TowardsInput/Output-FreeModellingofLinear Infinite ·...

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Towards Input/Output-Free Modelling of LinearInfinite-Dimensional Systems in Continuous Time

Mikael Kurula

PhD Thesis in MathematicsAbo Akademi University

Abo, Finland, 2010

Towards Input/Output-Free Modelling of LinearInfinite-Dimensional Systems in Continuous Time

Mikael Kurula

PhD Thesis in MathematicsAbo Akademi University

Abo, Finland, 2010

Towards Input/Output-Free Modelling of LinearInfinite-Dimensional Systems in Continuous Time

Mikael Kurula

PhD Thesis in MathematicsAbo Akademi University

Abo, Finland, 2010

ISBN 978-952-12-2410-2 (Hard copy)ISBN 978-952-12-2418-8 (Electronic)

Painosalama OyAbo, Finland, 2010


This dissertation describes a networking approach to infinite-dimensional systems the-ory, where there is a minimal distinction between inputs and outputs. We introduceand study two closely related classes of systems, namely the state/signal systems andthe port-Hamiltonian systems, and describe how they relate to each other. Some basictheory for these two classes of systems and the interconnections of such systems is pro-vided. The main emphasis lies on passive and conservative systems, and the theoreticalconcepts are illustrated using the example of a lossless transfer line. Much remains tobe done in this field and we point to some directions for future studies as well.


I avhandlingen introduceras oandligtdimensionella linjara tillstands/signalsystem i kon-tinuerlig tid. En av de viktigaste operationerna inom system- och reglerteorin ar sam-mankoppling av tva delsystem till ett storre system. Sammankoppling i sin allmannasteform av tva oandligtdimensionella system har dock visat sig vara ett utmanande prob-lem. Tillstands/signalsystem ar val lampade for att kopplas samman, eftersom derasviktigaste egenskap ar att systemets insignal och utsignal behandlas sa lika som mojligt.

Ett klassiskt system med forbestamd ingang och utgang kan skrivas om som etttillstands/signalsystem genom att insignalen och utsignalen slas samman till en kombi-nerad yttre signal. En viktig klass av tillstands/signalsystem ar de sa kallade valstalldasystemen, som omvant kan tolkas som ett system med in- och utsignal genom attman spjalker den yttre signalen i en ingang och en utgang pa ett lampligt satt. Iavhandlingen redogors for de grundlaggande egenskaperna for valstallda och passivatillstands/signalsystem.

Forutom valstallda tillstands/signalsystem presenteras ocksa de nara beslaktadeporthamiltonska systemen. Dessa harstammar fran modellering av konservativa, huvud-sakligen ickelinjara, fysikaliska system. I motsats till tillstands/signalsystem i konti-nuerlig tid ar alltsa porthamiltonska system valkanda sedan tidigare. Vi beskriver sam-mankoppling av denna typ av system och hur dessa forhaller sig till tillstands/signal-system. De begrepp som introduceras i avhandlingen illustreras genomgaende med hjalpav transmissionslinjen.

Preface and acknowledgements

The aim of this thesis is to conclude the research that I have conducted at the mathe-matics department of Abo Akademi University between spring 2004 and autumn 2009.The part which deals with Dirac structures originates from my stay at Twente Uni-versity in Enschede, The Netherlands, from June to November 2005, and subsequentvisits in Twente.

I wish to thank all my past and present colleagues at the mathematics departmentof Abo Akademi University for the extraordinarily good atmosphere. Of course, I amin particular indebted to my supervisor, Olof Staffans, for his patience, inspiration andconstant support. I am also very grateful to Arjan van der Schaft and Hans Zwartfor making it possible for me to visit Twente University. It was both a very enrichingexperience and pleasant to be able to work among all the friendly staff and Ph.D.students at the Department of applied mathematics at Twente University.

I want to thank the referees Seppo Hassi and Joseph A. Ball for taking the timeto review my thesis, including the appended articles, and the improvements that theysuggested.

Financial support from the Academy of Finland, the Finnish Graduate School inMathematical Analysis and its Applications and the Marie Curie Control Training Siteis gratefully acknowledged.

I appreciate that I come from a most caring and supportive family, to whom it isalways is very nice to return for a visit. Regrettably, these visits are almost withoutexception too short, and they take place too seldom.

I am also happy to have many good friends, many of which, but certainly not all,are associated with the Karate-Do Shotokai organisation of Sensei Mitsusuke Harada.

You have all brought me much fun, recreation and development through the years!

Abo, 1st April 2010


1 Introduction 11.1 List of included articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Models for linear systems 52.1 Abstract input/state/output systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.2 Introducing state/signal systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.3 A note on boundary control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3 Passive and conservative state/signal systems 193.1 Passive input/state/output systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193.2 The dual of a state/signal node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.3 Passive state/signal systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.4 The Cayley transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4 Port-Hamiltonian systems 294.1 The abstract Hamiltonian system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304.2 Hamiltonian systems with external ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324.3 Interconnection of port-Hamiltonian systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5 A motivating example 39

6 Summaries of the included articles 436.1 Article I: Well-posed state/signal systems in continuous time . . . . . . 436.2 Article II: On passive and conservative state/signal systems . . . . . . . 446.3 Article III: Dirac structures and their composition . . . . . . . . . . . . 456.4 Contributions made to the research field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

7 A few ideas for the future 49

A Brief background on Kreın spaces 51

B Useful function spaces 55

Chapter 1


We study the theory of infinite-dimensional linear systems (distributed-parameter sys-tems) in continuous time from an input/output free perspective. We do this by combi-ning the inputs and outputs of traditional control theory into a single external signaland take a graph approach to modelling linear systems. In this way we obtain astate/signal system; see Chapter 2 for more details. Considering systems theory fromthis point of view has many advantages, in particular when one studies interconnectionof systems.

It is natural to ask the following question as a converse to the above construction:can one turn a state/signal system Σ into a sensible system with inputs and outputsby decomposing the external signal in a suitable way? One typically asks that an inputsignal should be unrestricted in its appropriate input space and that it, together with agiven initial state, should determine both the state and the output of Σ uniquely. An-other way of expressing this is to say that an input should be a maximal free componentof the external signals.

In a general interconnection situation the characteristics of the system, which isthe result of an interconnection, determine which signals can be chosen as an input.It might not be obvious how to choose this input based on the choices of inputs inthe original systems, because interconnection may place additional conditions on thesignals. The choice of output signals for a system is usually more straightforward,because one commonly takes the output to be the external signals which are not partof the input.

