Tournament Reflection

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Transcript of Tournament Reflection

Tournament Reflection

Purpose: No matter the competitive outcome of a tournament, there are always lessons that can be learned and carried forward to future performances - both in and out of competition. Post-performance analysis is key to that understanding. Please answer the following prompts in complete sentences with as much detail as possible. Please type this form and turn in the Wednesday following a tournament.

Please include the following information:

Tournament: GSL FESTIVALDates: September 5, 2013Events Entered: ImpromptuResults: 2nd

1. What went well at this tournament?

My first time in Impromptu was certainly better than I expected. With ranks of 1,1,1,3 and 3, I placed second and I could not believe it. While others people seemed pretty confident of their speeches and placing, I wasnt so sure about myself. I will take it, though.

2. What didnt go well at this tournament?

My second round was about clichs and I just did not understand it at all. I spent 5 minutes of prep time, not prepping, but rather thinking about the next round. And, that was certainly not good on my behalf. I then had to impromptu a speech while talking, and I got away with a 1 in the room. I said, We need more fishes and more ponds and even I did not understand that when I said it. But I guess, the judge did.

3. What two-three things can you take from this tournament and apply to make future performances better?

1.) Try new things. I was hesitant about signing up for Impromptu and only did it on the very last day. And, as it turned out, I wasnt that bad. So, I guess experimenting and trying new events never hurt.2.) And, not give up. I was being a complete bum by not even trying to come up with something in that second round. And, while I got away with a 1, I cant always get lucky. So, I need to pull up my socks in such situations and not give up too quickly.

** Please turn in ALL ballots with the tournament reflection! Tournament Reflection

Purpose: No matter the competitive outcome of a tournament, there are always lessons that can be learned and carried forward to future performances - both in and out of competition. Post-performance analysis is key to that understanding. Please answer the following prompts in complete sentences with as much detail as possible. Please type this form and turn in the Wednesday following a tournament.

Please include the following information:

Tournament: GSLDates: Oct 19 (Ladue); Nov 9(P. South) - 2013Events Entered: OO, LDResults: ---

1. What went well at this tournament?

GSL#1: I went 2-0 in my LD rounds and I was pretty excited about that.

GSL#2: I went 2, and 1 in my two OO rounds, the last one being judged by the Brentwood coach and that was a good boost to my morale.

2. What didnt go well at this tournament?

GSL#1: I got ranks of 4, and 1 in my two OO rounds.

GSL#2: I lost both my LD rounds, the first one convincingly by Oakvilles Michael. The second one with Yasmin was actually really good but unfortunately, I ending up on the losing side, AGAIN!

3. What two-three things can you take from this tournament and apply to make future performances better?

1.) TRY HARDER IN DEBATE. I have recently been told that I have the potential to do well in debate if I try even 10% harder, which I think is an accurate assumption. And, starting with Pattonville, I have my cases ready and I am set to go.2.) WORK ON DELIVERY. Sometimes, if I come across an unresponsive judge in OO, I feel like I lose my energy and I need to be comfortable in any situation presented.

** Please turn in ALL ballots with the tournament reflection!

Tournament Reflection

Purpose: No matter the competitive outcome of a tournament, there are always lessons that can be learned and carried forward to future performances - both in and out of competition. Post-performance analysis is key to that understanding. Please answer the following prompts in complete sentences with as much detail as possible. Please type this form and turn in the Wednesday following a tournament.

Please include the following information:

Tournament: PARKWAY WESTDates: October 12-13, 2013Events Entered: Radio, OO, LDResults: 3rd in OO.

1. What went well at this tournament?

I think a lot of things. I tried Radio Speaking for the very first time and it sure was great. My Oratory rounds were very good and I thought the audience and the judges really got into it. I placed in Oratory, which I would take any day. In all, I thought my preparation and performance in Events was pretty good.

2. What didnt go well at this tournament?

Of course, debate. I went 1-3, which was certainly unexpected from others and me. To be frank, I did not put in a lot of time in my cases and researching and so, consequently, my level of preparation was inadequate. I would have easily won another round or two, if only I had put in maybe 10% more effort. So, that one was on me.

3. What two-three things can you take from this tournament and apply to make future performances better?

1.) Practice more often. I had zero practice rounds for debate and I just wasnt prepared enough. And, once again, that was on me. So, perhaps, attend more practices, as it has been pointed out to be a lot.

