Tourism English UNIT8 Part I Lecture Time Assigned PARTMODULESCONTENTS STUDIEDPERIODS I Handling...

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Transcript of Tourism English UNIT8 Part I Lecture Time Assigned PARTMODULESCONTENTS STUDIEDPERIODS I Handling...

Tourism English


Part I Lecture Time Assigned


I Handling Problems

and Safety Safety 1

II Complaints Dealing with complaints 1

III Listening Simulated dialogue 0.5

IV Role play Simulated dialogue 0.5

V    Consolidation

Questions for discussion

1 Role play

Words and expressions

Total Five PartsListening



Learning Objectives

Get to know the importance of safety Learn the communicative skills when

dealing with problems Be able to handle the problems and


Teaching Procedure

1.Study the Words and Proper Names 2. Study the Language Tips Shown in This

Text 3. Questions for discussion.

New words and Expressions

Feel well send for a doctor be of your service stomach upset

Aching type pain colicky diarrhea symptom sore throat

Take medicine prescription chemist intolerable stain

Reek of in a total mess tub housemaid water closet

Understaff porter

(A: attendant G: Guest D: doctor) A: I’m sorry to hear you are not feeling well today. What’s the trouble? G: I feel a little dizzy. A: Maybe you are tired after the journey. G: Yes, very likely. A: Shall I send for a doctor , sir? G: Yes, please. You’re very kind. A: I’m glad to be of your service. D: What can I do for you? G: Well, I live in Germany, but I’m staying here in China for a week. I’ve been here two days now, and I’ve got an upset stomach. D: How long ago did your stomach upset begin? G: Just after I arrived here about two days ago. D: So you’ve had it for a couple of days? G: Mm. D: Do you feel nauseated? G: No, not really. D: You haven’t vomited. G: No. D: Do you have pains now and again? G: Mm. I get pains quite often. D: Is it an aching type pain or is it a colicky pain? G: A colicky pain, I think. D: And when you have the pain, do you have any diarrhea? G: Yes, a bit little. I usually have to go when I have pain. D: How often do you have to go? G: About four or five times a day. D: And after you ‘ve had the diarrhea, is the pain eased—at least for a while? G: For a while, yes. D: Hmm. And then it comes back again. Had there been any blood with diarrhea? G: No. D: Have you had any trouble like this before? G: Only when I’m traveling. D: But it’s not a recurrent problem? G: No. D: Have you had any fever? G: NO. D: Have you had any other symptoms such as a sore throat or a cough? G: Not this time, no. D: Not in the last couple of days? G: No. D: Do you happen to know if you’ve eaten anything unusual that has upset you before? G: No, I don’t think so. But I eat in restaurant a lot when I’m travelling of course. D: Mm. Your general health is otherwise good? G: Yes. D: And you’re not taking any kind of medicine regularly? G: No. D: No. Well, this is simply traveler’s diarrhea. It usually clears up in a few days. I’ll just give you something for the diarrhea. G: Thank you doctor. D: I’ll give you a prescription. G: Where can I have it filled? D: You just go to the nearest chemist. Give it to him. G: All right. Is it a mixture, doctor? D: Yes. You take it as directed, written on the bottle. G: Right, doctor. D: And if it doesn’t get better, you can send for me—but it will—I’m sure. G: Thank you very much, doctor.

Listening and its recording

Dialogue 1 Taking Care of the Patient

( R: reception G: guest ) R: Reception. Good afternoon! Can I help you? G: This is Mrs. Smith, room 907. I’ve just checked into my room. R: Yes, ma’am. Do you like the room? G: I’m not at all happy with my room. I’m simply shocked, yes, shocked to find the room in such an intolerable condition

—an expensive hotel you call it! R: Excuse me, ma’am. But maybe you could tell me what is wrong with your room? G: Everything. First the carpet is dirty and the bed sheets are stained. The pillow case is full of dust and the room

reeks of cigar. Then the bathroom is in a total mess. The shower doesn’t have hot water and the tub is just filthy. The floor is all wet and there is no mattress. There is no soap, no towels, not even toilet paper.

R: I’m sorry to hear that. We do apologize for the inconvenience. You see, the previous occupant checked out late and you demanded immediate access to your room. And when we explained to you that the room was not quite ready you insisted on the immediate availability of a room , so the house-maid didn’t have time to make up the room. I’ll have the shower fixed, the tub cleaned, the floor dried and the toilet items sent to your room immediately. I’ll send a housemaid to your room and have it cleaned up for you at once.

G: That’s not all. The worst thing is that the water closet is clogged and when I flushed it, it overflowed. R: Oh, dear, we are terribly sorry for all this mess. You see, the hotel has just opened and the kinks haven’t been

worked out yet. Besides we are also terribly understaffed. So if you please get your luggage ready we’ll move you to another room. I’ll send a porter up to your room and help you with the luggage.

G: Thank you, R: You’re welcome. This is really the least we can do for you.

Listening and its recording

Dialogue 2 Complaint

Listening comprehension

1. Have you had any trouble like this before? 2. Have you had any other symptoms such

as a sore throat or a cough? 3. Do you happen to know if you’ve eaten

anything unusual that has upset you before? 4. Do you like the room? 5. Excuse me, ma’am. But maybe you could

tell me what is wrong with your room?


1. You are a tour guide helping a tourist to see a doctor. Make a simulated dialogue.

2. You are a tour guide dealing with complaints about the food.Make a simulated dialogue with the waitress.

Part VI: Homework

1.Review the dialogues 2.Preview next unit 3. Make simulated dialogues . 4. Extensive reading .

Have a nice class!

Thank You !