Tracking Any GPS with Google maps and Telegram API

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Tracking Any GPS with Google maps and Telegram API

Tracking from android/GPS with Google Maps and Telegram


Developer By :Joel Urtubia2017


Tracking is very used on this days, but always for any device you will need a service provider, and sometimes you need to pay for retrieving this information … this presentation will show you how can you get the position for two devices Android and Gps, store this position and retrieve this information use Google maps and telegram service.



Android libraryGPSTracker = get position from Android device.JSONObject = convert data to Json Objet.HttpURLConnection = send data to ws.

GPS :Capture Raw data and parse it, store into DB

Google Maps:Create a map with google static map.

Telegram api:Used for create bot telegram

Python Socket programming, and mongo python Module.

How is working?

1- Device Android or Cheap GPS send data to Server.2- Server capture pharse data and store in DB.3-Client send a message to Telegram Bot.4- Telegram bot get a request of position to Server .5- with this position create a map with google maps and send to client.


Plus with data mining??1- Tracking and route map from any device.2- Geofence and create alert to telegram user.3-Custumize update and force push maps to telegram bot.4-telegram bot can make some action with Geofence configuration, like send a message to another device, send an email or push a notification to another service .

Jump developer sender data with Traccar.

If you don’t want to developer a client and server for data store , use traccar service. Provider an api for collect the information and has and android/IOS client.More information…


• Joel Urtubia Ugarte.• Electronic Engineer• Expert on SVA services.• Mail:


• Joel Urtubia Ugarte.• Electronic Engineer• Expert on SVA services.• Mail: