Topic 01 - Concept of Q (New)

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Transcript of Topic 01 - Concept of Q (New)

  • 8/12/2019 Topic 01 - Concept of Q (New)


    McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

    1.0 Concept of Quality

  • 8/12/2019 Topic 01 - Concept of Q (New)



    After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

    1. explain the concept of Quality and Total Quality ;

    2. understand the concept of Quality in the Islamic

    perspective ;

    3. differentiate between the modern and traditional views

    on Quality ;4. identify the key elements of Total Quality (TQ) ; and

    5. understand thehistorical development of TQ in the

    public sector.

    1.0 Concept of Quality

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    1.1 Definition of Quality

    3. Quality is determined by the product users,

    clients or customers, not by society in general. It

    is not the same as 'expensive' or 'high quality'.

    Low priced products can be considered ashaving high quality if the product users

    determine them as such.

    ( ty_assurance)

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    1.1 Definition of Quality

    4. Similarities among the definitions are :

    a. Quality involves meeting or exceeding customer


    b. Quality applies to products, services, people,

    processes, and environments.

    c. Quality is an-ever changing state (ie. What is

    considered quality today may not be good enough to

    be considered quality tomorrow)

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    1.1 Definition of Quality

    5. From the elements above Quality can be set forth

    as :

    Adynamic state associated with products,

    services, people and environments that meets /

    exceeds customersexpectations.

    (Goetsch & Davis, 2006)

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    Quality involves meeting or exceeding customer


    Quality applies to products, services, people,

    processes, and environments.

    Quality is an-ever changing state (ie. What is

    considered quality today may not be good

    enough to be considered quality tomorrow).

    Quality is determined by product/service users.

    Doing the right thing from the first time.

    Quality always strives for improvement

    (continuous improvement).

    1.2 Summary of the Definitions ofQuality

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    Any planned and systematic activity directed

    towards providing consumers with products (goods

    and services) of appropriate quality, along with

    confidence that products meet consumersrequirements.

    (Evans & Lindsay, 2008)

    1.2 Definition of Quality Assurance

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    The systematic monitoring and evaluation of thevarious aspects of a project, service or facility to

    maximize the probability that minimum standards of

    quality are being attained by the production process.

    2 principles included in QA are:

    a. "Fit for purpose" - the product should be sui table

    for the intended pu rpose.

    b. "Right first time" - mistakes should be eliminated.

    ( ty_assurance)

    1.2 Definition of Quality Assurance

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    Quality Control consists of THREE (3)processes /steps in ensuring the quality of theproducts is maintained :

    assess /evaluate actual quali ty perform ance.

    compare actual performance with performance


    take immediate steps to resolve dif ferences

    between planned performance and actual


    (Goetsc h & Davis, 2006)

    1.3 Definition of Quality Control

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    The difference between QA and QC is :

    QA attempts to improve and stabilize production,and associated processes, to avoid, or at least

    minimize, issues that led to the defects in the firstplace.

    QC emphasizes testing of products to uncoverdefects, and reporting to management who make

    the decision to allow or deny the release,

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    TQ is an approach to doing business that attempts tomaximize the competitiveness of an organizationthrough the continual improvement of the quality ofits products, sevices, people, proceses, andenvironments.

    (Goetsc h & Davis, 2010)

    The unyielding and continually improving effort byeveryone in an organisation to understand, meet and

    exceed the expectations of customers.(P & G; quo ted by Evans and Lind say, 2008)

    1.4 Definition of Total Quality

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    TQ consists of continuous improvement activitiesinvolving everyone in the organization managers

    and workers in a totally integrated effort towardimproving performance at every level.

    Dept o f Defense (DOD), US

    1.4 Definition of Total QualityContinue

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    The TOTAL in TQ indicates a concern for Quality in

    the broadest sense what has come to be known as

    the BigQ.

    Big Q refers to quality of products, services,

    people, processes and environments.

    Correspondingly, Little Q refers to a narrower

    concern that focuses on the quality of one of these

    elements or individual quality criteria within an

    individual element satisfaction.

    1.4 Definition of Total QualityContinue

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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of Quality

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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of Quality

    In inculcating the right habit, a character development is

    necessary because character is the state of the soul which

    initiates all physical actions. A good character will produce

    virtuous actions while a bad character will produce vices.

