during the first weekend ofOctober 2010, during Homecoming weekend. The class joinedthe students and faculty at the Pep Rally and also rode in theHomecoming Parade. On Saturday, class members met for asteak dinner at Met-Con Construction, compliments of Tom andSandy McDonough. On Sunday the graduates gathered forbrunch at the home of Bernie and Mary Bongers.As classmate Kathy (Brown) Dodds put it, “Everyone enjoyedthe weekend so much, we’ve decided to have a reunion gatheringevery year on the first weekend of October.”

(FRONT ROW) Kneeling L to R—-Kathy (Brown) Dodds, Bernie Bongers,Lucy (Cloutier) Contorno, Gene Greden(2nd Row) —- Nancy (Durand) Goehl, Alice Nadeau, Joanne (Kenny) Olson,Ramona (Trenda) Reichert, Rosie (Fletcher) Poirier, Margaret (Stanton) Lilla,Kathy (Becker) Lange, Nancy (Cashman) Busch, Elaine (Dix) Beaupre.(BACK ROW)—- Denny Sterling, Mary Kay (Erickson) Lockner, Janet(Kaderlik) Langer, Bill Hauer, Kathleen (Plaster) Marie, Bernie Brand, Joy(Neuman) Pirkl, Kirk Andrews, Jane (Strouth) Mayer, Pete Gillen, DennyDudley, Conrad Bahe, Maxine (Nelson) Bauernfeind, Mike Hagerty, TerryFenne, Margaret (Tousignant) Erickson, Cathy (Suech) McCulley, DavePonto, Tom McDonough.Missing from the photo were Dick Archambault, Gerry Dickey, Jim Smisek,Don Novak and Mary Paquette


BETHLEHEM ACADEMY2010-2011 ANNUAL FUNDThe 2010-2011 BethlehemAcademy Annual Fund reached the$72,000 mark at the time of this publication with gifts from the first(300) donors. The drive this year invites charitable donations to meetimmediate needs of school.The BAAnnual Fund is the financial cornerstone to the continuedgrowth and excellence of BethlehemAcademy. The goal of the BA2010-2011 Annual Fund is to raise $125,000 to answer immediateneeds ranging from scholarship assistance for deserving families toeducational needs for students in the BA classroom, and facultydevelopment.The Annual Fund is the single most important appeal at BethlehemAcademy allowing supporters to make charitable contribution todirectly support BA students. Giving to the BA Fund is the best wayfor alumni, parents, grandparents and friends to make a financialdifference in the future of BethlehemAcademy. Your investment on anannual basis to the BA Fund will help to raise funds for importantschool activities including enriched academic programs, facultydevelopment, enhancements to technology and the overall physicalplant of BA.The successful history of the BAAnnual Fund from supporters likeyou has been a key component of BA’s strength. In fact, we have metour Annual Fund goals and have used those donations to keepBethlehemAcademy strong and vibrant.Please join us in continuing this strong Annual Fund giving traditionat BethlehemAcademy with your tax-deductible gift today. Pleasefind enclosed in the Traditions a copy of the Annual Fund campaignbrochure to make your gift. Thank you.

Coming BA EventsEVENING UNDER STARS ....Saturday, January 22, 2011@Bachrach Building-Faribault

PANCAKE BREAKFAST ...........Sunday, March 13, 2011@ BA Cafeteria

BA Cardinal Cruise FUN RUN.....Saturday, April 9, 2011Faribault

BABS NIGHT 2011 ........................Saturday, April 9, 2011@ BA

BAAlumni Tournament ..............Saturday, April 23, 2011Contact Jim Jandro at Gym

EASTER SUNDAY.........................Sunday, April 24, 2011

BA Class of 2011 Graduation ..........Friday, May 27, 2011@ BA

BA CARDINAL CAFÉ ............................July 19-24, 2011@ Rice County Fair

BA COACHES GOLF CLASSIC..Friday, August 5, 2011@ Faribault Golf Club

BA HOMECOMING 2011 .....Friday, September 23, 2011

2010 Bethlehem AcademyVolleyballThe streak of playing for theMinnesota Class A StateVolleyball Championshipended for the BethlehemAcademy girls in November,but the accolades for teammembers and coaches did not.

