Top 25 digital practices of various agencies around the world

Post on 17-Nov-2014

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A small independent research i undertook recently to discover 25 unique digital advertising campaigns for various products around the world. Hoping it will be useful for my peers in their respective fields for future studies and for light reading as well.

Transcript of Top 25 digital practices of various agencies around the world


Top 25 Digital Practicesoffered by Agencies


“ROI Program” of ZED Digital

• With the onset of the digital age, the company has modified its praised “ROI Tracking” making it digital. Now a client, through special analytics can monitor their campaigns and make changes to the mediums that aren’t performing. This helps the client get maximum returns.

Observation:-In todays day and age where companies spend millions of dollars unnoticed promotions both offline and online, offering campaigns where clients only pay for useful publicity is a great attraction. Companies will thus invest on agencies that can statistically show which campaign is doing well and which is not. On the top side, campaigns not doing well can be modified to reduce losses even further.


Localization of client database by RK Swami

Localization and Social media audience building helps the client monitor analytics and get highest ROI

Observation:-Localization of client database has helped cater to the audience at a ground level approach. Helps clients reach out to more distinct markets. Websites and social messages are developed in regional languages so that maximum number of customers can be approached. Localizing the database also helps clients understand their customers taste and social media mentality. This helps them reach out to their customers more easily.


Pay per performance digital solutions by Pinstorm (Lintas)

• A pay for performance marketing firm mostly concentrating on digital online advertisements. It provides companies a chance to see what their ads render and pay only for that.

• This solution offered clients a chance to increase their revenue and reduce their promotions budget limiting it to the amount of publicity their ads render.

Observation:- In todays day and age where companies spend millions of dollars unnoticed promotions both offline and online, offering campaigns where clients only pay for useful publicity is a great attraction. Companies will thus invest on agencies that can statistically show which campaign is doing well and which is not. The campaigns which are experimental and are not rendering any returns, can directly be stopped and clients don’t have to pay for it. Not even for the experimentation.


Mobile media Specialized plans of Havas Media

Mobext, its mobile media marketing wing has over 6 years experience in large scale marketing. Starting with sms plans, it also has apps for charitable donations. To understand their clients better they have chalked various marketing plans based on client’s needs. Such as ATOM (for first time investors) and brief24 (for fast paced app developers.)

Observation:- Mobile marketing is a line a lot of companies are yet to invest in. Keeping special packages for new comers helps the client understand the platform better before making large scale investments. This attracts clients as they look at the plans as a chance to sample a product for relatively low costs. As for other companies who ask for different kinds of solutions under different circumstances such as fast paced app developing, special teams are created to reach out to their solution. The company offers the kind of versatility in planning and development the clients look for.


Digital On-Ground Activation by Webchutney

The first company to bring out digital branding solutions from indoor to the streets. The company has planned and successfully executed branding exercises outdoor . The campaigns technological advancements, (Bacardi Walk the line campaign) have received a wide range of acceptance for critics and customers alike. The on ground activities started with QR code based promotions on the go, but today are much more advanced and the innovative approach has truly turned heads.

Observation:- Digital experiential marketing is a relatively young marketing discipline, but is growing rapidly because it ticks a lot of the right boxes. Compared to mass media campaigns, experiential advertising tends to communicate at a much more personal level, generate a deeper level of emotional engagement, resulting in better conversion rates and all at relatively low cost. (Source: Wikipedia) Its innovative approach is enough to grab attention of the customers who have become selectively due to high number of promotions everywhere. Grabbing inspirations from sci-fi movies, the customers get a chance to undertake never before experiences which leads to positive impression of a brand offering it. Companies that support experimental marketing stand to profit from these ventures.

Bacardi Walk the line campaign


Cultural promotion exercises by Tapestry(Starcomm IP)

Observation:-For a client to reach out to its customers on a 1 on 1 basis, it first need to understand the customers cultural background. Having similar cultural values has always brought 2 entities closer. The customer gets an impression of, “The company understands me” ,when companies give special offers during festival or an official well wishing message is sent out. The attraction is done emotionally and has for ages been an offline tactics for traditional media. With the explosion of the social media in the virtual space, a place where the customers spend most of their free time these days, cultural promotions are very helpful. Furthermore, in the cyber space people from varied cultures can be targeted simultaneously. But it is a lot more heterogeneous and the segregation and promotional exercises must be done tactfully. This is where the cultural media agencies on the digital front come into action helping a client segregate its customers and create a cultural bond with each kind.