    Thus programme for the improvement of the work ethics,corporate culture, and the like, which obviously has direct

    relationships with values, attitudes of the employees etc are

    important. What is most important is the proper development

    of the soul which has direct concern with feelings, passion,

    attitude, likes and dislikes, dedication, commitment, love, hate,

    anger patience, etc..

    (Syed Othm an, Syed Omar, Nik Mustapha and Aid it, 1998).

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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of QualityContinue

    Quality starts with a good character. Islamic approach to build a good character isbasically TWO-FOLD :

    1. Obligatory Duties

    2. Supererogatory Acts

    (Syed Othm an, Syed Om ar, Nik Mus tapha and Aid it , 1998)

    The duties to perform the 5 pillars of Islam (Syahadah, 5 Daily Solat,

    Fasting during ramadhan, Religious Tax/Zakat and Performing Hajj)

    The duties need to be religiously and sincerely performed.

    Since these duties are incumbent on every individual muslim, it implies

    that Islam has provided the sufficient basics for every Muslim to be of a

    noble character.

    Additional acts beyong obligatory requirements which are stronglyencouraged to further purify the soul from all vices and beautify it with virtues.

    Devotional acts which can be performed in accordance with the practices

    of The Holy Prophet (PBUH).

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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of QualityContinue

    The Islamic teachings also provide several practices which can specifically beapplied to the improvement of quality and productivity.

    1. Every action (good deed) should be accompanied by clear intention


    2. Islam demands its adherents to do more than what is minimally required. A

    Quranic verse enjoins thus : VerilyGod demands that you establ ish just ice

    and be eff ic ient and prof ic ient.

    3. Islam demands that all its adherents should take His Messenger Muhammad

    (PBUH) as his role model.

    4. A Muslim is encouraged to undertake all tasks skillfully and diligently.

    5. A Muslim is enjoined to strive towards excellence all the time.

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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of QualityContinue

    The Islamic teachings also provide several practices which can specifically beapplied to the improvement of quality and productivity.

    6. A Muslim is enjoined to frequently (daily at least) evaluate or do self

    assessment (muhasabah) his good and bad deeds (if any).

    The Commander of the Faithful, 'Umar bin al-Khattab says: "Criticize and appraise

    yourselves before you are criticized and appraised on the Day of Judgment, and

    weigh out your deeds, before they are weighed out for you.

    7. God-consciousness (Taqwa) is the core of taqwa because it is acknowledging,

    feeling, and realizing Godspresence at all times, and knowing that He is looking

    after you and knows what you are doing and even what your soul whispers to you.

    8. Being humble. Most people does not realise the power of 'humbleness'. Don't they

    know being humble, you will have more friends? Don't they know that being humble

    will make you want to improve yourself more? What is exactly the power of


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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of QualityContinue

    The Islamic teachings also provide several practices which can specifically be

    applied to the improvement of quality and productivity.

    9. The change for the better must start from within.

    ..Indeed, Al lah wi l l n ot ch ange the con di t ion of a people un t i l they chang e

    what is in themselves(Surah Al-Rad13:11)

    10. Ignoring things that are not concern us (according to Islam). Sometimes we ashuman tend to get worried in every small matter eventhough it does not concern

    us. This will hinder ones from performing excellence.

    A sign of ones excellence in his Islam, is ignoring what does not concern him.

    (Hadith Narrated by Ahmad, Malik & At-Tirmithi)

    11. Constantly seek for forgiveness (Taubah) - If a normal person commits a sin, byhis words, by deeds or even by feelings he will naturally feel deep inside him that

    he did something wrong. This realisation makes him feel the need to repent and

    seek forgiveness for his mistake and to repair the damage done or compensate for

    the error.

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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of QualityContinue

    In Islamic perspective, quality is a total concept inwhich :

    1. It covers on the relationship among human and between

    human and Allah SWT. ie. quality of ibadah relates to the

    improvement in human relations and the universe.

    2. It begins with proficiency and efficiency (quality of insan) ---

    slavery and caliph value --- harmoniously integrated ---

    concept of mujahadah.

    3. It combines sincerity (ikhlas) and excellence , knowledgeable

    and conscientiousness/high commitment (itqan) --- positive

    quality in Islam.