For those of you who are new to theaccomplishments of BA Girls Volleyball, the team had played for theState Championship from 2002 through 2009, and won the StateCrown four times, always in the odd-numbered years.

This fall, the BA girls ran into a tough and talented team fromWabasha-Kellogg losing in the Section Finals. Wabasha went on towin the State Title.

BethlehemAcademy finished the season at 24-6 and Coach FranzBoelter said the girls showed great heart throughout the year. Aboutnot repeating to the State, Boelter said, “Nobody keeps going to theState Tournament forever. It always has to end and all we can do istry to get back next year. In a sense, the pattern actually continuesbecause we were again an even-numbered year (2010) runner-up tothe State champions. It just happened in the Section finals rather thanthe State finals.”

At the end of the season BA playersJena Budde and Victoria Nass, bothseniors, were named to the MinnesotaAll-State Volleyball team, andassistant coach Sue Jandro wasnamed Section 1AAssistant Coach oftheYear.

Budde finished her career as theschool’s career set assist leader with2,477 set assists, and Nass, who was

the Cardinals’ libero for three years, set a schoolcareer record with 1,792 digs.

The individual awards are part of a strong volleyballprogram at BethlehemAcademy. And that’s whyvolleyball observers in Minnesota are expecting tosee BA knocking on the door for the Section crownand State Tournament berth again in 2011.

Section runner up.

Capital Campaign CornerFacebook:We now have a capital campaignFacebook page entitled “BethlehemAcademyCapital Campaign: Embrace the Miracle.” Pleasevisit it frequently to get updates on the campaign orto ask questions.

CampaignWebsite:We also want to direct yourattention to our new campaign This website will provide a myriadof information including renderings of the buildingplans, overall pledge totals, and participation percentages bygraduating classes, etc. It will be a fun interactive website!

Requests for email addresses:We recently sent out postcardsrequesting your email addresses in an effort to reduce our carbonfootprint. We’ve received over 500 responses so far and hope that therest of you can also provide yours. Just send an email with your name attached. Thanks for yourhelp!

Attention Facefook UsersWe invite you to become a fan of the Bethlehem Academy AlumniAssociation page. We also invite you to join the Bethlehem AcademyAlumni group.

Franz Boelter


105 Third Avenue S.W. | Faribault, Minnesota 55021

Memorial Gifts toFaribault Bethlehem Academy live forever. Your memorial gifts help make educationpossible for today’s

BA students.

Thank You!

. |enue S.Wv105 Third AAv

334aribault, Minnesota 55021F



Memorial Gifts toaribault BethlehemF

.ereve forAcademy livour memorial giftsYYour memorial gifts


help make educationspossible for today’

A students.B

ou!Thank YYou!!

Memorial GiftsDonations received between 9-15-2010 and 1-15-2011 to theBethlehemAcademyMemorial Fund honor the memory ofthe people listed. BethlehemAcademy remembers thesepeople in prayer. Memorial Gift contributions are investedby BethlehemAcademy with proceeds used to benefittoday’s BA students:

Art Amundson, PPBA Class of 1963Helen Benson, PPOttie Brand, PPMary Jean (Carpenter) Wedin, BA ‘59Kelly (Caron) Delesha, PP and PPeggy (Dudley) Schorn, PP & GPVincent Duffney, BA ‘53Connie M. Erickson, PPMary Frejlach. PPWilliam “Bill” GieferMary Ann (Gillis) Smuda, BA ‘60John & Marcelline Hanscom, PPHelen (Healy) Meese, BA ‘46Ruby Hensel, PPKatie (Kalina) Cloutier, BA ‘74Loretta (Kern) Boyer, BA ‘43Ellard Malecha, GPConrad Marquard, PGPCarol McCarthy, BA ‘43Dennis McDermott, BA ‘60Mary (McKenna) Friesen, BA ‘49David NelsonIsabelle NewcombeErin ParkosRussell RadatzJackie Reichert, BA ‘96William ThompsonWayne Shanahan, BA ‘53Deanna (Schilling) Siebenaler, BA ‘56Shirley Schmidt, PFMarcella SlavikCandie Stoner BrandDenis & Mary Varley, PP & PGPEarl WestEsther Zellmer

Communicating Through EmailThe Advancement/Alumni Office at Bethlehem Academy invites you toshare your email address with the school as we compile an updated listof email addresses of BA graduates, parents, past parents andsupporters. Please send us your email address in the enclosed envelope,or email us at either: or serpenbach@bacards.orgor Thank you for your cooperation.

