Towards an International Linear Collider Barry Barish Caltech / GDE 25-July-07.

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Transcript of Towards an International Linear Collider Barry Barish Caltech / GDE 25-July-07.

Towards an Towards an International Linear ColliderInternational Linear Collider

Barry BarishCaltech / GDE


25-July-07 Caltech DoE Review Global Design Effort 2

ILC -- Caltech

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Exploring the Terascalethe tools

• The LHC– It will lead the way and has large reach– Quark-quark, quark-gluon and gluon-gluon

collisions at 0.5 - 5 TeV– Broadband initial state

• The ILC– A second view with high precision– Electron-positron collisions with fixed

energies, adjustable between 0.1 and 1.0 TeV– Well defined initial state

• Together, these are our tools for the terascale

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LHC: Low mass Higgs: H MH < 150 GeV/c2

Rare decay channel: BR~10-3

Requires excellent electromagnetic calorimeter performance

acceptance, energy and angle resolution,

g/jet and g/p0 separation Motivation for LAr/PbWO4

calorimeters for CMS

Resolution at 100 GeV: 1 GeV

Background large: S/B 1:20, but can estimate from non signal areas


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ILC: Precision Higgs physics

Model-independent Studies

• mass

• absolute branching ratios

• total width

• spin

• top Yukawa coupling

• self coupling

Precision MeasurementsGarcia-Abia et al

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The linear collider will measure the spin of any Higgs it can produce by measuring the energy dependence from threshold

Is it really the Higgs ?

Measure the quantum numbers. The Higgs must have spin zero !

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Higgs Couplings at the ILC

Mass (GeV)

Higgs Coupling strength is proportional to Mass

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e+e- : Studying the Higgsdetermine the underlying model


Yamashita et al Zivkovic et al

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Parameters for the ILC

• Ecm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV

• Luminosity ∫Ldt = 500 fb-1 in 4 years

• Ability to scan between 200 and 500 GeV

• Energy stability and precision below 0.1%

• Electron polarization of at least 80%

• The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV

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main linacbunchcompressor





final focus


extraction& dump


few GeV

few GeVfew GeV

250-500 GeV

Designing a Linear Collider

Superconducting RF Main Linac

The GDE Plan and Schedule

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Global Design Effort Project

Baseline configuration

Reference Design

ILC R&D Program

Engineering Design

Expression of Interest to Host

International Mgmt


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RDR Design Parameters

Max. Center-of-mass energy 500 GeV

Peak Luminosity ~2x1034 1/cm2s

Beam Current 9.0 mA

Repetition rate 5 Hz

Average accelerating gradient 31.5 MV/m

Beam pulse length 0.95 ms

Total Site Length 31 km

Total AC Power Consumption ~230 MW

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– 11km SC linacs operating at 31.5 MV/m for 500 GeV– Centralized injector

• Circular damping rings for electrons and positrons• Undulator-based positron source

– Single IR with 14 mrad crossing angle– Dual tunnel configuration for safety and availability

RDR ILC Schematic

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RDR Design & “Value” Costs

SummaryRDR “Value” Costs

Total Value Cost (FY07)4.80 B ILC Units Shared

+1.82 B Units Site Specific

+14.1 K person-years

(“explicit” labor = 24.0 M person-hrs @ 1,700 hrs/yr)

1 ILC Unit = $ 1 (2007)

The reference design was “frozen” as of 1-Dec-06 for the purpose of producing the RDR, including costs.

It is important to recognize this is a snapshot and the design will continue to evolve, due to results of the R&D, accelerator studies and value engineering The value costs have already been reviewed twice

• 3 day “internal review” in Dec• ILCSC MAC review in Jan

Σ Value = 6.62 B ILC Units

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Reference Design and Plan

Producing Cavities

Cavity Shape

Obtaining Gradientsingle cells

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4th generation prototype ILC cryomodule


TESLA cryomodule

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The Main Linac

• Costs have been estimated regionally and can be compared. – Understanding differences require detail comparisons –

industrial experience, differences in design or technical specifications, labor rates, assumptions regarding

quantity discounts, etc.

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– Three RF/cable penetrations every rf unit– Safety crossovers every 500 m– 34 kV power distribution

Main Linac Double Tunnel

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Conventional Facilities

72.5 km tunnels ~ 100-150 meters underground

13 major shafts > 9 meter diameter

443 K cu. m. underground excavation: caverns, alcoves, halls

92 surface “buildings”, 52.7 K sq. meters = 567 K sq-ft total

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Reference Design and Plan

Making Positrons

6km Damping Ring

10MW Klystrons

Beam Delivery and Interaction Point

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Assessing the RDR

• Reviews (5 major international reviews + regional)– The Design: “The MAC applauds that considerable evolution

of the design was achieved … the performance driven baseline configuration was successfully converted into a cost conscious design.”

