Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK

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Transcript of Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    Innovation& Evolution



    In Focusthis month

    Broad StTattoo

    Neo NordicRevival

    Kai Uwe FaustCONVENTIONSnternational London Tattoo Con!ention

    Nor"ich Bod# Art Festi!alPortsmoth Tattoo Con!entionMilton Ke#nes Tattoo Con!ention

    nspiration just for youThe Lady with

    the Silver Needles


    Private ViewBrenden, Tattoo HQ

    Mug ShotTommi Crazy

    Middleton Tattoo Studio



    DEC 2013





  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    4 T)a& Ta)) Ma!a4 #(e



    Ade a(d a#c&e a**ea#(! #( T)a& Ta)) 'a!a4#(e ca ()#'*ed ec)''e(da#)( )' "e 'a!a4#(e ) )' KMTP/b"#(! Ld. We eee "e #!" ) e/e a( ade#e'e() a#c&e "#c" e c)(#de /(/#ab&e. A&& dea#& ae c)ec a#'e ) !)#(! ) *e. W"#& e 'a%e ee e) ) e(/e a&&ade#e'e(, a#c&e a(d ced# ae c)ec , T)a& Ta))'a!a4#(e a(d KMT P/b"#(! Ld #&& () be "e&d e*)(#b&e )e) ) )'##)(.

    Mae#a& a**ea#(! #( T)a& Ta)) 'a () be e*)d/ced ) a(*/*)e #")/ "e #e( *e'##)( ) KMT P/b"#(! Ld.A&& &ee e( ) T)a& Ta)) 'a!a4#(e #&& be eaed a/(c)(d##)(a&& a#!(ed ) */bca#)( a(d c)*#!" */*)ea(d a /c" ae /b$ec ) ed##(! a(d ed#)#a& c)''e(.

    T)a& Ta)) 'a!a4#(e N). 109 NOVEMBER 2013P/b"ed ')("& b KMT P/b"#(! Ld. A&& #!" eeed.P#(ed #( E(!&a(d )( e-cc&ed *a*e b B/)( Pe LdD##b/ed b Wa(e G)/* P/bca#)( P&c


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    PO B+ 10038



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    Milton Keynes Ink Expo

    London International Tattoo Convention

    Marcuse Portsmouth

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    INTERVIEWSEvery month we scour the planet tofind the best artists. We bring youtheir stories and we showcase theirwork. In this months issue...

    T%a" Ta%% Maga$e 5

    SUBMITTING PHOTOSI#age #* be hgh 'e%"*%$ (300) a$d ed a 100## b 150##.

    E#a" %*' h%% % '!**%@-!*!--.#-.) %' e$d he# %$ a dc %

    G!**%, T-!* T!--, PO B- 10038, S$", S-*), C010 7LThe dc $eed % be "abe""ed h he a' & *d% $a#e.C-+%((- T%+ !$ C-$((-A"" $$e' "" be c!ed a 'a$d%# (%' %$ #e' f a"cab"e) afe' he c"%$g dae. E$'e 'ece+ed afe' he c"%$g dae "" $% be

    c%$de'ed. The ed %' dec%$ f$a". O$" %$e e$' e' e'%$ "eae, a$d 'e#e#be' % $c"*de %*' $a#e a$d add'e. W$$e' %fc%$+e$%$ c!e "" be 'e%$b"e f%' he' %$ 'a$%' a$d acc%##%da%$ *$"e aed %he'e. T%a" Ta%% $% 'e%$b"e f%'

    e# "% %' da#aged $ 'a$ / h%*gh %f c%*'e e "" ' % he" f e ca$.

    ON THE COVERM%de" : Te"" La"eTa%%: Va'%*Ph%%: T$a K%'h%$e$

    Cover Model ProfileTelly Lale

    Private ViewBranden, Tattoo HQ

    Norwich Body Art Festival







    Gene CoffeyHis beautifully unnatural

    abstracted watercolourvisions of nature.

    Kai Uwe FaustThe neo Nordic movement

    gathers momentum with

    traditional Viking techniques.

    Sam FordWith ink in her blood, second

    generation tattoo talent Sam

    keeps Southend on the map.


    A$%((' & '%%!* %/((%

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    01778 391150%' e-#a" %*' %c%de %


    Stockholm Ink Bash

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    please mention total tattoo when replying to adverts please mention total tattoo when replying to adverts

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    T'+a$ Ta++'' Maga1!&e 7

    Ee0 %'&+, c'%e a!& ' *!&e, e$$ '

    !g a+e, '&e +!&g ae&* a+ T'+a$

    Ta++'': e !+ +e b!g ed b++'& a&d

    +e &e !**e 'f +e %aga1!&e g'e* +' !&+.

    A+ +a+ '!&+, a$$ +e ad '# e ae +

    !&+' !+ a&d a$$ +e '* 'f cec#!&g a&d c'**-cec#!&g c'%e +' a&

    ab+ a$+ a&d e "*+ ae +' $e+ !+ g'. Wa+ *ee%ed +' ae !&f!&!+e

    e%+a+!'&* ea$!e !& +e %'&+ *dde&$0 bec'%e* e%a&e&+, a&d

    f' +a+ ea*'& e a&+ +' ge+ !+ a* c$'*e +' efec+ a* e ca& '**!b$0


    B+ a+ '$d ae& !f +e e%a&e&ce ee +a#e& aa0 a&d e

    c'$d *!%$0 d! bac# !&+' !+ a&d %a#e a+ee e+'*ec+!e ca&ge*

    e fa&c!ed? Wa+ !f &'+!&g a* '&-+e-ec'd ' *e+ !& *+'&e? F' a$$

    'f * '#!&g '& +e %aga1!&e +a+ '!&+ 'f &' e+& !* !+a$; !+4* a+

    %a#e* * +!c#. T'+a$ Ta++'' !* a* g''d a* !+ !* beca*e 'f +e ded!ca+!'&

    'f ' !&-'*e +ea% a&d ' c'&+!b+'*, a&d +e +!%e +e0 +a#e +'

    d' +!&g* !g+.

    I%%ed!a+e ga+!f!ca+!'& !* a$$ e0 e$$ 3 a&d *'%e+!%e* !+4* "*+ a+

    0' &eed 3 b+ !+ *e$d'% a* %c a$e. Te &%be 'f +!%e* I4e

    *+''d *+a!&g a+ +e c'c'$a+e ba* !& +e &e*age&+*, %ade %0

    *e$ec+!'&, e&"'0ed +a+ eae&$0 f!*+ b!+e... '&$0 +' ea$!*e ' *'+

    $!ed +a+ ead ea$$0 !*. Te f!$$!&g* !& %0 +ee+ a&d %0 ee-ea&d!&g a!*+$!&e ae a$$ +a+ e%a!&* 'f +a+ *ee+-+''+ed fee$

    g''d %'%e&+.

    A +a++'' !* d!ffee&+ +'g, !*&4+ !+? Ye*, 0' ge+ +a+ '&def$ *

    e& 0' f!*+ *ee 0' &e +a++'', b+ *e$0 $!!&g !+ !+ $'&g +e%,

    a&d +e a0 !+ %a#e* 0' fee$ !& +e $'&g &, !* ee !+4* a+. O %a0be

    +a+4* "*+ %0 '+-'f-da+e '$d *c''$ a++!+de. La*e +ec&'$'g0 !*

    %a#!&g !+ ea*!e +a& ee +' e%'e &a&+ed !, *' d'e* +!* %ea&

    +e !dea 'f +e +a++'' a* fa*!'& %!*+a#e a* &' bee& g!e& +e gee&

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    Te face 'f +a++''!&g !* ca&g!&g. F' %e, +e e%a&e&ce 3 '

    '+e!*e 3 'f +a++''* !* '&e 'f +e b!gge*+ !**e* +a+4* a'&d a+ +e%'%e&+. I+4* g'!&g +' ae a ge !%ac+ '& +e f+e 'f +e a+ f'%.

    If e'$e d'&4+ +! +a+ ! !* f' ee, +e! dec!*!'& %a#!&g 'ce**

    !* g'!&g +' ef$ec+ +a+. Se$0 !+4* be++e +' %a#e a c'!ce a&d f$$0

    e%bace !+? Beca*e e& 0' c'%%!+ +' *'%e+!&g, +a+4* e&

    +!&g* ea$$0 *+a+ +' ae&2

    U&+!$ Ne+ M'&+





    Alice came to a fork in the road.

    'Which road do I take?' she asked.

    'Where do you want to go?' responded the Cheshire Cat.

    'I don't know,' Alice answered.

    'Then,' said the Cat, 'it doesn't matter.

    Le!* Ca'$$,Alice in Wonderland

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    8 Total Tattoo Magazine

    NewS & ReviewSTattoo news and reviews for your delectation and delight. If it goes on in the tattoo world, it goes in here.Send us your news items, books or products for review and items of general curiosity and intrigue for the tattoo cognoscenti.Nes, Total Tattoo Maga#ine, PO Bo! 10038, Sudbur", Suffolk, CO10 7WL

    Book ReviewWabori: Traditional Japanese TattooBy Manami OkazakiPublished by Kingyo PressPrice: 62252 pages

    Though there are man" highl" desirablepublications about Japanese tattooing, ManamiOka#akisWabori has the most personal feelof an" that eve come across.

    RepTilia artist printand t-shirt up for grabs

    RepTilia Art Movement is the brainchild of David Hillier,

    an avid tattoo and art enthusiast. More than just a clothing

    company, its objective is to promote the work of the

    RepTilia family of artists as well as producing some nice

    looking clobber. There are five handpicked resident artists

    in the family, each with their own signature style, plus

    invited guest artists and an apprentice (following the tattoo

    studio model!) If you want to find out a bit more about the

    RepTilia family or the RepTilia philosophy, head to In the mean

    time, how about a t-shirt and signed print by Canadian tattoo artist and RepTilia family member, James

    Greenaway? To enter, just email your name and address to with the subject line

    COLD-BLOODED. Closing date 5th December. T&Cs apply (see page 5).

    The intervies ith the horimono masters,conducted and compiled over a si! "ear period,have a real human touch and provide afascinating insight into the discipline of theirlifest"le. The book starts ith an informativeovervie of the histor" of tattooing in Japanand also includes intervies ith MotoharuAsaka, master oodblock printer, and Shoko

    Tendo, daughter of a Yaku#a boss. Interovenith the te!t are some onderful photographs.All in all, plent" of poerful reasons for loversof Japanese tattooing to invest in this title.

    ctopusattooColin Jones fromStained Class ill beguesting at OctopusTattoo in Derb! from6th to 9th November.If !ou"re interested inan appointment, callOctopus Tattoo on:

    01332 204240

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    Ta Ta Maa#e 9

    Book ReviewDa) "f &he Dead Ta&&"" A$&("$k C"ec&i"!: Sk'%, Ca&$i!a%a!d C'&'$e "f &he DeadB) Edga$ H"iP'bi%hed b) Edi&i"! Re'%%P$ice: *82.50144 #age%

    Certain topics retain a perennial fascination for tattoo collectors and artists

    alike, and Mexicos traditional celebration of El Dia de los Muertos is

    certainly one of those. During the past decade, the characteristic imagery

    of decorated skulls and beautiful womens faces overlaid with skeletal

    features has found its way into the vocabulary of tattoo artists worldwide,

    the variations limited only by their imagination. This massive volume

    bears witness to that fact. Within its pages are countless versions of Day of

    the Dead iconography including paintings, drawings, photographs and

    sculpture by numerous artists in many different countries. Its not hard

    to see how this cultural phenomenon has reached out around the globe to

    inspire and captivate so many creative spirits.

    The !ega'%#$#i& 'ha'

    i& L#"d#" %ece"'+

    *ec#!ed a b%a"d "e*

    &'di#: C#ak a"d Dagge%

    Ta''## Pa%#% a'

    34-36 Che&hi%e S'%ee',

    Sh#%edi'ch, L#"d#", E2

    6EH (j&' #ff B%ick La"e,

    i" 'he hea%' #f #"e #f

    L#"d#"& !#&' c%ea'ie di&'%ic'&). Ma""ed b+ A B"), H'gh

    Shed"! a"d L'ke Ji!k%, +# ca" fi"d #' !#%e a'


    Nes from Marshall and Headphones to Win!

    W#" "e a'e #c#c 3# a "e# eeda3 a'*, Ma"a8 e1 Sa'e c'*ac ac#e

    *ea%e 'a%e a #'*e ae'e: Rc% 78 R. B/ d8 e "e #ae % 3/. T"# #ae--"e-a ec", 1#" 1#ee cec##3 #c/ded, ad # *ac% a *1e/ a/d# */c".

    A a c 400 # de8 c'e c"ea*, b/ "# # +/a#3 ea. A aa#abe ' Ma"a #

    "e M# Head*"e. A 3/ '#" e2*ec, "ee "#"3 de#abe #e bab#e "ae "a

    e ee 6 ad, 1"a8 'e, 1e "ae a e #e a1a3! T be # 1#" a c"ace

    1##, $/ e / %1 1"3 3/ eed "e' # 3/ #e.

    E'a# 1#" MUSIC TO MY EARS a 3/ /b$ec #e.

    C# dae # 5" Dece'be. T&C a**3 (ee *ae 5).

    C"ec% / 'e *d/c dea#.





  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    LINKYSHe&e i' (hi' "$#(h' 'e!ec(i$# $f +eb !i#', c$#(ai#i#g a +ide &a#ge $f

    (a(($$ '#i%%e(' f$& $) ($ e#j$. If &o# kno$ of a good Link&

    (ha( $) (hi# $)& &eade&' +$)!d !ie, d&$% )' a !i#e ($

    edi"o@"o"al"a"" %)((i#g Li#' a' $)& ')bjec(.

    Show your TaTToo you carE...PridE afTErcarE hEaling SETS

    for 10 lucky rEadErS!

    You cant put a price on good tattoo aftercare. Its make or break in those early days. No

    matter how fabulous your ink looks when you first get out of the tattooists chair, it wont

    be looking nearly as good a few days later if you dont respect your new tattoo and its

    healing process. Thats where TATSouls new Pride Aftercare comes in. The range features

    Pride Aftercare Cleanser, Pride Aftercare Ointment and Pride Aftercare Lotion. Its a three-

    stage treatment that will give your new tattoo the best possible start in life. We have 10

    Pride Aftercare Healing Sets to give away. So be a responsible parent, drop us an email

    and if your name is one of the first ten out of the hat, youll be a winner. Send your email

    to with the subject line HEAL. Closing date 5th December.T&C apply (see page 5). For more details check out

    Factotum ody Modificationin No!&ich a!e deligh#ed #o anno$nce #ha# #he ha%e #he

    #alen#ed Emm S T"""joining #hem f!om 28#h

    Oc#obe!. Con#ac# #he "#$dio o! Emma di!ec#l fo! appoin#men#"

    and p!icing. Tel 01603 618188

    Ed Had& da$ing fla!h


    Vani"& Fai Decade!: "he 1940!


    D&nami"e Bali % B#ch Ta""oo Bali


    Calo! Toe!: "a""oo "imelap!e


    nkshackattooE'pe!ienced #a##oo a!#i"# &an#edfo! ne& "#$dio in Solih$ll(We"# Midland") #o&n cen#!e.M$"# ha%e po!#folio and e'cellen#d!a&ing capabili#ie". Plea"eemail ink"

    &i#h an en$i!ie".

    10 T$(a! Ta(($$ Magai#e

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    To#al Ta##oo Magaine 11

    Just Our BagT'c'**e ae added a &e/ c$c bag ' e* +e*c''$ *a&ge 'fa&d%ade $eae* g''de+. Te bag + a c'$$ab'*a'& / a'' a*+

    Dad J Wa f*'% B$ac# La&e*& Ta'' a&d + *ced 73.00. Ta#e a $''# f'* %'*e 'f T'c'**e+ g$'*'+ de+g&+.

    Its the LawIts yet to happen, but it could be on

    the cards Washington DCs lawmakers are looking at introducing a

    24-hour mandatory waiting period

    for a tattoo. Najma Roberts,

    spokeswoman for the Washington

    DC Health Department, told the

    Washington Post this was a measure

    aimed at ensuring people were in

    the right frame of mind when

    deciding to get tattooed, so they

    dont wake up in the morning

    saying, Oh my God, what

    happened? If this law is passed,

    one element of tattooing will be

    completely lost: spontaneity. Is this a

    good thing or a bad thing? What are

    your thoughts? Let us know at

    Jackie Edwards Portraits:

    Posers wanted!Te+e e*a'*d&a*$1 *ea$+c '**a+ b1 I*+-ba+ed a*+ Jac#e Ed/a*d+ a*e e *e+$'f a *'"ec e$'*&g e bea1 'f b'd$1 dec'*a'&. Jac#e *ae$+ fa* a&d /de &+ea*c 'f e 5*g e'$e ' a&6 4 e'$e /' *ea$$1 +a&d ' 4 a&d f'* e*, e a**e*e+e&ed withine c*e + a+ %'*a& a+ e a* &'$ed & makinge c*e.Pa++'&ae ab' e beaf$ ec&e+ +ed b1 e O$d Ma+e*+, '$ a&d egg e%e*a

    + Jac#e+ c'+e& %ed%.W'*#&g '& $&e&, '* '& a/''de& a&e$, +e ca*ef$$1b$d+ $a1e*+ 'f *a&+$ce&,+e%-'ae '$ g$a2e+ 'e* a&'ae %'&'c*'%ac egge%e*a &de*-a&&g, b*&g&ga de 'f c'$'* a&d $$%&a'&' e f&+ed ece a c'$d&' be aceed *'g a&1'e* %ea&+. Jac#e+ /'*# +aa$ab$e *'g Te D''*/a1Ga$$e*1 & Db$&(///.ed''*/a1ga$$e*1.c'%)

    a&d +e + a1 ' a#ec'%%++'&+. Se + a$+' a$/a1++ee#&g &e*e+&g-$''#&ge'$e /' /'$d $#e ' '+ef'* e*. Y' ca& c'&ac e**'g Te D''*/a1 Ga$$e*1.L''# ' f'* e $%ed ed'&*&+ 'f e* /'*# a /$$ beaa$ab$e '/a*d+ C*+%a+!

    A new


    &ill "oon be opening i#"

    doo" in #he hi"#oic ci# of

    Che"#e and #he ae

    looking fo a "elec# go$p of

    %e #alen#ed a#i"#" (ideall

    &i#h an alead e"#abli"hed

    clien# ba"e) &ho ae able #o

    po%ide $ali# oiginalc$"#om #a##oo &ok. If #hi"

    i" "ome#hing o$ &o$ld like

    #o find o$# moe abo$#, ge#

    in #o$ch %ia tattooist-


    InkBa"ed in Bimingham ci# cen#e,

    Bimingham Ink ae looking #o #ake on

    a #hid #a##ooi"#. Yo$ m$"# ha%e high

    "#andad" in a#, #a##ooing and

    hgiene; a minim$m of "i' ea" "hop

    e'peience; and a pofe""ional &oke#hic, &i#h no ego o a##i#$de. GSOH

    e""en#ial! To appl, email a fe&

    e'ample" of o$ #a##oo" and

    a#&ok, &i#h ba"ic b$lle# poin#

    infoma#ion on o$"elf (no e""a"

    plea"e) and #hee efeence" #o

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    please mention total tattoo when replying to adverts please mention total tattoo when replying to adverts

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    14 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    Interview by Marco Annunziata

    Photos by Marco Annunziata and Gene Coffey

    Gene Coffey is not a traditional tattoo artist by any stretch

    of the imagination. He has invented his own visual

    language after experimenting with many different media

    over the years. Considered by many to be one of the masters of

    watercolour tattoos, he himself does not like to attach labels to his

    ever-evolving style. We met him at the shop he has made his home,

    Tattoo Culture in Brooklyn, New York, where he works next to

    Brian Wren and his friend and mentor, Noon.

    Tell us a little about yourselfI grew up mostly in North Carolina, and lived in Texas for a few of my teenage years, but I

    currently live in New York City. I moved here in 1994 for art school, then dropped out and stuck

    around. I started to get tattooed and fell in love with it. I have been a painter and artist since

    childhood, so I did a traditional apprenticeship, doing everything that entails: making needles,

    cleaning the shop, painting the walls, running errands, reading, studying, booking appointments,

    taking out the trash, building machines, scrubbing tubes, breaking down and setting up stations.

    Eventually I got to make tattoos. After six months, I was sent out into the world.

    Who are your mentors and biggest influences?I find influences all around me: paintings, street art, music, literature, comics, video games

    pretty much everything fuels me. As for tattoo artists, Noon has been my mentor. He encourages

    me a lot and has truly been a great friend and teacher throughout my career.

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 15

    Solitude can nurture immensebreakthroughs in creativity, butit shouldn't be confused withisolation. Isolation can do theexact opposite and be detrimental

    to my state of mind.

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    16 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    How important has your artistictraining been to you in your work?If you are going to be a good tattoo artist you

    need to have a foundation in the basics of art.

    To me that means you need to be able to draw.

    Hand to eye coordination is essential for being

    able to create visual art. Some people create

    their entire designs for tattoos by using

    Photoshop and images that they find online.

    But if you don't know how to execute a clean

    drawing of the design, your work is going to

    be trash. Shitty execution makes for shitty

    tattoos. Some people look at some of the stuff

    I do and just see messy tattoos and think, Oh

    awesome, I can just skip all that learning how

    to draw and paint bullshit and just do messy /

    scratchy tattoos and call them artistic! What

    they don't know is I spend hours on some of

    the designs beforehand, painting and drawing

    and repainting them, sometimes half a dozen

    times before I find the one that feels right and

    works as a tattoo. A tattoo is only as good as

    the prep work. The drawing is essential.

    Do you think its important for moderntattoo artists to work with differentartistic media?I consider myself to be an artist first and

    foremost. I just happen to be tattooing for a

    living. But my passion is in creating works of

    art, whether on people's skin or on canvas. I

    think that a modern tattooist does not need to

    work outside the tattoo medium to do great

    tattoos. But if you want to expand on the

    vocabulary of the art form you need to seek

    answers outside tattooing, and that means

    looking at and creating other forms of art.

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 17

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    18 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    How would you describe your style?It's just me. I don't know how to describe it. People call it watercolour tattoos, but for some reason

    I hate that term. I don't think it's entirely accurate, and it also makes me feel compartmentalised,

    which is not something I want to be.

    Whats the weirdest thing anyone has asked you to tattoo and what should acustomer avoid asking you?People don't really ask me for weird stuff. That's more Brian's cup of tea. As for what they

    shouldnt ask me, its the same for all tattooists: Dont ask me to copy someone else's tattoo or

    someone else's style. And dont ask me to do it cheaper or try to bargain. It's insulting.

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 19

    You have been in New York for twodecades now, so sometimes I guess you

    just need to get away?

    I certainly could not live without visiting otherplaces. I need to see other cultures for my own

    growth. Every time I go somewhere I come

    back with a renewed sense of purpose and

    insight. Sometimes, just being on a plane for a

    couple of hours can help put my whole life

    into perspective. I contemplate how big our

    planet is, how many people there actually are

    on it and how different we all are, and also

    how much we are all alike. I love going by

    myself to a country where I don't speak the

    language and just being a fly on the wall for a

    week or two. Something strange happens when

    you go somewhere unfamiliar and don't have a

    real conversation with another person for a

    couple weeks. You gain a huge appreciation of

    what you have back home. Solitude can

    nurture immense breakthroughs in creativity.

    But it shouldn't be confused with isolation.

    Isolation can do the exact opposite and be

    detrimental to my state of mind. It's a fine line,

    but worth exploring. I've had some of my

    biggest ideas while on solitary trips abroad.

    Do conventions play a part in your loveof travel?

    Not so much. I love the comforts of home and

    having the peace of mind that goes with itwhen tattooing, and I don't party. I'm a bit of a

    recluse, in that respect. I think I'm kind of

    awkward around strangers. Working in a shop

    is preferable to a convention for me.

    Is New York still the creative hub itwas?New York is big and fast and has a lot of

    artistic institutions. I wish I could say that it'sstill the New York that I fell in love with 20

    years ago, but it's not. It used to be edgy and

    full of creative energy that spilled out onto the

    streets and sidewalks. It was full of interesting

    characters and people. But now it's overrun

    with rich and well-to-do folk. It seems to

    become more and more sterile by the day. And

    to be honest, I don't like it that much anymore;

    it's a city chock-full of sports bars and big

    banks and fancy cars. I'm just trying to keep a

    little bit of the seediness around to remind all

    the straights where their sparkling city came


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    1. 2.




    6. 7. 8.

    22 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

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    Total Tattoo Maga"ine 23

    londoninternational tattoo convention

    1. choshu horikazu (japan)

    2. anna by rodrigo melo,

    north star tattoo (usa)

    3. ami james of miami ink fame,

    love hate (usa)

    4. chris garver of miami ink fame,

    love hate (usa)

    5. chris crooks, white dragon tattoo

    6. rob by greg christian (usa)

    7. huey, fun lovin criminals

    8. ashley by lina stigsson,

    admiraal tattoo (netherlands)

    9. ty by carlos torres (usa)

    10. crez, adrenalink (italy)

    11. pili mo'o (spain)

    E!er$ $ear thosands of tattoo fans con!erge on London's

    East End. The historic Tobacco Dock is their destination

    and there can onl$ be one reason for the pilgrimage: the

    London International Tattoo Con!ention has come to to"n.

    B%%ing "ith e#citement, "hether the$ are planning to get

    tattooed or not, the$ all kno" this sho" is something special.

    And that feeling is infectios; it jst seems to radiate from

    e!er$bod$ & tattoo fans and artists alike.

    It$s going to be virtuall! impossible for me to conve! in words the creative magnitude of this

    event. It$s almost overwhelming. When !ou$re there, !ou just have to take a deep breath, accept

    that there$s no wa! !ou$re going to be able to eperience ever!thing that$s on offer, and plunge in.

    Just enjo! being part of it# it$s a fun show to be lost in. It can be broken down into bite si"e

    chunks for a more focused approach (and to avoid serious indigestion), and the similarities in the

    la!out each !ear help !ou to get !our orientation, but there$s alwa!s some great surprises in



    10. 11.

    Words:James Photos: Tina Korhonen, Doralba Picerno, Ester Segarra, James & Perry

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    24 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    12. 13. 14.





  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    T1a Ta11 Ma$a7&+" 25

    T%&0 6"a/, a0 a4a60, 1%" /"1a& 1%"/a6 a+

    "+1"/1a&+*"+1 # 1%" (*016) a&+-#/"" 3a/&"16

    4"/" 1 b" #2+ &+ 1%" b"6 # 1%" b"a01. T%"

    F2" G&/0 a6" 4&1% #&/", a+$" #/* +

    %&$% a+ 01/a" "0; 1%" "3"/-2a/

    N"/6 S1/&"/ 4"9 01/&"; a+ 1%"/" 4a0

    0*" "51/"*"6 1&1&a1&+$ b2/"02" #/*

    E"$6E"*, C"/3"+a Q2""+ # 1%" Da*+"

    F5, a+ Ja+"1 F&0%&"11. A+ 62 2 $"1

    &+33" 4&1% 1%" M&00 P&+-U UK #&+a0

    %01" b6 B"a1/&5 V+ B2/b+, 4% a0

    1/"a1" 1%" a00"*b" *a00"0 1 %"/

    a1&3a1&+$ b2/"02" 0%4. C/4&+$ /2+

    1%" 01a$", a*"/a0 a1 1%" /"a6, 1%" a2&"+"

    0&*6 2+1 $"1 "+2$%. A0 1%" 02+ 0a+

    b"4 1%" %/&7+, a+ 1%" +$ 0%a40

    1%/4+ b6 1%" b2&&+$0 *a00&3" 1&*b"/ b"a*0

    *"1" &+1 a/+"00, 1%" a1*0%"/" &+ 1%"

    ba0"*"+1 %a+$". T%" 32*" 4a0 12/+" 2

    a+ 1%" ba+0 1 1 1%" 01a$" &+ 1%" &*6

    &1, a16 +a*" V C/61. H"+/60 F2+"/a

    S%" a+ 1%" F2+ L3&+ C/&*&+a0 (#/+1" b6

    1%" "3"/-2a/ H2"6 M/$a+) 1 +1/

    # F/&a6 +&$%1, 4&1% V&+" Ra6 a+ 1%"

    B+"0%a"/0, S+a1% I1 Ba a+ T%" U/ba+V Ma%&+" 1a&+$ a/" # 1%" Sa12/a6

    +&$%1 #"3"/.

    U01a&/0 4a0 1%" *a&+ "3"+1. I# 1%" L++

    Ta11 C+3"+1&+ 4"/" a 1a&, 1%&0 42

    b" 1%" T"2&a &+ 1%" S2+/&0": %2+/"0 # 1%"

    #&+"01 1a11 a/1&010 + 1%" a+"1 b/2$%1

    1$"1%"/ 2+"/ +" /#, a+ %2+/"0 #

    4/-a00 1a110 b"&+$ /2" "3"/6 a6,

    #/ 1%/"" 4%" a60. A0 a+ 8b"/ 1a11 #a+, I

    %a3" 1 0a6 &1 "0+1 $"1 a+6 b"11"/ 1%a+ 1%&0!

    E3"/6 +1&+"+1 &0 /"/"0"+1", a+ "3"/6

    016" &*a$&+ab", 4&1% *a01"/0 a+ 62+$

    b20 4/&+$ 0%2"/-1-0%2"/. I10 a '6

    19. 20.





    12. lyu by tang ping, ziyou tattoo (china)13. t-loz by csaba mullner, tattoo de sade (hungary)14. steve by laura juan (spain)15. nick by victor chil (spain)16. the fuel girls17. shige, yellow blaze (japan)18. erikas by eddy tattoo studio (lithuania)

    19. patricia by issa, tin tin tatouages (france)20. massimiliano by crez, adrenalink (italy)21. richard by xam, the family business22. james by norm, will rise tattoo (usa)23. rosa by dask, sake tattoo (greece)24. emma by jondix (spain)

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    26 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    25. 26. 27.

    28. 29.


    25. norm, will rise tattoo (usa)26. by touka voodoo, divine canvas27. by cui tattoo (china)28. dan di mattia, calypso tattoo (belguim)29. ty by victor portugal (poland)30. by simone, buena vista tattoo club (germany)31. by horiyoshi III, chris trevino and tim lehi32. by bugs, tattoo lounge (usa)33. the urban voodoo machine

    34. henrys funeral shoe35. cup cake heaven36. by josh duffy, timeline (usa)37. massimo and gabi38. by brad fink, daredevil tattoo (usa)

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    "o behold, and "he eneg' genea"ed i #niq#e "o "he London ho%. B#" i"+ no" j#" "he a"i"

    %ho cea"e "ha" a"mophee. A gea" cock"ail need a gea" mi&e and a" "he London ho% i"+ #:

    "he "a""oo fan.

    Each 'ea "%eak ae made "o "he ho% "o make i" a moe enjo'able and comfo"able place "o

    pend "ime. Thi 'ea "%o majo change made a big diffeence. The fi" %a "he "oile" ) lo" of

    *em! No" a $e' glamoo# "hing "o "alk abo#" pehap, b#" #""el' een"ial and m#ch

    appecia"ed. The o"he diffeence %a in "he la'o#". The familia gla-%alled oom %ee "ill

    "hee, b#" "hen "hee %a "he ne% Gea" Galle'. Ap"l' named, i" ho#ed o$e one h#nded and

    "%en"' a"i". I" %a like a con$en"ion %i"hin a con$en"ion! I" defini"el' impo$ed "he flo% of "he

    ho% b' eaing "he pe#e in "he malle oom and i" helped "o a$oid "he gidlock "ha" ha

    occ#ed in pe$io# 'ea.

    31. 32.





    37. 38.

    To"al Ta""oo Maga(ine 27

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    As al"a$s, the "ork "as stnning. Yo "ill not find a better global sho"case than the London

    Tattoo Con!ention. No"ada$s the "orld&s tattooists might be jst a click a"a$ "ith the

    internet, bt nothingbeats the feeling of actall$ looking throgh an artist&s book, $or heart

    qickening as $o realise their "ork is something special, then being able to talk to them inperson or "atch them "ork. The e#perience of tattoo cannot be fond online or on

    tele!ision; that !ital element of hman contact is missing. The reale#perience is still to be

    fond, ali!e and "ell, in the stdios and at the sho"s. And for me, the London International

    Tattoo Con!ention is the epitome of that e#perience, at the !er$ highest le!el.

    39. 40.



    43. 44.

    39. self portrait by roman abrego,artistic element (usa)

    40. by jes yen, my tattoo (usa)41 jes yen, my tattoo (usa)42. by jee sayalero,

    human fly tattoo (spain)43. by dave tevenal, memento tattoo (usa)44. by florian karg,

    vicious circle (germany)45 & 46. by gunnar foley,

    imperial tattoo (sweden)47. by henning jrgensen,

    royal tattoo (denmark)48. nikole lowe, jondix, blue49. by marco galdo, trafficanti d'arte (italy)50. by bill canales, full circle (usa)

    28 Total Tattoo Maga%ine

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    45. 46. 47.




    Total Tattoo Magazine 29

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    30 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    51. 52. 53.

    54. 55.



    51. by henrik g (france)52. by brent mccown, tattoo tatau (austria)53. by cui tattoo (china)54. by chris crooks, white dragon55. by miss arianna, skinwear (italy)56. by miss arianna, skinwear (italy)57. by stizzo, best of times tattoo (italy)

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    PRIVATE VIEWOur showcase for paintings, drawings and design work by the most creative tattooists on the planet.

    This month Benden, Ta!!oo HQ If you would like us to consider your work, please send examples to:

    Pi#a!e Vie$, To!al Ta!!oo Maga'ine, PO Bo% 10038, S"db"&, S"ffolk, CO10 7WL, UK

    32 Total Tattoo Magazine

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    34 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 35

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    36 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    The loss of Marcuse of Smilin Demons tattoo in September 2013 was deeply felt by many.

    Here is a selection of his unpublished works kindly given to us by his wife Maya,

    along with some that Marcuse gave to me on our last meeting.

    Although we talked many times about many things, for some reason we never switched the recorder on.

    There was always going to be another time.

    In truth Marcuse was never that fond of doing interviews. His philosophy was so much simpler

    ''Let my tattoos and artworks say who I am!''


    Tribute by James

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    38 Total Tattoo Magaz ine


    In honour of Marcuse, and to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the studio,

    Smilin' Demons Tattoo are holding an exhibition of past and present

    tattoo-inspired art.

    The show will run from 15th October 2013 to 15th February 2014.The list of exhibiting artists says all that needs to be said about the high regard

    in which Marcuse was held by his peers.

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  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    norwichbody arts festivalAf'e% f"% &cce&&fl +ea%& a' 'he *"de%fll+ hi&'"%ic S' Ad%e*& Hall, 'heN"%*ich B"d+ A%' Fe&'ial ha& a e* h"e. OPEN *a& "ce 'he %egi"alhead$a%'e%& "f Ba%cla+& Bak (b"a&'ig 'he l"ge&' c"'e% i 'hec"'%+!) ad i'& bee bea'ifll+ c"e%'ed i'" a 50,000 &$a%e f""' l'i-#%#"&e ee, *i'h Y"'h T%&' cha%i'+ &'a'&, l"ca'ed i 'he ce'%e "f N"%*ichj&' a hd%ed +a%d& f%" 'he &h"*& #%ei"& h"e.

    OPEN@4 4+ #+ *# *14'& # *' #3+44 813+ # *' 4*18 > '+*9 4'7' 1*' 1 $' 23'%+4'. T*' *# +4 $3+&'& #%3144 *' +&&' $9 # &3##+% 4#+3%#4' #& *'3184 1 $11*4 $'91& *' 4#+3%#4' '& 1 *' 4#' #3'#, 8*'3' L#83'%' A* C*+

    8#4 '2 $49 14 1 *' 8'''& #22+ 1 3#&++1# S#1# #114. H' 8#44331&'& $9 4'7'3# 13' $11*4, +%&+ M#% ?D1%13 E7+@ M%C#3*9 (#4'32+'3%'3 #& $1&9 1& 42'%+#+4), N138+%* 4&+1 S+*, #& '8%1'3 G#7+ C#3' 31O$4'44+1 + I248+%*, 8*1 8#4 4*#3+ *' 42#%' 8+* A&13 31 H#&'+* + S1.L1%# #'3#+7' %1*+ 4*12 T*' R1% C1'%+1 8#4 #41 *'3'. U24#+34, 3#&'34 #+44 #+' 4*#3'& *' #7#+#$' 42#%' 1 *' 8#8#94, 31 8*'3' *'9 %1& ''2# 8#%* '9' 17'3 *' @4 '7'4.