By decomposing the external signals into inputs and outputs in different ways, onecan obtain different input/output behaviours, although the system itself essentiallystays the same. Consider, for example, an electrical circuit welded onto a circuit board.The input can often enter the circuit in any of several places and the output can alsobe read off in various places. In this way several different input/output behaviours canbe obtained but the electrical circuit is still the same.

It should be emphasised that the types of interconnection that we are interested inare of a quite general kind. One might for instance need to shrink the state space ofthe system obtained through interconnection in order to make it satisfy the commoncondition that the admissible initial states lie densely in the state space. This situationis not covered by the standard feedback theory.

The article [Sta06] considers state/signal systems in discrete time. There Staffansindicates how seemingly different input/output results can be seen as special cases of aninput/output free state/signal result. In this way, a single unified proof can be given for

2 Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 List of included articles 3

Chapter 2

Models for linear systems

The objective of this chapter is to introduce state/signal systems. We do this by firstintroducing the notion of an abstract input/state/output system and then using thissystem to explain the ideas behind the state/signal system. We begin by discussingthe lossless transfer line, which will act as the standard example in this dissertation.The various function spaces that we use are defined in Appendix B.

Example 2.1. An electrical transfer line consists of two parallel electrical wires throughwhich an electrical current flows. Due to this current a magnetic field emerges aroundthe wires and this results in the wires behaving like inductors. Therefore the wireshave a characteristic inductance per length unit, which we for simplicity set to one. Asthe two cables run parallel to each other, separated by a non-conducting material, theyalso act as a capacitor, say with unit capacitance per length unit. By saying that theline is “lossless”, we mean that the wires have no resistance and that the medium whichinsulates the wires from each other has zero conductance, so that no current leaks fromone wire to the other. Thus the transmission line can be modelled by infinitely manysmall discrete inductors and capacitors as given in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: A piece of the transmission line modelled with smalldiscrete inductors and capacitors. We proceed to study the framedpart more closely.

Now consider a transmission line on the interval [0,∞). Zooming in on the framedpart of Figure 2.1, we obtain Figure 2.2, where we have drawn the part of the trans-mission line which lies between z and z+ l. Here U(z,l) and I(z,l) denote the voltageand current flowing in the left direction at the point z at time t, respectively. Since thetransmission line was assumed to have unit inductivity and capacitivity, the inductanceof L is l henries and the capacitance of C is l farads.

By standard knowledge of ideal inductors, the voltage over the inductor L at timet is l ∂

∂tI is the partial derivative of I with respect to the variable t.The current flowing into the capacitor C at time t is l

∂∂t U(z,t). Applying Kirchhoff’s

6 Chapter 2. Models for linear systems


U(z,t)+ l ∂∂t

I(z+ l,t)




I(z+ l,t)




[I(z+ l,t)−I(z,t)U(z+ l,t)−U(z,t)



Assume now that ∂∂z

U(z,t) and ∂∂z

I(z,t) exist and that ∂∂t

I(z,t) is continuous at z.Letting l→0 in the second line of (2.1), we get the “Telegrapher’s equations”:




[0 ∂




]. (2.2)

We can specify some boundary conditions for the transmission line as well. Forinstance, we are free to vary the current entering the transmission line at any giventime. We call this current an input u, so that u(t)=−I(0,t) for t≥0. We can also read

off a part of the system state


]at time t through an output y. Here we choose

y to be the voltage over the left end of the transfer line, so that y(t)=U(0,t) for t≥0.Note that both the input and the output are obtained by evaluating the system stateon the boundary z =0 of the domain Ω=(0,∞), on which we consider the telegrapher’sequations.

Thus, for a transmission line stretching from z =0 to z =∞ we obtain the followinginitial value problem of boundary control and boundary observation type:







U(z,0)=U0(z) given

I(z,0)= I0(z) given

, t>0, z >0. (2.3)

2.1 Abstract input/state/output systems 7




[0 − ∂


− ∂∂z




The difference between the former and the latter convention is that the direction ofthe current is reversed. In the latter case positive current flows into the transmissionline. It is also more common to consider a transfer line of finite length, but we use theinfinite transfer line because we need it later, in Chapter 5.

2.1 Abstract input/state/output systems

In this section we give some definitions from the abstract input/state/output systemtheory. Although it is not completely obvious, Example 2.1 is a special case of thistheory, as we will see in Section 2.3. Comprehensive expositions of the theory of infinite-dimensional linear input/state/output systems can be found in [CZ95] and [Sta05].

Definition 2.2. Let X be a Hilbert space. A family t→At, t≥0, of bounded linearoperators on X is a semigroup on X if A0 =1 and As+t =AsAt for all s,t≥0.

The semigroup is strongly continuous, or shorter C0, if limt→0+ Atx0 =x0 for allx0 ∈X .

The semigroup is a contraction semigroup if ‖At‖L(X )≤1 for all t≥0, where ‖·‖L(X )

denotes the operator norm.The generator A :X ⊃Dom(A)→X of A is the (in general unbounded) linear op-

erator defined by

Ax0 := limt→0+


t(Atx0−x0), (2.4)

with Dom(A) consisting of those x0 ∈X for which the limit (2.4) exists in X . Thedomain of A is usually equipped with the inner product

(x1,x2)Dom(A) =(x1,x2)X +(Ax1,Ax2)X . (2.5)

The generator A of a C0 semigroup on X is closed and Dom(A) is dense in X ;see [Paz83, Thm 1.2.7]. In particular, Dom(A) is then a Hilbert space with the innerproduct (2.5). It follows immediately from (2.5) that A is a bounded operator fromDom(A) to X . Moreover, Dom(A) is invariant under A: Atx0 ∈Dom(A) for all x0∈Dom(A) and t≥0; see [Sta05, Thm 3.2.1(iii)].

8 Chapter 2. Models for linear systems

dzU0)(0)=0, then the initial conditions

U(z,0)=U0(z) and I(z,0)= I0(z), z≥0, determine f ∈C1(R+;R) as



2, z≥0,


2, z <0.

Substituting this into (2.7), we get










](U0(t−z)+I0(t−z)), 0≤z <t








](U0(z−t)−I0(z−t)), z≥ t≥0.

Using the operators ρ, τ and Rgiven in Definition B.1, we can express this equationconcisely as [





], (2.8)

where Dom(A







)(0)= I0(0)=0


At :=ρ+τ t 1


[1 11 1


[1 00 −1

]Rτ t 1


[1 11 1




[1 −1−1 1

], t≥0. (2.9)

The map At thus describes how a given initial state



]∈Dom(At) is mapped

into the state


]of the system (2.3) at time t≥0 in case the input u is zero.

