Top 2016 Experiential Event Planner Resources

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Transcript of Top 2016 Experiential Event Planner Resources

Top 2016 Event Planner Resources

Experiential Event Planners are busy- we get it.

Adding tasks like research to your already crammed schedule is the last thing you need. But how can one stay on top of resources, ideas and

solutions for your next event? Sifting through blogs, websites and other information is time consuming and often fruitless. Asking around to get

an answer from colleagues can be equally frustrating.

We decided to help and provide a list of 2016 resources for

top event planners.

1. Planning

Remember the old saying

"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail"?

So when it comes to planning, make sure you pay

attention to every part of your event.

Too often we see certain aspects of an event being put on the back burner. It is easy to focus on everything that needs to be in place

during the event and forget about what needs to be in place before

and after - such as event transportation.

One of the prime resources for

event planning checklists is


the meeting industry's portal for information and resources related to planning meetings & events.

Keep in mind that it is not only of importance that your guests arrive

safely at the event, but also how- especially VIPs.

Event transportation is usually the first and last impression your attendees have on the big day. Arriving in a dirty, old or uncomfortable

vehicle will most likely have the guests in a less than perfect mood.

Broken ACs and overflowing on-board bathrooms are just some of the

horror stories we have heard from event planners- many of whom then contact us in need of an alternative to their

current lackluster transportation providers.

One of our event transportation specialists recently wrote a blog addressing common issues that can arise from booking transportation


"Planning Special Event Transportation Last? Here's Why You Shouldn't."

One of the key takeaways from the article?

Prioritize event transportation during the beginning stages, work with a great partner such as an Event Transportation

Management Agency so you and your attendees will have a

remarkable experience from beginning to end.


While ultimately extremely helpful, weeding out if and what type of technology to apply to your event can be a daunting task.

The tools available nowadays can range from "CRM" to "Event App" and "Agenda" all the way to "Reports"- and more.

Every year, the Event Technology Awards are handed out to the best of the best within the event industry.

Recently Bizzabo was named the "Favourite Event Technology Supplier – The People’s Choice Award”.

Their mission? To make your event

"more successful, impactful and rewarding."

3. Marketing

Besides being a top go-to site for all things events, Event Marketer especially shines when it comes to marketing.

Their Event Marketer Institute focuses on B2C as well as B2B and offer industry leading insight through research.

Their yearly experiential marketing summit is the perfect chance to learn tricks of the trade from top brands such as Pepsi, Amex and

Google, along with hand-picked design experts, strategy chiefs and bestselling authors.

During the conference attendees can demo new products as well as test new tools and services- essentially screening over 100+ potential


4. Event Transportation

If you are like many of the top event planners we work with, transportation management, logistics and production

are a major pain for you.

Accordingly, you try to delay the headache by ignoring event transportation for some time and focus on other event related work.

The result? The event transportation will be neglected and not budgeted for correctly.

Keep in mind though that transportation is the first, and last impression attendees have at an event. As such, they leave an

indelible overall feeling of the event in the guests' minds. This makes it clear why transportation should be a top priority in the early stages

of the event planning process, so that it can be an

integral part of the experiential event.

For more tips on how to make your event transportation a successful part of

the event, please download our free ebook below.