    I ''2+ 8+* *' $+&+@4 23+#39 %+1 #4 # 4+% 7'' #& 91* #%++9, 1 *'#+ *# # 31& '7' *'3' 8#4 # 4'2#3#' 41&-2311'& 4#' #& $#3 #3'#, 8*+%*#41 $''+'& 31 #+3-%1&++1+. N1 '44 *# 8'9 #%4 3#%'& *' 4#' 17'3 *'8'''&, +%&+ # +& 3'#&'3, 7#3+14 $#&4, %1'&+#4, #& T*' F' G+34. T*'3'8#4 #41 # #3 %#44 #& 1 %134' *' #11 %12'++14. T*' 113 #$17' *' $#3 8#4# %#/%*+-1 1' 8+* 211 #$'4, #& &3+4 #%*+'4 1 %12'' *' *1 #&

    %1& 11& 1 1'3. C1'&9 43'' *'#3' 11 2#%' *31*1 *' 8'''& + *'4*#2' 1 81 1& #&+'4 #& # %12' 1 $'#3&'& ''' 8*1 8#'& *' 113,''3#++ #4 *'9 8'.

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

    E7'39 49' 8#4 %#'3'& 13 > 31 3'#+4 1 3+$#, 31 #'4 #& 4#34 1 -$18$#% 2+'%'4. A& D# A3+'+ 1 B3+*1@4 B#% S#+4 8#4 1'3+ *' &'# 1 *' &'%#&'8+* # *+4 #114 23+%'& # 4

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 43







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    44 Total Tattoo Magaz ine


    17. 18. 19.

    16. simon by lee withey,

    ghost house collective

    17. alex by mike wilson,inksmith and rogers (usa)

    18. jack by justin burnout,

    ghost house collective

    19. steve by oddboy, real art tattoo

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    46 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    Telly... is this your real name?

    People do seem to think that Telly is my

    stage name, but its actually a nickname I got

    in first grade that just stuck. Its a mixture of

    my first name and my surname.

    If you werent living in Milan, where

    would you like to be?

    If were talking Italian cities, then it would

    be Rome. I love it the weather, the lifestyle

    and part of my family comes from there

    too. Open it up to the whole of Europe, and I

    would have to say Berlin. It has such a

    vibrant underground scene. The only thing

    that stops me moving there is the weather;

    its way too cold for an Italian chick like me!

    How would you describe your

    performance work?

    My show is based on jazz and contemporary

    dance styles, matched with contrasting

    music. I try not to follow any recognisable

    trends in the performing arts. Stereotypes

    and the fashions of the moment just bore me.

    I usually perform in clubs and at tattoo

    conventions. The audiences at these events

    just seem to get what Im trying to do.

    Tell us a bit about modelling and the

    shoots that you do.

    The shoots Im involved in are usually for

    advertising and magazine features. Lately

    Ive been asked to do more for the fitness

    industry as well. I love to be photographed,

    especially when Im actively collaborating in

    the creative process. Thats the best part of

    modelling work.

    And whats the worst thing about


    When you are forced to deal with peoplewho have a totally different point of view to

    your own, or completely different tastes.

    How would you describe your own

    personal style?

    My style is the result of the life I have lived,

    the person I have become, and the person I

    am seeking to be. Now this may sound

    confusing... but I strongly believe that there

    is no such thing as good taste. What we can

    find is a unique personal beauty through the

    experiencing of life.

    What do your family think about your


    Lets just say that my family have got used to

    them. When I got my first tattoo it was a bit

    of a tragedy. My mother said, This may be

    your first one, but it also has to be the last

    one that you are ever going to have.

    Obviously, as you can tell, I dont really

    listen to my mother. But she is pretty happy

    about the way things have turned out.

    So what was your first tattoo?

    I never talk about my first tattoo or show it to

    anyone but this isnt because I dont like it.

    I really love it! All I can tell you is that its

    very small and its a fruit.

    Do you have a favourite or most important


    No. Each one of them has its own meaning

    and its own soul. My tattoos help me to feel

    strong and they remind me that freedom is

    the most important aspect of life.

    Do you ever feel the need to cover your


    No, I never feel the need to cover myself. I

    actually do the exact opposite. Of course

    sometimes people stare, or want to talk to me

    about my choices, but what can you do? This

    is one of the things you need to take intoconsideration when you get heavily tattooed!

    This months cover model is Telly Lale. Italian born and bred, she livesin Milan. When shes not working as a personal trainer or modelshe can be found wowing the crowds with her neo-burlesque show.Telly started performing at the tender age of four, and shes been driven

    by a desire for originality and a fiercely independent spirit ever since.

    Do you worry about how your tattoos will

    look when you are older?

    Absolutely not! I see myself as a beautiful,

    colourful, older woman who will never feel

    lonely, because there will always be someone

    asking me about my tattoos.

    You haveFuckin Casino on your stomach.

    What that does this mean?

    It means everythings a bloody mess a right

    royal bloody mess, you know? Troubles are

    always there, around every corner, just waiting

    for you to bump into them. Sometimes that can

    be fun, but other times it can be difficult. But

    its all part of a big neurotic picture. Life is

    like one great big Fuckin Casino.

    What makes you happy and what makes

    you sad?

    Freedom makes me happy. The freedom to

    decide what I want to do and where and

    when I want to do it. Professional and personal

    satisfaction are important to me, and I like

    sharing these feelings with the people I love.

    And the people I love are the people who make

    me happy. Surrounding myself with people

    who do not question me, people who are justhappy for me... that makes me happy too.

    As for what makes me feel sad the past can

    make me sad. I sometimes feel very

    melancholic. There are skeletons in everyones

    closet, ready to scare you and remind you of

    negative things, but I have no regrets in life.

    Whatever has happened was meant to happen.

    Finally, do you have any advice for our


    Never be in a hurry to get tattooed, and be

    meticulous about both the artist and the tattoo

    style you choose. The most important thing isto be sure about what you are doing. What

    other people think or say or how they react to

    your ink is of no concern to you.

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 47

    Photography: Tina Korhonen(

    Location: Studio Altino.

    Special thanks for Danila Luppino.

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    ade, ninefilip,studiozatetoviranje(croatia)

    something fishycraigylee,ontheroad

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    sren granhof schjtt, lowkey tattoo (denmark)

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    craig wilson, electric kicks



    oddboy,real arttattoo


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    jankowzki, kynst (holland)joshbodwell,funhousetat


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    neil dransfield, oddfellows tattoo collective



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    danstewart, luckyrabbittattoos(usa)




    karl cooper, fools gold

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    oddboy, realarttattoo jaredstomber,empirestate(usa)



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    john vanderpool, smalltown tattoos (usa)

    nick baldwin,boldasbrass

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    kirksheppard, raincity tattoo(canada)




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    mike devries, md tattoos (usa)


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    tools of the


    attoo amanda ruby, the jewel in the lotus


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    dimitrihk(france)max pniewski, southmead tattoo

    chris jones, physical graffiti




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    michal suchanowski, michael da bear tattoo


    pontus jonsson, alternative art (sweden)

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    please mention total tattoo when replying to adverts please mention total tattoo when replying to adverts

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    68 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    1. jamie by archiebald cook,

    sharp practice

    2. amber by col cooper, fools gold

    3. mary by eugene, ian ink

    4. alan by nutz, nutz tattoo

    5. toby by tim childs,

    tebori custom tattoo

    6. ruby7. nicky by gabriel gozzer,

    framed fabula (portugal)

    8. joss by kaya-moon, kiss my ink

    9. emma by steve hunter,

    touch of ink

    10. festa by gez bradley,

    indelible ink

    11. the guildhall

    12. alex by wez and jags,

    the ink doctors

    13. charlie by jonjo grant,

    black pearl tattoo studio

    14. danny by daryl williams,

    my last one

    1. 2. 3.




    7. 8.

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 69

    portsmouthtattoo conventionJ"l& a$ " heading do$n o Pormo"h for he econd ime hi &ear. O"r deinaion$a he majeic G"ildhall in he cenre of o$n, he #en"e for hi "mmer' Pormo"hTaoo Con#enion. The "n hone on he fo"reenh incarnaion of hi old gen of heaoo calendar. I' an e#en ha' al$a& had a rep"aion for eneraining he p"nerand hi &ear $a no e%cepion, $ih fire-eaing, b"rleq"e and a big nake... noforgeing $ha $e all came for - he ar of aoo. Thi compac con#enion cerainl&keep re-in#ening ielf, and i ha a real graroo feeling o i. Can' $ai o ee $hahappen ne% &ear!

    9. 10. 11.




    Word and pic"re b& Perr&

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    please mention total tattoo when replying to adverts please mention total tattoo when replying to adverts

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    72 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    AD 793was the year when hordes ofNordic warriors swept out ofScandinavia like a firestorm and laid waste to the

    monastery at Lindisfarne, in Northumbria, to begin

    what scholars now call the Viking Age. The Vikingshave long been known for their less-than-reputable

    history as raiders and plunderers, but they also

    excelled in shipbuilding, exploration and trade.

    Theirs was a society rich in art, spirituality and

    intellectual life. These aspects of their culture have

    been preserved for us in the form of archaeological

    monuments and artefacts... and, more recently,


    Nearly twenty five years ago, pioneering Danish tattooists Erik

    Reime (Kunsten p Kroppen, Copenhagen) and Jorgen Kristiansen

    (Mjlner Tatovering, Aarhus) resurrected the ancient tradition of

    Nordic skin art through painstaking research of Celtic, Pict, and

    Viking tattoos. They passed this knowledge on to the next generation

    of Neo-Nordic tattoo masters artists such as Colin Dale (Skin &

    Bone Tattoo, Copenhagen) and now Kai Uwe Faust, who works with

    Erik Reime in Copenhagen.