For every t≥0, the operator At is densely defined and continuous on X :=L2(R+;R2),and we may therefore extend At uniquely to all of X by continuity for all t≥0. Wenow prove that the family t→At, t≥0, is a C0 semigroup on X .

2.1 Abstract input/state/output systems 9

@z@@z 0

]with domain Dom(A)=


0 (R+;R)

]. (2.10)

Note that I0(0)=0 for all I0 such that



]∈Dom(A) for some U0.

The following result has been proved e.g. in [Paz83, Thm 4.1.3].

Lemma 2.3. Let A be a densely defined operator on the Hilbert space X with nonemptyresolvent set and denote x := ∂

@t x. The homogeneous Cauchy problem

x(t)=Ax(t), t>0, x(0)=x0, (2.11)

has a unique solution x∈C1(R+;X ) for every initial value x0 ∈Dom(A) if and only ifA generates a C0 semigroup on X .

According to [Paz83, Thm 1.2.6], a C0 semigroup A is uniquely determined by itsgenerator A in the following way. For every x0∈Dom(A), the function x : t→A

tx0,t≥0, is the unique continuously differentiable solution of the initial value problemx(t)=Ax(t), t≥0, x(0)=x0. Thus (2.8) is the unique solution in C1(R+;X ) of thesystem (2.3) with u=0, U0 ∈H1(R+;R) and I0∈H1

0 (R+;R).

Let A be a closed operator on the Banach space X . The resolvent set Res(A) of A isthe set of all λ∈C such that λ−A maps Dom(A) one-to-one onto X . The complementC\Res(A) of the resolvent set is called the spectrum of A. From [Sta05, Thm 3.2.9(i)]we know that Res(A) 6=∅ for every C0-semigroup generator.

Let α∈Res(A) and assume that X1 :=Dom(A) with the norm ‖x‖1 :=‖(α−A)x‖Xis dense in X . Denote by X−1 the completion of X with respect to the norm ‖x‖−1 =‖(α−A)−1x‖X . The operator A can also be considered as a continuous operator whichmaps the dense subspace X1 of X into X−1, and we denote the unique continuousextension of A to an operator X →X−1 by A|X .

Now take X , U and Y to be Banach spaces and let x∈C1(R+;X ), u∈C(R+;U),and y∈C(R+;Y). We turn our attention to the abstract partial differential equation




], t≥0, x(0)=x0 given, (2.12)

where the so-called input/state/output system node S is a closed operator, which maps

a dense subset of




]. By projecting S onto




], respectively,

we can always write S =








10 Chapter 2. Models for linear systems

@t x. The signal u is called the input signal, x is the state trajectory, and yis the output signal.

2.1 Abstract input/state/output systems 11

12 Chapter 2. Models for linear systems

2.2 Introducing state/signal systems 13


Yw‖p +‖PYU w‖p)1/p ≤‖w‖W ≤C(‖PU

Yw‖p +‖PYU w‖p)1/p. (2.20)

Definition 2.9. Let X be a Hilbert space and W a Kreın space, and let V ⊂K. Wesay that (V ;X ,W) is a state/signal node if V has the following properties:

(i) The space V is closed in the norm





X +‖x‖2X +‖w‖2

W .

(ii) The space V has the property


∈V =⇒ z =0.

(iii) There exists some T >0 such that




∈V ∃[


]∈V[0,T ] :







We are now finally able to define the notion of a state/signal system.

Definition 2.10. Let (V ;X ,W) be a state/signal node and I a subinterval of R withpositive length.

The space W(I) of generalised trajectories generated by V on I is the closure of

V(I) in

[C(I;X )


]. By this we mean that that


]∈W(I) if and only if there

exists a sequence



]∈V(I), such that






[C(I;X )


]as n→∞.

We abbreviate W[0,∞) by W.The triple Σs/s =(W;X ,W) is the state/signal system induced by (V ;X ,W).

In [KS09, Def. 3.1] we define the space Wp of generalised trajectories to be the

closure of V(I) in

[C(I;X )


]for an arbitrary finite p≥1, and we call the elements

of Wp “Lp trajectories”. In this summary, however, we restrict us to one p for simplicity,and the natural choice for passive systems is p=2.

When working with state/signal nodes and systems one needs to make some extraassumptions on the state/signal node, because Definition 2.9 imposes very little struc-ture. We have made this choice deliberately in order to keep the state/signal node ageneral and flexible object. Typically one assumes the existence of an admissible orwell-posed input/output decomposition of the external signal space W, and we nowproceed to describe what these assumptions mean.

14 Chapter 2. Models for linear systems

2.2 Introducing state/signal systems 15

16 Chapter 2. Models for linear systems

2.3 A note on boundary control 17

@z@@z 0

],[ϕ0 0

],[0 −ϕ0


of operators defined on Z =H1(R+;R2), where ϕa denotes evaluation at a∈R of a

function which can be evaluated at a. Taking x(t)=


]in H1(R+;R2), we can

write the system (2.3) in the form:




x(t), t>0, x(0)=




Here ∂@ z U(t) should be interpreted as ( ∂

@ z U)(t).

We only need to verify that[


]is closed and G surjective in order to prove that

(L,K,G) is an internally well-posed boundary node on (U ,X ,Y)=(R,L2(R+;R2),R),because A=L

∣∣N (G)

generates the C0 semigroup (2.9) on L2(R+;R2).

The operator[


]is closed due to the fact that K, G and L are all bounded from

the Hilbert space Z to their respective co-domains; see Definition B.3. The operator

G is also surjective, because for all a∈R the function fa(z) :=



]lies in

Z =H1(R+;R2) and Gfa =a.The system node and the generating subspace induced by (L,K,G) are



[0 ∂

@ z@@z 0


[ϕ0 0


[1 00 1


[0 −ϕ0



and V =

[0 ∂

@ z@@z 0


[1 00 1


[ϕ0 00 −ϕ0



respectively. Note that this example is completely very from Example 2.12, althoughthey both in a sense treat the transfer line.

Chapter 3

Passive and conservativestate/signal systems

We now proceed to describe passivity in the context of state/signal systems. We dothis by first looking at input/state/output systems. The assumption that a systemis passive essentially means that it has no internal energy sources, and thus it is notvery restrictive. However, it implies a significant amount of useful extra structure. Forinstance, it gives us a way to construct a well-posed input/output pair, and this isessential, because there seems not to exist any general way of finding an admissibleinput/output pair for an arbitrary given state/signal node, even if one knows that oneexists.

3.1 Passive input/state/output systems

The following definition agrees with [Sta05, Sec. 6.2]. The definition makes use of theadjoint of an unbounded operator; see Definition A.4 and the comment thereafter.