Thanks for SupportingBethlehem AcademyThis may be your first introduction to the events andhappenings at BethlehemAcademy, home to 300 students ingrades 7-12. BethlehemAcademy has been here since 1865and has educated thousands of young people throughout these145 years.

Those previous parishioners who belonged to ImmaculateConception, Sacred Heart and St. Lawrence parishes inFaribault played vital roles in supporting the early history ofBA. Now, members of Divine Mercy Parish are also greatbenefactors for the current and future success of BethlehemAcademy.

We welcome our parishioner friends to the TraditionsNewsletter and thank you for your generous support inkeeping the “Miracle of Education” strong at BA.

Jack KolarsBAAdvancement Office


1923 GirlsBasketball Team


BethlehemAcademy received word in October that DennisMcDermott, BA ‘60, had passed away May 29, 2009 in Minneapolis.Dennis was survived by his wife, Jeanne Topka, who died March24, 2010 in Edina. McDermott enjoyed many careers from workingat the U.S. Navy Television studio in Puerto Rico, to being afilmmaker, photographer, artist and writer. He is survived by hisdaughter, Colleen McDermott, his sister, Colleen Meyer, BA ‘66, andhis sister-in-law, Judy McDermott.

BA learned in November that Helen Benson, PP of Aberdeen, SDhad passed away Aug. 24, 2009. She is survived by her husband,Roland Benson, and four children including Jon, Mary, Carla andJim who all attended Immaculate Conception Grade school. Thefamily moved to South Dakota when Jon was a junior at BA andMary Nelson was a sophomore. Jon andMary both feel they lefttheir hearts at BA.

BethlehemAcademy received word last fall that Loretta (Kern)Boyer, BA ‘43 had passed away on June 22, 2010, at the age of 85.In her youth, Loretta had been trained as a professional stunt riderwith the circus. She married and raised three children in Iowa.

Dr. Dennis Hogan, BA ‘40, passed away July 28, 2010 in Edina, MNat the age of 87. “Doc” was a star track and basketball athlete at BAand played AAU with friends Bruce Smith, Bobby McNamara, FranMiller and Walt Williams. Hogan is survived by his children and byhis sister, Sheila HoganWolfe, BA ‘45. He was preceded in deathby his parents, DD Hogan and Cecelia (Shields) Hogan, BA ‘13.

Arthur “Art” Amundson, PP, age 95 of Faribault, MN diedSeptember 19, 2010. A veteran of World War II, Art and his wife,Rosemary raised six children in Faribault where Art worked as apainter and plasterer. He is survived by his children HaroldAmundson, BA ‘58, TomAmundson, BA ‘59, RosemaryWehl, BA‘66, Phyllis Stade, BA ‘69, Judy Carver, BA ‘71 and RichardAmundson, BA ‘78.

Carol McCarthy, BA ‘43, of Faribault, MN passedaway September 21, 2010 after a lengthy illness.Carol was a retired Social Worker for the Mayo Clinicin Rochester, MN and a longtime supporter of BA. Sheis survived by her sisters, Margaret Patrice Patton,BA ‘41, and Nancy McCarthy, BA ‘48. The familyasks that Memorial Gifts honoring Carol McCarthybe directed to BethlehemAcademy.

In September 2010, BA learned of the passing of LeRoy Ennis, thehusband of Helen (Kitzman) Ennis, BA ‘46. Mr. Ennis passed awayMay 26, 2009.

Jeannette Morris, PP & PGP, died September 27, 2010 at her homein Faribault, MN at the age of 80. A former employee of Ochs Dept.Store and Mealey’s Restaurant, Jeannette is survived by her husband,Lawrence, her two children, Tammy Boe, BA ‘68 and TerryMorris, BA ‘70, and by several grandchildren including Jason Boe,BA ‘89, Heidi Boe, BA ‘92, and Sarah Boe, BA ‘96.

Curtis Amundson, GP, age 78 of Faribault died September 28, 2010.The founder of the C&SVending Company, Amundson saw hiscompany grow successfully since its inception in 1963. He issurvived by his son, Scott Amundson, P; by his daughter, LindaMatakis, and by 11 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.