2.) Be ready. I finished my cases like two days before the tournament and naturally, it wasnt my best work. If I had started working on it earlier like others, I probably would have done much better. So, I really need to focus on being prepared well before time.

** Please turn in ALL ballots with the tournament reflection! Tournament Reflection

Purpose: No matter the competitive outcome of a tournament, there are always lessons that can be learned and carried forward to future performances - both in and out of competition. Post-performance analysis is key to that understanding. Please answer the following prompts in complete sentences with as much detail as possible. Please type this form and turn in the Wednesday following a tournament.

Please include the following information:

Tournament: BRENTWOOD-OAKVILLEDates: November 2-3, 2013Events Entered: Radio, OO, LDResults: 6th in OO ( didnt place though)

1. What went well at this tournament?

Starting with Oakville, I performed in Radio better than Oratory, to an extent. I got ranks of 6, 3, and 2 in Radio while 3, 1, and 4 in OO. And this is when I figured that perhaps I could do well in Radio if I actually practiced reading my script beforehand, rather than for the first time in a round. I was impressed by my Radio results and Oratory results for the most part. Furthermore, at Brentwood, I began the debate day at 2-0.

2. What didnt go well at this tournament?

Naturally, I wasnt too pleased with the 4 in the last round of OO. Out of 6, only Blakely and I had our speeches memorized while the others forgot, read it, or used notecards. And, thats just something that always bothers me. Nevertheless, that 4 probably knocked me out of contention for a 3rd place, I guess. Also, in debate, I went from a 2-0 to 2-3 after facing three straight people from Parkway West- Rigel, Yasmin, and Sarah. And all I asked was, WHY ME?

3. What two-three things can you take from this tournament and apply to make future performances better?

1.) Once again, practice more often because it was rightly condemned that practice makes a man perfect.2.) Not feel intimidated. My last three rounds of debate werent that bad. And, all I am trying to say is that I should just let go of my fears about them because that would help a great deal, I think.

** Please turn in ALL ballots with the tournament reflection! Tournament ReflectionPurpose: No matter the competitive outcome of a tournament, there are always lessons that can be learned and carried forward to future performances - both in and out of competition. Post-performance analysis is key to that understanding. Please answer the following prompts in complete sentences with as much detail as possible. Please type this form and turn in the Wednesday following a tournament.

Please include the following information:

Tournament: BRADLEY UNIVERSITYDates: December 5-6, 2013Events Entered: Radio, OO, Impromptu, InformativeResults: ---

1. What went well at this tournament?

Everything. I didnt place in anything really and I might have had a shot at breaking to semifinals in Informative if they hadnt directly broken to finals. Anyways, when I saw the terrific competition and the great talents that people possessed, it actually sort of motivated me. The exposure was good, definitely, but I got to witness a lot of good people and I am certainly taking away a lot of things from this tournament. In short, I truly think I developed as a great speaker and listener at this tournament.

2. What didnt go well at this tournament?

Obviously, I did not place but I have no one but myself to blame. Especially in Informative, my ranks were 3, 1, and 3, and all my ballots said good content but flawed memorization. And, that is very true. I memorized my Informative the night before and once again, the entire thing comes down to, IF ONLY

3. What two-three things can you take from this tournament and apply to make future performances better?

1.) Be prepared. If I was prepared enough for Informative, who knows, I might have broken to Finals. It would have been a long shot, but not impossible.2.) TRY. I gave a 1-minute Impromptu speech because I felt like I didnt understand the quote. The ballot said that the judge liked my energy and voice but would have liked it more if I had continued for a longer time. So I guess, dont give up and keep trying.

** Please turn in ALL ballots with the tournament reflection!Semester Reflection

Purpose: As the first half of the year comes to a close, it is important to reflect on the experience you have had. Also, now is a good time to revisit the goals you set at the start of the semester. Have you achieved them? Are they still valid goals? Do you need to revise them as you move forward - or is refocusing your practice the direction you need to go? Please answer the following prompts in complete sentences and with as much detail as possible.

1. Looking back at the semester, what are you most proud of related to speech and debate?

I think my willingness to try new events. In local tournaments, I started with Radio and even though Radio is not a difficult event, it still requires a bit of work. And, being double-entered is always a bit stressful too. Furthermore at Bradley, writing an Informative speech and then giving impromptu speeches for only the second time ever was a bit of uneasy for me. But, I decided to take the challenge and even though I did not place, at least I gained some skill and knowledge in those events. Thus, my biggest accomplishment of this semester would be my willingness to try and perform well in new events.