Definition 3.1. Let


]be an operator node on the Hilbert-space triple (U ,X ,Y).


[A&B ′




]∗is called the causal dual of


]. Moreover, the oper-


[−A&B ′


]is the anti-causal dual of



The causal dual of a system node is also a system node and the anti-causal dual isa time-reflected system node; see [Sta05, Lem. 6.2.14].

Definition 3.2. A system node


]is scattering passive if it is L2-well-posed

with KT =1, i.e., for some T >0 all classical input/state/output trajectories (u,x,y) of[A&BC&D

]on [0,T ] satisfy

∀t∈ [0,T ] : ‖x(t)‖2X −‖x(0)‖2

X ≤∫ t


‖u(s)‖2U ds−

∫ t


‖y(s)‖2Yds. (3.1)

20 Chapter 3. Passive and conservative state/signal systems

3.2 The dual of a state/signal node 21

22 Chapter 3. Passive and conservative state/signal systems

3.3 Passive state/signal systems 23


X =(x(t),x(t))X +(x(t),x(t))X =[w(t),w(t)]W .

Thus, if


]∈V is a classical trajectory of some state/signal node and t≥0, then

p(t) :=





=[w(t),w(t)]W−(x(t),x(t))X −(x(t),x(t))X

describes the energy absorbed through the external signals, which is not stored in thestate, per time unit.

If p(t)>0, then the trajectory


]dissipates energy at a rate of p(t) per time

unit at time t. If p(t)<0, then


]accumulates energy at a rate of |p(t)| per time

unit and if p(t)=0 then


]preserves energy at time t. This motivates the following


Definition 3.6. An ordinary state/signal node (V ;X ,W) is dissipative if V ≥0. Thestate/signal node is energy preserving if V is neutral: [v,v]K=0 for all v∈V .

A state/signal node is passive if V is a maximally nonnegative subspace of K. Thestate/signal node is conservative if V is a Lagrangian subspace of K.

According to Proposition 4.3 and Corollary 4.4 of [Kur10], dissipativity and energypreservation can be characterised in terms of the system trajectories. A state/signalnode is dissipative if there exists a T >0 such that

∀t∈ [0,T ] : ‖x(t)‖2X −‖x(0)‖2

X ≤∫ t


[w(s),w(s)]W ds (3.10)

for all generalised trajectories


]∈W[0,T ]. A dissipative state/signal node (V ;X ,W)

is passive if its state/signal dual (V [⊥];X ,W) is dissipative in the time-reflected sensethat

∀t∈ [T,0] : ‖xd(0)‖2X −‖xd(t)‖2

X ≥∫ 0


[wd(s),wd(s)]W ds (3.11)

for some T <0 and all




The intuitive interpretation of (3.10) is that the energy ‖x(t)‖2 stored in the stateat time t∈ [0,T ] never exceeds the energy of the initial state ‖x(0)‖2 plus the totalenergy

∫ t

0[w(s),w(s)]W ds absorbed from the environment.

The following theorem was proved as Theorem 4.5 of [Kur10]. The theorem isof fundamental importance for the theory of passive state/signal systems, becauseit establishes that every fundamental input/output pair is admissible for a passivestate/signal node.

24 Chapter 3. Passive and conservative state/signal systems

3.4 The Cayley transformation 25

26 Chapter 3. Passive and conservative state/signal systems

3.4 The Cayley transformation 27


1 α 0−1 α 0

0 0√


is Kreın uni-

tary from K given in (2.19) to Kd given in (3.18). Moreover, the bounded inverse of Cα

is C−1α = 1√


α −α 01 1 0

0 0√



The proof is straightforward and therefore omitted.

Definition 3.12. The operator Cα in Lemma 3.11 is the Cayley transformation withparameter α∈C+.

Given any continuous-time state/signal node (V ;X ,W) and α∈C+, we call thetriple (CαV ;X ,W) the Cayley transform with parameter α of (V ;X ,W).

The Cayley transformation commutes with the operation of taking state/signalnode adjoints, i.e.,

Cα(V [⊥])=(CαV )[⊥]d,

where [⊥] denotes the orthogonal companion in K and [⊥]d denotes the orthogonalcompanion in Kd. This is a direct consequence of the Kreın-unitarity of Cα.

Theorem 3.13. Let Σop =


];X ,U ,Y

)be an operator node representation of

a continuous-time state/signal node, and assume that α∈Res(A)∩C+. Then

CαV =

A B1X 0C D+1U


], (3.19)

where [A BC D



√2Reα(α−A|X )−1B√

2ReαC(α−A)−1 D(α)

]. (3.20)

The operator 1+A is injective with range dense in X .The triple (CαV ;X ,W) is a discrete state/signal node. Moreover, (CαV ;X ,W) is

passive (conservative) if and only if (V ;X ,W) is passive (conservative).If (V;X ,W) is a passive discrete-time state/signal node with the property that[−x


]∈V=⇒x=0, then (C−1

α V;X ,W) is a passive continuous-time state/signal node

for all α∈C+.

We omit the straightforward proof because it requires a significant amount of space.

Remark 3.14. The condition[−x


]∈CαV =⇒x=0 is equivalent to the condition



V =⇒x=0. If (V ;X ,W) is passive and (3.19) holds, then the condition is also equiv-alent to the injectivity of 1+A.

Also note that A=(α+A)(α−A)−1 in (3.20) is the standard operator Cayley trans-formation which maps a dissipative (skew-adjoint) operator A into a contractive (uni-tary) operator A.

Chapter 4

Port-Hamiltonian systems

In this chapter Dirac structures and port-Hamiltonian systems defined on Hilbertspaces are presented. We investigate how port-Hamiltonian systems relate to thepreviously-discussed state/signal systems. The notions and notation in this chapterare a bit different from the preceding chapters, because the historical background isdifferent, as port-Hamiltonian systems originate from modelling of nonlinear physicalsystems using differential forms and geometrical methods; see [MvdS05].

One of the technical differences between this chapter and the previous chapters isthat we consider Hilbert spaces over the real field in this chapter, whereas we usuallyassume that the field which underlies X and W is complex when we study state/signalsystems. This difference, however, does not change anything conceptual and, in fact,many of the proofs in [Kur10] and [KZvdSB09] make no assumptions on the underlyingfield. Some proofs, however, might differ slightly between the real and the complexcases. The following simple lemma exposes another essential connection between thereal and the complex cases.