Michaeleen (Deney) McCoy, BA ‘47, died Sept. 30, 2010 in Hawaiiat the age of 80. Michaeleen was an artist and college teacher. Sheis survived by sisters Donna Dubiel, BA ‘44 andMardell Bair, BA‘46. She was preceded in death by her sister, Luana Bauer, BA ‘57.

Longtime BA supporter Isabelle Carpenter (DuChene) Newcombe,age 99 of Faribault, passed away September 30, 2010. She issurvived by her five children.

Sr. Fidelis Roels, OLVM, BA ‘35, passed away October 7, 2010, at

the age of 94. Sr. Fidelis was a lifelong supporter of BethlehemAcademy. She became a nurse and cared for abused and neglectedbabies in six different states. She was preceded in death by her sister,Ella Roels, BA ‘33. Sr. Fidelis Roels is remembered in our prayers.

Russell Radatz of Faribault, the husband of 1954 graduateGeraldine (Bokman) Radatz, died October 11, 2010, at the age of77. An outstanding high school football player,Mr. Radatz issurvived by his wife, son, and three grandchildren.

Mary Jean (Carpenter) Wedin, BA ‘59, age 68 of Faribault, diedOctober 10, 2010. She is survived by her husband,Marvin, by twodaughters and five grandchildren. Mary is also survived by foursiblings who all graduated from BethlehemAcademy including,Patricia David, BA ‘61, Roger Carpenter, BA ‘65, KennethCarpenter, BA ‘64, and Janice Borgstahl, BA ‘66.

Beverly Ann (Lundin) Rand, BA ‘55, passed away October 12,2010 at the age of 73. Beverly worked as a nurse’s aide in Faribaultfor 27 years before her retirement. She is survived by her fourchildren.

Douglas Blomquist, a long-time BethlehemAcademysports fan, died October 18, 2010 at the age of 62.Blomquist was an avid BA fan proudly wearing his BAletter jacket. He is survived by two aunts and by fosterparents Art and Pam Roberts of Northfield and Joan,Brii and Carol Kindem of Faribault.

Dr. Arie Fischbach, PP, died October 21, 2010 in Minot, NorthDakota at the age of 72. Fischbach is survived by his wife, Rayetta;seven daughters including Sharon Bratrud, BA ‘88, Nicole Weber,BA ‘90 and Sabrina Fischbach Hazel, BA ‘90, He is also survivedby two sons.

Conrad Marquard, PGP, of Omaha, Nebraska, passed away Oct.22, 2010, at the age of 83. Marquard taught Mathematics atCreighton University for 32 years. He is survived by his wife, hischildren and grandchildren, including Luke Marquard, BA ‘97 andMike Marquard, BA ‘01.

Kelly (Caron) Delesha, PP, age 47, passed awayOctober 24, 2010, at her home in Faribault. She issurvived by her husband, Robert Delesha, BA ‘78, andby three sons, Jeff Delesha, BA ‘03, Jacob Delesha,BA ‘06, and Justin Delesha. The family prefers thatmemorial gifts be directed to BethlehemAcademy orDivine Mercy School.

Former BA studentMargaret Ann (Peggy) Oppegard Schorn, whowould have graduated with the Class of 1965, passed away October24, 2010, at the age of 62. Peggy is survived by three children andfourteen grandchildren including her daughter Angel Jeanes, P &PP, and grandchildren Jody Stadler Jeanes, BA ‘00, Laura Jeanes,BA ‘09, Rachel Oppegard, BA ‘10, Dylan Stadler, BA ‘12, and JaxStadler, BA ‘14. She is also survived by her mother,MargaretOppegard, BA ‘32, PP & GP, and by her six siblings includingWilliam Oppegard, BA ‘56, Saverna Chapman, BA ‘58, VictoriaBishko, BA ‘73, Theresa Downs, P, and Ramona Liverseed, PP.

Bette Jane (LaCanne) Scherger, BA ‘69, died Oct. 16, 2010 at theage of 59. She is survived by her husband, Larry, and by her threechildren. She is also survived by five brothers and four sistersincluding Vincent LaCanne, PP, Terry LaCanne, BA ‘64, RobLaCanne, BA ‘65, Harold LaCanne, and Dan LaCanne, PP. Betteis survived by four sisters includingMarilyn Beaupre, BA ‘52, RosePirkl, BA ‘56, Jeannette Hammond, BA ‘62, and Sheila Castle,BA ‘71.