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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of QualityContinue

    In Islamic perspective, quality is a total concept inwhich :

    4. It is important to the Islammarket factor

    - 1997--- 1.13 million muslims around the world and it keeps ongrowing at 2.9% annually.

    - 2009 - There are about 1.57 billion Muslims in the world, according to

    the report, "Mapping the Global Muslim Population," by the Pew Forum

    on Religion & Public Life. That represents about 23 percent of the total

    global population of 6.8 billion.

    - 2010 - Proceedings of the 8th Hawaii International Conference on Artsand Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 2010 by Houssain Kettani

    - Muslims constitute 24% of the world population, or 1.65 billion

    people. This is expected to increase by over one percentage point

    each decade, reaching one out of four by 2020 and one out of three

    by 2075.

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    1.5 Islamic Perspestive of QualityContinue

    5. It is an inherent ethics of Islam- Best practice of conduct since 14 centuries ago.

    - Principles of government & management, and the

    conduct of business relationships; Al-Quran and


    - Flourished throughout history, e.g. the Muslimnation under the Prophet (PBUH) companions

    (Abu Bakar, Umar), the Persian empire, etc.

    6. It is an Islamic management culture.- Al-Quran and As-Sunnah as guidelines on good

    conduct of human affairs in Islam; progressiveness,

    fairness and ethicality.

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    1.5 Islamic Perspestive of QualityContinue

    7. It is shortcomings of other management standards

    - Modern QIS (Quality Inspection Services) focuses

    only on material and physical aspects.

    - Organizations are treated as separate entity andnot even close to the society.

    - NO emphasis on morality, attitude, values and


    - E.g. ISO 9000:2008 is silenton ethical practice.

    C ti

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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of QualityContinue

    Islamic Quality Management Standard :

    The standard is based on the Islamic-Based Quality

    Organisational Management System 313 (IQOMS 313).

    1. Generic management standard for business organisations ---

    to seek excellence in their corporate culture and maximum


    2. The corporate culture of excellence is communicated to all

    stakeholders --- internally and externally.

    3. Inculcate positive work attitudes, govern the organisational

    activities at all level, and enhance the work process.

    C ti

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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of QualityContinue

    Halal Food Assurance System (HAFAS) :

    1. A set of standards of halal food production for


    2. Focuses on the system of an organisation to ensure

    that the organisation produces halal food.

    3. Setting / establish halal benchmarks for its system to

    ensure that the whole chain of its productionprocesses meets of halal criteria -final product will be


    C ti

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    1.5 Islamic Perspective of QualityContinue

    Continue.Halal Food Assurance System (HAFAS) :

    4. Any Halal meat are foods that are allowed under Islamic

    dietary guidelines or permitted for consumption. Halal

    foods are the nature way of life as good, wholesome,

    pure, safe, clean, nourishing and healthy to consume.

    5. Halal food can be eaten by non Muslims.

    6. Muslims onlyeat halal food.

    7. You can also refer to :
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    1.6 Quality in the Generic vs

    Islamic Perspective


    1. Focuses on

    material and

    physical aspect

    facilities,appearance of the

    output (goods)

    Focuses on quality of insan/process -

    slavery and caliph value- harmoniously

    integrated concept of mujahadah and

    concept of muhasabah, purified/cleansouleg. Prosessing /slaughtering beef

    in halal way.

    2. Organization and

    Society being

    treated as separateentity and not even

    close. They are

    treated as provider

    and customer


    Organization and Society being

    treated the same as servant of Allah.

    This is based on the concept ofrelationship among humans

    (Habluminnannas) and between human

    and Allah (Hablumminallah). Quality of

    ibadah relates to the improvement of

    human relations in the universe.



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    1.6 Quality in the Generic vs

    Islamic Perspective

    NO. GENERIC ISLAMIC3. Not a Total Concept

    Not emphasize on Internal

    affairs - morality, attitude,

    values and beliefs eg.

    ISO 9000 is silent onethical practice.

    Total Concept - Emphasizes on

    internal affairs Intention, soul,

    morality, attitude, values and

    beliefs, fairness. This good

    conduct is guided by andemphasized in The Holy Al-Quran

    and As-Sunnah.