    Text by Lars Krutak

    Photos by Christina Heinrich (H2 Fotografie) and Kai Uwe Faust

    Kai Uwe Faust

    Prehistoric Norwegian rock carvings

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 73

    Kai Uwe Faust, known to his friends as

    Dr Faustus, gravitated to this organic,

    naturalistic and zoomorphic style of

    tattooing very early in his artistic career.

    Originally from the small town of Siegen

    in Germany, he grew up in a very

    Christian household where television was

    not allowed but books were welcomed.

    One book that particularly intrigued him

    contained images of tattooed nomadic

    warriors the Scythians, who ruled the

    Eurasian steppes two thousand years ago.

    Today, Kai wears a Scythian-styled deer

    inked on his forearm (by Astrid Kpfler)

    as a tribute to these Iron Age artisans

    who continue to fascinate him and

    inspire his art.

    In fact Astrid Kpfler (all-round badass

    German tattooist, of Tattoo Tarot project

    fame) took the young Kai under her wing

    for nine years. Kai tells me, I was a lost

    kid. She took me in after seeing my

    drawings and gave me an apprenticeship.

    I can honestly say that was the best thing

    that ever happened to me in my entire

    life. She gave me so much perspective.

    And she also helped me land a guest spot

    at Kunsten p Kroppen, where I work to

    this day!

    According to Kai, the Neo-Nordic tattoo revival is in his

    blood, because as native northern Europeans, its a thing that

    we have naturally inside of us. You see, where I come from we

    have stone circles in the forest, rock art sites and old places and

    monuments where you can still see traces of the ancestors. The

    soil we are walking on was cultivated by our forefathers for

    thousands of years. We are connected to these places and to the

    things out there on the landscape. They are power centres, and

    deeply sacred.

    The term Neo-Nordic was coined by Colin Dale. Kai tells me,

    Colin came up with the term and it is perfectly fitting because,although the style references the ancients, the designs do not

    copy actual artefacts. Neo-Nordic is an amalgamation of

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    74 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    artistic elements from Sweden, Ireland

    and other northern European countries

    that even scientists would have a hard time

    characterising. The term generally refers

    to bold black and grey tattooing (though

    Colin has also pioneered the use of natural

    red ochre pigments in some of his

    designs). So I shouldnt have been

    surprised when Kai sent only black andwhite photos for this article! When I asked

    the reason for this, he said, I dont work

    in colour. Im colour blind. For a

    moment, I thought he was serious... but

    then he went on, No really, if you look at

    the oldest tattoos they are all black, and

    that is my preferred palette.

    Although there is no firm evidence

    regarding the types of tattoo pigments

    used by the ancient Scandinavians, I

    myself suspect that they probably used

    natural substances such as charcoal and

    soot. The oldest preserved example oftattooing in Europe is a 5300-year-old iceman [see Total

    Tattoo Issue 80 for the full story] and it has been shown that his

    tattoos were composed of vegetable carbon. Moreover, in all my

    travels through the tribal world, documenting tattoos, I have

    found charcoal to be the most widespread pigment used. It is

    sterile and takes to the skin easily, especially when hand-tapped,

    hand-poked, or skin-cut. And these are the ancient techniques in

    which Kai Uwe Faust excels. Some of his clients have gone

    back to nature and been tattooed with organic sooty pigments

    on the tips of chert-tipped lancets and other skin-poking tools

    that severely test ones courage, strength, and pain threshold.

    But in the end the ordeal is well worth it. As Kai says, My

    clients want to tap into the spiritual energy of nature and the

    sacred places that dot the northern landscapes. Their chosen

    motifs are varied. Some people want to get their kids names in

    runes, make a memorial to a lost loved one, or have their

    spiritual cosmos or power animals tattooed on their bodies

    because they are very much into Shamanism and have these

    kinds of images already imprinted upon their minds.



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    Total Tattoo Magazine 75

    Kai Uwe Faust, Colin Dale and the other Neo-

    Nordic tattoo artists often wield their hand tools

    at the Viking fairs and other Nordic festivals

    that take place at heritage sites across northern

    Europe. As Kai tells me, Its a very special

    experience to create tattoos at these places

    because, over a thousand years ago, the

    Norsemen themselves were developing this

    artistic style at locations just like these. Someof these fairs offer historical re-enactments and

    demonstrations, such as blacksmiths forging

    tools and heavily-armed (and tattooed) fighting men expertly manoeuvring Viking

    longboats. Kai has entered into collaborations with many of the craftspeople involved in

    the Neo-Nordic network, such as traditional jewellery designers and leatherworkers. But

    one of his most enduring creative relationships is with his close friend, German

    photographer Christina Heinrich of H2 Fotografie (,

    whose work is featured on these pages. Christina has been producing her dramatically lit

    images of Kais elegant work since 2009, often taking her mobile photo studio to major

    tattoo conventions across Europe so that she can provide Kais clients with exquisite

    shots of their newly acquired tattoos.

    Neo-Nordic folks seem constantly to be re-educating themselves about ancient forms of

    northern European art through book research or active engagement with the

    environment, where they seek out rock carvings, runestones and other monuments from

    which they might source design ideas. Kai tells me, A lot of thought goes into finding

    meaningful sources of inspiration, and people are really interested in making the history

    come alive again by having it tattooed on their skin. He goes on, It might sound like a

    clich, but it is really important to think about what you are putting on your body. So I

    really appreciate it when people come to me asking for a tattoo that will symbolise

    something with which they have an intimate connection like family, the land, or

    spirituality because that is something that is greater than themselves, and also greater

    than Facebook or Instagram! I know many artists look for inspiration on the internet, but

    I dont. My inspiration comes from

    old books, artefacts, nature, and

    carvings from religious sites, like old

    stave churches.




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    76 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    As my interview draws to a close, I am

    curious to hear what Kai has to say about

    the future of the Neo-Nordic tattoo

    revival. Does he think the movement is

    here to stay? Weve had all these recent

    trends in the tattooing world tramp

    stamps, Chinese characters, sugar skulls,

    etc and now it seems to be portrait art.

    Neo-Nordic tattooing has always beenthere, all this time, but its been practised

    on the sidelines. Its never really been

    popular, but then again its never been

    too unpopular either. However, it is

    increasing in popularity now and I dont

    see it going away any time soon. But we

    are still a really small niche in the ever-

    expanding tattoo world and thats a fact.

    One thing is certain though. Theres a

    wave of Neo-Nordic artists coming over

    the horizon bringing with them an

    ancient Scandinavian tattooing tradition,

    a body of art rich in symbolism andmeaning, for all to see and experience.

    Mange tak og skl! *

    Kai Uwe Faust

    Kunsten p Kroppen

    Rdhusstrde 15

    1466 Copenhagen K


    Tel: +45 33 14 48 26

    Many Thanks, and Cheers!






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    Total Tattoo Magazine 77

    Tattoo Symbolism

    1. Compass wheel tattoo, symbolising a close-knit family.2. Stag and ram, symbolising power.

    3. Baldur, Norse god of light and beauty.

    4. Freija, Norse goddess of love and sexuality

    (wearing Brisingamen, the most beautiful necklace ever made).

    5. The Venus of Willendorf, an ancient Upper Palaeolithic fertility figure.

    6. Tree of life, with family members' names in runes.

    7. Raven holding Viking war god Thor's hammer (Mjlnir).

    8. Stag rooted to the earth, and other symbols of life and power.

    9. Yggdrasil, the immense tree central to Norse cosmology.

    10. Tattoo evoking family history (including references to a blacksmith, a farmer and a priest).



    9.Fusion of Polynesian and Nordic elements

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    78 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 79

    stockholmink bashWith its breathtaking location, world-class artists, and appreciative visitors(who know how to have a good time too), the Stockholm Ink Bash is aver special meeting. Now in its seventeenth ear, it has never sold outto commercialism and remains one of the world!s best conventions.A! !oon a! "he doo! open and "he p#blic i! admi""ed, i" !eem! "ha" e$e' a"i!" i! had a"%ok ( incl#ding !#ch !"a name! a! Volko and Simone of B#ena Vi!"a Ta""oo Cl#b, TimKen, Fabio Moo, Jondi&, Calo! Toe! and S"e$e So"o. B#" an'bod' %ho didn)" bookan appoin"men" in ad$ance needn)" de!pai. Man' of "he %old-cla!! a"i!"! %ho come "oS"ockholm don)" "ake pe-con$en"ion booking!. The' kno% "he' can el' on "he S%edi!h

    p#blic)! h#nge fo gea" "a""oo! "o keep "hem b#!' all %eekend.

    Thi! i! pa"ic#lal' "#e fo "he "adi"ional a"i!"! a" "he con$en"ion %ho pefe "o "a""oo "he%a' i" ha! been done fo h#nded!, if no" "ho#!and!, of 'ea! ( b' hand, %i"ho#" "he helpof machine!. Colin Dale of Skin And Bone ha! come o$e fom Denmak, and Ki%i a"i!"Ben" McCo%n ha! flo%n in fom A#!"ia. And fl'ing in fom e$en f#"he afield i! M#!a!hifom Japan, a h#ge fan of "he Ink Ba!h %ho come! hee e$e' 'ea.



    3. 4.