Lemma 4.1. Let B be a real Kreın space with inner product [·,·]B. Define K :=B+ iBwith inner product

[b1 + ib2,b3 + ib4

]K:= [b1,b3]B +[b2,b4]B + i[b2,b3]B− i[b1,b4]B, bk ∈B. (4.1)

Then K is a complex Kreın space and [b1,b2]K=[b1,b2]B for all b1,b2 ∈B.Let D⊂B and define V :=D+ iD. The orthogonal companion V [⊥] of V in K is

V [⊥] =D[⊥]B + iD[⊥]

B , (4.2)

where D[⊥]B is the orthogonal companion of D in B.

Moreover, D is a neutral subspace of B if and only if V is a neutral subspace of K.In particular, the space D is Lagrangian if and only if V is Lagrangian.

Proof. Let B=B+ ∔B− be a fundamental decomposition of B. We now show thatK=K+∔K−, where K± :=B±+ iB±, is a fundamental decomposition of K. Obviously,K+ +K− =(B+ +B−)+ i(B+ +B−)=K and, moreover, k∈K+∩K− implies k = b1 + ib2,where bk ∈B+∩B− =0. Thus K=K+∔K−. From (4.1) we have that

[b1 + ib2,b1 + ib2]K=[b1,b1]B +[b2,b2]B (4.3)

and therefore K+ is a Hilbert space whenever B+ is a Hilbert space. Analogously,K− is an anti-Hilbert space if B− is an anti-Hilbert space. Moreover, (4.1) is zero ifb1 + ib2 ∈K+ and b3 + ib4 ∈K−, because B+[⊥]B−.

30 Chapter 4. Port-Hamiltonian systems

Lemma 4.1 is not as limited as it might seem at first, due to the fact that the deriva-tives of the real and imaginary parts of a complex-valued functionf(z,t)= g(z,t)+ih(z,t), with real arguments, t>0 and z∈R

n, are computed separately: ∂f∂t


(z,t)+ i∂h∂t

(z,t), g(z,t) and h(z,t)∈R. Therefore many complex Lagrangian sub-spaces V can be decomposed into a direct sum V =D∔ iD, where D is a real Lagrangiansubspace.

4.1 The abstract Hamiltonian system

We need two ingredients in order to define a Hamiltonian system. The first one is a so-called Dirac structure, which describes how the system behaves under interconnection.The second ingredient is a Hamiltonian, which measures the total energy of the systemat any given state; see Sections 4.2 and 4.4 of [MvdS05].

The Dirac structure was first introduced by Courant [Cou90] and Dorfman, see e.g.[Dor93], and they were adapted to the Hilbert-space context by Parsian and ShafeiDeh Abad in [PSDA99]. Infinite-dimensional Dirac structures have later been studiedin e.g. [PSDA99, GIZvdS04, LGZM05, ISG05, KZvdSB09].

In the set-up of Courant and Dorfman one starts with a linear space E and aduality pairing 〈·,·〉〈F ,E〉 between the so-called space E of efforts and its dual, the so-called space F =E ′ of flows. These efforts and flows should be “power conjugated”, sothat 〈e,f〉〈E,F〉 can be interpreted as power. One then defines the bond space as the

product B :=F×E =


]equipped with the bi-linear power product

⟨[f 1



[f 2


]⟩:= 〈e1,f 2〉〈E,F〉+〈e2,f 1〉〈E,F〉. (4.4)

We denote the orthogonal companion of D⊂B with respect to the power product(4.4) by D〈⊥〉, so that

D〈⊥〉 :=

[f ′




]∈D :

⟨[f ′






4.1 The abstract Hamiltonian system 31

δx, which is given by:

∀ξ∈E :




E= lim



h, (4.6)

where it is essential that h∈R.In the linear setting, a natural choice of Hamiltonian is the quadratic form



E , that hasδHδx

(x)=x, because

∀ξ∈X : limh→0


h= lim


(x+hξ,x+hξ)X −(x,x)X2h

=(x,ξ)E .(4.7)

In the distributed-parameter case, the Hamiltonian is usually of the form




where Ω is the domain on which the partial differential equation is considered; see[MvdS05, Sect. 4.4].

32 Chapter 4. Port-Hamiltonian systems





dt(x(t),x(t))E =


2( _ x(t),x(t))E +


2( x(t),x(t))E =(x(t),x(t))E . (4.8)

Using the chain rule of the Gateaux differential, one can show that (4.8) more generallyhas the form







for nonquadratic Hamiltonians. A system which preserves the total energy shouldsatisfy d

dtH(x(t))=0 for all trajectories x and all t≥0. This agrees with the following

definition of an abstract Hamiltonian system.

Definition 4.3. Let D⊂F×E be a Dirac structure and assume that H :E→R has avariational derivative. Let x : t→E , t≥0, be a differentiable trajectory taken by theenergy storing elements of some physical system.

The internal flows at time t≥0 are given by fx(t)= rE,F x(t) and the internal effortsare ex(t)= δH

δx(x(t)). The Hamiltonian system associated with the Dirac structure D

and the Hamiltonian H is the set of internal flow/effort pairs (fx,ex) for which theinclusion [


]∈D, t≥0, (4.10)

makes sense and is satisfied.

In order to connect the Hamiltonian system in Definition 4.3 to other systems, weneed to open up ports to the world outside of the system. This is the topic of the nextsection.

4.2 Hamiltonian systems with external ports

We now introduce the external efforts e∂ and flows f∂, which take values in the Hilbertspaces E∂ and F∂, respectively. These external signals are assumed to be power conju-gated, so that the amount of energy flowing into the system through the external portsper time unit is given by (r∂e∂,f∂)F∂

, where r∂ :E∂ →F∂ is some given unitary operator.In particular we must demand that E∂ and F∂ are of the same cardinality. All energyexchange is assumed to take place through the external ports and we thus arrive at thecondition


dtH(x(t))=(x(t),x(t))E =(r∂e∂(t),f∂(t))F∂

, (4.11)

which should be satisfied for all system signals




We remark that the notation f∂, e∂ originates from Dirac structures of boundarycontrol type, where the external ports are given by the internal efforts evaluated at theboundary; see e.g. [MvdS05] or [LGZM05].

4.2 Hamiltonian systems with external ports 33

2‖x‖2E , is the set of all quadruples


]of functions, such that

x∈C1(R+;Ex), f∂ ∈C(R+;F∂), e∂ ∈C(R+;E∂), for which the following inclusion holds:


∈D, t≥0. (4.12)

In the case of an electrical circuit, the port effort e∂ has the interpretation ofvoltage over the port, whereas the port flow f∂ is the electrical current flowing intothe system. An abstract port-Hamiltonian system is illustrated graphically in Figure4.1. We will later expand this figure to illustrate the interconnection of two port-Hamiltonian systems in the next section.




