Top Qualities of Successful Mobile Apps In Startup Tech Company

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Top Qualities of Successful Mobile Apps In Startup Tech Company

Top Qualities of Successful Mobile Apps

In Startup Tech Company

Platform Appropriate.

Make sure your app is compatible and functional for all brands and devices.

Pretty & Colorfull App

Like it or not, your app needs to look amazing. Even the best app idea could falter if it isn't packaged in a fully branded, colorfully enticing way.


Your app needs to be easy to install, easy to access, and easy to use. Sketch out how you think you'd like your app to work and spend time making it simpler.


Look at your competition. Are you just a modified copy of their model? Make sure your idea is unique enough to stand on its own.


Your user should be left with a major impression. Use any design, wording, and interface techniques you can to make sure your user never forgets their experience.


The most successful mobile apps are the ones that are easily shareable. Your app needs to have a feature that rewards users for sharing it with other users.


Any app needs to be accessible for short bursts of user activity. If your app only is good for long, drawn-out sessions of use, it probably won't succeed.


The cheaper something is, the more users are likely to download it. Try a free version coupled with a full version.

Demographic targeted

Know your audience. Not everyone in the world will want your app, so focus on the users who will want your app to use.

Fun To Use

Possibly the most important quality in any app is its level of enjoyability. Take the time to entertain your users in addition to whatever your app's primary function is.

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