Brand partner Tapestry offers cultural understanding of the brand customers and also offer traditional as well as digital strategies to reach out to them.


Digital TV & Film Promotions by BermanBraun

A company that uses its creative as well as technical knowledge to make meaningful TVC’s for client products. The company specializes in films and TV promotions that are normally longer that TV ads made for the web.

Observation:- The Internet is a platform where “Special Interest Groups” thrive for more information on their product of interest. These groups also comprise of customers as well as potential customers. So for these people, a simple 40 second ad on radio or TV is not enough. They want more information. Companies create special TVC’S for these people so that it catches these buyers interests publicizing more of the products features. In most cases, the products that opt for online TVC campaigns are high end products where a buyer does extensive research before purchase. These short films help arrest the persons interest on that particular product.


The idea of “Mobile Fingerprint” by Dotjwt (JWT)

The advent of The Mobile Fingerprint: the idea that our mobile devices are becoming a reflection of identity, given that they hold all kinds of personal information and can double as a wallet, keys and more. Not surprisingly, younger generations are the most likely to see their phone as tied into their identity, as found in a November survey.

Observation:- An observation like this only proves how important mobile marketing is today. The company is thus investing largely on mobile marketing solutions. To understand the digital customers better, they have recently bought stakes in Hungama Digital, a company that does extensive marketing only for its own brand of music, “Famed” as well as other companies.


Digital Production by ONM Digital

The digital production group create complex advertisements/rich media solutions for digital promotions for its clients. They do this while also producing large scale tactical work with speed-to-market production, efficiency and flexibility.

Observation:- When it comes to online advertising, still graphics ads or the typical audio ads are not enough. The Internet user need a more extravagant for of advertising to surpass the selective blindness of the user. Flash advertisements, (Eg a banner ad that dances and sings) are the new way of producing ads. This catches the users attention and gives birth to the interest to check out a product or service. These are also known as, “Rich Media ads” as they are a permutation combination of audio, video, graphics and text.


Comedy oriented content by Laffster (Ignition Factory)

A company that creates video based comedy content for its users. Their team includes world renowned psychologists and humor scientists. Through this platform, it spreads information through comedy and satire.

Observation:- Humor is a popular tool used in advertising. Advertisers use this vehicle to spread a message in a light hearted fashion knowing it will create a positive impact on the viewers. Laffster is a company that spreads news and offers promotions through their self created humor campaigns. Their team includes researchers of humor and so the content is created after a great deal of understanding and research.


Social video promotions by Showyou (Ignition Factory)

A social website dedicated towards video syndication. From its start, various companies such as Levis, Monster and Mountain Dew have created their own channels and regularly publish videos related to their products and ads as well.

Observation:- This website is building up to be a “YouTube for Ad enthusiasts”. Advertising and branding enthusiasts, most of who are customers or loyalists of particular brands, visit this website inquisitive of new products. Companies sometimes share a new videos link on their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest pages. Brand enthusiasts click on these links and are directed to an entire library of videos speaking positively about the brand. This influences the users immensely about the products image which later leads to purchase.


Rich media profiles by Qwiki (Recently acquired by Yahoo)

Best described as a multimedia Wikipedia, it integrates together images and video with an automated voice recorder to create a visual reference of a subject. Up to six kinds of media can be added to a profile including self designed voice narrations and Google maps.

Observation:- A detailed profile of a company with all its necessary information is always a credible source of information. Sometimes a company not only has its own website but also a profile in Wikipedia giving all its details including its website link. These website like Wikipedia have a lot of content and much greater traffic than any company website and thus a better SEO. So to reach out to a larger number of people it is a good idea to have a profile in a crowd-sourced website. But with the passage of days, only written content is not good enough, people are looking for more and more A/V sources of information. This is where Qwiki comes in. A rich media profile created on a crowd-sourced website with much more traffic and content than private websites is bound to catch the customers or potential customers attention.


Online magazine platform by Nextissue (Ignition Factory)

A website and application where if a user once subscribed with an amount of money gets access to up to 74 different magazines including GQ and Vogue. Print publishers and advertisers looking to open shop on the digital front are targeting this medium. All advertisers get investing in print magazines can start expecting publicity online under the same banner of magazines.