Figure 4.1: The abstract port-Hamiltonian system induced by theDirac structure D and the Hamiltonian H.

Remark 4.5. We sometimes need to consider systems which are of port-Hamiltoniantype, i.e., a system described by a subspace D⊂B, a Hamiltonian H and the inclusion(4.12), but where D is not necessarily a Dirac structure. In this case we refer to D asthe interconnection structure of Σ.

Evaluating the power product [·,·]B for a trajectory


]at time t we obtain















34 Chapter 4. Port-Hamiltonian systems

@z@@z 00 −ϕ0

ϕ0 0



], eU ,eI ∈H1(R+;R)

. (4.14)

Then e∂ represents the voltage at the left end of the transfer line and f∂ is thecurrent flowing into the transfer line at the left end, because eI(0,t) is the currentflowing out from the transfer line, according to Figure 2.2. It is rather straightforwardto prove that D is a Dirac structure, e.g. using [KZvdSB09, Thm 4.3].

In the approximation of the transfer line by discrete capacitors and inductors, whichwas presented in Figure 2.2, the energy-storing elements are the inductors and thecapacitors. The energy stored in the inductor L is 1

2|I(z+ l)|2 and the energy in the

capacitor C is 12|U(z)|2. Therefore, letting l→0+, we obtain that the inductance and

capacitance distributed along the whole transfer line store the energy. The total energyof the transfer line is then given by




∫ ∞



2(|U(z)|2 + |I(z)|2)dz (4.15)

and the Hamiltonian density can be read out from (4.15) as H



)= 1

2(|u(z)|2 +

|i(z)|2), z∈Ω=(0,∞).

4.3 Interconnection of port-Hamiltonian systems 35





f∂ =−I(0,t)

e∂ =U(0,t)

, t>0, z >0. (4.16)

Note that this is the same system as (2.3), with f∂ =u and e∂ =y. In (2.3), however,u and y are regarded as the input and output, respectively, of the system, whereas in(4.16), there is neither input nor output. The signals e∂ and f∂ are rather consideredto be general port variables and the input and output of (4.16) should be chosen asappropriate functions of these port variables; see [LGZM05, Sect. 4].

It seems to be common not to prove the existence of solutions of port-Hamiltoniansystems mathematically. Often physical reasons are considered to imply existence ofthese solutions.

Remark 4.7. Assume that Ψ is a unitary operator from E∂ to F∂. Applying (4.1)to (4.13) in the case Ex =Fx =X ,E∂ =U ,F∂ =Y ,rx =1,r∂ =Ψ, we obtain (3.14) butwith a change of sign. Lemma 4.1 then yields that a subspace D of B is Lagrangianwith respect to [·,·]B if and only D+ iD⊂K is Lagrangian with respect to [·,·]

K. This

further shows how closely Dirac structures are connected to impedance representationsof conservative state/signal systems.

We conclude that the terminology and notation of port-Hamiltonian systems dif-fers from that of state/signal systems, but that the idea is essentially the same. How-ever, neither approach can be considered a special case of the other, because port-Hamiltonian systems are usually allowed to be nonlinear, whereas state/signal systemsallow more general forms of energy exchange through the external ports.

4.3 Interconnection of port-Hamiltonian systems

and composition of Dirac structures

In order to be able to interconnect two port-Hamiltonian systems, we have to split theefforts and flows into two parts. One part is reserved for interconnection and the otherpart contains the rest of the variables. In the most general case we split both the portvariables and the internal efforts and flows.

For the internal effort and flow spaces, the splitting is done by setting Ex =Ex,1⊕Ex,2

and Fx =Fx,1⊕Fx,2, where e.g. Ex,2 is the part of the internal effort which is dedicatedto interconnection and Ex,1 contains the “remaining” internal efforts. Similarly we setE∂ =E∂,1⊕E∂,2 and F∂ =F∂,1⊕F∂,2 for the external efforts and flows. Then we groupthe interconnection and remaining signals together by setting E1 :=Ex,1⊕E∂,1, F1 :=Fx,1⊕F∂,1, E2 :=Ex,2⊕E∂,2, and F2 :=Fx,2⊕F∂,2. These splittings should be performedin such a way that there exist unitary operators r1 :E1→F1 and r2 :E2→F2.

36 Chapter 4. Port-Hamiltonian systems

4.3 Interconnection of port-Hamiltonian systems 37







∈DA and















we immediately see that the flows and the efforts of the interconnected system liveon the so-called composition D =DADB of DA and DB, which we describe in thefollowing definition.

Definition 4.9. Let Fi and Ei, i=1,2,3, be Hilbert spaces and let

DA ⊂ (F1⊕F2)×(E1⊕E2) and DB ⊂ (F3⊕F2)×(E3⊕E2) (4.17)

be split Dirac structures. Then the composition DA DB of DA and DB (throughF2×E2) is defined as






∣∣∣∣∃f2,e2 :





∈DA and







The bond space of the composition is the space B := (F1⊕F3)×(E1⊕E3) equippedwith the power product

f 11

f 13




f 21

f 23





([f 1


f 13


[r1 00 r3






([r1 00 r3




[f 2


f 23




It is readily verified that the power product on B is obtained as the sum of the powerproducts on BA and BB in the sense that (f1,f2,e1,e2)∈DA and (f3,−f2,e3,e2)∈DB

imply that

































. (4.18)

Therefore the composition of two Dirac structures always satisfies [d,d]B=0 for all

d∈DA DB. In the case where E2 and F2 have finite dimension, DA DB is always aDirac structure, as can be seen from [KZvdSB09, Cor. 3.8]. However, in the Hilbert-space case it is not always true that [d,d]B

=0 for all d∈ (DA DB)[⊥], so that D is nota Dirac structure. For a counterexample see [Gol02, Ex. 5.2.23].

38 Chapter 4. Port-Hamiltonian systems

Chapter 5

A motivating example

We now continue Example 4.6 and at the same time we further connect the state/signalframework to that of the Dirac structures by treating Example 3.9 from [KZvdSB09]within the state/signal framework. The function spaces which appear in this chapterhave complex scalar fields.

We will use Theorem [Kur10, Thm 4.11] and for the convenience of the readerwe include the relevant parts of that theorem here. Recall from Corollary 3.5 that ifthe input/output pair (U ,Y) is admissible for the subspace V ⊂K, then (U [⊥],Y [⊥]) isadmissible for the orthogonal companion V [⊥].

Theorem 5.1. Assume that V ⊂K has the property that[


]∈V =⇒ z =0.