Anthony Navarro, PGP, died October 26, 2010 in Davenport, Iowaat the age of 90. He is survived by his wife and four childrenincluding Ray Navarro, PP, of Faribault. Mr. Navarro is alsosurvived by his grandchildren, including Nicholas Navarro, BA ‘02,

Rest in PeacePlease remember our deceased friends and alumni in your prayers. (Word received between 9-15-10 and 1-15-11)


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Michael Navarro, BA ‘04, Jacob Navarro, BA ‘08 and EliseNavarro, BA ‘10.

Addis Jeno, PP, passed away October 27, 2010 at the age of 92.Addis was a homemaker who raised 12 children. She is survived byeight children includingMarlene Robinson, BA ‘61, andVeronicaHausen, BA ‘74. She was preceded in death by her son, Fred Jeno,BA ‘57.

Ruby Hensel, PP, age 84 of Faribault, passed away Nov. 2, 2010.Ruby was active in her church and community throughout her life.She is survived by five children, including 1987 BA graduate CarolJuvland.

Elizabeth “Liz” Paul, PP, of Faribault, died Nov. 7,2010 at the age of 78. Mrs. Paul is survived by herhusband, Vince Paul, and by her children includingMichael Paul, BA ‘73, Greg Paul, BA ‘74, Tom Paul,BA ‘76, Jeff Paul, BA ‘78, Joseph Paul, BA ‘80, andDan Paul, BA ‘82. The family is asking that Memori-als be directed to the BethlehemAcademy EndowmentFund.

William Giefer, age 91 of Faribault passed away on Nov. 9, 2010. Amember of Divine Mercy Church in Faribault,Mr. Giefer is survivedby three step children; Pat Krenske, BA ‘64, ChuckWilde, BA ‘68,and Dave Wilde. He was preceded in death byMartha (Rezac)Wilde, PP.

Mary Frejlach, PP, passed away Nov. 14, 2010 at theage of 100. Mary is remembered as a tremendouscook, spending 30 years as the cook at the Knights ofColumbus Hall in Faribault. She is survived bydaughters including Grace McDonald, BA ‘49,Shirley Heyer, BA ‘52 and Kathleen McDonald, BA‘58. The family is requesting Memorials honoring

Mary Frejlach be directed to BethlehemAcademy.

Paula Rosen, PP, passed away Nov. 16, 2010 at the age of 49 aftersuffering from multiple illnesses. Paula is survived by her husband,Michael, and sons David and Jordan Rosen, BA ‘09.

Helen (Healy) Meese, BA ‘46, passed away November 17, 2010 inBrookings, SD, following an extended illness. She was 81. Helenworked as a legal secretary before her retirement. She is survived byher three children. She is also survived by her brother Robert Healy,BA ‘48 and her sisterMarie Jasinski, BA ‘52.

Wayne Shanahan, BA ‘53, passed away Nov. 19, 2010 in RapidCity, SD, at the age of 74. Wayne was in the soft drink business formany years. He is survived by his wife, three children, and his sister,Shirley (Shanahan) DuChene, BA ‘46.

David Nelson, age 75 of Faribault, MN died Dec. 20, 2010. He issurvived by his wife, 1950 BA graduate Joanne (Tousignant)Nelson. He is survived by five children and ten grandchildren.

The last surviving member of the BA Class of 1933, Margaret(Culhane) Coleman, passed away Dec. 29, 2010 at the age of 94 inRochester. Margaret worked at the Faribault Regional TreatmentCenter until retirement. She is survived by her daughter, Patricia(Coleman) Hough, BA ‘65, by two grandsons and five greatgrandchildren.

Ellard Malecha, GP, age 75, of Faribault, died Dec. 31, 2010. He issurvived by his wife, Josephine Malecha; by six children includingBruce Malecha, P, and 25 grandchildren, including BA studentsMcDaniel andMitch Malecha.

Deanna (Schilling) Siebenaler, BA ‘56, of Hastings, MN passedaway Dec. 31, 2010 at the age of 72. A retired nursing assistant,Deanna is survived by her husband, Skip, by her four children andeight grandchildren.