Toshiba Accounting Scandal

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Transcript of Toshiba Accounting Scandal

Toshiba Accounting Scandal

Lexy, Jessie, Greg, and Sudket

Overview- Situation and Ethical Frameworks - Lexy

- Ethical responsibilities and standards - Greg

- Primary causes and how they could have acted differently - Jessie

- Outcomes and key lessons - Sudket

- Conclusion

- Questions

Situation and Ethical Frameworks

Situation- Leading electronics & industries


- 1.9 million “accounting adjustment” discovered in September 2015

- Organisation structure and pressure led to misreporting of numbers


Ethical Frameworks- Deontology: Not morally right to use inaccurate accounting

practices to meet numbers on their reports

- Justice: ‘Fake it or will replace you with someone who will’ workplace culture and shareholders very mislead

- Egoism: CEO’s placing their own welfare above all others

Ethical Responsibilities and Standards

Where do the Ethical Responsibilities Lie? - EVERYONE working for Toshiba has the responsibility to act ethically.

- For the Toshiba scandal, the individuals that should be held accountable for the ethical responsibilities lie on every level throughout the company.

Where do the Ethical Responsibilities Lie?- Initially stemmed from the previous three CEO’s

- Not leading by example.

- Immense pressure from Toshiba’s corporate leadership onto the business unit presidents to meet profit targets is what ultimately led to the fraudulent accounting practices.

- Right down to the accountants entering the false information

Ethical Standards being Compromised- Poor Corporate Governance

• Not identifying and stopping the inappropriate behaviours.• Superiors Demanding obedience from subordinates to achieve their

profit targets.• Failure was not an option.

- Ineffective Internal Controls• Methods to ensure integrity in accounting information.

Underlying Moral Values- The individuals involved compromised their:

• Integrity- Falsifying the accounting information• Empathy- How the pressure affected coworkers and

subordinates• Respect- Superiors not respecting their subordinates limits

- Maximising profits should not comprise the individual’s moral values.

Primary causes and how they could have acted differently

Primary Causes- Immense pressure on business unit presidents

- Superiors had ‘demand obedience’ integrated into corporate culture

- Poorly functioning internal systems due to weak corporate governance

How they could have acted differently?

- Acquired independent directors

- Developed an Internal ethics committee

- Utilised third party auditors

Outcomes and key lessons

Stakeholder Outcomes - Business Outcomes

- Employee Outcomes

- Shareholder

- Supplier

- Community

Key Lessons - The right approach

- Corporate Governance

- Unethical behaviour outcome


- Awareness of ethical practices as they influence culture and


- Organisational structure & pressure from top executives


- Report accurate figures to prevent a similar situation

ReferencesAronson, B. (2013). The Olympus Scandal and Corporate Governance Reform: Can Japan Find a Middle ground between the Board Monitoring Model and Management

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Boyd, J. (2015). Key questions in Toshiba scandal still unanswered. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from


Carpenter, W. (2015). Toshiba’s Accounting Scandal: How it happened. Retreieved July 19, 2016, from

Du, L. (2015). 5 Things To Know About Toshiba’s Accounting Scandal. Retrieved July 19, 2016, from

Goldmann, L. (2016, July). Business Ethics. Lecture presented for MGT320 at ICMS, Sydney, NSW.

ReferencesNagata, K. (2015). Pressure to show a profit led to Toshiba’s accounting scandal. Retrieved July 19, 2016, from

Russel, G. (2015). Will Toshiba’s scandal bring about the change needed in corporate governance?. Retrieved July 20, 2016, from

Singh, M. (2015). Toshiba Accounting Scandal: A Corporate Culture Problem. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from

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