Then (V ;X ,W) is a conservative state/signal node if and only if V =V [⊥]. Thisholds if and only if V satisfies the following three conditions:

(i) The space V is neutral: [v,v]K=0 for all v∈V .

(ii) There exists an admissible input/output pair (U ,Y) for V such that also the dualpair (U [⊥],Y [⊥]) is an admissible input/output pair for V .

(iii) The main operators of the operator node representations A× and Ad of V andV [⊥], see Definitions 2.4 and 2.11, corresponding to the dual input/output pair(U [⊥],Y [⊥]) have non-disjoint resolvent sets:



)6=∅. (5.1)

Let Ex,1 =Fx,1 =E2 =F2 =L2(R+;C) and E∂,1 =F∂,1 =C, and let the bond space be

B=F×E =(Fx,1⊕F∂,1⊕F2)×(Ex,1⊕E∂,1⊕E2)

with power product (4.5), where rE,F is the identity operator on E =F .By Lemma 4.1, (4.14) is a real Dirac structure if and only if

DA :=













0 ∂


0 −ϕ0

ϕ0 0



], ex,1,e2 ∈H1(R+;C)


40 Chapter 5. A motivating example

@z@@z i0 −ϕ0

ϕ0 0



], ex,1,e2 ∈H1(R+;C)


0 ∂@ z

0 −ϕ0

1 0ϕ0 0



] ∣∣∣∣ e2 = i∂

∂zex,1, ex,1,e2 ∈H1(R+;C)


i ∂2

@ z 2

−iϕ0∂@ z




Denote L := i ∂2

@ z 2 , K :=−iϕ0∂@ z and G :=ϕ0, all defined on Dom(L) :=H2(R+;C). Let

X :=L2(R+;C) and let W :=C2 with

[[f 1



[f 2



W=f 1

∂e2∂ +e1

∂f2∂ .

Note that U =


]and Y =



]satisfy U [⊥] =U and Y [⊥] =Y in W, i.e., that

the input/output pair (U ,Y) is Lagrangian. If this input/output pair is admissiblefor V :=DA DB, then the corresponding main operators A and A× in Theorem 5.1coincide.

Moreover, the composition DA DB is a neutral or Lagrangian subspace of thecomplex bond space B if and only if it is neutral or Lagrangian, respectively, in the

node space K, because [·,·]K=−[·,·]B, cf. Remark 4.7. Obviously V :=




satisfies the condition[


]∈V =⇒ z =0. Theorem 5.1 therefore yields that DA DB is

a Dirac structure if and only if (DA DB;X ,W) is a conservative state/signal node.The composition DA DB satisfies condition (i) of Theorem 5.1 due to (4.18). We

now show that (U ,Y) is an admissible input/output pair for DA DB by showing that(L,K,G) is a boundary node on (U ,X ,Y)=(C,L2(R+;C),C) and applying [MS06, Thm2.3]; see Section 2.3.


1+zlies in H2(R+;C) and

Gf =a. We are done proving that (L,K,G) is a boundary node if we manage to provethat

A :=L∣∣N (ϕ0)

= i∂2




generates a C0 semigroup on X . According to Stone’s Theorem [Paz83, Thm 1.10.8],every skew-adjoint operator A, i.e. every operator which satisfies A∗ =−A, generatesa C0 semigroup of unitary operators.

The spectrum of a skew adjoint operator lies on the imaginary axis. Indeed, ifA∗ =−A then (iA)∗ = iA, and it is well-known that the spectrum of a self-adjointoperator is real. This means that C+∪C−⊂Res(A), which obviously implies (5.1)when we take into account that A× =A. We now proceed to prove that A in (5.4) isskew-adjoint on X =L2(R+;C).

Firstly, A is skew-symmetric, because for all x∈Dom(A)=N (G):







=−(x,Ax)X −(Ax,x)X =0.

By Definition A.4, this implies that Ax=−A∗x for all x∈Dom(A), and we still needto show that Dom(A∗)⊂Dom(A).

Therefore assume that y∈Dom(A∗). Integrating twice by parts, we get for allx∈Dom(A) that:

(Ax,y)X =

∫ ∞



∂z2(z)y(z)dz = i





− i

∫ ∞







∂z(0)y(0)− i






+ i

∫ ∞










X=(x,A∗y)X .


The space of all x∈H2(R+;C), such that x(0)=0 and ∂x@ z (0)= i, is well-known to be

dense in L2(R+;C). We can therefore find a sequence xn ∈H2(R+;C) which tends tozero in L2(R+;C) and satisfies xn(0)=0 and ∂xn

@ z (0)= i. Then the last line of (5.5)yields that (




X+(xn,A∗y)X =y(0),

where the left-hand side tends to zero by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. This provesthat y(0)=0 for all y∈Dom(A∗), which means that Dom(A∗)⊂Dom(A) and we arefinished proving that A is skew-adjoint. Thus (DA DB)[⊥] =DADB.

42 Chapter 5. A motivating example

Chapter 6

Summaries of the included articlesand their contributions

This chapter contains short summaries of the three articles included in this dissertation.Accounts of their relevance for the research field of infinite-dimensional linear systemsare also provided.

6.1 Article I: Well-posed state/signal systems in

continuous time

We introduce the class of Lp-well-posed state/signal systems for 1≤p<∞ and presenttheir basic properties. This paper is mostly a technical exposition of how to representthese systems and how to work with their trajectories, but we also give Examples6.8 and 6.9, which indicate how systems that behave badly in the input/state/outputsetting can be modelled within the state/signal framework.

In Article I we characterise the well-posed input/output pairs of a given well-posed state/signal system in various ways and show how to obtain the correspond-ing input/state/output representations; see Definition 2.7, Theorem 4.13 and The-orem 6.6 of [KS09]. A comparison of classical and generalised trajectories of thestate/signal node and how they relate to the classical and generalised trajectories ofan input/state/output representation is also an essential part of this article; also seeSection 5 of the article.

It is clear that every state/signal node determines a state/signal system uniquelythrough Definitions 2.9 and 2.10, but the converse still remains an open question.We prove in [KS09, Section 6] that there always exists a unique maximal state/signalnode Vmax, which generates a well-posed state/signal system. Here maximality meansthat if Vmax is maximal and V ′ generates the same space of generalised trajectories asVmax, then V ′⊂Vmax. The maximal generating state/signal node of an Lp-well-posedstate/signal node is Lp-well-posed. The converse of the above question, however, isstill open; I do not know if a well-posed state/signal system (W;X ,W) determines agenerating well-posed state/signal node (V ;X ,W) uniquely if the maximality conditionis dropped.

