Top 8 Tips For Building Great Mobile Apps

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Top 8 Tips For Building Great Mobile Apps

Top 8 tips for building Great mobile apps That Drive Engagement

Before you design your apps, take a step back, learn how your target platforms work, and implement your branding around their specific parameters.

Beauty Is Relative To The Platform


2 Code reuse is for your app’s logic -- not necessarily for UI

Expecting 100 percent code reuse isn’t reasonable because it not only means you’d have very little control over your app’s UI/UX, but also your app would look the same across all

target platforms.

3Always think “Web service”

Because we’re developing cross-platform apps, I recommend you build your code to

be completely abstracted, as if it was a Web service (a local Web service, if you like).

Make all of your programming logic completely independent from the screens or even the platform in which it will run, so all of your programming modules are platform-

agnostic and, most important, reusable across platforms.

Remember that tabs can be deep or shallow

iOS tabs have a built-in NavigationController, which allows

multiple levels of navigation inside each tab. Android tabs, however, are

shallow and should have no in-tab navigation.


Know your target platforms

The best way of knowing what’s available to your app, and what you should and shouldn’t do, is by reading each platform’s user

interface guidelines.


6Work with your design team

If you’re a programmer with a graphic artist in your team, learn to work with the designers and educate them. Help them

understand that each platform has a native way of displaying information, laying out

screens, and implementing navigation, and these differences go far beyond Android having a Back button and an ActionBar.

7Love your target platforms

Don’t let your personal preference influence the design, functionality, and

quality of your cross-platform apps. If you love iOS, that’s no reason to show more

commitment to your iOS app, leaving behind your Android users. Learn to love

each platform with its strengths and limitations.

8Test Often

Since your cross-platform app will have both cross-platform and platform-specific code and components, make sure you test

often. Don’t spend days working on the Android version, then finally run it on iOS and discover the object positions are off,

the fonts need adjusting, or the app simply crashes on load.

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