Observation:- Studies have shown that people are slowly shifting from print media to digital media. They are using e-book, e-papers and e-magazines to satisfy their reading habits as it is cheaper and easier to carry. Such people will find this application both useful and pocket friendly as they are getting a large number of magazines at a very low price. Print advertisers can now target their TG online directly.


Proximity marketing by AD2C

A form of marketing where customers get freebies or sample products, that are digital while they are present in an around a particular area. These usually include free songs, games, applications and competitions that render attractive prizes if won.

Observation:- This kind of publicity usually gives away attractive freebies or have competitions that are quite interesting. As they are usually held in social areas like malls, visitors take part seeing there is something new to do. It gives birth to a sense of competition, something that always catches interest. It mostly attracts the tech savvy customers so brands which cater to tech savvy individuals should primarily try this form of promotion.


Web+TV Optimizer by SMG

The product has been rolled out across all SMG organizations in the country. India is one of the few markets where SMG has launched this product, which the agency was testing internally since March. This optimizer falls under the TARDIIS suite, that is, the agency's proprietary optimizer, one that SMG India has been using since 2006. This fused optimizer allows all the media planners at the agency to seamlessly evaluate their plans between TV and digital. The optimizer runs on the local Television Audience Measurement (TAM) and Web Audience Measurement (WAM) datasets.

Observation:- The agency is making this investment in order to improve its decision making on client investments and to take businesses along the digital transition road. With this optimizer, a planner can seamlessly build plan options between TV and digital.


Contextual Advertising by Communicate2

Communicate2 is the leader in Contextual advertising, an industry reputation. It is a form of targeted advertising where the ad messages only reach out to people they are meant for. The profile to whom the ads must reach out to is pre defined.

Observation:- The web is a platform that includes over a billion people. Sometimes in the hope of reaching out to maximum potential customers, ads reach viewers who are not amongst the TG. This leads to a lot of wasted revenue. To curb this problem, contextual ads are created where a pre defined profile determines the users the ad will go to. The research team of the agency closely monitors various aspects of the proposed TG of the products and finally define the parameters to be used for context.


Lead generation by Communicate2

One of the specialties of this company, it first tries to know the potential or existing customers of a client. Then tries to attract them. It gives birth to a consumers interest or enquiry towards a product or service.

Observation:- Giving birth to an interest towards a product or service is winning half the war, Communicate2 through their lead generation program targets the audience and sends out contextual advertisements. As the audience starts showing interest, the make note of the customers details and proceed to the clientele accordingly. A very systematic 2 step approach to direct digital marketing.


Innovation Incubator by GE&OMD USA

OMD, in partnership with client GE, launched Innovation Incubator, a digital media lab wherein a dozen carefully selected student entrepreneurs from the likes of MIT, Harvard and Stanford developed digital media and marketing solutions. It awarded the student that demonstrated the greatest potential with a $10,000 scholarship at the end of the project. The main idea was to tap ideas from young entrepreneurs that could lead to new business models.

Observation:- Recruiting entrepreneurs of top universities renders new ideas of digital promotion from fresh new minds. It helps the company to observe and learn the trends and ideologies from the best minds of the modern generation.


Social Loyalty monitoring by GoZoop

Gozoop has introduced applications that track the social loyalty of a brand. A client through these apps can track their most loyal web influencers over a large no of social media websites. They can also reward their top influencers and motivate them to continue doing a good job.

Observation:- A web influencer is not usually a paid employee of a company. They promote a brand because of their own interest in the product or services. The pro’s of this kind of promotion is that it is personal user feedback and is word of mouth so brands get mileage amongst their TG practically free of cost. The TG tends to believe this feedback more as they are aware the enthusiast is a happy user of the product or service. To keep the influencers enthusiasm running, GoZoop asks the client to reward them specially. Keeping a track on the influencers thus help.


Intel’s IdeaJam Online Workshops by OMD & Katalyst Media

Intel, sought to bolster the image of its core processors among designers and innovators of technology, OMD went the experiential route, teaming with Google and Ashton Kutcher’s Katalyst Media to create Intel IdeaJam, brainstorming sessions that connected individuals across various creative fields, including music, comedy, animation, video and education. To kick off IdeaJam last November, Kutcher announced that participating content producers would have 48 hours to create six pieces of innovative digital content, the results of which can now be found on Google and YouTube.