44 Chapter 6. Summaries of the included articles

6.3 Article III: Dirac structures and their composition 45

46 Chapter 6. Summaries of the included articles

6.4 Contributions made to the research field 47

Chapter 7

A few ideas for the future

The study of state/signal systems and irregular interconnection of infinite-dimensionalsystems has merely been started and much remains to be done. Many questions remainto be answered in connection with stability, the properties of the state/signal dual andthe properties of impedance representations. The articles by Arov and Staffans ondiscrete-time state/signal systems contain a large number of results, which should beconsidered in continuous time as well. In particular the frequency-domain behaviourof state/signal systems should be worked out.

Also regarding interconnection there is much work undone. The results presentedin [KZvdSB09] should be generalised to more general types of interconnection. Onemay also ask when an interconnection of two state/signal systems is a regular feed-back interconnection of two input/state/output systems and which system behaviourscan be achieved through interconnection with a controller. The finite-dimensionalformulations of these problems can be found in [JWBT05]. A study in which caseswell-posedness is preserved by interconnection also remains to be done.

Finally, the state/signal framework needs to be tested on more complicated physicalexamples. This will surely open up many new interesting questions, which will givedirections for future research.

Appendix A

Brief background on Kreın spaces

In this appendix we collect some standard terminology and results from the theory ofKreın spaces. More background can be found e.g. in [AS07a] and [Bog74]. The claimswe make here were proved in the appendix of [Kur10].

Definition A.1. The vector space (W;[·,·]W), where [·,·]W is an indefinite sesquilinearproduct, is an anti-Hilbert space if −W := (W;−[·,·]W) is a Hilbert space. In this casewe for clarity denote the Hilbert space −W by |W|.

The space (W;[·,·]W) is a Kreın space if it admits a direct-sum decompositionW =W+ ∔W−, such that:

(i) the spaces W+ and W− are [·,·]W -orthogonal, i.e., [w+,w−]W =0 for all w+∈W+

and w−∈W−, and

(ii) the space W+ is a Hilbert space and W− is an anti-Hilbert space.

In this case we call the decomposition W =W+ ∔W− a fundamental decomposition ofW and we always denote it by W =(W+,W−), so that the second space in the pair isthe anti-Hilbert space.

Let U and Y be subspaces of the Kreın space W. By writing U [⊥]Y we mean thatU and Y are orthogonal to each other with respect to [·,·]W . The orthogonal companionof U is the space

U [⊥] :=w∈W |∀u∈U : [u,w]W =0 . (A.1)

Proposition A.2. Let α∈C+ and let W be a Kreın space with fundamental decompo-sition W =(W+,W−). Then the node space K in Definition 2.7 is a Kreın space withfundamental decomposition K=(K+,K−), where

K+ =


52 Appendix A. Brief background on Kreın spaces

U , we have that (U [⊥])[⊥] =U .The following definition makes use of the continuous dual U ′ of a Banach space U .

Recall that this continuous dual is the space of all continuous linear functionals on U .

Definition A.4. Let W =U∔Y be a direct-sum decomposition of a Kreın space.According to [AS07c, Lemma 2.3], we can identify the continuous duals of U and Ywith Y [⊥] and U [⊥], respectively, using the following restrictions of [·,·]W as dualitypairings:

〈u,u′〉〈U ,U ′〉 =[u,u′]W , u∈U , u′∈Y [⊥] and

〈y,y′〉〈Y ,Y ′〉 =[y,y′]W , y∈Y , y′∈U [⊥].

Let T map a dense subspace of U linearly into Y . By T † we denote the (possiblyunbounded) adjoint of T computed with respect to these duality pairings, so thatT † :Y ′→U ′ is the maximally defined operator that satisfies

∀u∈Dom(T ),y′∈Dom(T †) : 〈Tu,y′〉〈Y ,Y ′〉 = 〈u,T †y′〉〈U ,U ′〉. (A.4)

Here Dom(T †) is the subspace consisting of those y′∈Y ′, for which there exists some

u′∈U ′, such that 〈Tu,y′〉〈Y ,Y ′〉 = 〈u,u′〉〈U ,U ′〉 for all u∈Dom(T ).

The condition (A.4) can also be written

∀u∈Dom(T ),y′∈Dom(T †) : [Tu,y′]W =[u,T †y′]W , (A.5)

but note that T is not densely defined on W in general, and therefore (A.5) doesnot determine T † as an operator on W uniquely. However, if U =Y =W and thisis a Hilbert space with inner product (·,·)W , then the construction in Definition A.4leads to an identification W ′ =W, using the standard Hilbert-space duality pairing〈w,w′〉〈W ,W ′〉 =(w,w′)W . In this case we denote the adjoint T † of T by T ∗ in order toemphasise that the adjoint is computed with respect to a Hilbert-space inner product.


Appendix B

Useful function spaces

Here we define the spaces of functions which we need in this dissertation. We alsointroduce some operators for manipulating these functions.

Definition B.1. Let I and I ′ be subsets of R and let U be a Banach space.

(i) The vector space of functions defined everywhere on I with values in U is denotedby U I .

(ii) For f ∈U I and a∈ I we define the point-evaluation operator ϕa through ϕaf :=f(a).

(iii) The reflection operator Rabout zero is defined as

( Rf)(v)=f(−v), f ∈U I , −v∈ I.

(iv) For all t∈R we define the shift operator τ t, which maps functions in U I intofunctions in U I−t, by (τ tf)(v)=f(v+ t) for f ∈U I and v+ t∈ I. If t>0 then τ t

is a left shift by the amount t.

(v) The operator πI :U I →UR is defined by

(πIf)(v) :=

f(v), v∈ I

0, v∈R\I.

(vi) For I ′⊃ I, the restriction operator ρI :U I′ →U I is given by

(ρIf)(v)=f(v), v∈ I, i.e. ρIf =f |I , f ∈U I′.

We briefly write π+ :=π[0,∞) and ρ+ :=ρ[0,∞).

We note that τ 0 =1 and that for all s,t∈R we have τ sτ t = τ s+t. Thus, the shiftoperators t→ τ t form a group on UR. If s,t≥0 then ρ+τ sρ+τ t =ρ+τ s+t, i.e. ρ+τ is asemigroup on UR+


Definition B.2. Let U be a Banach space and let −∞<a<b<∞.

(i) The space of continuous U-valued functions with domain [a,b] is denoted byC([a,b];U). This space is equipped with the supremum norm

‖f‖C([a,b];U) := supt∈[a,b]

‖f(t)‖U .

56 Appendix B. Useful function spaces



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