    1. by den yakovlev, negative karma(russia)

    2. by daveee, kult tattoo (poland)

    3. by fru duva (sweden)4. by remigijus Cizauskas,

    remis tattoo (ireland)

    Wod! and pic"#e! b' Ta$ellin) Mick

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    80 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    F$'*#ae! he ai!e a'e ide e#$*gh $ acc$""$dae he$#!$$e' h$ gahe' $ ach he a'i a $', $"ei"e f$'&*ie !e#gh %e'i$d $f i"e. The "e"be' $f he Sia"ee fa"i!,f$' ea"%!e, a!a d'a he c'$d. O'igi#a!! f'$" Ph*e, hii a g'$*% $f ab$* a d$/e# "$! Thai a$$i h$ ha+e e!edi# e+e'a! Sca#di#a+ia# c$*#'ie *#de' he a*%ice $f "ae' SidSia"ee. The %ecia!ie i# e#i'e b$d *i a#d he a!aa'ac %!e# $f ae#i$#.

    I ee" ha he $!d ch$$! a#d $'ie#a! !e $f a$$i#g ha+ed$"i#aed he Sedih ce#e f$' ea', b* 'ea!i" ha #$ca*gh $# big i"e. Da##e $f H$*e $f Pai# ha bec$"e $#e $f he"$ $*gh-afe' a'i 0 "a!! $#de', a he2 bee# "e#$'ed bT*"%%i a#d Mie (a!$ a H$*e $f Pai#), h$ e'e %i$#ee' $fhi ge#'e i# Sede#. A#$he' %'$d*c $f hi h$h$*e $f a!e# iSa#d'a, h$ i #$ $'i#g a he' $# *di$, La R*bia L$ca, i#U%%a!a.

    I2 a$#ihi#g h$ &*ic! he #*"be' $f *di$ i# S$ch$!" ig'$i#g. A decade ag$, he'e e'e "abe a d$/e#, b* #$ he#*"be' c$*!d e!! be i#$ h'ee fig*'e. O#e $f he "$$*a#di#g "* *'e! be C'$$ed M$$#, he h$"e $f hePede'e# b'$he' a e!! a J$ha# A#a'f'. Jac$b Pede'e# $#

    he %'eigi$* 1I# Mae'2 e!e+ii$# a!e# h$ !a ea', h$ee%e' j*dgi#g %a#e! i#c!*ded *ch !*"i#a'ie a Heidi Ha, The$Ja a#d Je# Be'g'$" 0 e a#$he' i#dicai$#, %e'ha%, $f h$fa' he %*b!ic acce%a#ce $f a$$i#g ha ad+a#ced i# Sede#.

    5. 6.


    8. 9.

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 81

    10. 11.


    13.5. by jens, circle tattoo (sweden)6. by wen long, cui tattoo (china)7. by rique corner (on the road)8. by sherbert cuff, crazy needle

    (norway)9. by miguel angel bohigues,

    v-tattoo (spain)10. by victor policheri,

    heidi hay tattoo (sweden)11. by beam siamese ix (sweden)12. by jimmylajnen (sweden)13. by pino cafaro, elektrik revolver


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    82 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    S&edi"h #a##oo fan" a!e kno&ledgeable and p!epa!ed #o pa fo! $ali# ink; f$ll"lee%e" a!e p!e## m$ch main"#!eam no&ada", &i#h c$"#ome!" e'pec#a#ion"being "haped b #he &o!k of a!#i"#" "$ch a" Doc Fo!e"#, I"ak (Ea"# S#!ee#),T$mppi (Ho$"e of Pain), Calle (King Ca!lo") and Heidi Ha, &ho ha%e "e# #he"#anda!d" b &hich all "$b"e$en# &o!k i" j$dged.

    14. 15.

    16. 17. 18.

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    Total Tattoo Magazine 83

    Held on the last "eekend of the month,the Stockholm Ink Bash conenientl$coincides "ith pa$da$ for most S"edes.And that means part$ time! It seems thateer$one "ants to conert their mone$into either ink or beer and, as the snstarts to sink lo"er in the sk$, chaoserpts at the bar. Bt this is Scandinaia,remember, so there&s hardl$ an$ troble atall % nothing more serios than a fe"spilled drinks, a fe" people passing ot on

    the floor, and a "hole lot of headaches thene#t morning... The tattoo artists see thishappen eer$ $ear, of corse, and the$come prepared. The$ start their largerprojects earl$ on in the da$ in order to beable to enjo$ a fe" cold ones themseleslater on, and the$ kno" it&s highl$ nlikel$that their clients "ill be on time for aSnda$ morning appointment...

    The Ink Bash finished "ith an afterpart$ inStockholm&s pictresqe Old To"n on theSnda$ eening. Eer$one "as talkingabot ho" good this $ear&s conention

    had been % and eer$one "as alread$starting to plan their attendance at ne#t$ear&s meeting!

    19. 20.

    21. 22. 23.

    14. by danne, house of pain (sweden)15. by andy blanco, lifestyle tattoo (sweden)16. by peter lagergren,

    malm classic tattoo (sweden)17. by thomas, stuck tattoo (sweden)18. by tim kern, tribulation tattoo (usa)19. by iain, imperial tattoo (sweden)

    20. by hakan, carneval tattoo (sweden)21. by frej lind, royal arch tattoo (sweden)22 & 23. by henrik, east street tattoo (sweden)

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


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    Total Tattoo Magazine 85

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    86 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    Sam Ford is without question one of the rising stars within UK

    tattooing at the moment. Her black and grey portraits and pin-ups

    have a softness and movement that has become her trademark and

    she is now applying that same level of skill and attention to her

    detailed colour work. Never one to seek the limelight, Sams journey

    into tattooing has been low profile, but it was only ever going to be a

    matter of time before this talented artists quiet determination

    brought her the recognition that she deserves. She is the daughter

    of the hugely influential Tom Ptolemy, and her studio of course bears

    the famous Silver Needles name, but most people only discover thisfamily connection after being wowed by her work.

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 87

    How do you rebel against something

    thats already seen as rebellious? How did

    growing up as the daughter of a famous

    tattooist influence Sams attitude towards

    tattooing? I never really thought about it,

    and I think that in itself has played a big

    part in my development. I didnt really see

    tattooing as an industry that I wanted to be

    involved in, because I wasnt looking at it

    with the bright eyes of an outsider. Its

    always just been part of my everyday life.

    I only really saw my Dad once a week and

    that was in the studio. Colourful people

    surrounded me; mostly they werebig scary men, back in the day,

    but I never felt intimidated.

    Interview James Sandercock

    Pictures Sam Ford

    I want to be ableto appreciate all oftattooing and bringmy own thing to it.Its worldwide and

    age old and Imexcited to learnabout it all.

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    88 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    When she was younger, Sam wasnt

    particularly interested in becoming a tattoo

    artist, though looking back I did draw heartsand daggers in art class, so I guess something

    must have been there without me even

    knowing it. When she was twenty one she

    started to work in Toms studio, but the drive

    to tattoo still hadnt grabbed her; as she tells

    me, it was just a way to pass some time as I

    was in a bit of a slump. Then Jethro, who

    worked in the shop, let Sam have a go on him.

    According to Sam, it felt like the most natural

    thing in the world. And that was the start.

    Sam has been tattooing for eight years now,

    but she tells me that the desire was not

    necessarily there from day one. First of all it

    was simply a way of making money. I know

    thats not a very fashionable view these days,

    but it was the same for my Dad when he

    started out; he got into tattooing to make

    money, then the passion grew. Im not sure if

    Dad ever really wanted me to get involved

    with the industry. It had taken him up and lethim down by the time I started and I dont

    think he wanted me to get into something that

    he been burned by (especially with me being a

    woman). He had been consumed by tattooing

    and I think he wanted something different for

    me. Im glad I got into it on my own, although

    of course I did have help. I am influenced by

    him a lot and its amazing to have him there,

    but I wasn't mollycoddled. He did not teach me

    everything I know by a long shot, but its great

    to be able to draw on his thoughts and


    So if the desire was not there at the beginning,

    when did it start to take hold? I opened the

    studio five years ago. That was a big outlay,

    so the next three or four years were spent

    tattooing everything that came through the

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    Total Tattoo Magazine 89

    door, fourteen hours a day, seven days a week.

    I didn't really progress artistically at all. I was

    in a bit of a bubble, but then we had a guest

    artist come to visit Mark Blanchard from

    Last Rites. He really opened my eyes. I felt

    like a child. It was a bit like fuckin hell, I

    know nothing." Mark gave Sam a crucial

    piece of advice: he suggested she should

    devote more of her time to tattooing, and

    really focus on developing her work. He also

    introduced her to Instagram. The new global

    standard of tattooing blew her mind and she

    wanted to be part of it. Something just clicked

    and I started to be more selfish. I think perhaps

    I was bit scared at how it had consumed Dad,

    but now I understand. It creeps in! Im just

    trying to find a balance.

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    90 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    The convention circuit has also been a big part

    of Sams growth as an artist, and has changed

    the way she feels about her own ability to fit

    into the tattoo world. I always had a feeling

    of trepidation; I was not sure people would

    accept me, or consider my opinions valid. But

    the more shows I did, the more I felt I was

    becoming part of a community. I've made a

    few good friends along the way, and the

    thought of being able to grow with those

    people over the next thirty years... I find that

    incredibly comforting. I feel like Im on the

    cusp of something amazing.

    Sam is the first to admit that she's created her

    own mental barriers - including the desire to

    do it herway rather than ask for help - but

    those barriers are tumbling down now and a

    new world is opening up. So much is

    changing: the machines Im using, the inks,

    needle configuration, new techniques. I just

    look back and think, why havent I been using

    these or doing this? For the first five years Iused the same inks, same machines, same

    everything. I realised Id been making life

    harder for myself. Its really just a case of

    being open to new ideas.