– The R&D Plan: “The committee endorses the approach of collecting R&D items as proposed by the collaborators, categorizing them, prioritizing them, and seeking contact with funding agencies to provide guidelines for funding.

– International Cost Review (Orsay): Supported the costing methodology; considered the costing conservative in that they identify opportunities for cost savings; etc.

• Final Steps– The final versions of Executive Summary, Reference Design

Report and Companion Document were submitted to FALC (July), and finally will be given to ILCSC and ICFA (August).

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Schedule for the ILC?

• Our technically driven timeline is – Construction proposal in 2010 – Construction start in 2012– Construction complete in 2019

“Completing the R&D and engineering design, negotiating an internationalstructure, selecting a site, obtainingfirm financial commitments, and building a machine could take us well into the mid-2020s, if not later,”

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Technically Driven Timeline


BCD Construction Startup

2006 2010 2014 2018

RDR EDRBeginConst



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Civil Construction Timeline

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CMS assembly approach:• Assembled on the surface in parallel with underground work• Allows pre-commissioning before lowering• Lowering using dedicated heavy lifting equipment• Potential for big time saving• Reduces size of required underground hall

On-surface Detector Assembly CMS approach

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Technically Driven Timeline



All regions require ~ 5 yrs

Construction Startup

Siting Plan being Developed

2006 2010 2014 2018

RDR EDRBeginConst



Site Prep

Site Select

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Situation : in solid rock, close to existing institute, close to the city

of Chicago and international airport, close to railway and

highway networks.

Geology : Glacially derived deposits overlaying Bedrock. The

concerned rock layers are from top to bottom the Silurian

dolomite, Maquoketa dolomitic shale, and the Galena-

Platteville dolomites.

Depth of main tunnels : Average ~ 135 m

Americas Fermilab Sample Site

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~ 5.5 km

~ 5.5 km

Central Area fits inside the Fermilab boundary

Site Characterization of the Central Area can be done

~ Boundary of Fermilab

Preconstruction Plan: Fermilab

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Technically Driven Timeline



All regions ~ 5 yrs

Construction Startup

Siting Plan being Developed

2006 2010 2014 2018

RDR EDRBeginConst



Site Prep

Site Select

R & D -- Industrialization

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The Task Forces

• The Task Forces were put together successively over a period of five months:

S0/S1-Cavities, Cryomodule

S2 -Cryomodule String Tests S3 -Damping Rings S4 -Beam Delivery System S5-Positron Source

S6-Controls, not yet activeS7-RF

• Working in close collaboration with the Engineering and Risk Assessment team.

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Module Test – Results


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E Cloud – Results


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Schedule in Graphical Form2009 2012 2015 2018



RF System Tests

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Technically Driven Timeline



All regions ~ 5 yrs

Construction Startup

Siting Plan being Developed

2006 2010 2014 2018

RDR EDRBeginConst



Site Prep

Site Select

R & D -- Industrialization


e-CloudCryomoduleFull Production

System Tests


Detector Install

Detector Construct

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Detector Concepts

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Detector Performance Goals

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Detector Performance Goals

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Detector Performance Goals

• ILC detector performance requirements and comparison to the LHC detectors:○ Inner vertex layer ~ 3-6 times closer to IP

○ Vertex pixel size ~ 30 times smaller

○ Vertex detector layer ~ 30 times thinner

Impact param resolution Δd = 5 [μm] + 10 [μm] / (p[GeV] sin 3/2θ)

○ Material in the tracker ~ 30 times less

○ Track momentum resolution ~ 10 times better

Momentum resolution Δp / p2 = 5 x 10-5 [GeV-1] central region

Δp / p2 = 3 x 10-5 [GeV-1] forward region

○ Granularity of EM calorimeter ~ 200 times better

Jet energy resolution ΔEjet / Ejet = 0.3 /√Ejet

Forward Hermeticity down to θ = 5-10 [mrad]

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may be accessible during run

accessible during run Platform for electronic and

services (~10*8*8m). Shielded (~0.5m of concrete) from five sides. Moves with detector. Also provide vibration isolation.

Concept of IR hall with two detectors

The concept is evolving and details being worked out


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Technically Driven Timeline



All regions ~ 5 yrs

Construction Startup

Siting Plan being Developed

2006 2010 2014 2018

RDR EDRBeginConst



Site Prep

Site Select

R & D -- Industrialization


e-CloudCryomoduleFull Production

System Tests


Detector Install

Detector Construct


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• The ILC design is proceeding toward an engineering design by 2010. (Goal: Ready to propose construction when LHC results justify).

• R&D program is being globally coordinated to determine gradient, electron cloud, industrialization, mass production. (Resources are regional, by country and laboratory).

• Detector R&D also very important to be able to fully exploit the ILC (e.g. spatial & energy resolution) (Needs improved coordination, better regional balance).

• Caltech effort is myself + some student projects. But, we are in excellent position to ramp up as desired and the when time is right.