    4. Reference Model/

    Philosopher - Q gurusand scholars from The

    East and West ; Demings,

    Juran, Crosby, Ishikawa,

    Parasuraman, Berry,

    Zeithaml etc

    Reference Model/Philosopher -

    The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)and His Companions ; Caliph Abu

    Bakar As-Siddiq (RA), Caliph

    Umar Al Khattab (RA), Caliph

    Othman Affan (RA), Caliph Ali Abi

    Talib (RA) etc


    1 6 TQ i T diti l Vi

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    1.6 TQ views vs Traditional Views

    of Quality

    1. Productivity (quantity) vs. Quality

    2. How quality is defined

    3. How quality is measured

    4. How quality is achieved5. Attitude toward defects

    6. Quality as a function

    7. Responsibility for quality

    8. Supplier relationships

    1 6 TQ i T diti l Vi


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    1.6 TQ views vs Traditional Views

    of Quality

    1. Productivity (quantity) vs. Quality


    Productivity and quality are

    always in conflict. Organizationscannot have both. They either

    have more production (quantity)

    with low quality or high quality

    with low production (quantity).

    Lasting productivity gains are

    made only as a result of qualityimprovements. This means if

    organizations are able to improve

    the quality of their product, they

    will be able to produce more

    because consumers will

    continuously buy their product.


    1 6 TQ i T diti l ViContinue

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    1.6 TQ views vs Traditional Views

    of Quality

    2. How quality is defined


    Quality is defined solely as

    meeting customerspecifications and mostly

    defined by the management.

    For example, A company

    produces a car with basicfeatures.

    Quality as defined as satisfying

    customers by meeting andexceeding their expectations

    and defined by the customers.

    For example a company

    produces a car with additionalfeatures of bells and whistles


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    1.6 TQ views vs Traditional Views

    of Quality

    3. How quality is measured


    Quality is measured just by

    establishing an acceptablelevel of nonconformance and

    measuring against that


    Quality is measured using

    scientific approach byestablishing high-performance

    benchmarks, monitoring the

    performance and continually

    improving performance for

    customer satisfaction.


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    1.6 TQ views vs Traditional Views

    of Quality

    4. How quality is achieved


    Quality is inspected into the

    product.Quality is enough whenthe product has achieved the

    required quality.

    Eg. Customer s expectation was

    not the mainfocus.

    Quality is determined by the

    product and process designthrough inspectionmade using

    some appropriate and effective

    control techniques.

    Eg. customer feedback with high

    satisfaction, less defect


    1 6 TQ i T diti l Vi


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    1.6 TQ views vs Traditional Views

    of Quality

    5. Attitude toward defects


    Defect is an expected part of

    producing a product. Measuringdefects per hundred is an

    acceptable standard. It means

    defects are still acceptable and

    are expected at least one in

    every one hundred of products.

    Defects are to be prevented

    using effective control systemsand are measured in defects per

    million (six sigma). Defects are

    unacceptable and should be

    prevented.The number of

    defects expected is minimal and

    the most allowed is just one

    defect in every one million of

    products. (DPMO or defect per

    million opportunities)


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    1.6 TQ views vs Traditional Views

    of Quality

    6. Quality as a function


    Quality is a separate function.

    As explained before in US historyof quality, there was a separate

    quality department responsible to

    in-charge of quality in the

    organization. Quality was merely

    the responsibility of inspectors.

    Quality is fully integrated

    throughout the organization.Quality focuses on integrated

    system approach where any

    problem about quality is the

    responsibility of everybody in the



    1 6 TQ ie s s Traditional Vie sContinue

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    1.6 TQ views vs Traditional Views

    of Quality

    7. Responsibility for qualityTRAD VIEWS TQ VIEWS

    Employees are responsible and

    blamed for poor quality.

    Quality officer or department is

    responsible for quality

    movement of the organization.

    Evidence:During the craftsmanship, only the

    craftsman was held responsible for

    the product faulty.

    Managers (besides others) are

    also held responsible for any

    fault or anything about quality.