    With the industry rapidly evolving, the

    multitude of inspirational artists posting on

    Instagram 24/7, the conventions and the guest

    spots, I wondered if Sam saw herself moving

    in a different direction any time soon? I love

    doing portraits and pin-ups and I could

    probably carve out a whole career just doing

    them, but thats not what I want to do. Maybe

    its an ego thing, but I want to be good at

    everything. Perhaps I just want to prove myself

    a bit. People seem to think that if you can do

    one thing well, then you cant do anything else

    - and that puts my back up. Tattooing is not

    just one thing and its arrogant to think it is.

    Its constantly changing and always has been. I

    want to do this for the next fifty years! I want

    to be able to appreciate all of tattooing and

    bring my own thing to it. Its worldwide and

    age-old and Im excited to learn about it all. I

    want to get as much out of tattooing as I can in

    my lifetime.

    106 Southchurch RoadSouthend on Sea, SS1 2LX

    United Kingdom

    Phone: 01702 603 946

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    please mention total tattoo when replying to adverts please mention total tattoo when replying to adverts

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    92 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    Broad Street TattooFil Marcos Attwood Jimmie Matthews Jo

    26 Broad St, Bath, BA1 5LW

    01225 329825











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    Total Tattoo Magaz ine 93







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    94 Total Tattoo Magaz ine

    1. 2.



    7. 8.



  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    mk inktattoo convention

    I' *a& &c#%che% #f a *eeke"d, a"d *e f#("d #(%&e)e& i" 'he c#"c%e'e j("ge 'ha' i&Mi'#" Ke"e&- b(' *e had g##d %ea" '# be 'he%e. The 3%d MK I"k E+$# *a& ($#"

    (&, a"d *e *e%e #" #(% *a '# 'he Ke"'& Hi C#"fe%e"ce Ce"'%e a"d H#'e. Ra'he% 'ha"

    #(% '%ied a"d 'e&'ed a#(' *i'h a%'i&'& i" j(&' #"e #% '*# ai" %##&, 'hi& )e"(e &$%ead&

    'he #(' a"d c%ea'e& a )e% diffe%e"' feei"g. A' 'ie& i' &eeed '# be #%e ike a

    c#ec'i#" #f &a c#")e"'i#"& 'ha" a &i"ge a%ge #"e a"d *i'h f#%' #% &'(di#& i"

    a''e"da"ce, f%# a%#("d 'he c#("'%, 'he%e *a& ce%'ai" "# ack #f i"k bei"g &("g.

    The $acked c#$e'i'i#" ca'eg#%ie& b#%e *i'"e&& '# 'ha'! E)e% ea% 'he #%ga"i&a'i#"

    #f 'hi& e)e"' ge'& a i''e &icke%, a"d Sa a"d he% c%e* *#%ked e+'%ee ha%d #)e% 'he

    *eeke"d '# kee$ e)e%#"e ha$$. R(#(% ha& i' 'he%e a be a cha"ge #f )e"(e i"

    'he $i$ei"e f#% 2014, *a'ch 'hi& &$ace.

    1. dan by elliott wells, electric buddha

    2. amazing reptiles

    3. millie by aarone, underground tattoos

    4. andy by a j curzon-berners, rising phoenix

    5. matthew by elmo, underground tattoos

    6. wayne by bobby leach, southmead tattoo

    7. georgina by p j reynolds, rising phoenix

    8. diego by leo rios, timebomb tattoo

    9. chris by jake, top hat tattoo10. jared by tattoo guy, pigments tattoo studio

    11. dom by elmo, underground tattoos

    12. dean by carl collinson, urban image

    13. rachael by silvia zed, shall adore

    14. james by adem, fat fugu tattoo studio


    10. 11.




    W#%d& a"d $ic'(%e& b Pe%%

    Total Tattoo Magazine 95

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    = =? =? > ?, ;


    CONVENTION CALENDAR== = H=, ==, !?, 3 5

    : 0151 709 0479


  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    T&*a# Ta**&& Maga/%e 97

    T& f%d &+* & )e##) T&*a# Ta**&& % &+( a(ea, e$a# &+(

    '&)*c&de *& %ick(b@&a!ne!"g!o$.co.$k

    Sae $&%e * a )+b)c('*&%! F&( de*a#), ca## &+( f(ee

    )+b)c('*&%) &*#%e &% 0800 917 8794 &( )*


    Ta**&& )*+d&)! Y&+ ca% )e## T&*a# Ta**&& &% a% ea)

    )a#e-&(-(e*+(% ba)). T& f%d &+* $&(e, e$a#$k &( '&%e 01787 242100

    CardiffsSuper StudioPhysical Graffiti

    Drawing onInspiration

    Jeremy Justice

    Shape, Styleand Sucture

    Big MeasJustin Williams

    Tattoo ShowsThe Halloween BashHong Kong Tattoo Convention

    Galway Tattoo Convention

    Get InspiredGet Excited

    Get ink!Gallery Plus

    A hard actto follow

    Byron Gibson

    PortfoliosSteve Jarvis ,Monki Do

    Dap,Skingdom Tattoo


    Mel NoirLooks into her

    Crystal Ball

    In Focusthis month

    Golden DragonTattoo Studio

    NEXT MONTHA g#$')e &f a* *e f+*+(e d)!

    If &+ &+#d #"e *& )ee &+( &(" '+b#)ed % T&*a# Ta**&&, )e%d &+( 'c*+(e) *& galle!($k&( )e%d d)c) *& To#al Ta##oo Maga)ine, PO Bo' 10038, S$db$!(, S$ffolk, CO10 7WL, UK


    JAN 2013

    P)ca# G(aff*


    Je(e$ J+)*ce

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


    mugshotWe ask tattooists some probing questions and encourage

    them to reeal a different side of themseles!

    This month

    Tommi Cra#"Middleton Tattoo Studio

    What makes "ou happ"?

    T#a a 1 3 $d aad3 #a0 +*a$ * * #$ &$. I 1aa d* 1*d

    d*$a$*, ad b a**d * a a3

    +*+ a +*$b! [laughs]

    What makes "ou angr"?

    W# "$d, ad a$ d*9 #a0 #

    *$0a$* 6 ad 1# +*+ 1$#*/ a

    a * /c# * *$0ad.

    What as the last book "ou read?

    I9 * 03 7$d3 1$# b**&. I $&

    **&$" a # $/a$* * #a ad$".

    T# a b**& I ad 1a $ +$a3 c#**

    What as the last moie "ou sa?

    Ha"*0 Pa III (ad *1 I d*9 1aa "*

    * La V"a a3 *!)

    What pets do "ou hae?

    I /d * #a0 a a ** $ 3 #*/, b/ *1

    I $0 $ # UK ad # ad*d # a

    * 03 a$a-$d3 b/ 3, a3#$"

    * d*" ad ca * $#, +$d, b$d I

    *0 a$a ad #3 a 3 a0*/$ /b%c

    * a**.

    What ould "ou eat for "our lastmeal on earth?

    M3 "ad*#' pierogi, # P*$# 0$* *


    If "ou on the lotter" hat is the

    first thing "ou ould bu"?

    I 1*/d a a0$" # 1*d! B/ #

    #$" #a I 1*/d $& * b/3?... #

    +*bab3 # "da3 D T*a* Paa

    +* ca *, $ $ 1a a a b$" 1$, a cad3

    a++ d Fa$ E* * a 458 Ia$a.

    Who ould pla" "ou in the moie of

    "our life?

    I9d $& $ * b d$cd b3 T$ B/*. H

    c*/d c#** # ca, ad a& # *0$

    a3 1$d.

    What song ould be the soundtrack

    to "our life?I #$& I 1*/d a& D0$ T*1d * +a3

    * #a03 / 1$# 03 a +acd-*/

    */d. H c*/d %/ $+*0$ *#$" *


    What ould "our super poer be?

    I 1*/d %/ ca+ 3 #ad ad +*+ 1*/d

    bc* a b$ * +*$b * # #$"

    #3 d* ad # #$" #3 a3.

    What achieement are "ou most

    proud of?M3 b$"" ac#$0 $ #a I a1a3 1*&

    * # d" * a0a$ab da$3 #*/ b$"

    #3+ac$0 1$# 3 ba$ ad I' $ *

    c*+3 ca3

    What is "our biggest regret?

    W$# # +aa" * $, # #$" #a I

    "d d*$" 1# I 1a 3*/" *1

    $& "**d *. S* I9 #a++3 #a I #ad *

    "* #*/"# #* #$", ad I d*9 "

    # a3 *.

    What keeps "ou aake at night?

    I9 a a da3da. T# 0$$* I "

    (1$#*/ a3 d/"!) 2c$ ad *$0a

    , ad #a9 1#a &+ a1a& a $"#


    What is the best lesson life has

    taught "ou?

    I9 a/"# a1a3 * &+ 3 $d *+ *

    1 #$", b/ $9 a* a/"# * *

    1c* 03* I 1$# *+ a.

    Ho ould "ou like to be


    A a +* 1#* 0 a$d * a3*, 7I 1a%/ b/$.

    What is "our faourite tattoo that

    "ou hae done and h"?

    I aa 3 a** $* 3 +*a $ ad

    $* # $ * 3 c$. I %/ *0 #, ad

    # a ** a3 * a3 1#$c# $ 3

    a0*/$ 0.

    Finish this sentence: Tommi is$

    .....a $$"a * a d$ +a

    98 T*a Ta** Ma"a$

  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK


  • 7/22/2019 Total Tattoo - December 2013 UK