2. Looking back at the semester, what is one area in which you feel you need to make the largest improvements?

I need to put more time in debate. Last year, I performed well because I put a lot of time into researching, cutting cards, reading my cases over and over, and then practicing a great deal. These are the things which have been missing from my preparation this year and that have certainly hurt me. My coaches and peers feel like I can debate well if I start trying and practicing more, and I think I need to pull up my socks and start doing that. Therefore, one area that I could improve on for this year would be to put more effort and time into debate.

3. Choose one competition experience (good or bad) that had a major impact on you. Discuss that experience.

I think Parkway West. I have always prioritized OO over LD. TO win at Parkway West in OO, I think, really boosted my morale and faith in my speech. The competition wasnt exceptionally good and there were others missing but despite all of that, I managed to place 3rd. And, I have just always felt that if I can gain success in the first tournament, I will like my speech even better and focus more on it. If I hadnt placed, I might have doubted my selection. Thus, to start off a year by winning in OO at Parkway West definitely enhanced my self-confidence and gave me a reason to continue developing my OO into something great!

4. If you could change one thing about your work, practice, and performances this semester, what would it be? Why?

I think I need to practice more often. During the first 2-3 months of the semester, I showed up to practice once a week which was certainly inadequate both for mine as well as the teams productivity. Then, right after Bradley, I started showing up between 3-4 days a week, which allowed me to focus on other Orators needs and help them fix them as well as gain feedback on my own speech. Hus, even though I have been a regular face at practice recently, my biggest challenge would remain to continue this trend and not slack off. Therefore, a big change would be to avoid lack of practice time.

5. What was your biggest surprise of the semester?

I think how well LNI went. I know I messed up the LD schedules while and the tournament was a bit of stressful on Friday. However, I was glad to see that everyone was calm, for the most part, rather than flaring tempers. And, I think the momentum carried on into Saturday. To begin with, the novices were all dressed up in baseball spirit and that really excited me. Then, they all took their jobs seriously, whether it was simply checking off rooms or sitting outside the library. When I needed help, novices were ready to do it rather than ignore it. And, the varsity members are just phenomenal anyways. I think the reason Saturday went so well was not because of easier scheduling or less competitors to deal with, but rather the fact that we all truly worked as a team. There were no tempers flaring and the novices managed to accomplish a great deal, some of whom had joined the team just a week before too. Thus, my biggest surprise of the semester how well the tournament went, not because it cant, but because our team was efficient in doing so. And, I am glad to be a part of it.

This item will be due Monday, 16 December 2013.

Semester Goal Review

Purpose: It is vital to reflect on the progress made toward your goals this reflection will allow for more growth next semester. Self-evaluation is incredibly important in an event such as speech and debate. At the start of the semester you set three goals. Please type this assignment on a separate sheet of paper use complete sentences and be very detailed. For each goal, please answer the prompts below.

My first goal was: Attend practices more often, as in, not just once a week.

I would consider the status of this goal: Partially complete

Next semester, what do I need to do relating to this goal? (If the goal is met, what could be a new goal?)

Like I mentioned in the performance goals, I have to get rid of my laziness ands tart coming to practice everyday, lie I have been doing recently, for the last month or so.

My second goal was: Practice my oratories and cases more often, and not just once before a tournament.

I would consider the status of this goal: Almost complete.

Next semester, what do I need to do relating to this goal? (If the goal is met, what could be a new goal?)

I have practiced my oratories and read my debate cases a great deal. I think I need to practice debate maybe twice, rather than just once at practice. Yet, I have been putting time at home and have read my cases a lot of times. Meanwhile, I also consider myself to have been quite productive when it coming to revising and practicing my Oratory.

My third goal was: To maximize my efforts, especially in debate.

I would consider the status of this goal: Almost complete.

Next semester, what do I need to do relating to this goal? (If the goal is met, what could be a new goal?)

I have certainly maximized my efforts in debate over the course of the semester, and I think I was back to my normal form for Pattonville until it got cancelled. One thing that perhaps everyone will agree to is the fact that I need to have practice rounds in debate 2-3 times rather than just once. And, I will ensure that I fix that habit of mine. As far as maximizing efforts in OO is concerned, I continue to be fruitful.

This item will be due Monday, 16 December 2013.