    Everybody is responsible for

    quality movement of the


    Evidence:At least 85% of quality problems

    are managements fault(Goetsch, 2010)


    1 6 TQ views vs Traditional ViewsContinue

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    1.6 TQ views vs Traditional Views

    of Quality

    8. Supplier relationships


    Supplier relationships are short

    term and cost oriented.Theorganization selected a supplier

    merely because of its low price of


    Supplier relationships are long

    term and quality oriented. Theorganization selects supplier not

    only on the basis of price, but

    also quality. Once selected the

    organization and the supplier will

    work together to ensure a good

    long-term relationship.


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    1. Strategically based- have comprehensive strategic plan.

    - aim to provide sustainable competitive advantage.

    2. Customer focus

    - internally --- quality of people, processes and environmentsassociated with products and services.

    - externally --- quality of products and services delivered.

    3. Obsession with quality

    - become obsessed with meeting / exceeding customersexpectations.

    1.7 Key Elements of Total Quality


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    4. Scientific approach- using hard data to establish benchmarks, monitoringperformance and making improvements.

    5. Long-term commitment

    - necessary to ensure the total quality is successfully

    developed in an organization.

    6. Teamwork

    - uniting all departments within an organization on qualityimprovement and turn the internal competition intoexternal competitiveness.

    7. Continual Process Improvement

    - a fundamental goal in a total quality setting.

    - necessary for continually improved systems.

    1.7 Key Elements of Total QualityContinue


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    8. Education and training

    - represents the best way of continuous improvement for the


    - know how to work smart.

    9. Freedom through control

    - as a result of well-planned and well-carried-out controls.

    - empowering employees to solve problems within their scope

    of control.

    1.7 Key Elements of Total QualityContinue


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    10. Unity of purpose

    - all employees work toward the common goal.

    11. Employment involvement and empowerment

    - involvement --- possible to attain good decisions andpromote ownership of decisions.

    - empowerment --- giving an opportunity to voice out and makedecision.

    1.7 Key Elements of Total Quality

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    1 8 Historical DevelopmentContinue

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    Public sector focuses on delivering services.

    Service is defined as any primary or complementary activity

    that does not directly produce a physical product that is, the

    non-goods part of the transaction between buyer (customer)

    and seller (provider).

    (Evans & Lindsay, 2008).

    The Malaysian governments effort taken to improve the

    quality of the whole public service system are; sponsoringtraining, seminars and workshops on quality and also

    publishing guidelines, circulars and manuals on quality


    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector

    1 8 Historical Development


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    1992 - The Malaysian Government through the DevelopmentAdministration Circular No.1 of 1992 ; Guide On TotalQuality Management In The Public Service, implementedTotal Quality Management (TQM) in the public sector, with5 basic concepts:

    a. Meeting customersrequirement.

    b. Maintain through prevention.

    c. Standard of performance is zero-defect.

    d. Cost of quality is non-conformance of standards.

    e. Whole work is a process.

    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector

    1 8 Historical Development


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    MAMPU (Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and

    Management Planning Unit), a government body implementing

    the functions of administrative modernisation and human

    resources planning, has put in efforts to introduce several reforms

    through programmes, series of circular, guidelines and directive

    letters to achieve the national objective of institutionalizing a

    quality culture which facilitates the implementation of TQM in


    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector

    1 8 Historical DevelopmentContinue
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    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector


    MAMPU was established based on a study on Development

    Administrative in Malaysia conducted by Prof. John D. Montgomery

    and Milton J.Esman. The report acknowledged the need to upgradeprofessionalism of all civil servants through educational and training

    programmes. This leads to the formation of the Development

    Administrative Unit (DAU) in 1966. DAU was tasked with the

    responsibility of spearheading reforms in the Government


    1 8 Historical DevelopmentContinue

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    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector


    Development Administration Unit (DAU) was later expanded and

    renamed Implementation Coordination Development Administrative

    Unit (ICDAU), responsible for coordinating development projects as

    well as planning and development of human resources. To cope with

    the rapid and dynamic development of the Civil Service, ICDAU was

    restructured in 1977.

    In 1986, the role of human resource planning was handed over to

    other agencies so that MAMPU can focus on PublicSector administrative modernization and management consultation.

    Since then MAMPU was known as the Malaysian Administrative

    Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU).

