Top Seven Fab Ab Foods For A More Gorgeous You

Post on 22-Aug-2014

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description Here are some of the most profoundly effective foods that reduce abdominal flab. 1) Yogurt, 2) Apples, 3) Green Tea, 4) Pomegranate, 5) Nuts and Legumes 6) Eggs 7) Kale

Transcript of Top Seven Fab Ab Foods For A More Gorgeous You

Top Seven Fab Ab Foods For A More Gorgeous You

Somebody once said that foods can fix everything- anger, anxiety,

helplessness; no wonder chewing gum can relieve stress, a candy bar can

make you smile again, and chocolate can take you straight to cloud nine. Just

as I consider gastronomy highly favorable for the frayed and often thin nerves

of brides- to- be, their side effects can often be equally visible-bulges, tires

and unsightly inches, particularly around the midriff, is part of the collateral

damage of food eaten unmindfully. My take on this is quite different my

darlings- if food can be the panacea for making you feel good; it can be as

much a panacea for making you look good as well.

Our midriff happens to be the most vulnerable spot where for some magnetic

reason most fats seem to settle down. It’s indeed the toughest region to focus

on during a workout- fab abs seem a distant dream except in loud TV

commercials. However scientific studies have proven that some foods have

the ability to cut down on abdominal fats. Abdominal fats –the one that you

can hold with your hand is also called as subcutaneous fats which although

hard to target during a workout responds to a combination of carefully chosen

diet and exercise routine and in matter of weeks-will reduce substantially.

Here are some of the most profoundly effective foods that reduce abdominal flab.

1. Yogurt

2. Apples

3. Green Tea

4. Pomegranate

5. Nuts and Legumes

6. Eggs

7. Kale


Better still if its low fat and unsweetened, the proteins

are rich and the probiotic bacteria helps digest and cure

all flatulence issues in the stomach helping in a natural

digestive health and lowers fat accumulation.


I was amazed to learn that fresh apples and apple cider if

taken everyday erase out calories faster than other foods.

Fiber rich and full of minerals and vitamins they keep your

hunger pangs at bay.

3.Green Tea

Sure you want to reach for your cuppa every now and then

but make it green here forth with – caffeine in tea helps burn

fats and speeds up the metabolism dramatically; and need I

add it soothes those over- strung nerves quite magically.


Better eaten fresh than juiced- 300 times more potent at

burning fats; eat this fruit for its rich content of nitric oxide

known to be a fat burner.

5.Nuts and Legumes

Rich in proteins, while you’re burning your belly fat,

remember you need muscles to take its place which can

only be possible with the right amounts of proteins.

Besides it’s this factor which satiates your appetite and

prevents your usual habit of binging


Say yes to eggs every single day; rich in calcium and

proteins, it keeps you full longer, are much lower in

calories than any other food and if taken in the right

manner are adequate nutrition which will prevent you

from eating unnecessary carbs.


My last pick for you is Kale and I cannot emphasize

enough how important this veggie is for your diet-rich in

dietary fiber, vitamins and the right addition to your

salad. It has folate, beta carotene, calcium and

magnesium; all the goodness in just one profoundly rich


Give yourself 30 days with these astoundingly

effective food ingredients in your diet, top it

with a mild exercise program and see your svelte

new avatar a month from now.


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