Observation:- Intel has for years been the foremost company in digital innovation. But most customers had no idea of what the processors did or whether they were from Intel. The challenge was to use social media to organize workshops on innovative topics that were showcased and promoted digitally. This led to a great deal of education of customers now learning the usage of i3, i5 and i7 processors.


Toyota outdoor website by DraftFCB USA

In what is hailed as a world-first innovation Toyota, its advertising agency DraftFCB Johannesburg and digital agency Hellocomputer has rebuilt the digital RAV4 product website on an outdoor bike trail at the Johannesburg Cycle Park. The “website” features several web pages that cyclists ride through, with different pieces of information popping up in their surrounds based on the hyperlinks that they slap on their way through the trail. The site also allowed riders to tweet their actions through wooden Twitter birds located along the trail, while a tree stump at the end of the trail magically delivered a printed fact sheet and test drive slip.

Observation:- The product is targeted to adventure lovers and thrill seekers. Based on their mentality, this is the best fusion of thrill seeking and digital branding to come together. Targeting the tech savvy adventure lover, the company introduced a form of digital branding based on a natural terrain. This form of promotion catches customers attention very fast and creates great customer feedback and boost in sales.


Heiniken Ignite by Tribal DDB

With an objective to light up our beer parties, Heineken has introduced a new advertisement for interactive beer bottles – called the Heineken Ignite. The idea of the interactive beer bottles is conceived by digital agency Tribal DDB. The new advertising ploy has already become a phenomenon on social media, displaying how well creativity of the alcoholic brand has gone with the buffs. The bottles have a green plastic base screwed to the bottom of the Heineken beer bottle with LED and wireless sensors. The sensors detect when the bottle is lifted and the LED flashes in sync with music or when someone takes a sip from the bottle.

Observation:- With a creative presentation such as this, Heiniken can expect to take over the party circuit. Already having an impression of the “Best imported beer brand”, such a creative presentation is sure to make heads turn and increase sales.


Milk Carton 2.0 by Grey Canada

The Milk Carton 2.0 project utilized a new Google Search, showcasing missing child cases instead of ads, a pinterest board per case to help people pin and identify things they saw the child wearing or being moved in, Facebook profiles were turned into broadcast stations for people who opted into the idea, and finally, a mobile tool that sends alerts/info to Foursquare checkpoints closest to where the child was reported missing…

Observation:- In 1979, missing persons were put on the backs of milk cartons… A lot of things have changed since then, but the tools we use to find them, from an awareness perspective, probably haven’t advanced as much as they should. Until now, with the ‘Milk Carton 2.0 project, that sets out to define new ways to utilize ′social networks to help find missing people, in particular, the 50,000 missing child reports across Canada each year.


Growth Partnership service by Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan offers industry research, custom consulting, market strategies, growth consulting, and corporate training to support clients to help grow business. teams of industry experts, consultants, market analysts, and research executives continuously monitor and evaluate the Digital Media markets.

Observation:- The primary focus of Growth Partnership is to drive clients growth by providing a continuous flow of information and ideas covering the market sector. They incorporate global market analysts, market research consultants, and industry experts' perspectives with proven methodologies to help clients manage risk and achieve their profitability and growth objectives. It is one of the most systematic ways of offering business strategizing solutions not only online but offline as well.


CRM, E-CRM Services offered by Grey Digital

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a model for managing a company’s interactions with current and future customers. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support. CRM often makes use of social media to build up customer relationship. Some CRM systems integrate social media sites like Twitter , LinkedIn, Facebook and Google Plus to track and communicate with customers sharing opinions and experiences with a company, products and services. Trends identified through social media allow businesses to make more accurate decisions on which products to supply.

Observation:- A CRM data base helps companies to monitor popular trends or common problems the customers of a particular client has. Keeping a track of these problems and interests of helps the clients to make according changes in their campaigns. A database can also be helpful for future references when management can monitor how a particular kind of problem was handled in the past. It also helps customers understand the progress in their plea and the amount of time it will take the company to solve it. It is basically a statistical representation on how the customers are reacting to the products.