Top 8 Questions to Ask Your Agent Before Buying Single Story Homes in Carlsbad

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Top 8 Questions to Ask Your Agent Before Buying Single Story Homes in Carlsbad

Top 8 Questions to Ask Your Agent Before Buying

Single Story Homes in Carlsbad

The difference between buying the perfect single story Carlsbad CA home and a bad one lies in asking the right questions to your real estate agent before making a purchase offer.

Here are some important questions to ask your agent:

You may find out from your agent that the seller is desperate or in a rush to sell because they are relocating for a job so they might be open to negotiating for a lower price.

1. What is the owner’s reason for selling their home?

Are the fixtures and fittings included? What about the garden shed? Where does the boundaries of the property lie? Make sure you see all the items you are getting or are included in the contract.

2. What is included in the sale of the home?

If the one story home for sale in Carlsbad CA has been on the market for a long time, ask the agent why it is not selling? Are there problems with the home? Is it overpriced? If the home has been on the market for a long time, it could be a good opportunity for you to negotiate for lower price that the seller might accept just to sell the home.

3. How long has the property been on the market?

If they have been living there for only a short period, it is important to find out why and if there have been problems with the home or the neighborhood. Are the neighbors noisy?

4. How long have the owners lived in the home?

If the property has changed hands repeatedly, this should be a red flag for you. Ask your agent if they could find out the reasons why the previous owners moved out. You might even be able to contact them and ask them personally why they moved out.

5. How many times have the property changed owners?

A good agent will be able to give you an explanation how they came up with the asking price. This is usually based on the value of similar homes that have sold in the area over the past 6 months. You can ask your agent to show you other single story homes for sale in Carlsbad CA near the area so you have a good idea how much the homes are selling for.

6. How did the agent come up with the asking price?

With the help of your agent, you can negotiate for the bottomline price from the seller. This can save you thousands of dollars.

7. What is the minimum price the seller will accept?

Ask your agent if the seller already found another home? If they have, then they are probably in hurry to sell their current home. Otherwise, if they are still looking for a new home, it gives the entire process some uncertainty and there is a chance that the sale may fall through depending on whether the seller finds a new home or not.

8. When does the seller move out?

Asking the right questions to your agent before making a purchase offer for a home can ensure that you will be buying the best single story home in Carlsbad CA.

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