Top 6 tips to boost your energy naturally

Post on 22-Aug-2014

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Now a day we can see a lot of multitude of vitamins and other supplements laud as energy boosters, which actually has little or no scientific evidence showing it is better or actually works. Many rely on energy drinks which contain excess sugar and other stimulants making you feel worse in the long run by causing our system to crash. Knowing the proper root cause will prevent you from many health related issues. Here are some tips on how to boost and enhance your energy naturally.

Transcript of Top 6 tips to boost your energy naturally


Routine Exercise

Regular exercise can keep you slim and fit without compromising much on lifestyle. It increases your metabolism which in turns results in Weight loss and improves your mood better and manages stress.

Eat Greens

Include dark leafy vegetables everyday in your meals as it is one of the most energizing foods. It is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It helps you to heal diseases and energies to do more works.

Listen to Music

One of the perfect ways to raise our energy level is by listening to music. It has a special power to stir our emotions, relieve stress and even help you to concentrate more.

Lime Water

A glass of lime water in morning helps you improve your digestion and maintain your energy levels high.

Time to relax

Make a habit of taking 20-30 minutes everyday for yourself, just for relaxing. Try to do something like reading books, a cup of tea with family members, listening to music, playing outdoor games other than watching TV or surfing the net.

Good Night Sleep

Sleep is a great healer which helps you to be mentally sharp, productive, and full of energy all day long. Although many are aware that 8 hours of sleep per night is optimal. But the timing is also very crucial. The best time range to go to bed sleep is between 10 pm to 6 am.

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