Top 9 Mistakes of APT Victims: What They Are and What You Can Do To Prevent Them

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Transcript of Top 9 Mistakes of APT Victims: What They Are and What You Can Do To Prevent Them

Top 9 Mistakes of APT Victims: What They Are and What

You Can Do To Prevent Them

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

Brought to you by

Speaker Chris Merritt – Director, Solution Marketing

Preview of Key Points

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

1. Allowing open attack surfaces without securing configurations

2. Permitting unlocked ports and unfettered device usage

3. Failing to use centralized vulnerability remediation

4. Allowing untrusted software to execute

5. Failing to follow existing security policies/procedures and use at-hand technology consistently

6. Permitting open policies for privileged user authority

7. Not engaging in consistent end-user security awareness

8. Failing to leverage logging and to set up traps

9. Permitting Malware beaconing and exfiltration

Risk Real and Percieved

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

Do you think you could be a targetHow confident are you that you could detect an

APT attack?

ExamplesAutomatic proxy detectionLeaving auto-update configured to contact MS

Unnecessary or out-of-date software

1. Allowing open attack surfaces without securing configurations

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

Feds: Infected USB drive idled power plant 3 weeks

Two-Thirds of Lost USB Drives Carry Malware

Malware USB drives handed out a tradeshows

2. Permitting unlocked ports and unfettered device usage

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

There are too many tweaks and security fixes that can’t be made via Group Policy De-registering unsafe DLLs Setting the kill bit Setting up bitlocker Configuring powershell security Changing admin password

You can’t Visit each PC in person and that’s a waste of time anyway Depend on end-users

You need a way to run commands, remediation scripts and other fixes on all your PCs

automatically Track the success of remediation steps

3. Failing to use centralized vulnerability remediation

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

This is the single most effective way to stop APTs

4. Allowing untrusted software to execute

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

Adobe allows critical code-signing server to run noncompliant with corporate standards

Other examples

5. Failing to follow existing security policies/procedures and use

at-hand technology consistently

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

RSA SecurID incident involved lateral movement resulting in privilege escalation

This typically means that a privileged user was logged on interactively on a system where they also read email, browse the web or open document files

Best practices and privileged user technologies exist to keep admin level credentials sacrosanct

6. Permitting open policies for privileged user authority

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

RSA SecurID incident occurred when 3 users were sent an infected spreadsheet, it went into their Junk email, and a single user opened it

One corporation sent a spear-phishing email to its users It took 3 campaigns before they got the open rate below 20%

LessonRepeated and constantTrackable

7. Not engaging in consistent end-user security awareness

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

Most organizations do notMonitor process start events to discover new EXEs

Deploy decoy folders with bait files on production systems and audit access

8. Failing to leverage logging and to set up traps

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

A EXE file must be installed and permitted to run for an APT to be successful

When activated, most APT-ware must beacon back to command and control servers

At some point data is exfiltrated It is challenging, but there are techniques for

recognizing outbound traffic that could be malwareLook for strange packet patterns inconsistent with

normal web browsing• Like more data going up than down

Look for mysterious domain names like

9. Permitting Malware beaconing and exfiltration

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

Most of these are little thingsBut with APTs it only takes one

One userOne PCOne setting or vulnerability that lets the bad guy get established

It’s all aboutDefense-in-depthDoing everything rightNot allowing untrusted code to execute

Bottom Line

© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

Brought to you by

Speaker Chris Merritt – Director, Solution Marketing

Defense-in-Depth Strategy

AVControl the Bad

Device ControlControl the Flow

HD and Media EncryptionControl the Data

Application ControlControl the Gray

Patch and Configuration ManagementControl the Vulnerability Landscape

Successful risk mitigation starts with a solid vulnerability management foundation, augmented by additional layered defenses which go beyond the traditional blacklist approach.



© 2013 Monterey Technology Group Inc.

Top Mistakes How Lumension Helps

1. Allowing open attack surfaces without securing configurations

Security Configuration Management / Patch and Remediation

2. Permitting unlocked ports and unfettered device usage

Device Control

3. Failing to use centralized vulnerability remediation

Patch and Remediation

4. Allowing untrusted software to execute Application Control / AntiVirus

5. Failing to follow existing security policies / procedures and to use at-hand technology consistently

6. Permitting open policies for privileged user authority

Application Control

7. Not engaging in consistent end-user security awareness

8. Failing to leverage logging and to set up traps

9. Permitting malware beaconing and exfiltration Application Control

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