    1 8 Historical DevelopmentContinue

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    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector

    Vision of MAMPU

    Leader In Driving Public Service Modernisation Towards Distinction By 2015

    Mision of MAMPU

    Spearheading public sector transformation to improve the well-being of the

    people and to strengthen national competitiveness through innovative and

    strategic enhancement of organisational management and ICT.


    Together We Transform

    1 8 Historical DevelopmentContinue

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    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector

    Roles of MAMPU

    As the central agency for the modernization of Public Service administration

    and transformation of the delivery system, MAMPU carries out four (4) main


    1. Catalyst and Change Agent in the Administration and Management ofthe Public Service. To introduce and promote new initiatives in the

    administration and management of the Public Service, as well as evaluate

    and award government agencies for their performance in the public service

    delivery system of the country, towards achieving an efficient, effective and

    responsive civil service.

    2. Planner and Leader in the Development of Communication and

    Information Technology (ICT) in the Public Sector. To plan, device,

    coordinate and assess the implementation of ICT development in the

    Public Sector towards strengthening the service delivery of the


    1 8 Historical DevelopmentContinue

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    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector

    3. Consultant in the Areas of Organizational Management of

    Communication and Information Technology (ICT) for the Public

    Sector. To provide consultation services to ensure the structure, system,

    work procedures and implementation of ICT development are in line with

    efforts to improve the government's delivery system.

    4. Facilitator in Modernization Programme and Transformation of the

    Public Service Delivery System. To synergise knowledge, expertise and

    resources (from public, private and NGOs) towards enhancing the

    modernisation and transformation of the Public Sector.

    Roles of MAMPU

    1 8 Hi t i l D l tContinue
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    Slide 1-53

    Quality initiatives by the MalaysianGovernment through programmes :

    a. Public Sector Quality Awardsb. Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

    c. Manual Work Procedure and Desk File

    d. Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatife. MS ISO 9001:2008

    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector

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    Slide 1-54

    Quality Initiatives / guidelines by the Malaysian Governmentthrough the Development Administration Circulars :

    1. No.2 of 1991The Management of Meetings andGovernment Committees.

    2. No.4 of 1991 - Strategies for Quality Improvement in ThePublic Service.

    3. No.5 of 1991 - Guidelines On The Scheduling System(SIAP).

    4. No.6 of 1991 - Guidelines on Productivity Improvement in thePublic Service.

    5. No.8 of 1991 - Guidelines on the Manual of Work Proceduresand Desk File.

    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector

    1.8 Historical Development

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    Slide 1-55

    Quality Initiatives / guidelines by the Malaysian Governmentthrough the Development Administration Circulars :

    6. No.9 of 1991 -Guidelines on The Implementation Of TheMalaysia Incorporated Policy.

    7. No.11 of 1991 -Guide on Procedure For Usage OfWork Action Form.

    8. No.1 of 1992 -Guide on Total Quality Management In ThePublic Service.

    9. No.2 of 1992 -Guidelines on Planning And Preparation OfDevelopment Projects.

    10. No.3 of 1992 -Manual on Micro Accounting System (SPM).

    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector


    1.8 Historical Development

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    Slide 1-56

    Quality Initiatives / guidelines by the Malaysian Governmentthrough the Development Administration Circulars :

    11. No.1 of 1993 - Guidelines on Morning Prayers.

    12. No.1 of 1995 - Use of Information In Application Forms

    And Specific Criteria In Decision Making.

    13. No.1 of 1997 - Guidelines For The Establishment OfThe National Infrastructure For Land Information System(Nalis).

    14. No. 1 of 1999 - Guidelines on Implementation OfBenchmarking In The Civil Service.

    15. No.1 of 2001 - Guidelines on Implementation Of LawEnforcement Monitoring System At The District

    Administrative Level.

