Touch Sight

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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iTouch by Janine Rugayan Innovation in Design Engineering Management Ateneo Innovation Center Aug. 1, 2009 10:30 - 12:00 pm

Transcript of Touch Sight

Touch Sight | ECE161 | Janine Rugayan IV BS ECE 063024

Touch SightTouch Sight- First camera for the visually impaired people- Records sounds for 3 sec.- Lightweight, flexible Braille display sheet

Chueh LeeSamsung China

Touch Sight | ECE161 | Janine Rugayan IV BS ECE 063024

-Statistics: in 2002, 37 million - pioneer technology- a new form of communication for the blind people

Braille display sheet can be used for other applications- Other systems, not just cameras

Touch Sight | ECE161 | Janine Rugayan IV BS ECE 063024

In the country...

Half a million are blind478,968 out of 68.4 million Filipinos (1995)

One hundred children lose their sight every week

High-end marketprobably a little expensive

Touch Sight | ECE161 | Janine Rugayan IV BS ECE 063024

Theory: Electroactive Polymers

How are the pictures embossed?