    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector


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    Slide 1-57

    Quality Initiatives / guidelines by the Malaysian Governmentthrough the Development Administration Circulars :

    16. No.2 of 2002 - Guideline on Award For Excellent Serviceof Civil Service Staff Members.

    17. No.1 of 2002 - Guidelines on The Review Of The WorkProcedures And Processes In Government Agencies.

    18. No.1 of 2003 Guideline on Procedural Use of Internetand Electronic Mail at Government Agencies.

    19. No.2 of 2005Guidelines on Establishing KPI AndImplementing Performance Assessment At Government


    20. No.1 of 2006 - Public Service Innovation Award.

    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector


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    Slide 1-58

    Quality Initiatives / guidelines by the Malaysian Governmentthrough the Development Administration Circulars :

    21. No.1 of 2007 Implementation of Standard AccountingSystem For Government Agencies(SAGA).

    22. No.3 of 2008Penambahbaik Sistem PenyampaianPerkhidmatan Kerajaan Menerusi Perkhidmatan PesananRingkas (SMS).

    23. No.2 of 2008Menambahbaik Penyampaian PerkhidmatanMenerusi Kios di Agensi-agensi Kerajaan.

    24. No.1 of 2008Guidelines on Customer RelationshipManagement.

    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector


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    Slide 1-59

    Quality Initiatives / guidelines by the Malaysian Governmentthrough the Development Administration Circulars :

    25. 2009Kumpulan Kreatif dan Inovatif(KIK) replacing

    Kumpulan Meningkat Mutu Kerja (KMK) issued in 1991.

    26. 2009MS ISO 9001:2008 in the Public Sector

    replacing the guidelines of MS ISO 9001:2000 issued in


    27. No.1 of 2009Proses Pengurusan Aduan Awam replacing

    Managing Public Complaints issued in no.4 of 1992..

    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector


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    Slide 1-60

    Quality initiatives through the DevelopmentAdministration Circular Letter :

    No. 1 of 2002 - Enhancing The Effectiveness Of ManagementOf Public Complaints.

    Quality initiatives through the General Circular Letters :

    1. No. 11 of 1981 - Punch Card System in GovernmentOffices.

    2. No. 14 of 1982 - Pelaksanaan Pelan PejabatTerbuka.

    3. No. 8 of 1983 -Pemakaian Tanda Nama.

    1.8 Historical Development

    of TQ in the Public Sector

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    After the shift from traditional to Total Qualityapproach in the public sector, numerous booksand papers written on service quality byscholarssuch as :

    a. A. Parasuraman

    b. Christian Gronroos

    c. Valerie A. Zeithaml

    d. Leornard L. Berry

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    of TQ in the Public Sector

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    A Parasuraman and his co authors (1990)said ;

    As for service quality, TQM demands a commitmentfrom the service provider, not only to offer literally

    lip-service but the follow-up actionthat constitutes acontinuous process for monitoring customersperceptions of service quality, identifying thecauses of service quality shortfalls; and takingappropriate action to improve the quality of service.


    of TQ in the Public Sector

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    In America, Total Quality in the public sector areimplemented at two levels of administration :

    1. Federal

    Involved several programmes such as quality circle programme

    established by Federal Q Institute, etc.. Recognize through awards such as Presidents Quality Awards


    2. State and Local Initiate own quality programmes and processes,eg.

    MasachussetsQuality Improvement Circle.

    State Quality Award Programmes.


    of TQ in the Public Sector

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    The Presidential Award for Management ExcellenceThe Presidents

    Quality Award (PQA):

    It is the highest award given to Executive Branch agencies for management

    excellence. The award was established in 1988 to recognize excellence in

    quality and productivity, applying to the public sector similar criteria used forthe Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Improvement Awards (details in

    topic 7)

    In 2002, the PQA was redesigned to recognize Federal agencies that best

    achieve the objectives of the Presidents Management Agenda (PMA).


    of TQ in the Public Sector

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    There are three award categories:

    1. Overall Management - For agency performance in integrating their

    management systems under the five Governmentwide Management


    2. Agencywide Performance in the Governmentwide Management

    Initiative- For agency performance in one of the five Governmentwide

    Management Initiatives.

    3. Innovative and Exemplary Practices- For a specific practice, falling

    under one of the five Governmentwide Management Initiatives, that isinnovative and exemplary.

    From its inception, the Office of Personnel Management has been honored

    to administer the Presidential Award for Management Excellence.


    of TQ in the Public Sector

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    McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    Wahai sekalian manusia! Beribadatlah

    kepada Tuhan kamu yang telah

    menciptakan kamu dan orang yangterdahulu daripada kamu, supaya kamu

    (menjadi orang yang) bertaqwa.

    (Surah Al Baqarah 2: 21)